The Sweetest Kind

By seriesfreak

12.9K 1K 458

Yoon Jin Ah hates that she can't do anything while the town picking on Yoo Jin Woo, her best friend. Min Tae... More

Hair Pin
Ankle Guard
Corn Dog
Sweet Dreams
Ferris Wheels
Sunset Daze
Pink Notes
Call a Friend
Set Up

Key Chain

1.1K 85 19
By seriesfreak



"No. Don't push it, Min Tae Gu." Jin Ah glares at her tutee in front of her. They're at the end of their weekend tutoring session and Tae Gu suggests something that doesn't compute with Jin Ah's mind.

"Why? It'll be fun."

"Everyone will be in that festival. And please, you won't be able to concentrate. It's a festival, not a place to study!"

"The next test is still 2 weeks away."

"Mr. Min, if you want to skip a session, it's fine by me."

Tae Gu knows now if Jin Ah uses his family name then that means she is really annoyed with him. But for the love of him, he can't stop teasing her.

He'll tease her until he gets to see that roll of her eyes. He lives for that these days.

"Miss Yoon, I never want to skip a session. My life depends on it. I'm merely suggesting that the venue of our study session can be of my choice this week."

"You choose the cafe in front of the city's library. We all know that's where the festival's center stage will be on this year."

"It's more because the ferris wheel is nearer."

"What ferris wheel?"

"You know, the big, round thing that goes round and round." Tae Gu makes a gesture with his index finger.

Jin Ah can't help but rolling her eyes at him and by the way he is smirking, she knows it has to be his plan all along.

Jin Ah has stopped herself from doing that rolling her eyes thing too much around him because she knows he does that to get a raise out of her. But she can't help it. He is good in riling her up.

"What I mean is, I haven't heard they bring back the ferris wheel."

Finally getting his fix for the day, Tae Gu scales down his tease and starts cleaning up the bench.

"Let me know if you change your mind. It'll be fun. We can have the study session on a school night if you fear everyone will be around on weekend."

Tae Gu stands up gingerly. As much as winning the game last night made him happy, probably he shouldn't push himself too hard. His right ankle is sore. He even choose to ask to be dropped here by his father's driver.

Now... he'll text him again to pick him up. Or...

"How did you get here?" Jin Ah looks up from putting her things to her bag.

"By bus. Why?"

"Is there a bus stop near my house?"

"From the mayor house? Let me check." Jin Ah sits back down on the bench and checks on her phone.

"It shows here there's one about 5 minute walks from your house." Jin Ah holds out her phone so that Tae Gu can see it for himself.

Tae Gu joins her on the bench and sees that the nearest bus stop is pretty near. He looks at his guarded ankle. 5 minutes walk should be okay, right?

Jin Ah witnesses this from her place across from him. Glancing a look at his feet, she repressed a smile seeing the ankle guard she bought for him strapped tightly on his ankle.

Ever since he stepped in the court for practice using those guard, her heart hasn't stopped its flutter. Add it with the way he seek her eyes and the not-so-subtle look he gave her when he netted their school's game winning shot, Jin Ah has to school her heart for a long two minutes before their session today.

Don't betray Jin Woo more than this, Yoon Jin Ah. You know how Jin Woo despises him.

"Maybe you shouldn't play so much last night. Give chance to the others to shine. You're hurt anyway." Jin Ah says trying hard to appear indifferent.

Tae Gu turns to her and smirks. "Nah, someone gives me this ankle guard to see me play. Wonder if she saw the winning shot, though."

Jin Ah is pretty sure she's blushing by now. To avoid another round of teasing and riling Jin Ah up by Tae Gu, Jin Ah gets up and walks away.

"Until later, Min Tae Gu."

"Wait. Ya, Yoon Jin Ah, wait. Let's take the bus together." That stops Jin Ah. She looks at Tae Gu's feet, seemingly unsure. "Why don't you call your driver? Are you sure you want to take the bus?"

Tae Gu stands before her, arms crossing in front of his chest, satisfy grin in his handsome face.

"Is that worry I hear in your voice? Are you worried about me?" Jin Ah rolls her eyes then continues her walk not answering him. "Suit yourself, Min Tae Gu. The bus will arrive in 8 minutes, you might want to hurry."

