Shattered Dreams

By AndromedaSwan

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COMPLETED (Got this story posted on AO3 too) I seriously have NO IDEA where I'm going with this...! The other... More

Late Night Theory
What We Do In The Archive Room
Recovery Girl's Regulars
Greatest Challenge
Lean On Me - part 1
Lean On Me - part 2
It's In The Way That You Use It
Overnight Sensation
You Can't Save Everyone
Dazed and Confused
What You Want
Open Doors - part 1
Open Doors - part 2
The Only Way Is Up
Morning After

Out With The Brat Pack

416 12 14
By AndromedaSwan

"Now what."

Endeavor stared at his still flaming fist.
Though the tumult that had been overwhelming him was slowly decreasing, it was still far from gone.

He had finally managed to destroy that goddamn footage.

The goddamn piece of film which mere sight, for over twenty-nine years, had been enough for his stomach to twist, making it impossible for the redhead to so much as approach the cardboard box it sat in.
(And making it just as paradoxically impossible to set fire to — because it would have felt like he was killing Saakiwa a second time.)

However, now that both he and All Might had talked it over, for a brief instant it had felt differently.

Endeavor wasn't sure how he had found the strength to burn the film, it had been an urge. (He hadn't even reacted at Fuyumi being aware of its existence.)

"Sometimes you just can't save everyone."

All Might's words still played over and over again in his mind.

So did the sensation of his hands cupping his face, his forehead against his as he had closed his eyes — and that sudden, overwhelmingly tight embrace, which had felt so fucking goo-


Endeavor shut his eyes and grabbed his face with both hands with a pissed grunt.

Now he was exhausted AND lost.

The same question had been ringing over and over again in his head, ever since they parted at the door of his office.

"Now what? ...How are things going to be between us from now on?"

He absolutely HATED when he didn't have the upper hand on something. He was the literal embodiment of control and self-control.
But it seemed like all of his barriers still had no weight when Toshi was invo-

Endeavor's eyes snapped open as he realized just how he had just thought of All Might.
How naturally the blond's nickname had slipped several times, too.

That moment, right before he had left his office.

And the brief but undeniable brush of his hand against All Might's, when he had reached to open the door for him.

... Shit.

How come the Symbol of Peace still had this effect on him, after all those years of demonizing him?!

How come he had sounded so unconditionally supportive, after hearing from the Flame Hero himself how he had caused the fucking DEATH of his classmate out of an overly selfish, reckless stun-

The sudden ringing of his phone startled Endeavor, almost causing him to flame up.

He instantly deactivated his Quirk before the device ended up like all former ones — yet he hesitated to pick up.
(If it was Fuyumi calling to make sure he was okay, he sure was thankful that she cared so much... but he knew he couldn't confide in her for that kind of matter. He doubted his daughter would understand, no one could without all the elemen-

Hell, no one beside he and All Might could, even with all the elements.)

The phone eventually stopped ringing, and there was the tone of a message being received.
Endeavor grabbed it to have a look-
and his brain straight out paused.

"Eri-chan says thanks."

The new N°1 Hero stared at the screen for a long while, both touched and confused.

He couldn't even recall the last time Shōto had initiated conversation.

The message was clear and concise. It wasn't a compliment; but it sounded like some kind of proof of acknowledgment.
Even if his son wasn't speaking in his own name.

(Honestly Fuyumi may have been the one behind this — but Endeavor found he didn't even care. Such a gesture from his son had been enough to ease his heart a bit.)

He wondered whether Shōto had received the angry vocal message he had left in his voicemail asking for his help and- hey, thinking of that, he should ask him for Eraser Head's contact to avoid repeating that kind of complication a second time.

As he sent the message and put his phone away, opting to go out on a patrol to clear his mind, the device buzzed with his son's reply.

'Midoriya asks if you want All Might's number, too.'


Star Killer Karaoke Bar

Meanwhile, the Symbol of Peace was wondering exactly what he was doing here.

How had he ended up in that karaoke bar again...?
Oh, right.

He had suggested that the Flame Hero burned the footage, because he felt it was the best way to start healing.

