The Shinobi World! (OC MC)

By AdriTheDarkWitch

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Rei was an alias for a foreigner on the Land of the Shinobi. It was not under the circumstances of hiding her... More

Chapter 1: I'm a Baby!?
Chapter 2: Naruto and Rei
Chapter 3: Black and Black
Chapter 4: Birthday
Chapter 5: Bonds
Chapter 6: Trust

Chapter 7: The Clans

37 1 0
By AdriTheDarkWitch


Fugaku Uchiha strode his way towards the Hokage's Mansion with his two loyal bodyguards who are part of the Police Force. The Uchiha patriarch had his routine to do as always, to talk up most of his fellow Uchiha about their discontentment for the village. He and most of his clansmen had enough of the eyes of the village watching them like some dogs that if once unleashed they were evident to attack.

He remembered how he felt his blood boil when he heard of the suspicion of the Konoha Council of them. Most of all, how did the Hokage let all of this happen!? Of course they won't trust them at all, they never had. By making the Uchiha be a military force they will always be under surveillance. Then after the Kyuubi's attack they moved them to the far edge of the village!?

Now this? A clanhead meeting out of nowhere. The last thing  a clan affair that occured that needed this much attention was three months ago, and it concerned the Hyuga heiress' attempted kidnapping. He fairly knew it wasn't about this matter even though the issue with the Kumo was not disclosed either.

Fugaku knew his plan will shed blood if the council continues their impractical ways. He was a loyal leaf shinobi at heart.

But he was also the head of the Uchiha Clan.

When the Uchiha finally took a step inside the room, all of the Clan heads were there; Shikaku Nara, as the commander of all the jounins sat at the right of the Hokage's seat. He is the Clanhead of the Nara clan, famous for it's Shadow Possession Jutsu, and strategic minds. To his left sat both Inoichi Yamanaka and Choza Akimichi. The former, was the head of the Yamanaka Clan who uses Mind Jutsus, the members were mostly in the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force. The latter was the clanhead of the Akimichi which is also part of the four noble clans in Konohagakure, known for their expansion jutsu, the way they use their calories in the expense of chakra. The trio were also known as the Ino-Shika-Cho.

To the left of the Hokage's seat was the head of second of the four noble clans in Konohagakure, Hiashi Hyuga. The Hyuga are one of the two clans who had a dojutsu kekkei genkai similar to the Uchiha's. Their Byakugan and Gentle Fist were known as the strongest taijutsu in the Land of Fire. To his right was a man with sunglasses and almost covered his face with his grey coat, the man was Shibi Aburame, the clan head of the Aburame clan, third of the four noble clans, who uses special breeds of insects that hosts their users body. The next one might be the oldest after the Aburame head donning the bright red marks on his cheeks and chin, the head of the Inuzuka Clan, Isha Inuzuka. Inuzuka's are shinobi's known to fight alongside their ninja dogs, they were mostly used for tracking missions with their intensive tracking way of smell.

All of them looked at the newly arrived clanhead and nodded to him as a sign of greeting.

Fugaku was the last to arrive, the clan head of the Uchiha, the last and the strongest out of all the four noble clans. They were known for their dojutsu kekkei genkai, Sharingan. Their use of their dojutsu and their high ninjutsu skills with the element of fire were widely known.

Fugaku sat at the only remaining seat just across the empty Hokage seat. The circular table that was purposely used mostly for court trial at times had him on edge as he found out which room to be used from the Anbu who had informed him of the meeting. But now noticing the others did not bring any of their guards he gestured for his to leave the room immediately.

"The Hokage is still not here?" He curiously asked since the others except for the Hyuga, Aburame and Inuzuka almost stood up to his arrival thinking it was the Hokage.

"The Hokage is almost here, I can smell him." Isha replied almost scoffingly crossing his arms not even sparing the Uchiha a glance.

For a moment of silence, Fugaku decided to speak once again. "I seem to not recall any precedents that happened recently." He stated, clearly asking what the others know about the sudden gathering. They all knew this was not the normal council meeting since it only included the clanheads.

The Nara head hummed. "I don't recall anything either that only requires all the clanheads attention." With the Nara's admission, Fugaku eased a little knowing that the others were clueless as well.

When the doors opened all of the clanhead stood in respect for the Hokage who hurriedly walked towards his chair and checked each of them. Each of their names were called and they bowed accordingly. "Shikaku, Inoichi, Choza, Fugaku, Isha, Shibi and Hiashi. I'm glad you all came to this sudden gathering. All the leader of each clan has been invited to this meeting, and I represent the Sarutobi clan with my sons absence."

