Pirate Hero, Deku!

By IzukuDMidoriya8

96.6K 1.1K 843

After UA completed their licensing exam to become hero's, they decided to get rest. But after a fight broke d... More

A Hero's Return
A Class Get Together
Disappearance Explained
Preparing for Training
The First Obstacle
Deku vs Heroes
The Quirkless vs the #1!The new hope for the world!
One For All!Straw Hat Bounty!
Singing Deku! Press Conference!
The Aftermath! Deku vs Hero Course!
Deku vs Bakugou: Part 3
Indoor Music Show!
Raid Meeting!
An Interview! Ideal of Freedom!
Important Announcement!!

Powers and Abilities Explain

6.6K 76 80
By IzukuDMidoriya8

-A few Hours later-

Midoriya opens his eyes to see the sun hurting his eyes and covered it with his arm. He sit up from a bed to see himself in Infirmary, all bandaged up.

???: Relax now kiddo, you still need rest.

Midoriya looked to see who say it and it was none other than Recovery Girl. Midoriya lay back down to the bed.

Midoriya: Thanks Recovery Girl.

R.G.: Just doing my job. *Sigh* But seriously your just as reckless as All might.

Izuku chuckled: I get that a lot. Hey how are the others?

???:Their fine.

He looked to see Aizawa, Nezu and All might coming into the room.

Aizawa: Your the one most hurt out of the group. It was unnecessary to head straight for battle.

Izuku smiled: I know. But someone must filled in the gap of All Might's retirement.

Nezu: Well that speech and action certainly did it. There are some people who hated it but mostly people seemed to be inspired by it.

Izuku chuckled more: I don't care what they say. I just wanted to make a point for everyone.

Nezu: About what Young Man.

Izuku smiled: That anyone can be a hero, even without a quirk.

All Might: I understand that you want to inspire people, but you didn't have to injure yourself for it young man. Not to mention other people, like Endeavor would have done it for you.

Midoriya looked All Might with a 'Are you serious' look.

Izuku: Do you really think people would like the guy more because of his pissed look.

Nezu chuckle: True, but people have their way of inspiration.

Aizawa: Speaking of which why did you say that 'I have no power to begin with'.

Izuku started to frown and looked at the others so that he can give him an answer.

Izuku: Well, you see...

-Some time later-

Izuku got out of the infirmary so that he can see his classmates. He got a lot of explaining to do. Aizawa told him that the others finished their part of the training and are waiting in the dorms for him. He walked there with Midnight, Aizawa, Vlad, Recovery Girl, Nezu, and All Might behind him. When he opened the doors he was then crowded out by his classmates.

His Classmates: Midoriya/Deku!

Iida came first doing his signature robot hands

Iida: How are you feeling?! Are you hurt badly?!

Kirishima: Dude, that was amazing. So Manly!

Bakugou: Deku! You better explain yourself right now!

Izuku nervously smiled.

Izuku: Ok, ok I'll tell you just come down. Let's have a sit so that I can explain.

They entered the living room, when the heard the door open to reveal some new quest.

Izuku: Ah your back here. Glad to see you can still walk.

Mirio: Yeah well I'm still a bit shocked that you manage to touch me while I use my quirk.

Izuku: I underst-

He was then interrupted by a periwinkle haired girl who got up to his face asking questions.

???: Hey Hey, whats all the abilities about? Were you using some kind of Supernatural power? How did you touch Mirio.

??? nervously: Enough Nejire. Give the kid time to answer.

A kid who appeared with indigo hair walked by to stop his classmate from getting close to other peoples faces.

Izuku: Oh ok. *Looks at his classmates* Who are they?

Mirio: Oh well you see We are* He does a muscular pose* The Big Three!

Izuku unsurprising: Well its nice to meet you guys.

Mirio: Wow, most people would be shocked to see us.

Izuku: Well I been surprised by better people.

Kaminari: Are you saying they aren't strong for you.

Izuku: Well, I didn't say it. But yes.

Everyone was surprised by how open he is with that statement.

Aizawa: Well, then why don't you battle them soon.

Izuku: Sure but they won't last a minute.

