Happy (Belated) Birthday, Ton...

By RobinHood37

2.4K 49 53

What do you get someone for their birthday when they can buy anything and make everything they've ever wanted... More



225 5 2
By RobinHood37

Tony Stark sits in a falling apart armchair that someone shoved in the corner of a rather small hospital room located in the labor and delivery wing. Loki, of course, lays in the hospital bed, medical equipment strapped to every visible inch of her skin so the nurses and medical practitioners can monitor her heart rate along with the baby's oxygen levels and her progression through contractions and a million other things that Tony was only have paying attention to when they rattled off. Her back begins to arch as another wave of contractions rakes through her body. Tony's immediately on his feet and her side, holding her hand and brushing loose strands of hair out of her face. Her face twists in pain and a low groan escapes her lips. Tony peppers a few small kisses all over her forehead and whispers encouraging words in her ear. She falls back against the mountain of pillows one of the nurses brought her, her eyelids drooping from exhaustion. But there's a faint smile on her face that makes Tony's heart race.

"You're doing amazing, sweetie," he whispers, matching her smile. She squeezes his hand. "Almost there." She snorts. They both know that's a lie.

They rushed to the hospital a little after five in the morning when Loki woke up to her water breaking. Tony was so frantic that he didn't even bother changing the sheets or brush his teeth. He'd raced downstairs to grab the hospital bag and then raced back up the stairs to accompany Loki to the car. When they got to the hospital, they were met with the unfortunate news of Loki only being three centimeters dilated. But her contractions were so close together already (and, honestly, sounded like they hurt worse than getting Hulk-smashed (which Loki would know all about)) that they didn't want to send them home in fear of something happening on their way back. At least, that's what the receptionist told them. It probably had a lot more to do with who they were and what last name the baby would get.

And now, three hours later, Loki is still three centimeters dilated and in the worst possible pain she's ever experienced. Even Sleipnir wasn't this bad with all eight of his legs.

"She's stubborn, I'll give her that," Loki says softly, not feeling up to talking any louder. "Just like her father." Tony laughs and hangs his head slightly. "Daddy's little princess, I'm sure." She lifts her hand, all the wires connected to her lifting with it, and rests it on her bump, stroking the crunchy fabric of the hospital gown they gave her. "She already has you wrapped around her finger and she's not even born yet." Tony laughs under his breath.

"Huh, in the past nine months, I don't think we ever sat down and discussed all we want her to be." Loki raises an eyebrow. "You know, the back and forth banter of 'I hope she has your eyes' 'Well I hope she has your smile'?" Loki hums, closing her eyes briefly. Tony slips away briefly to drag the chair over to Loki's bed so he can sit down and talk with her and not have to worry about getting up every time she's having a contraction to be with her. He sits back down and takes her hand in his again."I hope she looks like you," he starts. She shakes her head.

"Children who look like me don't have the best track record, Anthony."

"Then we'll change that." Loki lets out a breath. "Just like we'll change our crappy upbringing by being the best damn parents the nine realms have ever seen." She smiles brightly, her eyes opening again, locking onto Tony's. He stares lovingly into her eyes before kissing her forehead. "So, yes, I hope she looks like you."

Loki shakes her head again. "I want her to have your eyes." Tony snorts. "Yours always look so warm and inviting. So full of love. Mine. . . Mine just look cold most of the time." He shakes his head before kissing her knuckles. "And your smile." Tony smiles. "Exactly. She needs that smile. And your brain."

"But my wit," they say together.

Loki raises an eyebrow. "Have I said that before?"

He shakes his head. "No. But I've known you long enough." She laughs before hunching over in pain. Tony coaches her through the contraction. "You okay?" She glares at him. "Well, besides the obvious." She huffs. "I'm sorry."

"No," she scolds. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"The self deprecation you always do. Someone you love gets hurt or is in pain and then you spiral." Tony stares at her, blinking a few times. "I've known you long enough too, darling," she teases. He snorts. "I love you."

"I love you too. Which is why—" Tony stands from the chair once more and makes his way over to the hospital bag on the other side of them room. Loki's brow furrows. He returns to her side with a long black rectangular box in his hand. Loki stares at the box as he hands it over to her. "—I got you this."

"What's this?"

He nudges his head in the direction of the box. Loki carefully sits up (with a little help from Tony) and lifts the lid. Sitting inside the box is a diamond necklace. Something similar to a necklace Loki found around Christmas time last year but decided too late if she'd actually wanted it or not. And then, of course, the jeweler decided not to make more of that style this year so Tony couldn't buy it for her for Christmas. Not that she's complaining about what she got for Christmas--the 'at-home' crown as he's calling it is beautiful--but if he had this, why wasn't a Christmas present like she had wanted?

"You're not the only one who's read up on things, Snowflake." She stares at him, her eyes narrowed just enough. "J told me that sometimes the fathers give their wives gifts after the kid is born as a way to thank them for everything they've done the past nine months. And I wanted to give you something to show my appreciation. After all, you've gone through all of this just to give me a birthday present." 

