Why Did I Get Married?

Av spelivia4eva

6K 96 37

Couples goes through ups and downs throughout their marriages which could lead to the question "Why Did I Get... Mer

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Why the Hell Did I Get Married?

Kiss The Bride

1.4K 30 11
Av spelivia4eva

"You may kiss the bride" Rakim and Rihanna both smiled before kissing. The guests applauded them as they were kissing. Olivia wiped a tear away as she clapped. After they walked down the aisle and exited the church before the guests stood up and started to head out as well. "I can't wait for this" Spencer was walking with Olivia hand in hand. "What?" She looked down waiting for him to answer. "Us getting married" she blushed. "Well you do know I've been waiting for many years now..." she said. "Yeah, just have to find the right moment" he said as they exited the church. "Anytime is the right time" she told him. "I love you, I don't care how you propose to me. I don't care where the wedding is at and how many guests we have, all that matters is me being your wife. Me being Olivia James" she said with him smiling. "Olivia James, huh? That has a good ring to it" she giggled "well put one on me then!" They headed off the the reception. "Congratulations bro" Abel dapped up Rakim "thanks bruh" Rakim was smiling hard. "This could be you" he chuckled. "Yeah... no" Rakim laughed. "Congrats dawg" Spencer walked up to them dapping up Rakim and Abel. "Thanks bruh, when are you gonna put a ring on Liv?" Spencer looked over his shoulder "Good ass question" he looked back at them before pulling out the ring in his pocket "I plan on proposing tonight" Rakim pushed his fist in Spencer's shoulder "Bro you better" Rakim encouraged him. "Is that Selena?" Abel said softly. Rakim and Spencer turned their heads seeing Selena talking to Rihanna. "Congrats babe" Selena hugged her. "Thanks Sel, I preciate it" they pulled away from the hug with both women smiling. "How does it feel to be Mrs. Rocky?" Rihanna laughed "you mean Mrs. Mayers?" Selena giggled "yes... sorry I couldn't think of his last name so I went by his stage name" Rihanna couldn't stop laughing. "My bad" Selena laughed. "Well to answer your question, it feels great. I can't believe I'm fully off the market" Rihanna started to get emotional "I dreamed of this day and here I am" Selena grinned "you deserve this type of love after everything you've been through" Rihanna hugged her once again. "Thanks Sel" she whispered. "Anytime" Selena said back. Rihanna looked up seeing Abel with her husband and Spencer. "You deserve love too" Rihanna said with Selena pulling away from the hug. "Yeah... I think I'll be more of a future lady or something.. well more likely a dog lady" she said. "Congratulations" Olivia walked over and hugged Rihanna. "Thanks babes" she hugged back. Selena's heart dropped when she noticed Abel across the room. They pulled away "what's with you?" Olivia asked Selena. Rihanna giggled "her ex is here, actually talking to our men" Olivia turned her head seeing Abel. "Oh.. ohhh" Olivia covered her mouth realizing how awkward this is because not only is Abel here but also Justin. "You mean ex's—" Rihanna elbowed Olivia's side. "Ow!" She rubbed her left rib. "What do you mean ex's?" Selena looked at them. "Um.. Hailey and Justin are both here" Rihanna said. "Great... just fucking great" Selena was stressed out. "Oh come on, it won't be bad. Just ignore them. Justin and Rakim are friends and also Rakim and Abel are friends. Of course he was gonna invite them just like I invited you" Rihanna explained. "I feel sick to my stomach..." she trailed off. "Screw that. You're a bad bitch. You shouldn't be worried about neither of them. You are here for Rih and Rakim. Have the time of your life and don't pay any of them any attention" Olivia said. "Too late.." Rihanna said when Abel walked up to them. "Hey" Selena looked over at Abel emotionless. "Hey" Rihanna smiled at him. "Congrats on the wedding" he gave her a smile. "Thanks Abel" she smiled back. He looked over at Selena who looked away quickly. Rihanna was trying her hardest not to laugh. "Uh, Rih? Can you help me find the restroom?" Olivia hinted that they need to give Abel and Selena some space to talk. "Of course" Rihanna hugged Selena before whispering in her ear "play nice" she said before walking away with Olivia.