The Big three were a bit annoyed by the statement. But they just kept their cool, after all the next generation is always energetic.

Mirio: Alright, Let's battle soon.

Izuku smirking: Sure.


They looked back at the rest of the Classmates annoyed that they were ignored.

Uraraka: We want an explanation.

Izuku nervously chuckled: R-right. Well then *Sits in a chair* what should we start with first.

Iida: How about you start off with the first thing you did. How did you use your legs like that.

Izuku chuckled: I knew your going to say that. I learn those techniques, and cooking, is what I learn from the chef of the crew, Sanji. From him I learned Black-Leg Style, Diable Jambe, and Sky Walk. I knew that I need a way to avoid damaging my arms so I got help from him. Black-leg style, for Sanji's case, a way to avoid hitting people with their hands because they are meant for cooking. Also Sanji give me a lesson to never hit a women.

Momo: Well that very gentlemanly, but wouldn't you get yourself killed by that idea.

Izuku: Yes, even if my life's on the line I will never hit a lady.

Everyone was disturbed that even though he has all of this strength, he still has a few weaknesses in him.

Aizawa: Well continue with the other skills. How did you flew through the air.

Izuku: I didn't flew. I was just kicking the air with Skywalk. It was originally Geppo, but Sanji improved it to a better way.

Sero: How exactly can you kicked the air to 'fly'.

Izuku: Well by training my legs of course.

Kaminari: What kind of training.

Izuku: Well for the warm ups it was just 50 squats, 50 lunges and a 2 mile run. But for the main training I ran across a island with a boulder strapped to my back, Kicking boulders as if their soccer balls, Kicking several layers of steel walls, ru-

Sero: Alright, stop! My legs are hurting just from hearing this!

R.G.: How are your legs to functioning from all that.

Izuku: The training was rough, but it made my legs really strong. To the point that it can kick through tungsten.

Kirishima comedic tears: Dude that is so manly.

Iida: Right well what about the flaming legs you did to the robots.

Izuku: That is Diable Jambe, a technique where I have to rapidly spin to create friction to generate heat to power up my kicks.

Aizawa: How did you manage to do that without burning yourself.

Midoriya puts one leg over another and holds a straw in his mouth while his hair covers one of his eyes.

Izuku: Because my will always burn hotter than the sun.

Izuku said in a romantic way which made all the girls skip a beat.

Izuku: Or that's what Sanji tell me to say. The technique did burn me from the start, but I got used to it eventually. And now that I have learned a fire martial art style, I can use Diable Jambe without needing to spin.

Shoto: Speaking of which, how did you manage to use those fiery moves.

Izuku: Right, well I learned it from a samurai named Kin'emon.

Hiryu Rin: Wait their samurais in the world, I thought its just pirates.

Izuku: Oh yeah there are other stuff in the world that isn't pirates, there giants, fish-man, dragons, minks, even cyborgs. The world over their is a fantasy world for everyone, is has almost everything you needed.

Everyone was interested in the world since they could find stuff they would like to wish for.

Izuku: Anyway, back to the topic, from Kin'emon he tried to teach me his own sword technique called Firefox style. It allows him to generate and cut through fire. However, that fighting style isn't best suited for me so I created my own martial art technique called Fire Dragon Style, where I can generate and manipulate fire .

(Yeah I decided to change the name of the technique, so just think of the name like that.)

Shoda: So it's like fire bending from avatar.

Izuku chuckled: Pretty much.

All might: How about we go to the swordsmanship that you used against Endeavor.

Izuku: That would be three sword style, a fighting style my vice captain, Zoro, created himself. With the extra sword we use, it gives more power to our attacks. I also learned One and Two sword style, tho I prefer two sword style as my specialty.

Tokoyami: How powerful are the attacks?

Izuku: Well for one-sword style I can cut through steel like butter, same can go for Two sword style. But Three sword style can allow me to cut through almost anything, even a mountain.

Monoma: Hahaha, don't be silly. You can't cut mountains with swords.

Izuku smirking: Well someone say a quirkless can't beat the #1 hero, so how can you back up that statement from me.

Monoma was about to argue back but didn't because he could exactly argue with a man who won against the top hero. People was shocked that Monoma didn't argue back at a member of Class A.

