Going down

By randymyqueen

33.7K 1.3K 335

Harry, Marcel and Edward want to safe Louis who came into their hospital after a huge accident with a ship. ... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26

chapter 8

1.5K 57 36
By randymyqueen

I was about to climb in when yelling stops me and makes me flinch slightly in fear that whoever it is might hurt me "Edward please don't do this! I know you don't want him to leave either! Can we just maybe try taking him in and if it doesn't work I will bring him myself just please! I want to make him happy."

Louis' pov

I look at Harry with wide eyes why would he want me happy? I hear Edward sigh which makes me think I did something wrong for a second but thankfully he starts talking to Harry instead "Harry we can't..." "Please Edward just let us try! I know you want it just as bad because I know you care just stop trying to do the 'right' thing and just let us do this."

Edward stays silent for a second "Ok then."

Harry cheers making my eyes shoot up to him which makes him quiet down right away "Sorry Louis didn't mean to scare you."

I can't help but be confused "A-Are you my masters now?"

Both Harry and Edward gasp and shake their heads "No no Louis we are not, You are free darling with us. We will take care of you."

I look at them with wide eyes "Free? Really?" Harry nods and I just can't help but feel sceptic but something inside me tells me that they are telling the truth and I do something I never thought I would do.

I walk up to Harry and wrap my arms around him "T-thank you." I get this weird warm feeling when Harry's arms also wrap around me, I don't know what it is but it feels really nice, I wanna feel like this all the time.

"Wanna go home with us now?" Harry ask as he pulls out of the hug. I nod slowly and look back at the thingy I'm gonna have to get into.

"That's a car... What did you use to go places where you lived?" Edward asks softly "Walk or c-carriage?" Edward nods "Well this is like that but without the horses, we found something that could give it power which makes it move."

Harry guides me into the... car? and points at some weird round thing "That's a wheel it's like reins." I nod feeling slightly overwhelmed.

I can't help but flinch as Harry leans over me and grabs a belt like thingy that's attached to the car "This is a seatbelt it keeps you safe in the car you always need to wear it in the car, you buckle it like this-" I watch as Harry clicks the metal thing into something and tugs on it to show that it's stuck "-and to unbuckle it you push the red button, try it?" I click the button and watch it release the metal thing and I can't help but let out an amused giggle.

I grab it again and buckle it and look up at Harry who is smiling at me and then also climbs in next to me and also buckles his seatbelt.

We had to wait for a little bit of time in which Harry explained more about the car when Edward and Marcel also got in the car. I can't help but notice that Marcel's eyes are slightly red almost like he cried.

They also buckle up so they are safe and then Edward starts the car which makes me flinch slightly due to the sound to which Marcel turns slightly to look at me.

"Don't worry Louis you will get used to it." He gives me a soft smile before turning back.

"M-Marcel?" I ask slowly hoping he won't get mad for what I'm going to ask.

"Yeah?" "Did you c-cry?" Marcel doesn't say anything which makes my fear of him being mad rise.

"Uhm yes I cried because I was sad because I thought that I would never see you again."

"W-what why?" Marcel turns around again and he has a weird emotion on his face that I don't know "Because I care about you Louis, we haven't known each other for long but I don't want to loose you."

I feel myself tearing up, no one has ever cared about me like that. My heart skips faster as Harry softly rubs my hand but I'm not sure if it's out of fear.

"I-I thank y-you" Harry and Marcel smile at me as Edward starts speaking "I know everything is scary and that you don't fully trust us yet but I promise you that we will make you happy and give you a good free life. We want to teach you all about our world as well as learn about yours."

A smile creeps onto my face as Edward says that "I d-don't understand what's happening but I f-feel like I'm safe with you and I've never felt s-safe before so please don't ever h-hurt me."

"We promise." All three of them say at the same time.

Before I knew it I had to unbuckle again and get out of the car along with Marcel, Harry and Edward. I had expected to be met with a warehouse like place but I'm met with something even more beautiful then what the master would live in.

"T-this is h-home?"

They nod.

"Yes Louis this is your home." Marcel says while he opens the door and I look around with big eyes.

"I have a home." I whisper while tears roll down my cheeks, for the first time in my life I actually have a home.



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