"Oh snaps, is that Selena and Abel?" Aaron walked over with Zoey. "Yup, sure is" Spencer said. "This ought to be interesting" Zoey mumbled. Rihanna and Olivia walked over to Spencer, Rakim, Zoey, & Aaron. "I see they're about to talk things out" Spencer said. "Hopefully" Liv said with Spencer wrapping his arm around her waist. "Is that who I think it is?" Kaz and Noni walked over. "Yup, Selena and Abel talking" Liv said. "Do I need to play security because you know Justin is here too" Noni giggled "no need for that baby" she kissed his cheek before he chuckled. "You think they know we set them up?" Rihanna asked. "Wait, no way. Y'all set them up?" Rihanna shrugged "She keeps talking about how she wants a damn boyfriend well I'm helping her out" Rihanna said. "Plus he talks about Sel a lot. It's obvious they miss each other. But to answer your question.. I'm sure they don't know we set them up but who knows, right? Shit, no denying that they still got feelings for each other" he said. "Facts. Look how awkward they look" Rihanna giggled. "I know that feeling...." Olivia trailed off. Spencer looked over at her confused "what do you mean you know that feeling?" She looked at him "Us. After the Vegas kiss. Things were so awkward" she said. "Oh yeah.. true" he said. "Well it's always awkward running into an ex. Why do you think I've been avoiding Chris over the years" Rakim chuckled at his wife.

Abel had his hands in his pockets while he stood a few feet away from Selena. "How you doing?" She shrugged "I've been better. You?" He mocked her "I've been better...." Things got even more awkward as it was a huge pause after a couple of long seconds. "So I see you've been working on Spanish stuff" he broke the silence. "Yeah, I've always wanted to do it" she told him. "Yeah, I remember you told me that back when we were dating" he said with her looking down "yeah...." Justin was standing across the room with Hailey and some friends when he noticed Selena and Abel. He felt a little jealous even when his wife was standing besides him. "This might be a little weird to ask but... can I hug you?" He slowly nodded before she walked into his arms, hugging him gently. Both of them needed the hug more than anything. Neither one of them wanted to let go but they just had to. "So...." he trailed off. "So...." she smiled awkwardly. "I miss you. I miss hanging out with you. We had such a great time together. Believe it or not, I want that back" he spoke honestly. "I feel the same exact way Abel."

Olivia excused herself to go to the ladies room when Spencer pulled out the ring. "What's that?" Noni asked. "A wedding ring. Bro is about to propose to Liv" Rihanna's & Noni's eyes lit up. "No fucking way! For real?" Spencer chuckled before nodding. "That's amazing. She would be so happy and she truly deserves it. What are you waiting for?" Noni thought why not propose to Olivia at the reception. "I'm gonna propose when we get home" Rihanna snarled before shaking her head "no you are not. You are gonna propose right here, right now. At this very moment. I need to witness this" she said. "I don't wanna be rude by proposing here. This is your night" he said. "We insist that you propose to her on our night. We don't mind sharing" Olivia walked back up to them with Spencer quickly putting the ring back in his pocket. "What I miss?" Olivia looked at them. "My man Spencer has something to ask you" Rakim said. "Not the time dawg" he gave Rakim a look. "What is he talking about?" Olivia looked at her boyfriend. "Just ask her Spence. Stop being scary" Noni said with Rihanna giggling. "I'm so confused..." Olivia said. He sighed deeply before looking at her "Baby..." everyone's heads turned when they saw Spencer getting down on one knee. "Oh my..." Selena covered her mouth, shocked with Abel standing close. "Oh my God...." Olivia covered her mouth with tears welling up. "You're my entire heart. You've been by my side since day one. I couldn't ask for a better friend, a better girlfriend, a better life partner, baby you complete me" a tear fell from her eyes. "You told me anytime is the right time. Well I think it's the right time. It's time to stop the bullshit and make you my wife. So baby, will you marry me?" She shut her eyes before she nodded. She removed her hand before forcing the words out "yes" she cried. He slowly slid the ring on her finger with everyone clapping and chanting. He stood up with a few tears escaping his eyes before kissing her. "Wow..." Selena wiped a tear from her eyes. "Must be nice, huh?" She nodded "yeah.. must be nice" she continued to look at Spelivia. "I love you so much baby" Olivia cried. "Liv, you're getting your makeup messed up" Rihanna told her. "Don't worry, it was gonna get messed up anyway" Liv hit his shoulder playfully with Spencer laughing. "Congrats" Selena walked over to them with Abel. "Thanks Sel bear" Liv smiled at her but it faded when Rochelle walked over. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you" she went to Abel, kissing him on the lips. Everyone was shocked except for Abel of course. "Hi friends, and Selena. This must be awkward for you, having your two ex's here. Think of it like this, you'd be married now if it wasn't for Justin losing interest" she smirked. "I'll catch y'all later" Selena walked off. "Babe, really?" Abel looked at her who smiled at him innocently "what?" Olivia glared at her "the hell is wrong with you? That was so out of line" Liv said before looking at Spencer "I'm gonna go after her" he nodded before Liv walked off.