Endeavor had nodded with a hoarse hum, then he had stood up and moved to the window to let some air in, as the office still felt like a furnace.
All Might had stood up as well, dusted his suit and he had walked to the door, turning back one last time to say goodbye.

From the window Endeavor was staring at him — and for a moment time had seemed to stop.
Then, slowly, he had walked up to the blond. Without breaking eye contact.

All Might had frozen on his spot, not sure what to do or say-

Before he had time for any reaction the redhead's hand had brushed his, before grabbing the handle to open the door for him.

It had only lasted for an instant -- but it had startled both of them.

Next, Endeavor had abruptly looked away, an undecipherable look on his face.

- ...-ight?!! ALL MIGHT!!

The Symbol of Peace jumped as Midnight's high-pitched call snapped him back to the present.

- A-Ah, sorry Kayama-san, you were saying?! he shouted, loud enough to cover the blazing volume of the music playing through the room.

- I was saying we didn't bring you here to mop around!

The young woman grabbed his arm to force him up from the seat he had dropped into.
- Hizashi, get your ass over here and help me cheer him up, for God's sake!! she shrieked. Karaoke night at the Star Killer was YOUR idea!!

Present Mic downed his drink bottoms up and rushed to grab their elder's free arm, flashing the latter his equally dashing and disturbing grin.
- Yeah man, come ON!! You're up next!!

All Might's eyes widened, and he rubbed the back of his neck with an uneasy smile.
- What?! Ha ha no, really, I don't think it's a good idea you know! I'm a terrible singe-

Present Mic snorted and dismissed his argument with a mere wave of his hand.
- Are you KIDDING me?! That's no valuable excuse, my dear listener!!
- But-

- Pfffff, jus' leave'im alooone, Eraser Head blankly slurred from his booth seat.

- NOPE!! And YOU'LL be next, baby!!

The brunette seemed to be checking something on his phone, but his eyes were half shut and he was making a face, as he ranted something about the font size on his screen having drastically shrunk without explanation.

All Might shot him a surprised look — out of the three younger pro heros he never would have bet that Eraser Head would be the first to be drunk-

- ShōtaaaAAAAaa nooOOOOO!!! Get out of that sleeping bag at ONCE, I haven't even shown my true talent yeeeet!!

(...well, Present Mic didn't actually look much more sober either.)

Eraser Head ignored his boyfriend and shrunk deeper into said sleeping bag, which seemed to have popped out of thin air.
- 'm tired, he muttered. 'Sides, you're always off-key when yer drunk...

The Voice Hero let out an outraged shriek and dropped All Might's arm with a "holdonI'llberightbackIcan'tletthatgounpunishedhowDAREhe-" before jumping at the shorter man's throat to strangle him.

The Symbol of Peace couldn't help but burst out laughing at Present Mic's over-exaggerated annoyance — both amused and admirant of just how easy it seemed for them to loosen up once they were off-dut-

- Oi! Don't even think you're gonna get away from this one!~ Midnight cut in, a hand on her hip while her other one was still holding his.

She clumsily reached for the nearest bottle of tequila and shoved it into the blond's free hand.
- Here, take a sip an' you'll sing just like Elvis! That's pure magic, I promise!

All Might vigorously shook his head no and broke free from her grasp.
- No, thanks, I don't hold my liquor well at all!

- All the more reason then!! There's just us, what are you afraid of~? she purred, with a wink.

Racking his mind for a plausible excuse, the former N°1 Hero waved his hands in innocence.

- Ah, nothing special, really, I'm just... not in the mood? he blurted out, going for honesty. B-But I am very thankful to share this evening here with you, I really am!! he hurried in adding, sweat running down his neck again under her piercing eyes.

- Oh come ON, you're no fun!! Present Mic wheezed, eyes wide and clutching at his throat as Eraser Head was trying to erase his Quirk. I mean you don't smoke, you don't drink, you don't sing...

Midnight elbowed their elder with a knowing smirk.
- But you do get laid sometimes at least, right?!~

All Might flushed crimson red and coughed a blood spurt — he hadn't seen this one coming.

"Oh my god somebody PLEASE get me OUT of here!!"