Vlad: O-ok then. Midoriya, how about you explain what you did to Gang Orca. Because we he woke up from recovery, he explain the pain to be small bombs inside of his body.

Izuku: Well, that is another kind of martial art that I learn from the straw hats named Jimbei. I learn a very powerful martial art called fishman karate. It's all about manipulating the water around you and dealing blows to your opponent. It's so powerful that you can even take down giants with a single punch.

Bondo shocked: No way are you serious.

Uraraka: Deku, can you teach me Fishman Karate!

Kendo: Me too!

Ojiro: Same!

Izuku then shined a million watt smiling.

Izuku: If it means helping you guys, then of course I'll help with anything.

The girls blushed by the reply and shake it off to have Izuku continue explaining his skills.

Ibara: What about those plant like creature that you made.

Izuku: Those are called pop greens that I got from the sniper of the group, Usopp. I learned marksmanship from him by using the paint guns to fire as many pellets as I can. They can have different effects when they grow depending on which one you use. For example, the one of the pellets I use created Long vine like creates that are called Devil and another, to create a trampoline.

Bakugou: Well those are stupid.

Izuku smirking: Yeah but they did took down hawks, so don't complain about plants doing something that you can't.

Kaminari: Ooooh snap! Bakugou just got burned!

Bakugou activated his quirk with a pissed off look (Like he always does).

Bakugou: Shut up dunce face! And don't talk back to me Deku!

Aizawa activated his quirk to stop Bakugou.

Aizawa annoyed: Enough! Midoriya just continue your explanation so their anymore fights.

Izuku: Right, and speaking of Hawks, I should explain that rod I used to summon lighting.

Nezu: Yes, how did you do it.

Izuku: Well the staff, called the Clima-tact, Both Usopp and Franky, our shipwright, create it for both me and Nami, our Navigator, so that we can have some power with the weather. It has a lot of uses such as creating and maneuvering lighting to becoming invisible by becoming a mirage.

Nezu: That is really strong technology for a pirate world. Powerloader will be pleased when he hears about this.

Izuku: Well if we're talking about mechanic, then we should go with all the technologies that I made with Franky. We made tons of support and weaponized items for me. For example I created a gauntlet that creates a energized shield from the energy stored in my quirk.

Mirio: Wow, is there other stuff that you made.

Izuku: Well, besides the stuff that we made together, I made items that really helps me because we never had enough supplies for a lot of people. We also vehicle that when fused together, they can form into a giant robot.

Pony excitedly speaks English.

Pony: Really! That's so cool!

People were confused by what she said, but they were shocked by what happens next.

Izuku speaking English: Yeah, its really cool right?

People were shocked to hear Midoriya speaking English as if it was easy, it also made Pony surprised.

Uraraka: Deku, you can speak English!

Izuku: Yes, and also Spanish, Russian, German, and French.

Koda shyly speaks: How did you learn then all.

Izuku: I learned these languages from Robin. I ask her if I can learn them and she said yes. I also learned grappling from her.

Kendo interested: Are their other martial arts that you learned.

Izuku: Well, I did learn kung fu from our crew's doctor, Tony Tony Chopper but we call him Chopper. As well as medical knowledge from him.

R.G.: Well if your well known at the medical field, I should test you if your that skilled.

Izuku: Sure, that would be nice.

Monoma: Well aren't you a jack of all trades. Next thing you'll say is that you can sing.

Izuku nonchalantly: Actually I can.

Everyone looked at him with a blank expression.

Jiro: I'm sorry say what now.

Izuku: I can actually sing.

A moment passed and everyone yelled.

Everyone: WHAT!

Mina: Can you really sing?!

Kaminari: What genre do you use.

Bakugou: Would you idiots shut the hell up! There no way the nerd can sing.

Izuku: Well I can. I learned how to from Brook, the musician, as well as a bunch of instruments, such as guitar, electric guitar, violin, cello, drums, and also piano.

Monoma: Well prove it then!

Izuku: Ok.

Midoriya left to get something from his room. When he came back he brought an a sea shell with a few hole on it.

Bakugou: I thought your going to bring an instrument.

