Fairy Tail One Shots

By AshleyBlackmoore

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A bunch of one shots for my favorite anime~ Fairy Tail If you want to see one on a specific character comment... More

Rogues Sister ~Hormones~
A masked ball for Winters hand Laxus one shot
Happy New Years Natsu
A contest for attention~Graylu and Laxusxoc
Return of the cursed-Loke aka Leo the Lion
Rogue One Shot ~ Little mate
Gajeel Redfox ~ Valentines Day Mate
Natsu one shot ~ Magic spell
Princess ~ Gajeels sister a Rogue One shot
Sting Eucliffe ~ Master
Gray one shot ~ It'll only happen again
Natsu Dragneel one shot ~ You know what I mean
Rogue Cheney One Shot ~ A Place To Call Home
Laxus One shot ~ Idiot

Elfman one shot ~ Such a Woman

688 19 4
By AshleyBlackmoore

"Hey Nina come here for a second would ya?" I turned around in surprise. Gajeel had called me over to him. (pronounced Knee-Nah not like nina as in little girl in spanish)
"Yeah what is it?" I asked carefully balancing my tray of empty glasses and flagons in one hand. Sitting around the table were Elfman, Gildarts, Macao, Wakaba, Natsu, Master, Gray, and even Gajeel. "Need more drinks?"
"Actually yeah but that's not why we called you over." This both picqued my interest and made me wary. I carefully set down my tray on the table.
"Well then what is it?"
At this smirks flitted across everyone's faces, everyone's except Elfman who was looking surprisingly rosy cheeked. A expression of nervous embarrassment was on his face. The minute my eyes locked with his he turned scarlet and quickly turned his head away from me.
Ok what on earth was going on?
"What's with the new look?" Demanded Natsu before anyone could get a point across. I looked down in mild surprise. My outfit was pretty simple, at least I thought so. I had a bright blue halter top dress with a black corset around my waist. My white stockings where thigh highs which meant you could see my skin between where they ended and my skirt began. On my feet were plain simple black Mary Janes. Then again considering my normal outfit consisted of camouflage cargo pants and a t shirt or tank top I understood his surprise.
"This oh I was just thinking that it'd be nice...to ah...switch things up. You know try something new." I shrugged with a smile. My gaze flicked towards one of the males before I quickly distracted myself. "It's not bad is it?"
"No!" My head jerked towards Elfman. He swallowed looking embarrassed and pink cheeked under everyone's surprised gaze. "I mean uh it's wonderful quite manly!"
I blinked in surprise. Manly was the height of compliments as well as the only compliment from Elfman, ever.
"Uh thank you." I said in mild shock. However I couldn't let it show that my heart was soaring. "Um what was it exactly that you guys needed anyway?"


"I'm glad I could help." I said to the kind mayor with a bow.
"Take care on your way home now!" Called the old man after us as Elfman lifted me into the cart before clambering in after me.
"That was actually really fun. Though I admit I didn't expect that fighting in heels could be so dangerous." I admitted as we trundled along.
"Yeah. You were a real man!" I laughed at this.
"I don't know about that after all I am a girl. Maybe I'm a real woman? I mean I can't imagine any of the guys putting on dresses and heels and acting as bait to catch robbers with you can you?" I suggested Elfman looked shocked, then puzzled, then he seemed to have an epiphany.
"Yeah you're a real ma-woman!" It surprised me he actually fixed what he was saying. Maybe no one had ever suggested a change in the way I did? Eh who knows...besides it was kinda my fault...
As I was pondering this Elfman was talking.
"Thank you Nina I couldn't have done this myself." He stated quietly a gentle smile on his face cheeks pink. "You looked great dresses up like a lady even while kicking ass."
This surprised me he was being so gentle so meek...
"Uh thanks." I responded not sure what to think exactly. The carriage hit a bump, and searing pain shot through my ankle making me grimace.
"Uh Nina here maybe this would be better." Before I knew what happened I was lifted and placed on Elfmans lap his arms holding me gently like a little babe. Indeed as my foot was set down on the pillowed seat it did hurt much less.
"Thank you but are you sure this is ok?" I peered up at him but he pulled me closer and tucked my head into his chest and shoulder.
"I-it's fine. Afterall what kind of a man would I be if I didn't help out a...a uh..."
"Friend?" I suggested. Why did that word seem wrong for our relationship, sure it fit well for when we were kids but now...
GAHHH why did everything have to be so complicated!
"Uh y-yeah I guess." I could tell the word didn't sit right on his tongue either as he sounded almost disappointed. This sparked a small bit of hope in my heart.
Maybe it was time for a Mira tactic. I thought Peering up at his red face through my bright turquise colored bangs. Yeah my hair was an odd color but then again my eyes were the same exact color and all the guys like it. In fact I hated it I hated the stupid color and the way no matter what it tumbled in curls all the way down to my behind no matter how much I straightened it, but because of Elfman...