He didn't like the turn this conversation was taki-

- WHAT?!!! You can't be SERIOUS!! Midnight choked in utter shock, covering her mouth with both hands. Oh my GOD, when was the last time you-

No no no no no-

A rush of panic sprung over the Symbol of Peace as he frantically scanned the room for anything to change the subject — he was here to clear his mind, not the OPPOSITE!!

Then he spotted the microphone sitting on a speaker and straight out snatched it.
- OKAY I get it, Kayama-san, you win!! he exclaimed, wiping cold sweat off his forehead with a very, very uneasy smile. On one condition though: you find me a song from the time I was young and spry!

- HELL YEAAAH!!! Present Mic cheered, diving in for the remote control before the young woman had time to move. ARE YOU READY??!

- Well I believe you should prepare your ears, actually...!

Midnight handed him the tequila again with a scowl.

All Might's phone then buzzed in his pocket — causing him to repress a HUGE relieved sigh.

"Thank GOODNESS, it must be Midoriya-shōnen calling to ask what to do about Todoroki-shōne-

The phone flew away from his hand before he even had time to check the caller ID on the screen.

- DonevenTHINKaboutit, Eraser Head slurred from the bottom of his sleeping bag.

All Might glared back at him, both astonished AND impressed that he could still use his scarf, even drunk.
The younger hero flashed him a sadistic smirk while Midnight handed him the microphone and Mic the remote, a smug look on their faces.

... okay when they stared at him like that they really did look terrifying.

All Might wondered if they were like this in class (and if that was the case, he sure understood why Class 1-A was so making so much progress so fast...!!)


Later, as soon as he got a chance the blond escaped to get some much needed fresh air.

He had done better than he had thought, actually; the third song had been pretty epic and brought back memories of a similar karaoke night with Twister and Crimson Riot!

And he had won his phone back. (He had to admit his young successor was right and hadn't actually exaggerated at all; having your phone confiscated was really frustrating!)

The Symbol of Peace selected Izuku's number to call him back— and was immediately sent to his voicemail.
He repressed a facepalm, his alibi turning to dust.

...And he bit his lip as he thought that NO, this time he would not take the chance to check if the teen was asleep or not (he was still mortified to have almost walked in on him and Shōto.)

The former N°1 Hero paused right before coming back in, as he couldn't help looking to the sky...
Wondering whether Endeavor had managed to destroy the footag-

"... Come on Toshi, you precisely chose to go out to clear your mind!" All Might reasoned himself, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

He forced himself to go back in, trying to do just that...

... and found his younger colleagues way, way quieter than when he had left.

Slumped across the booth seat Eraser Head was snoring like a trooper, one arm caught in his completely tangled scarf.
Present Mic was half slung across his chest, shades upside down on the back of his head, vaguely slurring the chorus to the last song they had chosen for All Might to sing.

The Symbol of Peace blinked, wondering just how they could doze off despite the still blazing music??!

Then his face softened, as he realized just how young they looked... and how easy it seemed for them to loosen up.

...And then he noticed Eraser Head's free arm wrapped around the Voice Hero's waist, and the latter's fingers lost into the messy black hair.

All of All Might's efforts to ban Endeavor from his mind turned to dust, as he abruptly looked away-

and spotted Midnight silently staring at him from the speaker she was sitting on.

The young woman really looked drunk as hell now — her lipstick had smeared and her mascara was halfway gone — but she didn't let the Symbol of Peace reflect on her state.
With a manicured finger she motioned for him to come closer and she leaned into his ear, as if she meant to tell him a secret.

- I sent them to sleep with my Quirk~, she confessed with a wink, apparently very proud of herself.

All Might went from sad to confused, not exactly knowing what to do with that piece of information.
- ...Right.

He scratched the back of his head, wondering if he shouldn't get them home — he had no idea how long the brunette's Quirk lasted for, but if they woke up soon he highly doubted they'd be sober enough to-

Midnight's fingers wrapped around his wrist, startling him out of his thoughts; and the knowing look she flashed him made the older man even more uncomfortable.