Izuku: Well for this song I'm going to sing with music as background. This is a sound dial. It's basically a recorder for the other world.

Mina: Enough just sing!

Midoriya places the sea shell on to the table and it a bottom that it had. It began to play drums violins and trumpets.

There's a place, you gotta be

A thousand leagues beneath, the sea

And it's waitin' over here, for you and me

Everyone was shocked by how great of a singer Midoriya is. He was like a celebrity in secret. This made the girls blush by how good he is.

Gonna take you for a ride, but first you gotta come inside

Get ready for, the party's on tonight!

So pack up, cash in, and get ready to begin

Toss the dice, once or twice

Baby, winning ain't no sin

Things began to feel weird because their environment just changed completely. Instead of being in the living room of the dorms, they are now in a casino wearing formal clothes to wear at a casino. Midoriya 'changed' to a nice emerald green tuxedo with a black vest with white shirt underneath and a black bow tie. He then moved away from them and appeared in a stage.

So, relax and just unwind

Leave your worries, all behind

And get ready for, the party's on tonight!

Small town blues all melt away

'Cause when the big fish come the train

Guarantee you have best night of your life

Prive your socks and shine your shoes

Tell your friends to spread the news

We're ready 'cause the party's on tonight

So pack up, cash in, and get ready to begin

Toss the dice, once or twice

Baby, winning ain't no sin

So, relax and just unwind

Leave your worries, all behind

So get ready, it's party time!

It's party time!

Midoriya finished singing and looked at everyone to see their reactions. The others were shocked to see their friend/student singing like a pro. The room was filled in silence for a moment to process on what they experience.

Izuku nervously smiling: So uh, what do you guys think.

"That was Awesome!" shouted Mina, Toru, Kirishima, and more.

Kaminari: That was amazing man.

Uraraka small blush: That was amazing Deku.

Nezu: Indeed it is. Excellent performance young Midoriya.

Izuku bowing: Thank you everyone. That was for a casino me and the straw hats go to have some fun.

Bakugou yelled: Don't think this makes you greater than me Deku! I'll be a better singer than you ever can.

Izuku: Sure. I think I got the headline for your first song " I'm a dick".

(Not going to lie their is actually a song called that. So I'm picking it for Bakugou.)

Bakugou: YOU SON OF A-

Aizawa screamed: SILENCE! The two of you stop fighting.

Bakugou calmed down and sat back into his seat.

Aizawa sighed : Well that was a waste of time.

Midnight: Don't say it like that it was an amazing show he put up with. I hope you got more of it too Midoriya~.

Izuku spine chilled up as he felt uncomfortable from what could happen between the two of them.

Nezu: Anyway, what happen during the whole song. The entire living room became an Casino.

Izuku: Well for you guys, music is just words. But for musicians like me and Brook, their magic. What happened was an Illusion created by music.

Jiro excited: That's amazing Midoriya! Hey can we work on songs together, maybe teach me how to play like you.

Izuku million watt smile: Sure, I'll be happy to write with you.

Jiro blushed a little as she is excited to work together on making songs. She has this weird feeling inside her and she couldn't shake it off, so she ignore it. However, she is not the only one who has the same feeling inside.

Izuku: Brook also taught me fencing which is a great help for my one sword style.

Aizawa: Speaking of swords, you didn't explain about the sword you used to get back here. You said it consume a devil fruit.

Izuku: Oh yes, allow me to explain. Devil fruits are cursed fruits that grants the user inhuman powers when you consume them. However the price of eating one of them is the ability to swim.

Kendo: Why the ability to swim?

Izuku: Devil Fruits were created by a sea demon. There are hundreds of Devil Fruits that have their own unique and weird ability. While it is impossible to know what power you'll get, their is a Encyclopedia about many types of devil fruits what powers they have. However, their not a lot them so their as rare as the devil fruits. The only way to know the name of the fruit is when you eat it.

Nezu: It's quite tough to get a strong power I suppose.