They all nodded at him and they all held impassive faces awaiting for further details that the Hokage will provide.

"But I will let you all know that this is a very critical meeting." The warn of his tone tensed them they already knew how serious the matter was. The Sandaime sat followed suit by the others.

Everyone noticed right away how the Hokage's face grimaced. "I have called all of you today because I have someone I've recently been acquainted with that holds a lot of trust to all of you. Hence, your attendance at this meeting."

They all nodded as the Hokage briefly glanced at them.

"This person knows what happened behind the Kyuubi's attack."

The Clanheads all gasped in shock. But at the same time there was smack in the table and a pair of red eyes that went along with it. All eyes were between the Hokage and the Uchiha clanhead, the others were ready to step in if the Uchiha dares to move from his place.

Fugaku growled, he knew where this was directing to. "If this person speaks against my clan then I have no reason to be here to listen to fabricated lies again."

"Fugaku-sama, we must listen to the Hokage first before you make assumptions." The Yamanaka head spoke narrowing his eyes towards the man.

Clearing his throat, Hiruzen caught all of their attention as he eyed the Uchiha even with his blazing red eyes. "There is every reason you have to listen Fugaku, since this person claims your clan inside the village had nothing to do with it at all."

Fugaku and the other clan heads were once again shocked by this revelation. The Uchiha furrowed his eyebrows at this, deep in his heart he gained a little hope for his clan hearing this. But he was still enraged with the council's doing. Now noticing something was not right with the present members that were here if they were to reveal this information. "Fine. But I want to know why the clanheads are the only ones here. Your councilors and Danzo-sama are not here. This kind of information would be very helpful to let them know, Hokage-sama."

The others even Nara agreed to his statement.

The Hokage exhaled seemingly frustrated as well. "Even at my insistence of bringing them, my acquiantance did not want them to be aware of this information since she does not know them well enough to be trusted."

"You speak as if you trust this person more than your own councilors Hokage-sama, how can we guarantee that her words could be trusted?" The Nara asked skeptically finding out that it was a woman with the Sandaime's pronoun used.

"Or if you were not in anyone's genjutsu?" The Inuzuka flickered his eyes to Fugaku who scowled.

"I'll have you know that we will never stoop so low and manipulate someone we pledged loyalty to!" Fugaku snarled back at the Inuzuka.

"For someone who is not an Inuzuka you sure could bark as well like us! A person just claimed you were not responsible! I highly see that as suspicious seeing your clan mastered the Genjutsu who can easily manipulate this person or even the Hokage." The Inuzuka barked back.


Before Fugaku could continue the Hokage's voice boomed inside the room. "Enough! Isha and Fugaku! This is an urgent matter we need to pass now. I have a barrier created so no one can hear this discussion because this is going to be an S-Class secret! I am not under anyone's genjutsu! Now both of you sit back down and let me answer Shikaku's question!"

The spike of the Hokage's chakra definitely caught their attention and they immediately apologized.

"Now to answer Shikaku. I still trust my two old friends Homura and Koharu, however this person does not. I fully trust her words, she has no reason to lie unless it is for the good of our village." The Hokage sighed.

"It may seem that way but how did this person even sustained the knowledge of what happened behind the Kyuubi's attack?" The Hyuga asked with suspicion.

The Hokage then smiled at the door. "Well, you'll have to ask her yourselves."

The door opened and two people, rather one teen and one toddler came in. All of the clanhead excluding Hiashi and Fugaku were confused. Hiashi was thoughtful while the Uchiha scowled.

"Shisui?" He asked his fellow clan member, Shisui bowed to Fugaku and greeted him.

"Fugaku-sama, goodafternoon. I'm here on behalf of the Hokage's orders." They walked past the clanheads and stood beside the Hokage. Well the Hokage gestured for the toddler to sit at his lap only to be answered with an almost disgusted tone.

"" She answered and jumped on the space in the middle of the table. She looked around the faces of the clanheads only to stop raising her eyebrow to the Inuzuka. "Who are you? Where's Tsume-san?"

The question even made the Hokage narrow his eyes to the Inuzuka. The Inuzuka however got irritated by the mention of the name. "What are you talking about? I'm supposed to be here not my sister."

