Not For Love

By as_idle_as_it_gets

410 106 60

"Why me?" I cried. "You were the first," he said, calmly. "First what?" "First on the list." • What's the... More

Author's Note
1. The Cherauno Hassle
2. Blind Blind-Date
3. A Deadly Mistake
4. Hands Down
5. Mister Unbelievable
6. Cheers To Us?
7. Mood Swings
8. Honeymoon For One, Yes?
9. A Romantic Comedy
10. I Love You
11. Midnight Snack Trips
12. My Gratuitous Anger


69 13 9
By as_idle_as_it_gets

The soft clicks of heels, chirping of birds, faint but continuous chatter and barely audible music hangs in the air. If only Eda had the guts to run away.

    A weird feeling passes by her as she ponders the words.

    I do.

    Two words, she thinks to herself. Two words that bind you to a person forever. Eda had always thought she'd say these words before someone she loves. If it wasn't for the harsh lesson in life she got a few years back she might have been hoping for a happy ending between her and the stranger standing in front of her with his polished smile and wedding suit. But she knows better now. This is the real world. There are no knights in shining armour coming for her—just an overbearing asshole who she is soon to be tied to for all eternity.

What a waste, she thinks to herself as she stares Asher Cheruano down. For a second she lets herself forget what an arrogant jerk he is and admire his face.

    Just for a second.

"Stop gawking, you look like an idiot," he says.

    Instead of rolling her eyes she does what she's done to deal with the rude jerk till now. She sighs. "I am idiot."

    He raises a dark brow.

    "For marrying you."

    "Did anyone ever tell you that you have the humour of a two year old?"

    "You'll have to live with this humour for the rest of your life, Cherauno."

    He shrugs, dismissively. "I can bear a few bad jokes. You'll have to bear a lot more."

     "Like your shitty personality?"

     This makes the corners of his lips go up. "Tell me. Can you fake a smile?"

     Eda smiles.

    "Can you hold it no matter what?" he whispers looking at the crowd settling in.

     Her eyes narrow and she follows his gaze. Every single person from the wealthiest circle in the world is in attendance. All to watch this sham of a marriage. Their lips are curved upwards, their faces full of contentment and eyes full of cupidity. Eda sees endless rows of smiles—some toothy, some restrained, some elegant, some not, some big, some small—yet she doesn't find a single ounce of sincerity. It makes her want to scream.

     Asher takes a step towards her. "All these people," he starts, "what do you think they're here for? To congratulate what they obviously know to be nothing more than a business arrangement?"

     Another step forward.

     "They're here because we are in power. We benefit them. The moment we don't, they will strike us down. Not a single person here is happy for you. Nor do they care. This is a show. Mere entertainment. But you can't do anything about it, Missus Cherauno. Whatever the case, whatever they say about you, whatever disgusting things they have done, you will always have to play the good little host and put on a show for all of them. Like a clown in a red dress."

    A single irregular beat of Eda's heart and a sense of panic starts to settle deep in her belly. The smell of flowers is suddenly too much. The chatter too loud. The winds too cold. A shiver spider-walks down her spine. Fake a smile. Entertain them. It is exactly what she ran from all those years ago. She can't—

      "The exit is on the right. I don't hold grudges."

     Her head turns back to Asher in abruptness. His eyes are focussed on hers. Something rages in them. Anger, resentment, hate, pity...

      And triumph.

      She realises what he's doing. Asher Cherauno is a the kind of person who knows exactly enough about his prey to not even move to catch it. He waits for it to offer itself. I will not be prey, she silently chants. She forces her chin up, reel in every ounce of uncertainty she feels. It's too late. "Same goes for you."

     Asher laughs like she just cracked the funniest joke he has ever heard. A few eyes turn to them, curious about what the groom finds so funny. He leans down. "I don't need to run, Eda. You do."

      She appears confident. "We'll see."

    "You will."

      He will.

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