Izuku: It is. As vast they are, there are 3 different groups that devil fruits have: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia. Paramecia types are the most common and have a father variety of different powers than the other two. The three main types of Paramecia is emitter types, the ability to produce a certain type of substance like poison or string. Manipulation types, a group that controls things by touching them. And Mutation types, where it alters the user's body permanently when eaten. For example, my captain Luffy ate the Gum-Gum fruit which turns his body into rubber.

Reiko: Rubber?

Izuku: It basically means he has the ability to elastic and stretch his body in many ways. For example, he can bite through his thumbs and inflates them to grow his hands to the size of a giant.

Kendo: Just like my quirk.

Izuku: Yes it is. The next group of Devil Fruits are the Zoan Types. Their abilities are pretty simple actually. They grant the user to transform into an animal they got as well as human-animal hybrids. So they're not that special, no offense.

Tsuyu: None taken.

Shishida: Yeah, its nothing special when all you have is superstrength, Enhance Durability, etc. Tho extra powers such as flying from a bird quirk is cool.

Izuku: Yeah it is. There are normal Zoans, animals that aren't strong such as mice. Carnivorous Zoans, that transform into predators like wolfs. And ancient zoans where the user turns into prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs.

Setsuna excited: Wait Dinosaurs! Midoriya, do you have one of them!

Setsuna popped her head out and got close to Midoriya's face.

Izuku flustered: O-oh actually yeah I got one of them.

Everyone looked at him surprised.

Nejire: Wait you brought these Devil fruits here.

Izuku: Y-yeah, my friend send them to me as a farewell gift when I left.

Nezu: Midoriya you shouldn't bring something powerful here. What if the villains know about them.

Izuku understanding the situation.

Izuku: Well, it's just people in this room know about the existence of devil fruits. And besides, I looked over you guys and you guys aren't traitors.

Aizawa: How do you know that.

Izuku: I'll get that part in a moment. But let's finish off the devil fruit category. The last type of zoans are mythical zoans. They grant their users the ability to transform into mythical creatures such as dragons and a phoenix.

Izuku: Now the last Devil fruit class is Logia type, they are the rarest and strongest devil fruits ever. These grant the user to emit, manipulate and become a certain substance such as Ice or fire. They give the user intangibility as physical blows just pass right through them.

Denki: That sounds really powerful.

Sero: Yeah, imagine all the power you get by eating the fruits.

Izuku: Actually you can only get one.

Sero: Huh, why?

Izuku: Because if you eat more than one, your body will tear itself apart and die.

Kuroiro: That's dark.

Izuku: Well, that's what you get by being greedy.

Ibara: Not to mention your getting powers by the devil.

Ibara hates the idea that people are getting powers by the devil like it's nothing.

Izuku: Actually Shiozaki, Devil Fruits aren't bad. They're just like quirks but from a fruit.

Ibara: Our quirks are nothing similar to those fruits.

Izuku: Yeah but have we even consider about how quirks are made. True they are made by logical science. But how was it made to begin with was the question. Was it some form of mutation, or just some power made by a divine being.

Ibara couldn't argue much since she couldn't explain about how quirks are made or even how they existed in the first place. People are now curious about the true nature of quirks.

Nezu: Well, now that's out of the way, Midoriya has anyone from your crew who also eaten a devil fruit.

Izuku: Only Brook, Robin, and Chopper. Brook and Robin ate Paramecia type devil fruits while Chopper ate a zoan type.

Iida: Have you eaten one Midoriya?

Izuku: No, there were times that I have but I turn then down.

All might: Why not?

Izuku: Because I don't like the idea of losing my ability to swim, plus I prefer battling with haki instead of a devil fruit.

Todoroki: What's haki?

Shoda: You said that " As long as I haki, I can take on anything". Those are the black stuff around your arm right.

Momo: You also use that black stuff to interact with Miro.

Aizawa: Yeah, not to mention that when we looked closer at you, your eyes turned red. Was that Haki as well.

Izuku: Yes, it is. Let's start with the main form, out of the 3 forms of Haki. The Black stuff is called Armament Haki. It's a manifestation of my will power or spirit and converting into invisible armour. There are 3 stages of Haki, the first one is invisible armour where you can interact with people who has intangibility type powers like logias.

Mirio: So that's the reason why you can hit me.