Tae Gu grins seeing the cute girl in front of him stomping her way to the bus stop. On that winning shot last night, initially he didn't intend to do that. He looked for Jin Ah all night but couldn't find her anywhere in their school section.

He finally found her on that last shot, sitting beside a woman he knew was Jin Woo's mother. He gave her his signature smirk when their eyes connected but she deliberately looked anywhere but at him on that final winning shot.

The ankle guard was not helping him on that last quarter to be honest, his ankle already felt sore but the knowledge that she was worried about him enough to buy him those pair of strap brought warm to his heart.

No one ever did anything like what Jin Ah did for him. Not even Chae Yoon.

Tae Gu tries to catch up with her opting to jump in on his good leg. Jin Ah glances at him when he comes up beside him and slows her step to accommodate him.

"Thank you for the ankle guard." He says looking ahead to the street in front of them.

"You still owe me that corn dog." Jin Ah responds. Tae Gu chuckles. He purposefully leave out that one snack for their next session.

"We can always go there now."

Jin Ah turns and glares at him. Halmoni's food truck is located near the basketball court where Jin Woo loves to practice. Tae Gu raises his hands up in surrender while holding his laugh.

"I'm just saying... if you want it now, we can go there. If not, there's always next session."

Jin Ah pouts adorably. He has seen her glare, her eye roll, her annoyed expression and now her pout. But never once he has seen her smile at him.

How to make her smile, Tae Gu thinks.

New challenge then.


When he decides he'd take on the bus, he never thinks he'll be standing for almost twenty minutes. The bus is packed and there is only a seat left. There's no way he lets Jin Ah stands. After debating on who sits and who stands, Tae Gu softly pushes Jin Ah to sit. Now, the girl looks at him worriedly.

If he is alone he would've grunted out of pain already, his ankle is evidently hurt. But he winks at his tutor trying to tell her that he is okay.

Jin Ah knows Tae Gu is lying, she can see the grimace on his face every time the bus stops then runs again. The only thing she can do for him now is holding his bag, so that's what she does.

Tae Gu finally gets a glimpse of her smile when the occupant of the seat in front of her - a halmoni - stands. What a smile, Tae Gu thinks. He can't take his eyes off of her. Even when the seat in front of her is no longer occupied.

Jin Ah turns to him gesturing with her head for him to sit. He is dumbfounded, still staring at her. Heart beating faster.

"Min Tae Gu, sit." She gestures again to the seat in front of her. Tae Gu - who is still in daze - turns to the empty seat. But doesn't move to sit.

What is wrong with him? Is he alright? Is it the pain? Jin Ah is really concerned now.

She touches his arm softly trying to break the daze and lets it go immediately when she feels electric current flows through them. Both of them now look at where Jin Ah touches Tae Gu then they look at each other.

Jin Ah knows her face is flushed but strangely she can see that Tae Gu's face turns crimson-ish too. Jin Ah wants to laugh because this is so awkward but refrains as Tae Gu finally sits in front of her.

Once he can't see her, Jin Ah chuckles softly shaking the awkwardness of the situation. She hopes Tae Gu won't hear it but of course the sound of her chuckling carries to him and brings smile to his face.

He knows for a fact that Yoon Jin Ah's eye roll is cute, but this is the first time he registers what a pretty girl his tutor is.

Where does she hide all this time? Ah, beside Yoo Jin Woo, Tae Gu realizes. He chuckles bitterly. He should never forget that fact. Thinking about Yoo Jin Woo will ruin the rest of the day and Tae Gu doesn't want it.

He wants to be in good mood when he talks to Chae Yoon later on. Pretty sure she'll break up with him and he doesn't plan to make it hard for her. They have no future whatsoever so why make it hard for her?

He'll focus on his study and his basketball after this. He is so focused on his thought that he startles when Jin Ah taps his shoulder lightly. "I'm two minutes away from my stop." She says as she holds out his bag to him. Tae Gu nods at her then takes his bag from her.

"You sure you can walk back to your home?" Tae Gu smirks listening to her question. "Why don't you help me getting home if you're so worried?"

"I'm not worried about you! But if you're dead somewhere, there's pretty big chance I'm the last one who is seen with you. I want to avoid the hassle." Tae Gu laughs. This girl is funny too, he thinks to himself.