"Selena, wait up?" Liv ran up to her. "Hey—" Selena cut her off by turning around to face her "Who was that? Who does she think she is to talk to me like that? I wasn't rude to her. What's her deal?" Liv started to explain "Rochelle Mosley, she went to Beverly and has a huge crush on Spencer. She always came off as if she's better than everyone" Liv said. "So treat me like shit because you're dating my ex boyfriend?" Liv frowned "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. Just ignore her Selena" she shook her head "I'm going home" she started walking to her black SUV before a familiar voice called out her name. "Selena don't go" Liv looked over her shoulder at Abel. "Why? So your little girlfriend could insult me some more? No thanks..." she said. "Sel, she was out of line and I'm sorry—" she cut him off "save it Abel. I truly hope she makes you happy" she said before walking to the black SUV. He sighed with Olivia turning around to face him. "Rochelle?! Are you serious? Abel, you have to have better taste than that. Yes she's a pretty face but that's all she has going for her because she is a complete bitch" she said. "You don't even know her" she scoffed "I know her well enough to know that she's jealous of Selena. She didn't have to make that shitty remark towards her but she did because she knows that you still love her. Don't you?" He was silent. "Abel, for the love of God, please don't be like everybody else. Go after who you want. Selena deserves a second chance and you know it" she told him. "I don't know what you're talking about..." he lied. "Keep telling yourself that. Deep down inside you're not happy. You're not happy knowing that she isn't happy. You two love each other. Try and deny it" she looked from Abel to Justin who walked out. Abel noticed her attention was on someone else so he turned around seeing Justin. "Where Selena go?" Hearing Justin speak of Selena's name pissed Abel off. "That's none of your concern. Shouldn't you be leached on Hailey somewhere?" Justin chuckled "sound a little jealous if you ask me" Abel snarled "trust me, I don't want anything you got" Justin laughed at Abel's comment. "Except for Selena, right? Because we both know if I was to end my marriage, I could get Selena back" Abel clenched his jaw. "Justin, that's enough" Liv told him. Liv noticed Abel's fists were bald. She shot Spencer a quick text before things gets messy. "I just might hit her up because I miss those lips around my d—" Abel rushed him to the ground and started throwing punches before Spencer got outside and pulled him off of Justin. Justin stood up laughing "that's all you got?" He was taunting Abel. "Whats good then? Bro let me go so I can beat his fuckin ass" Spencer had a good grip on Abel. "Dawg, he isn't worth it" Spencer told him. "Beat my ass? Yeah right" Justin continued to laugh. "Seems like he was beating your ass before I came and rescued you. Bro, walk away before I unleash the beast" Spencer told Justin who stopped laughing. He glared at Abel before walking back inside. "If I let you go bro, you got to chill" Spencer said to Abel. "I'm good" he said through his teeth. Spencer slowly let him go seeing Abel grip his hair out of frustration. "He isn't worth it dawg" Spencer told him. "Spencer is right. And you claim you're over Selena but if you were then you wouldn't get so angry over her" Olivia said. "Maybe I'm not over her but I can't get back with her. Shit was disrespectful the way she left me for that asshole. I could never forgive her for that" he said before walking off.

After everyone left, Olivia and Spencer were heading home. "That fight with Justin and Abel, man that was crazy" Liv said. "You call that a fight? Abel would've killed him if it wasn't for you texting me" Spencer told her. "True. I wish he would forgive her. That was 8 years ago...." Olivia trailed off. "I agree but enough talk about them, fiancé" she smiled at him. "I love the sound of that" he chuckled. "I do too. But I think I love Olivia James better" she giggled. "That too baby" he grinned over at her. "I can't wait to spill the news to our family and friends" Spencer took her hand and brought it close to his lips before kissing her hand "same girl" he said softly. "I wonder how they'll react" she said. "I'm sure they'll be happy for us. They took the news about us dating well, so I can't see how moms and you're parents wouldn't take this kindly. I think we'll be aight" he said. "I hope so baby."


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