Nursemaid || SBI

By MysticDrvp

42.1K 1.5K 492

royal au your job was to fend to the children, usually you never really had to do your job, unless King Philz... More

Don't worry.
I'm still here
My dearest friend
A day in a memory
A ball?
Sometimes people love two things
more physical less innocent.
A Village of child
Welcome and Hello
daddy made your favorite
Me and You

Hello friend

3.7K 145 40
By MysticDrvp

Today was the day you would spend without Tommy and Wilbur, you woke up early and began getting dress. You put on a floral poet shirt white a black tie; the tie was loose and sloppy done, but you didn't care. You had on a long black pleated skirt and boots. Usual yet unusual for people in your time.

You gave each of the boys and kiss on the forehead before opening your door only to be meet with Phil who was ready to knock. "Ah morning, Tommy is in their teething stage so they will be fussy, their favorite toy is the disc, Wilbur enjoys being in the garden or gallery, fighting is something he isn't really interested in, but maybe it'll change when he play fights with you, I have but a clue," You quickly said making him go blank before nodding, you let him inside your room and then grabbed your sword hidden in plan sight attached to your rocking chair.

"Mmm mama where are you going?" Wilbur had suddenly woken up. "Oh and he believes I'm his mother now," you said to a surprise Phil, you went infront of Wilbur and sat down wiping the sleep from his eyes with a smile. "Today your going to be with your father okay, can you promise me you'll be a good boy?" You asked him, he quickly opened his eyes fully and shook his hug jumping in your arms.

"Where will you be?" He asked worried you sighed. "With your brother Techno, if you need me I'll be here I promise" you said he nodded slowly still worried. You sat him down and went to go pick up the know awoken Tommy, rocking him gently and handing him to Phil. "Tommy is very picky okay, Wilbur knows how to handle him if you need help," you told him, he nodded. You went pick your sword up again after Wilbur jumped in your arms and you dropped it.

"Goodbye boys have a good day," you said closing your door, you walked to Technos chambers very anxious for Wilbur and Tommy. Meanwhile the moment you left Will started crying.

"Where's momma?" He said looking at Phil, phil never seen Wilbur cry, the last time he heard a cry was when Kristin was well and watching the children. "Uh well, your um real mum is in bed resting, y/n is going with Techno mate," Phil said unsure how to deal with Wilbur thinking y/n as a mom.

He agreed y/n is basically the only mother figure they had, but she wasn't their mom, their mom was alive, but on bed rest, basically locked away, and has been seen in months. "But y/n is my mom she looks after me and my little brother and she makes sure were safe and everything," Wilbur said confused sniffling, Phil knew he couldn't be mad, cause he was at fault for Wilbur's beliefs.

"I understand but y/n is....y/n helps look after you for your mom, just until your mom gets better," he said Wilbur was at unease, he was confused and scared, so he stayed quiet. "Come on mate let's get you to breakfast," Phil said forcing a smile, Wilbur nodded.

As for you, you were already at Techno's door. "Morning kid, ready for the day?" You asked opening his door, obviously he was awake. He was older then Wilbur and very much more mature. "Why are you here? Isn't Phil suppose to be here?" He asked, you chuckled and went towards him. "Nah, he's with your brothers, and your with me so get ready were going out today," you said with a smile, he was unfazed but nodded and got up grabbing his sword.

"Let's go," he said now ready, you nodded and took his hand making him confused. "Were going to a nice flower biome nearby and then to the market alright?" You said he was unease. "Heh? What about training?" He asked you scoffed. "Your nine, and you fight enough, now your doing a different training my training," you said with smirk tuning to look him in the eye. "Alright...," he said questionable.

You and Techno made it to the stables and got on a horse. "Have you learned to ride a horse yet?" You asked Techno nodded, you smiled. "Good!" You said starting to ride of without warning. Techno had to quickly get on his and follow you, you were much faster and crazy enough you could ride faster, he really didn't know anything about you.

You made it to a flower field and you both got off your horse and walked in the center of the field. "Your job is to help me pick flowers alright," you said, he was questionable but nodded. You both sat together picking wild flowers. "You know your mother Kristin, me and her grew these flowers," you said starting small talk he was surprise, especially since there was miles of them.

"We got on our horse and started riding around pouring different mixtures of seeds, that's why it's such a weird variety of them, next to lavender theres sunflowers, next Rose's theres lilacs," You said pointing out all of them.  "Her plan was when the kids were grown up she'd take them all here to make flower crowns with her," you said remembering when she gushed to you and Phil about it.