She smiles warmly and grabs his hand. "My dearest Anthony, you don't have to thank me." Tony matches her smile. "But I'm taking the necklace anyway." He laughs and looks to the floor. "It's beautiful."

"Well, I do have excellent taste." Loki blushes. "Do you want me to put it on you?" She shakes her head. 

"Not until she's here. I don't want it to get all disgusting from sweat." Tony brushes his fingers through her hair before kissing her forehead again. "However, I do wish she'd get here sooner." Tony glances to Loki's stomach. "Or if she picked a more reasonable time to start all of this. It would be lovely if the team was here. I think I'd feel a lot better knowing we weren't alone."

"I could call them." Loki watches him. Tony glances to the small clock hanging above the door. By now it's half past eight. A perfectly reasonable time considering the three soldiers, the two master spies, and two (well, three, but he's already included in the count) former HYDRA experiments in the family. "It's almost nine. I'm sure most of them are up already."

"Thor's not," she admits sadly. 

"Oh, he will be. JARVIS, call the team. Tell them it's baby time." Loki laughs. Tony squeezes her hand before setting the diamond necklace aside for later. "And make sure Mom's notified."

"Will do, Sir."


It isn't until noon the next day that Anna-Maria is finally born. Ten fingers, ten toes, a cry similar to a banshee's, all beautiful. She'd been blue for a good five minutes before they passed her back to Loki and Tony; being back in familiar arms calmed her enough for her skin to settle (much to Loki's amusement). 

When they allow the Avengers into the room to see the baby, Tony's maneuvered himself onto the bed alongside Loki. There's actually plenty of room without all the monitors suffocating her.  He's holding Anna-Maria who's bundled up in a soft pink blanket one of the nurses gave them. Loki's head is resting on Tony's shoulder, her eyes practically closed. Tony's paying so much attention to his daughter that he doesn't even notice when they come in at first. It isn't until Steve clears his throat that the new parents turn their attention on them. 

"Hello everyone," Loki greets softly before yawning. "May we help you?" 

Tony laughs. "Now, c'mon, Lokes. We all know why they're here." He adjusts his hold on Anna-Maria before pushing the blanket away from her face so he can properly present her to the family. "Meet our newest addition: Princess Anna-Maria Stark." Frigga breaks free from the crowd and makes her way over to Loki and Tony. Tony smiles warmly at her before carefully passing Anna-Maria over to her. Frigga starts bouncing with her, whispering things in Asgardian to her. Loki smiles at Tony's side. Apparently whatever's being said is funny. "Ten fingers, ten toes. A little blue. And definitely loud. But that I believe she gets from both of us." A few of the Avengers chuckle. Steve breaks away as well and stands a considerable distance away from Frigga, peering down at the baby. "Looks like Capsicle's found his latest obsession," Tony whispers. Loki rolls her eyes. 

"Don't make it weird, Anthony," she scolds under her breath. "He's just fascinated with her."

"Can I hold her next?" Wanda asks.

"No! I wanted to hold her!" Thor cries. 

"She's my sister! I should get to hold her!" Peter defends. 

"I think Steve's started the line already," Bucky quips. 

Tony looks over at Loki, an eyebrow raised. She simply smiles and shakes her head. He shakes his, a goofy smile forming on his face. Who knew Earth's Mightiest Heroes would be fighting over who gets to hold the baby next. 

"How about her godparents fight it out to see who gets to hold her next?" Loki suggests. All eyes fall on her. "It's been a long journey to get here. And you've all helped us so much throughout the past nine months. It's been difficult deciding on who gets to be her godparents--because she definitely needs them considering our occupation--" A few people chuckle at her joke. She smiles. "--so Anthony and I decided on having two sets of godparents." A few gasps sound throughout the room. "It's no secret that superhero-ing is a dangerous business. We can all be gone tomorrow if another mad titan decides they want to mess with us--"

"Lokes, why don't we skip over all the sad parts? It's our daughter's birthday. It should be a joyous occasion."

She nods. "Tony picked Bruce and Pepper as one set of godparents and I picked Steve and Wanda as the other." Steve, Bruce, and Wanda (Pepper is unfortunately away on a business trip; they promised to call her later today) stare at the two of them, slack-jawed. 

"Us?" Bruce squeaks.

"Really?" Steve asks.

"You trust me with the baby?" Wanda whispers. 

"Yes, yes, and yes," Tony responds. "We know we can trust the three of you to take care of her in case something bad were to happen to us." They smile and say their thanks before Steve and Wanda begin verbally fighting over who gets to hold the baby next. Tony laughs and shakes his head before resting it against Loki's who's still leaning on his shoulder. "You did good, sweetheart. She's beautiful."

"Because she's ours." Tony laughs but doesn't argue. Loki snuggles up into Tony's side. He wraps an arm around her to hold her closer. "Happy belated birthday, my dear," Loki whispers before her eyes finally close and her breathing evens out. Tony kisses her forehead before turning his attention to the rest of the team. Peter somehow managed to take Anna-Maria away from Frigga while Steve and Wanda were arguing and is rocking her (or hiding her) over in the corner. He smiles warmly.  

His family.

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