The little girl who was so small made an 'O' as if realizing something and just shrugged. Unknown to her, the odd movements she was doing fascinated the clanheads except Hiashi who had already met the endearing girl, and when their eyes met she bowed. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Hyuga-sama."

"Likewise, Rei. It seems you were the informant the Hokage was talking about." At Hiashi's words all the clanheads went agape.


"This baby!?"             

"You're joking right?!"

"What is this!? How can this child possibly know about the attack of the Kyuubi!? How could she prove my clan's innocence!?" Fugaku shouted at the Hokage, even though he had not activated his sharingan it was evident with his voice that he was enraged. "Why is Shisui along with this!?"

"I have to agree with Fugaku on this one, what is this farce Hokage-sama? The Kyuubi and the suspicion of Uchiha is not a joke. If we take it lightly..." The Nara trailed off looking at the Uchiha cautiously, and the Nara sighed. "Troublesome."

The Hokage however did not paid them any mind and gestured to the child. "Introduce yourself."

The child perked up at that and shyly smiled. "Here or there?" She asked cryptically.

"Whichever." The Hokage answered almost smirking.

The child nodded and looked at the Inuzuka again and sighed. "Can you make him leave? I don't like him at all." She pointed at the Inuzuka.

The Hokage awkwardly coughed. "I may have informed him that you know the reason of the Kyuubi's attack before you went inside."

The child's face fell for a bit. "Are you serious?" She studied the Inuzuka who glared at her fiercely.

"What's your problem with me?" The girl ignored him and just looked around sighed.

"My name is-"

"Hey you didn't answer me, kid!" Isha interrupted.

The child then glared at him scowling, somehow even though the Inuzuka was old he knew that the expression she held was not normal for a child like her.

"Shut up." That's the only thing she muttered as silence finally enveloped the room. Her eyes softened once again eyeing everyone. "My apologies, I'm normally a patient person. My hesitance towards Inuzuka-sama is that I may have had some miscalculation on the people invited here. However all of you have been told of what I know already, so we should just continue. You must have been informed that this is an S-class secret." At that she corrected herself and shook her head. "No, not just S... This might be the secret that holds our world's future."

They were silent which was good for her. So finally she introduced herself. "My name is Rei, I have been living in the Konoha Orphanage for about three years since I remember."

This earned a lot frown from the clanheads.

"... Or that was supposed to be. As you can tell I talk fluently with my age as a three year old, and no this is not a transformation jutsu. All of you who speculate I am are unfit to be a shinobi if you can't even sense that. Anyway, the case is I used to live from entirely another world that exists that is aware of this world's events. Everything from the past to the future."

From the start of Rei's story they were listening into intently, curious as to what the child has but when the last sentence came out... they had enough. A child claimed to be from another world and knew of the past and the future of their world? It was all childish lies.

The one to stand was the Inuzuka, "I only came here because I thought something important were to be discussed, but somehow we're here to listen to this child messiah shit? You have to forgive me Hokage-sama, but I have to remove myself in this meeting before I hear more foolishness."

Shisui body flickered in front of him immediately. "The Hokage ordered all of you to listen until the end. Sit down, Inuzuka-sama before I am forced to make you sit."

The Inuzuka was annoyed at the threat that laced with the Uchiha's tone and sat down looking back at the Hokage who looked quite disappointed at his lack of patience.

"Fine. I'll listen." Throwing his arms in defeat. "Not like I'm the only one who thinks how ridiculous that story was." He snorted looking at the others who looked skeptical as he was. He looked at the girl and smirked. "So? How come you did not know me? Thought you knew everything, girl?"

Rei glanced at the man briefly and sighed. "You were not relevant to any events so you weren't mentioned once. That is why I thought Tsume-san will be here. I guess she'll be the next clanhead then since she was deemed more important."

They were silent until they heard the Hokage chuckled. Even the Nara can be seen trying to suppress to smile.

The Inuzuka's eye was twitching and just leaned to the chair as he muttered curses under his breath. Shisui came back to the Hokage's side as the Inuzuka sat down to finally listen.

"Now where was I? Ah. I'm mentally 26 since I died as a 23 year old university student from my previous world and was somehow reincarnated into this world. My knowledge from my previous world was brought with me. As to how I know of the events, it was recorded. A popular story that has been passed down, a world of shinobis. On our world, chakra does not exist and such."

All of them widened their eyes, Hiashi, Fugaku, Shikaku and Inoichi. The Inuzuka was throughly thrown off.