Third person Flashback

A little girl was sitting in the park sulking on a swing. Hot tears were tumbling down her cheeks and her little hands were balled into fists on the chain.

"Nina?" The girl looked up before scrubbing her eyes vigourously on her arm. 

"What do you want Elfman?" she demanded purposefully looking away from him.

"Master told me to come get you." Said the large boy in a timid voice.

"No way! I'm not going back Im not going to apologize to those-those jerks!" a angry pout came across her cute little face. Now that she was looking up it was easy to see that the dirt smears that covered her body and clothes were also on her face. On top of this she had a nasty bruise on her cheek bone and a split lip, her knuckles were also a bloody sight to behold.


"Those jerks!" anger flared in her bright intense turqouise eyes. "Its not like I asked for my hair to be this color! It just grows this way! I hate it! I hate this color I hate that it attracts attention I hate it I hate it I hatre it! I dont need them to remind me its weird and ugly! I know that and I hate it!" her little fists tugged hard at the bright turquise strands. It was then that Elfman realized her hair which had previously fell to her knees was short, it was as though someone had taken a razor and chopped it unevenly in a longish pixie cut reminiscent of a boys hair cut like a messier form of Gray or Natsu. "I hate it so much, its not like I wanna stick out I cant help it, its not fair..." 

Elfman was surprised to see that tears were welling up in her eyes again before sliding down her cheeks.

"Who did that?" asked Elfman stopping before her and looking her bruised and battered form over. "Who cut your hair?"

"Why? Its not like it matters!" she sobbed rubbing furiously at her tear stained face.

"Of course it does I love your hair it was so pretty. I loved how bright it is and how long it was. It was like a waterfall. I love your hair. Why would  anyone cut it?" asked Elfman running his fingers through her short spikes. "It doesnt even curl anymore." 

Nina stared up at him her tears forgotten. Elfman looked truly upset as he ruffled her hair. 

"N-no one..."

"Hmm?" he glanced down at her face but she quickly looked away a pink flush on her dirty bruised cheeks.

"No ones ever said that they like my hair before. I dont even like my hair, its so weird and it only brings trouble." a small scowl fell on her lips reopening the cut there.

"But its so cool, so pretty Mira and Lisanna are always saying they wish they could die theyre hair this color." This took the young girl by surpirse.

"What? but-"

"And I like it its different its cool." he smiled tugging on a piece. Young Nina blushed furiously and looked away again. "Come on lets go back to the guild. Masters pretty angry with you and so are the others. But its probably because your not telling us. Those kids your always fighting they did this didnt they they bullied you right?"


"Nina..." Makarov stared in shock as Nina stood before him her turquise eyes refusing to meet his. "Your hair..." 

The sound of a fight broke out in the guild while Makarov was still staring at his grand daughter.

"Elfman! Natsu! Gray! Erza! Mirajane! What are you doing quite it!" Macao and Wakaba along with Gildarts and a rater reluctant Laxus heaved the younger kids off of four screaming adolescent boys.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS HOW DARE YOU ATTACK OUR CHILDREN WHEN THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!" shrieked one mother pulling her bloodied son away from Elfman.