The bus finally stops at her stop. They look at each other for the last time before Jin Ah nods and says her good bye.

"Bye, Min Tae Gu."

"Until next session, Yoon Jin Ah."


Yoo Jin Woo has been best friend with Yoon Jin Ah for five years now. He's sure he knows everything about Jin Ah.

Her favorite color is beige and red. Her favorite snack is tteokbokki and Halmoni's corn dog. Her favorite subject is English. She's a big fan of hello kitty too. There's one hello kitty key chain he gifted her that she treasures so much. Jin Ah doesn't like sports, she doesn't like to be disturbed on weekend, and she doesn't like Min Tae Gu as solidarity to Jin Woo.

Jin Woo knows everything about Jin Ah. That's why he knows Jin Ah hides something from him. It's been nagging him but he doesn't want to make a problem of something that isn't there.

But as he stands in front of Jin Ah's house, now he knows it's even worse. Jin Ah has lied to him about something.

"She isn't home?" Jin Woo repeats what Jin Ah's mom tell him a moment ago.

"Yes, she says she has study group?" Study group? What study group? Jin Woo thinks. She says she can't accompany him for his basketball practice at the court because she doesn't feel too good. This time of the month, she said.

"Thank you, Ahjumma. Don't tell her I look for her." Jin Woo smiles then turns around dribbling his basketball to the court. It's been several Saturday Jin Ah gave excuses to him.

What are you up to, Yoon Jin Ah? This fact kills his mood for a practice. Jin Woo sits down at the only table at Halmoni's food truck after ordering a corn dog for himself.

Jin Woo makes hypothesis in his mind while waiting for his order to come. The only thing that makes sense to him is Jin Ah has a boyfriend.

But why doesn't she tell him about it? His thought is interrupted when a second person sits at the table.

Jin Woo can only look at her. His tongue tied as the girl who's been in his mind for so long is suddenly in front of him.

"Hey. Is it okay if I sit here?" Chae Yoon greets him. Jin Woo nods. Is it really the first time they talk to each other?

"You're Yoo Jin Woo, right?" She knows about him doesn't mean anything to Jin Woo. Everybody knows about him. And his history.

"Yes." Jin Woo answers curtly. He doesn't want to talk about his history, even more so with his half-brother's girlfriend.

Chae Yoon lets out a small smile. "Good game last night."

Oh, dang, that smile. His heart does a little somersault in his chest. Jin Woo always dreams to be the recipient of that smile one day but he never thinks it will be a reality.

He wants to smile back but his face muscle is still in shock that Ha Chae Yoon - the Ha Chae Yoon of his dream - talks to him and even smiles at him.

"Thank you. Your boyfriend also played a good game."

Good job, Yoo Jin Woo. What a way to open a conversation. Her boyfriend?! Jin Woo scolds himself.

Ever since he set his eyes on Chae Yoon in 8th grade, he never had interest to other girls. So his experience in talking with girl is only Jin Ah. No wonder he can't pick up a conversation.

Chae Yoon's smile dims and she shrugs. "Maybe not for long anymore." She mumbles softly.

"Excuse me?"


They are busy with their own thoughts after that. Jin Woo can't stop the pound of his heart being this close to his dream girl while Chae Yoon thought flies to her upcoming conversation with Min Tae Gu.

Their break up is inevitable, Chae Yoon knows that. They don't even like each other anymore. But it's still something they have to finish. She only hopes Tae Gu won't pull anything.

They both look up as Halmoni gives them their orders. "Omo, Jin Woo-ya, where's Jin Ah?"

"We're wondering the same thing, Halmoni." Jun Woo smiles at the old lady. Halmoni is grandmother of Seo Dal Mi, the student body president.

"It's weird seeing you here without that girl." Chae Yoon glances at Jin Woo. Chae Yoon knows the girl. The one that also waited outside the basketball hall that night. Are they a couple?

"Eh, it's not that weird. Jin Ah has her own world, Halmoni." The old lady chuckles. "That's true. Tell her to come helps me sometime. I'll give her corn dogs. Enjoy the snack, kids."

"You're here a lot, I guess." Chae Yoon comments. Jin Woo smiles this time. "We come here every Saturday to play on the court." Jin Woo points to the court behind the food truck.