"All that I've been saying are included as the S-class secret. My identity, my past and my knowledge." She turned to the Yamanaka. "Inoichi-sama can use his Mind Jutsu to check me if you want. I do not mind as long as we can come to agreement at something by the end of my story."

"Ha.. If she's that confident of her knowledge, even allowing Inoichi to read her mind. There's nothing to doubt in her words then." Shikaku said as Inoichi nodded with him.

"May I ask something?" Hiashi spoke next looking at Rei.

"What is it Hiashi-sama?"

"You knew something will happen on my daughter's birthday, didn't you? That's why you were present that time. I had my byakugan active and saw you with your sensei here around the compound." He glanced at Shisui briefly.

By this all of the clanheads even the Inuzuka looked at the girl in shock and waited for confirmation. They did hear that an Anbu saved the heiress, but they didn't know it was Shisui and if the Hyuga's head claims were right that the girl was present at that time. It was highly possible because she already knew and prevented it from happening.

"Ah. Yes." Rei confirmed and averted looking at the Hiashi, dreading if he will ask something else. Which unfortunately he did.

"Why did you? Unless something will happen that you needed to intervene. Did my daughter-"

"No!" Rei exclaimed. "Hinata-sama would be fine. She would be rescued by you... "

At Hiashi's silence and continued stare at her. Shikaku spoke next. "Then? If that is the case, you didn't need to interfere right?"

The Nara's were analytical and intelligent but it didn't mean they were the only ones. The others as well looked at her suspiciously, they knew something bad would have happened if she did not intervene.

With the pressure from their stares and finally looking at the Hokage who nodded at her, Rei took a deep breath.

Rei finally relented. "Fine. I had to change it somehow, everything I found unpleasant on the story or rather could improve the future. I meddled with it for my own personal reason. However, Hyuga-sama did rescue Hinata-sama but he had to kill the Head Shinobi of Kumogakure to do so."

Hiashi frowned beginning to narrow what would have happened next.

"It could have led to war?" Choza spoke with a tremble in his voice.

Shikaku shook his head. "There's no way. The Raikage would be foolish to do so. Just a mere shinobi from his village would not be enough to wage war on Konoha."

Rei then continued. "It didn't. The Raikage decided for an alternative and demanded an equal death for his Head Shinobi. It needed to be someone of importance to the village."

For a moment of thinking of who the Raikage wanted they all ended up looking at the Hyuga head as he spoke.

"They wanted me didn't they?" Hiashi frowned looking at Rei.

Rei nodded and the room were silent again with a few scowl and grunts.

Fugaku spoke next. "That can't be, there's no way Hiashi will be sent away knowing those Kumo gathers kekkei genkai's. Giving Hiashi is basically giving an indescructible weapon of the Byakugan especially that he is from the Main Branch with no seal." The Uchiha had managed formulate a problem if the Head of the Hyuga Clan were to be disposed in the foreign land which was fortunate for Rei so she didn't need to explain for the second time.

"They didn't." Rei answered his dilemma. She looked at the Hyuga and gave him bow. "Hizashi-san volunteered to pose as you."

Hiashi's eyes widened by this. "My brother?"

Rei nodded. "He was killed in Kumo, and even though they found out that he had the seal, the Kumogakure did not wage war on Konohagakure by the end of it."

"Hizashi..." Hiashi's eyes softened in sorrow learning of the fate of his brother.

Rei glanced at the Hokage, remembering the info he gave to her a few days ago about the aftermath of the Hyuga affair that was not shared to the public. The council have not disclosed the issue from the Kumogakure, nor have they made a considerable move. Even though the Konoha have caught the shinobis that attempted to kidnap the heiress, after they've been thoroughly interrogated by the T&I Konoha Force the outcome was not they have expected. The shinobi had acted on his mission from the Raikage himself.

Initially the council was persuading the Sandaime of declaring war to the Kumogakure for carrying out such an outrageous betrayal, covering the kidnapping by using the peace treaty was simply belittling the Konohagakure. However, when they soon learned of the Raikage's orders and from surprisingly Danzo's input about how weakened the village was, they backed down immediately mulling over how they could approach the incident.

This was how the meeting ended for the Hyuga affair, it was an ongoing issue and haven't been solved by the hesitation of having to wage war for such a little incident. Even though Rei could argue it was not little since it was Hinata, she could still see the importance of not making such a drastic move.