- Soooo! Now that we're alone and I'm soooo wasted that I won't remember anything t'morrow... tell me ALL about that girl who broke your heart~!

... What.

... Wait.


The blond's brain straight out crashed, unable to formulate any coherent thought-

- Oh come ON! I know that look by heaaaart! Midnight insisted with a pout.

She crossed her legs and joined her hands and shot him a seductive wink.
- I got loooots of experience, y'know. Maybe I could help~...

All Might flushed a deep shade of crimson, both mortified AND confused at how she had seen right through him, and he cleared his throat in a rather unnatural way.
- ... A-Ahem! No offense, Kayama-san, but-

- What, ya think I "wouldn't understand"...? she snorted with an ironic eye roll, as if he had just uttered the most stupid joke in the world.

Then she burst out laughing so hard she almost fell over the speaker.
- Pffffrrrtt ha ha ha ha ha! Good one!! Come on dear, you're the dashing Symbol of Peace! There is plen-ty of fish in the sea for you to choose!!~


All Might stared back at the brunette in utter loss, as if she had been speaking another language-

And that became too much for today.

A rush of frustration overwhelmed him, and he rubbed his temples with a heavy sigh.

- This is really nothing to laugh about, Midnight! You know what? I believe we'd better call it a night and try to get some sleep. I'll admit the evening was very nice, thank you for including me, but that's enough!

The former N°1 Hero slung both Present Mic and Eraser Head across his shoulders with a wince and headed for the door.
- Don't you have classes to teach tomorrow, too?

Midnight rolled her eyes and clumsily jumped from the speaker she was still sitting on, almost losing balance in the process.

- Yeah Mom...! she muttered with irony, holding back a yawn.

"...Okay, I deserved that."

All Might couldn't help a snort as he caught her just before she dozed off on her spot.
He slid an arm under hers to help her walk out of the karaoke bar.

- ...Hey, psssst... You mad? Midnight slurred into his ear as she tried not to stagger too much.

All Might shot her a glance — and felt somehow guilty of snapping at her.
He shook his head and smiled.
- No, Kayama-san, don't worry.

She instantly lightened up and a coy smile stretched to her ears as she held his arm tighter.
- Great! T-Then we're gonna de-... dedramize-... undramat... fuck, what's the opposite of dramatizing?!

The older man blinked in confusion. (What exactly was she getting at...?)
- Downplaying?

- Bingo! So you're still hung up on her, huh?~ Then I'm just gonna ask you simple questions and you're gonna answer and don't hold back, okay? Is your ex hotter than me?~

All Might's mind blanked out at the word "ex", realizing he had never thought of this one to describe Endeavor befor-

Midnight's elbow hit his ribs insistently.
- Hey!

The blond briefly thought of changing the subject- but his body never lied and he couldn't suppress a wide grin.

(She couldn't have used a more accurate adjective and he could still play ambiguous to keep his identity secret...
Plus she wouldn't remember anything tomorrow, right?)

- Oh yeah, he nodded, looking away as he felt his heart beat faster at the confession.

"...Oops, wrong answer!!"

The young woman let out an utterly outraged squeal and staggered out of his grasp, to poke his chest aggressively.

- WHAT?! No. NO. tha's not possible now I'm SUPER OFFENDED, ya were s'pposed to talk SHIT about the bitc-


All Might unwillingly switched to his muscle form, in shock, as he hurried to cover her mouth.

- Hey, HEY Kayama-san!! he exclaimed with a scowl. First of all you need to CALM DOWN!! And second of all it's a he!

There was a pregnant pause.

Then Midnight's face softened — and she shot him a smug look.

Next, Eraser Head and Present Mic slowly raised their heads, like two zombies.
(If the Voice Hero's grin was even more disturbing when he was wasted... his boyfriend's sassy smirk was even scarier...?!!)

The three younger pro heroes shared a look.

Then they turned to their elder.

All Might switched back to his weakened form coughing a blood spurt.
He repressed a facepalm, both embarrassed and amused.

- You're going to compete to find out his identity, I guess? ...Well I'm not telling you anything else, then!~

"She was right, downplaying might actually work out, who knows!"

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