Izuku: Yes, it was a theory at first, but me punching you proves that Haki can interact with quirks that are hard to hit. Such as the slime villain a year ago.

All might: This way people who have ghost like quirks can be easier to catch.

Izuku: The Second Stage is Armament: Hardening. It's like the first step, except it can cause lots of damage and used better as amour. You can also coat any object you wish such as a sword with Armament Haki to make your attacks stronger and tougher.

Vlad: So its like Kirishima and Tetsutetsu quirk.

Izuku chuckled: Pretty much.

Kirishima bummed out: Damn now we have another copy cat.

Tetsutetsu same reaction: That's not fair.

Izuku: Anyway the last form of armament haki is a bit advance. I learned it in a island called Wano. They called Armament Haki Ryou, however they know it in a different way. They transfer haki to their arms or weapons to damage or repel targets, without making direct contact with them.

R.G.: So that's how you repel Gang Orca Back from the group.

Aizawa: That is strong form of haki, considering that you can bypass any defenses your opponent has and damage them.

Nezu: Armament haki is really useful considering that it can also make capture weapons more durable as well.

Izuku: Exactly. The next form of haki is called Observation Haki. This haki has a lot of uses such as sensing the presence of others around you. From that user's perspective, everything around them becomes dark and they can see the aura of a person. It can be used to located people under rubble or people that are invisible for a person to see like Toru and Tsuyu.

Toru: Can you really see me?!

Izuku: Like a glowing human being. Tho, I can't give the specific details of a person like the color of their hair, eyes, etc. However, I can sense a person's emotion and strength of a person by their aura.

Nezu: That's a useful skill. You can determine the threat level of a villain, and decide weather to fight or help evacuate any civilians near by. Not to mention it can help you tell if someone can be an ally or a spy for the enemy.

Izuku: Indeed. Also, to me, by determine the personality of a person I can probably get an idea of what their backstory.

Aizawa: I don't think it can be worked like that.

Izuku gets up, walking towards Aizawa.

Izuku: Mr Aizawa, I can see that your the type man who don't care about anything. But deep down you do care.

The staff and the students are getting a bit creeped out by whats going on.

Izuku: You looked like the type of man that wants to make sure that people won't die because of them being weak or being cocky/brave.

Aizawa disturbed: What are you going with this.

Izuku: I'm saying that maybe the reason for this is because of experience. Maybe a consistent defeat of losing or maybe...

He got close to his ear so people don't hear it.

Izuku whisper: A death of a friend back at high school.

That is where things took a turn as Aizawa just punched Midoriya in the face only for him to be unfazed. Aizawa then grabbed the student by the collar and dragged him towards a wall. Everyone was stunned by how Aizawa got angry and the staff tries to calm Aizawa down.

Aizawa red eyes: Don't you fucking test me kid.

Izuku looking as if he did nothing wrong.

Izuku: I just wanted to show you how good I am with Observation Haki.

Nezu: Aizawa, that's enough. And Midoriya, I don't know what you said to him but if it's personal I suggest you keep it to yourself.

The teacher calmed down and put his student down, looking sad. Midoriya then patted him on back.

Izuku: Sorry for opening an old scar. You are looking ahead of the future for everyone else. So thank you for caring about us.

Aizawa paused for a moment to smile secretly so no one can see it.

Nezu: Alright glad you guys are getting along now. Sorry to say this is their more we should know about haki.

Izuku: Yes, the most use of observation haki is to predict the movement of an opponent. And the most killing intent the opponent is, the easier it is to predict.

All might: That an incredible skill. You can practically win a battle without getting hurt once.

Izuku: True, but you must have the reflex and the speed to dodge. And there's one more skill that should be titled as an incredible skill.

Vlad: And what's that.

Izuku paused for a moment to reveal the last form of Observation Haki. (Or at least that we know, now)

Izuku: Future Sight.

Everyone: What?!

Iida: Can you really see into the future!

Mina: What's it like in the future!

Mineta: Do I get babes when I'm a hero!