Nevertheless, Rei made sure to remind the present Hokage that there should be no strain from the Kumo and Konoha, especially the need of the Jinchuriki's from the future. There were a lot of benefits they could have from having an alliance to the darn village even though she hated them.

The Hokage spoke after a moment. "Well, will all of you listen now to Rei? I had first hand heard of what she told me. She can only tell you a portion of it, since some of it does not matter for now unless necessary. She had made me recall my days when I was not the Hokage. She even know more about the Sage of Six Paths than our historians." With his claim all of them looked at the girl and they made their decisions.

"Yes. Hokage-sama."

Rei felt her lips turn upwards and her heart hammered with either excitement or nervousness, taking a deep breath focusing and gathering her courage to face the clanheads she lifted her head and spoke with purpose. "I have deemed all of you trustworthy when I decided to have this gathering. Tales of this world's history have been known to some in my world, and I will not lie that some of them may sound implausible. However, if you feel that you are in doubt Hokage-sama can order Inoichi-sama to erase your memories. We cannot let you  out of this room knowing that you will betray our trust or carry this knowledge."

They attentively listened which made Rei continue to drop a bomb to test them.

"The name of the perpretrator of the Kyuubi's attack is Obito Uchiha."

All eyes snapped to Fugaku who stiffened at the name. Before he could open his mouth Rei looked at him and smiled.

"Fugaku-sama, you know of this person do you not?"

Fugaku glared at the child biting back a retort and answered. "Yes. He was my peer in my clan, if I recall correctly he died back in the Third Shinobi World War during a mission to destroy Kannabi Bridge."

Rei nodded and looked at the others. "Exactly. He had no relations to the Uchiha's anymore after that. He was believed to be killed in action but he was able to survive."

She scanned the room and observed their faces, most of them were neutral wanting her to continue but Isha held an expression clearly angry that a leaf shinobi, rather an Uchiha betrayed the village. Rei saw how displeased and how the Inuzuka clenched his fists and she inwardly smirked. She continued to explain what did happen to Obito.

"Obito Uchiha, survived and was manipulated by someone else, he was saved by this person from death. But he was unable to come back to the village as he needed to stay for rehabilitation for a long time during the war. He wanted to come back to Konoha, to his friends and team, one he considers his best friend, the other the love of his life. During this however, the man who saved him instilled him with the harsh reality of the world of shinobi, a twisted goal he wanted. Which he offered to Obito, but Obito did not want it he was kind-hearted and has the will of fire within him. He even wanted to be the Hokage. He constantly refused this offer. One day he was informed that his two teammates were in danger, and he could help them. So he did. For the first time in years he was out of the place... Only to see his best friend had killed his beloved right in front of his very eyes."

They all seemed to realize who the teammates were as their eyes widened bit by bit.

"His teammates were Kakashi Hatake and Rin Nohara. But I have to ask if all of you knew the story as to why Kakashi had to kill Rin Nohara?" Rei scanned the room and all of them nodded. *'At least they were informed of that.'*

"Obito was in despair." Rei noticed Fugaku frowned. "He did not return to Konoha, he returned to the man who saved him. Asked him about the goal he wanted, a world under a powerful genjutsu, where all things were happy. A never ending happiness for each and every person. Where together with Kakashi and Rin, they were alive and happy. Years later while he visited Rin's graveyard here in Konoha he overheard of his sensei's wife to be with child. That was Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. He was aware that Kushina was the Jinchuriki for the Kyuubi." Rei said looking at the people around her.

"The person who manipulated Obito wa-" The Hokage was cut off by Rei.

"San-jii-chan...!" Breaking out of her seriousness. "That's like a later reveal. I need to talk with Fugaku-san first before that." Rei hissed at the Hokage for the interruption.

The Hokage looked at the child and sighed. "Very well. I have come to understand you like the suspense. You must hurry, I know at least some of Danzo's Anbu are lurking and will inform him of this lengthy meeting."

Rei scoffed at the Sandaime making others wonder who was actually incharge of the meeting. "I was made aware. Shisui had sensed them before we entered."

"Anyway," She continued on her story as she cleared her throat. "Now all of you know that the Uchihas inside the village are not to be blamed of the Kyuubi's attack. It was a singular man with a vision to destroy not just our village but the entirety of the world." Rei looked at them seeing them nod slowly. "Good. Now as I've said I know all of the past and the future." Rei turned and walked towards Fugaku Uchiha.