"I'm not gonna disturb you then. I'm going." Chae Yoon smiles back at Jin Woo then walks away. Jin Woo doesn't want their interaction to be over just yet. He won't know when he'll get another opportunity.

"Ha Chae Yoon." He calls her name, the first time her name rolling out Jin Woo lips. Chae Yoon turns around towards Jin Woo.

"I'll see you around."


Today is not a good day for Min Tae Gu. It is supposed to be an ordinary Tuesday, but the event from weekend still ruins his mood.

Today is another day of basketball practice after class for Jin Woo and Tae Gu. All the team members know that Tae Gu's mood today is beyond bad. He comments on all Coach's order, he doesn't want to pass the ball and none of his shot is in, even his routine one like free throw.

The rumor says he breaks up with his girlfriend of 2 years, the most beautiful girl in the school, Ha Chae Yoon. If it's true then his mood is perfectly understandable.

Tae Gu sits down panting after being benched by Coach Hong. His play today is...

"You suck today." That's to put it simply, yes, Tae Gu thinks. To hear it from Yoo Jin Woo is something else.

"Mind your own business, bastard." He can't help it. Jin Woo picks the wrong time to mess with him. He can see Jin Woo's red face, trying to suppress his anger. Tae Gu looks around expecting to see Jin Ah on the seat as usual. But she's nowhere.

"I'm just stating a fact, I can give you some pointers, you know." Jin Woo says after a while. Why he feels bold today and taunts his brother, he has no idea. Probably because that 'bastard' remarks.

"I'm not in the mood, Yoo Jin Woo. So I'm warning you. Mind. Your. Own. Business." Tae Gu gets up and roughly takes his bag, not realizing something falls from it and rolls to Jin Woo feet.

Jin Woo takes the thing from the floor but he can't think of one reason why that thing could fall from Tae Gu's bag. He looks at Tae Gu's back walking away and feels his anger surfaces.

"Ya, Min Tae Gu!" Jin Woo runs to him and pushes him so hard Tae Gu almost falls down.

"What the hell?!" Tae Gu turns around and sees an angry Jin Woo. Jin Woo steps closer and grabs Tae Gu's jersey.

"Don't mess with Jin Ah, do you understand me?" Jin Woo says in low voice. Tae Gu is flabbergasted with Jin Woo's words. Aw, shit. How did he know about the tutorial?

Tae Gu grabs Jin Woo's arm that touches him and forcefully removes it. "Don't. Touch. Me. And I never mess around with Yoon Jin Ah." As he says this, the door to the hall near them is opened and the girl in question enters the hall with her books.

By the look on her face, Tae Gu knows what Jin Ah thinks she sees happening between Jin Woo and him. Her eyes flare and give him the death glare. She doesn't say anything opting to ensure they act like they don't know each other. Not knowing that her best friend already knew.

"Jin Woo? Are you alright?" Jin Ah goes to her friend, worry obvious in her face.

Tae Gu sighs, his position is bad. And he doesn't want to make Jin Ah's position worse in front of Jin Woo.

He takes his bag and walks away after glancing one more time towards Jin Ah.

Today is not a good day.


"What happened?" Jin Ah asks as they sit on the bench. Jin Woo is still seethed and Jin Ah doesn't know what happened.

"You tell me what happened." Jin Ah looks at her friend confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

"Where were you every Saturday afternoon this past month?" Jin Woo asks her straight to the point.

"I've told you, I haven't been well." Jin Ah can't sit still now that Jin Woo asks her things.

"Are you sure? Because I went to your house and your mom said you went out for study group. What study group, Yoon Jin Ah?"

She knows this thing with Min Tae Gu will come biting her in the ass. She just doesn't believe Tae Gu sold her out. And he even got into a fight with Jin Woo!

"What did Min Tae Gu say to you?"

"Why did you assume it was something to do with Min Tae Gu? What didn't you tell me?"

"Nothing! You were about to get into a fight with him, what did I suppose to think?"

Jin Woo is really angry. Of his best friend betrayal. Jin Ah is the only 'real' friend that he has in this school and she knows how badly Tae Gu treated him.

"You might want to be extra careful the next time you meet him secretly." Jin Woo gives her the Hello Kitty keychain he picked up from the floor.

The one that fell down from Tae Gu's bag. The one he gifted Jin Ah a few years ago.

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