"Do you raise your children to go after and bully young girls because their hair or looks are different? Do you raise your children to think that because someone has no parents and refuses to go to ask for help that its ok to target them and treat them as trash? That its ok to pick on and abuse younger weaker children because of their looks or abilities?" Makarov was holding a very surprised Nina to his chest. "You come here claiming my child attacked your children, that my nine year old grand daughter decided to go after and beat up your four 14 year old sons for fun and laughs? Maybe its time you ask your sons for the real reason my daughter keeps leaving them with bruises and cuts because Im sure its not the tail theyve been telling you." 

His deep calm but abviously furious voice took even the mothers by surprise and made the previously crying boys open their mouths to protest only to realize that not only were the younger members of the guild giving them looks that could kill but so were the older ones especially a certain powerful lightning user.

"WH-what do you mean the real reason! Are you serious your daughter used her magic on our boys yet again!" huffed one slightly shorter red faced mother.

"First of all I'd ask your son exactly what kind of magic Nina used because I can tell from looking at their injuries she didnt use any of her magic to fight them. Nina doesnt use magic on non mages considering the inequality of fighting abilities it makes."


"ICE!" The two mothers looked at each other confused.

"Guess they based their stories on her hair color huh. Theyve never even seen her use magic because Nina's magic," Laxus pulled her forward and Nina knowing what he wanted lifted her hand up allowing her magic to flash like little pixie lights around her hand "Is a Light dragon slayer. And Two," Laxus's hand swooped in towards the two oldest boys making the mothers sqwuak in fury and cover their boys. however he quickly pulled away leaving them unharmed. "I'd ask your son had scissors in their pocket and what exactly this tuft of my sisters hair is doing in his pocket as well."

"WHY YOU!" Natsu struggled in Gildarts arms trying and not succeeding to hit the two boys with his fists.

However one blow did land on the two boys. Elfman quiet shy, 10 year old elfman had punched both older boys in the face hard enough to knock them off their feet. 

"Elfman!" cried Lisanna.

"WOO Way to go Elfman!" cheered little devil mirajane with her devilish grin.

"OI Elfman thats enough!" scolded Makarov despite feeling a certain satisfaction. 

A few minutes later a sniffling Elfman was apologizing to Nina. "I should have been able to protect you."

"But Elfman you did! You were such a man fighting like that and taking on someone so much older! Only a real man who is strong and brave could have done that!" Nina gave him a happy smile as she grinned up at him.

"A real man...?"


"OI NINA ITS A LETTER OF APOLOGY BASKET FOR YOU FROM THOSE MOTHERS!" Nina walkd over to Macao at the bar eyes wide in surprise as she saw the huge basket on the counter.

"Think its big enough?" asked Wakaba laughing. The basket was big enough to carry two young natsus and a nina in it.

"After what those boys did nothing is enough." grumbled Laxus. He was furious, the four boys were o 14 and being 17 himself he had challenged them to a fight which Makarov had interviened with to stop Laxus from killing them. Needless to say no one in the entire village dared to say a bad word about his little sister and her usual bullies were all in hidding.

"Is it really all for me?" she asked climbing up onto one of the bar stoolsIt was over flowing with cakes, cookies, sweets, and money to replace her messed up clothes and buy her a new hair cut at the salon.

"Yep all of its yours." agreed Makarov smiling as his granddaughter dug into one of the brownies with obvious excitement.

"Ummm Nina.." she turned on her stool as she chewed vigorously, chocolate smeared all around her mouth.

"Nina!" Laxus sighed as though it was a chore and quickly wiped off his sisters dirty face much to her protest. Finally jumping off the stool and away from Laxus she was finally able to concentrate on the person who had called her,

"Elfman! Whats up!" she grinned at him her hands planted on her small slim hips feet squared on the ground.