Izuku: Everyone quiet down! *chuckled* I know seeing the future is amazing to have, but for Future sight in Observation, it has downside. First off, like all the other observation uses, I have to be calm in order to use all those skills. Two, I can only see my future, so I can't see yours unless were together in the future. And three, I can only see about more than 30 second into the future and I can't go farther.

Mina: Damn, I was hoping you can see I good the future is.

Mirio: This skill is like Night Eyes quirk but weaker and you can use it constantly.

Izuku: Pretty much. These two forms of haki are the most common out of the three. But the last form of Haki is much rare than then the other two.

Shoji: Why is that?

Izuku: This kind of haki is something you can't train to get. It's something to be born with. A power given by divine right. Destined to be leaders or kings.

Ibara: Are you saying its a gift by the gods?

Izuku: It's not something I'll believe entirely but the people I meet with this power are leader and kings/ queens. For example, my captain, a man named Silvers Rayleigh, and a queen of Amazon Lily, are born with this power called Conquerors Haki.

All Might: How rare is it.

Izuku: Since it's given those destine to rule/lead, its like a one in a million chance of getting it. This kind of haki grants the user to dominate others will using their own, thus those with weak wills render unconscious.

Ojiro: Render them unconscious... That's what you did to Gang Orca's army. That means-

Izuku: That's right, I'm born with Conquerors Haki.

Iida: But you're born in this world. How can you possess it.

Izuku: It would appear that people in our world can have it as well. There are three people that I now know who has the Conquerors Haki. Those being, Hero Killer: Stain, All Might, and All For One. Iida, Todoroki, Kacchan, knows what I'm talking about.

This cause the three to remember the battles between the three, and how shaken they were when they battled them.

Todoroki: He's right.

Bakugou thinking: So you're in the same league as All might, huh? Don't get cocky you f**k nerd.

Iida: Then why weren't we passed out.

Izuku: There are two reasons why. One is those with strong will can over come the ability and at least remain conscious. The other is that haki isn't known here, so it couldn't get stronger than those at the other world.

All Might: That is quite a dangerous skill you possess.

Nezu: But we can not deny that your path of a hero is coming closer than you think Midoriya. And that your future is shining more than before now.

Izuku felt happy by the compliment and rubbed the back of his head.

Izuku: Ah, well I'm just doing what I can to be a hero. Plus Ultra am I right.

Nezu: That's right Midoriya. And I would like you to say that to the media in a couple of days from now.

Izuku: What do you mean?

All Might: Since the cameras were still on after you reveal yourself battling quirkless, the whole country is now asking questions about your own power. So they want you in a congress meeting so that you can explain your victory.

Izuku: Ok, but I'm keeping some of it to myself. I don't want the League of Villains to find out about this. After all, they were the ones that sent me there.

Aizawa: What do you mean by that?

Izuku: Before I disappeared, I heard someone yelling out for help. So being me, I rush in to save that person despite me being on house arrest. When I got there it was a trap. Kurogiri was there and he warped me to the other world saying "Masters successor doesn't need more problems heading his way."

Nezu: Then it ruined the element of surprised for us if we could use your abilities to find them. Then again, I would be more happy for you to be back here then attacking the LOV alone.

Izuku: Well, they won't attack us now since I showed off.

Sato: So there was more to that victory?

Izuku: Yes. First off, it would make the villains stop attacking U.A. Two, it's so that civilians can have their hopes up for heroes. And three, I want to make a people feel inspired, because even someone like a quirkless person can become a hero or something extraordinary.

Nezu: Really valid points there Midoriya. We really appreciate you helping out but we don't want one of my students getting hurt because they want to help us.

Izuku: I understand but I don't have to get hurt for you guys. I can just be the symbol that All might is, I'm just doing it my way.

Todoroki: Speaking of that, why did you have to battle as a quirkless specifically. You could have gone with the speech with a quirk.

Izuku: But it wouldn't get to them. They would just see another kid that is the next generation, stronger then the current gen., and say "Oh, he won because he used his quirk". I know that would be the case because I used to be like them.

Uraraka: What do you mean?

Izuku looks at the teachers who tell them his secret and decided to tell them.

Izuku: Because, I am not a late bloomer. I was quirkless.

(Man another long chapter done. I hope you guys liked it and see you at the next chapter.)

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