"Do you think she'd like me?" He asked you, you nodded. "Absolutely, she'd bring you with her everywhere, all three of you, as would I if Phil stopped hogging you," you said making Techno stifle a chuckle. "What would you I do more off together?" He asked you, you were happy you could spend this time with him.

"Well for starters, make flower crowns to complement your dashing looks," you said placing a crown on his head, it overlapped his other one making the red gems completely unnoticed. Techno went wide eye as if something very big happened. "Their quiet," he said quietly. "I know, they can't see much with things in the way, but it doesn't last long," you said surprising him, bvb he looked at you shocked.

"The old Queen would use this crown as a punishment, those who weren't strong enough would kill themselves leaving their voice trapped in the gems, the more blood shed given to the crown the more please the voices would be, they'd be set free from the blood their spirits would give to the blood god as a bargain for their freedom, the only problem is the people killed for the blood would be trapped as well," You said explaining the story to Techno.

"Then why do I have to wear it, why do you know of it?" He asked confused, you sighed. "You weren't suppose to, you were suppose to wear a different crown, but a traitor of the kingdom switched the two crowns, out of angry for their lost of the crown thanks to the old queen," you explained his first question remember the day you looked in fear as the crown reached his head and you could see the people within the gems cheer and technos eyes glint red.

"As for me, I wore it once, the old queen placed it on my head, and the problem was I could stand it, you see before I became someone to the royal family I was trapped in a falling kingdom, my childhood was filled with yells and bloodshed, to the point were death was nothing but a word to me, It had no meaning, when the queen found me she could tell i fear nothing, so she put the crown on me to make me fear, but it didn't work," you started he was surprise and sat to listen to you.

"The crown was useless to me, only a bit useless, the crown gave me more emotions then I had, it made me angry and more serious, but when I was with your mother the crown let me feel happy, so they took three of the gems in the crown and put them in a tiara for me to wear, the three missing gems were replaced with black ones," you finished he was intrigued by the story.

Meanwhile Phil and the boys were out in the garden demanded by Wilbur. "Come on dad we have to make flower crowns!" Wilbur said gather the soon to be wilted flowers, Phil only watched now noticing how much Wilbur was like Kristin, and how different he was then he thought. Wilbur sat infront of his dad and brother and laid the flowers out getting started to make some.

"Who taught you this?" Phil asked grabbing his own flowers and beginning. "Y/n she told us the ones close to be wilted were better to pick so the other ones could grow, she's says flowers are temporary but love is for ever, and a flower crown is a temporary way to show are affection," Wilbur said almost done with his crown, Phil chuckled y/n had said the same to him and Kristin when they were younger on one of her picnics.

She had gave both of them a crown with a smile, one of the rare ones that held innocence and kindness despite the fact without the tiara she was calm and emotionless it seemed.


"And here!" You said placing a flower crown on Phil and Kristin head with a smile. You sat back admiring the way the two looked with their new crowns, Phil and Kristin only stared at you and how happy you were, it was adorable to them. "I- are you okay your both red were the flowers poisonous!" You panicked quickly taking it off of both of them and examining each flower, they both chuckled and took their crowns back.

"Were fine, just happy to see you happy!" Kristen explained Phil nodded. "Oh...well in that case keep them on, their a small token of my affection, and when they wilt I can show more of my affection by making another," you said with a small smile, they smiled back at you happy to have you with them.

"Wait you don't have one though!" Phil exclaimed, Kristin nodded. "Oh well yes I don't but its fine," you said shaking it off. "Nope! Like you said flower crowns are a token of affection and we want to give you affection!" Kristin said picking some flowers, Phil followed making you smile. After and bit they had started attempting to make a crown, struggling horribly.

"Here let me help you two," you said grabbing each of their flowers, you began starting to twist them together and then handed to Phil. "Now you try, and the Kristin can try," you said, Phil nodded and started copying what you were doing previously, he did well and when he was done he gave it to Kristin. She finished the entire thing, the crown held each of their flowers making you happy.

"Now I can wear both of your crowns, made by both of you," you said making them realized they both made the crown for you, they looked at each other and then smiled and then back at you with the same smile, happy to see you with the pretty crown above your head.

Flashback ended

"Y/n really is smart isn't she?" Phil said to Wilbur, will nodded happy to agree with his mother being smart. "Mom is pretty to isn't she!" Wilbur asked phil, Phil turned shades of red and nodded. "Yeah sh-she is," he said looking back down to his crown.


A certain queen sat in a chair looking out to see her sons and husband being with each other, she had always been notified of things with the king and you by her nurse, so she was sure you two were fine by yourselves, luckly for her soon she might get to spend time with her kids.

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