The clanheads were skeptical as she approached Fugaku but knew that it concerned the Uchiha the most since it was revealed that the perpretrator was indeed an Uchiha like the rumours were.

"That means I know what's in the present as well, Fugaku-sama." She smiled knowingly at the man who narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Do you want to know the fate of your clan?"

Fugaku frowned and sighed. The blasted meeting, he knew and believed the words that came out of the little girl after it was confirmed by Hiashi. When she walked towards him, he flickered to the Hokage and Shisui who was looking at him with wariness. They have been informed of the coup d'etat, he already knew. He faced the girl, knowing it was already no use to deflect. He knew somehow his clan was still behind the attack since the shinobi was still an Uchiha by blood. "What?"

"The day before the coup d'etat, your clan will be massacred by your own son." At her sentence all clanheads stood up glaring at the man.

"A coup d'etat!? By the Uchihas!?" The Inuzuka growled.

"Fugaku is this true!?" Hiashi widened his eyes at the revelation.

"Everyone calm down. I only want to hear Fugaku-sama." Rei turned to all of them and they relented a little but all their faces showed disdain at the man in front of her. She turned to the Uchiha looking at his face.

Fugaku looked distraught at the information his eyes cannot focus on a direct place and wavered every single second. "Which son?" He slowly asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Rei replied in an instant. "Your eldest."

Fugaku nodded at her answer. "Could you give us in detail what happened?"

"What so you can prevent it from happening!?" The Inuzuka growled and turned to the Hokage. "Hokage-sama you cannot just let this information get by! They are planning to betray the village!!"

"They only thought it was the only way. Now that you know the truth of the Kyuubi's attack, could you blame them!?" Rei's yelled at the Inuzuka. "They were ostracized by people like you who believed in rumours! Imagine if that was your clan! Constantly hated from the beginning of the creation of the village!"

"Don't you speak to me like you know anything about this! You only read recorded events! You have no idea how our world works! You know nothing!" The Inuzuka barked at her.

"Yet here you are against me like I thought you would be. I only trusted Shikaku-sama, Inoichi-sama, Choza-sama, Hiashi-sama, Fugaku-sama and Tsume-san to listen to me at this room. Not you!" Rei glared at the man. "Do you understand the importance for me to trust anyone here? Do you know why I can trust them, not you?!" Rei growled clenching her fists.

"Rei!" The Hokage called making her turn her head to him. "Calm down, there's no need to yell at him. Inoichi, if you would please." The Yamanaka stood up walking towards the Inuzuka that panicked by the notion.

"Wai-!" Inuzuka saw a shadow stretched at him making look at Shikaku who had his hand seal for the Shadow Possession Technique. "You bastards!!"

**"Mind Memory Obliteration Jutsu!"**

At that instance the Inuzuka's eyes went white and fell backwards and Shisui was already there to support him. "I will make sure to place him somewhere safe." He said disappearing behind the door.

Rei instantly sighed in relief. "Goodness, I thought I'll have to deal with him until the end." She turned to the weary looking Yamanaka. "That looked like it took a toll on you, Inoichi-sama. Also I never knew such a jutsu existed. That was impressive."

The Yamanaka chuckled at the little girl. "Well, it's hard if it's a fellow jounin and a chosen memory. It also adds fabricated ones so it is considered an S-rank jutsu."

Rei bowed at the man. "Thank you. I couldn't really relax with someone I didn't know involved in this. Inuzuka's are quite loudmouth anyways so it is best that he is not present anymore." She turned to Fugaku once again. "Uhm. Regarding the Uchiha Massacre..."

Fugaku had his eyes set on her.

Rei felt a lump on her throat and suddenly felt awkward how to approach such a heavy matter. She cleared her throat and looked at Yamanaka who was closest to her, deciding to give him a piece of paper that he gladly took. "Will you please read this out lout?"

Inoichi seemed reluctant but nodded nonetheless. He began to read the paper.

"Seven years after Kyuubi's attack, the Uchiha's who had been under suspicions by the Konoha Council, and the constant mistrust they got from the other villagers had planned a coup d'etat. The council had been informed of the staging by one loyal Anbu who was an Uchiha who was initially tasked to spy for the Uchiha but became a double agent for the Hokage. Not wanting to have a civil war within the village, they tasked Itachi Uchiha to persuade his father to talk to the council peacefully. But after months of persuasion from Itachi, his father did not relent. Soon after one more Uchiha Anbu, began spying for the Hokage."

They all eyed the Uchiha patriarch who frowned at the information. Inoichi continued to read.

"It was all for naught. The efforts of the two Uchiha spies did not work to stop the coup d'etat. When the time was nearing for the coup d'etat and they knew nothing could stop it after the death of the other Uchiha spy. Itachi was wavering from what he could do to save his clan and to stop it. With the pressure of having to face a war, Danzo Shimura gave Itachi Uchiha an offer. He has given the younger Uchiha the choice to eradicate all his clan members and he can leave his only brother alive or face a war where the Uchiha clan is nonexistent including his younger brother. So Itachi had made a choice."

"Danzo...!" Fugaku growled his fists were clenched and Rei saw the flicker of red on his eyes as he stared down at the table.

"Itachi had to kill everyone, his friends, his family, his parents except his younger brother that he could not kill. Itachi had placed Sasuke in a genjutsu to make him believe he killed everyone in cold-blood. He had outside help unknown to everyone who focused on eradicating the Military Police."

"This event will be known as the Uchiha Massacre with the only survivor be Sasuke Uchiha. The traitor Itachi Uchiha will soon join the organization Akatsuki."

Inoichi was dejected as he finished to read such a tragic fate of the Uchiha's, not only him all of them were crestfallen at the information that was yet to happen. The Yamanaka held the paper to the girl and she accepted it back and placed it on Fugaku's table.

Then he muttered. "What of my sons' fate?"

Rei sighed and stared at the ceiling. "The coup d'etat was never known public, so Itachi staged that he massacred all of you... That was what Sasuke knew. He... went mad... He left the village for power at 13 years old, following even Orochimaru, and Sasuke killed Itachi avenging the clans death several years after that. When he came to know the truth behind Itachi's reason of killing his clan. He vowed to destroy the village instead of protecting it the way his brother did." Rei's eyes descended to the man in front of her. She was surprised to see a tear fell from his eye dropping on the paper she placed at the table.

He didn't speak. Rei let him think for a minute or two.

She didn't need to glance to the others to see what they think of the event, they've understood their presence in the room. This was to confront the man that would soon meet his demise, and the person who was trying to prevent his clan's fate.

"Fugaku-san. What do you want to do? I know initially you knew that your clan had nothing to do with it. But as I've revealed to you... It was an Uchiha. He is dangerous. Very dangerous."

The man remained silent.

"He will start the Fourth Shinobi World War." She finally revealed wanting the man to respond. She was carefully unveiling the future events, and to let the Uchiha decide.

There were gasps across the room.

"It's not just him leading it. The person who saved him is with him... that person is Madara Uchiha."

"Ma-Madara!?" Shikaku sputtered in shock.

"How is he alive!?" Hiashi paled.

The Hokage hummed in confirmation making all of them sweat and pale. "He is, according to Rei. The way he cured Obito who was reportedly been crushed by a boulder was he used Hashirama's cell. However the man who did helped Obito had eventually died."

"Then what did Rei said about him being with Obito in the upcoming war?" Shikaku asked confused.

"Worldly Resurrection." Rei said simply. "It is a forbidden summoning jutsu made by the Niidaime. It's usage is to bind a soul of a deceased person on a living vessel as they were when they were alive. But they can also do their summoner's bidding. But in Madara's case that time, he easily broke out of the control and still fought against us in the war. Orochimaru found a way to learn of this jutsu however."

She could see the Sandaime placing his hand over his face. "I should have killed Orochimaru when I had the chance..." He voiced out.

"Worldly Resurrection..." Shikaku frowned.

"What a terrifying jutsu..." Inoichi commented.

The door opened revealing Shisui without the brainwashed Isha Inuzuka. "I left him on a bench." He noticed that Fugaku was looking down and standing infront of him was his student. "Ah, I guess I was sort of late."

Rei shook her head. "Just in time, sensei."

The world traveller turned to Fugaku once again. "Fugaku-sama, will you waste your clan's strength for a coup d'etat and prove the council that they were right all along to treat you the way you were? Or will you stand by us against the upcoming war knowing that even though two Uchiha's were leading it... The Uchiha present in the Leaf was part of the war against them. Saving the world with us. For a better future. For you and your family."

Fugaku read the paper over and over when it was placed in front of him. His sons...

He lifted his head and faced the child as he made his choice.

"Tell us everything from the beginning."

Rei together with her sensei, Shisui smiled.

End of Chapter 7.

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