"I uh got something for you." admitted Elfman blushing a shy smile on his lips. The younger girl cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Got something for me?" oh boy did she look cute! Elfman blushed even more she was shorter than he was and adorable what with her boy cargo shorts to just below her knees, and a white wife beater top and suspenders.

"I just found something I thought you might like when I was on a missio so..." the boy failed to finish.

"He hasnt stopped talking about giving it to you since!" cackled Mirajane nuggying her brothers head.

"Oi Mira leave him alone!" protested Lisanna pulling their big sister away.

"Elfman?" the boy blanched to find a curious and smiling Nina in his face. "You got me a present? Where is it can I see?"

"I'its not much..." warned Elfman but the girll just grabbed his arm and shook it beaming. 


"H-her I thought it'd be nice to hold your hair back until it grows out again." murmured the boy holding out a sparkling cobalt head band.

"Its so cute!" adored Levy as the girls gathered around her.

"It is pretty cute but I wasnt going to grow m hair out again..." mumbled Nina even as she looked curiously at the headband.

"What? Why not its really pretty when you do!" protested Elfman making her blush.

"I-I guess I could grow it out again though it'll be a pain." huffed Nina pretending not to be embarrassed and fooling no one.

"Looks like little miss tomboy has a cute side to her afterall." cackled Mirajane.

"Shut up!" protested a red faced Nina befoer looking at the sprakling plastic head badn again with a confused scowl. "But how do you put one of these on?"

"Here want me to help you put it on?" asked Levy the queen of all hair bands.

"Actually..." Nina glanced at Elfman before huriedly looking away and clearing her throa.

"E-elfman since you got it for me will you h-help me put it on?" she demanded gruffly the color of her cheeks giving her real feelings away.

"Y-yeah." the much meeker boy blushed before standing on tip toe to slide it into place. She now looked like she could be Levy's sister. It was very cute.

"Thanks." she said "Youre a real man!" She held out her fist for a fistbump a tough scowl on her face but her cheeks the color of Erza's hair.

"R-right a real man!" he fist bumped her back making all the adults laugh as the other kids giggled.

"Looks like even idiots can be cute." tutted Laxus earning his sisters glare.

"Elfman is not cute he's manly!" She protested hands on hips.

"I was talking about you idiot." this started a small skirmish between the two siblings the older of which had only insulted her to get her away from Elfman, no way in hell was he letting any boy near his precious little sister, she was his princess no one elses.


When she thought about it that way. Elfmans saying of being a real man was as much his fault as her long blue hair was his. Funny what simple words as kids could do. But there wasn't time to be thinking about that! She needed to give Mira's tactic a try.

"D-do you wanna stop off somewhere to eat on the way back?" asked Elfman as the carriage hit another bump.

"Elfman?" Nina was taken by surprise. "Are you asking me out on a d-date?"

the blush on his face said it all.


"Elfman Nina youre back!" cried Mira happily as the two entered the guild doors.

"Hey everybody sorry were late." apologized Nina.

"You were on a mission its natural for those things to take time. I'm just glad you're back in time for the cherrry blossom festival." cheered Lucy.

"Y-yeah!" cried Elfman who with his concious didnt know how not to feel guilty. "The mission took forever right! Nina was a real woman too!"

Everyone stared at them as Nina turned red and hid her face in his broad chest since he had insisted on carrying her due to her ankle.


"They didnt..."

Mirajane let out a squeal of joy.

"You two got together didnt you!" surprisingly she was over the moon. Elfman blanched at his sisters reaction. In fact she wasnt the only one who was surprised considering the others remembered her reaction to Elfman and Evergreen when they were only partners.

"W-why-" but he wasnt given the chance to protest as his cheeks turned hot pink.

"FINALLY!" Roared Natsu

"Congratulations man took you long enough!" Cried Gray smiling.

"How did it happen! When! Elfman did you try what I told you? When's the engagement? I cant wait to go shopping!"

"MI-MIRA!" Cried the pair both scarlet faced as the white haired lady got ahead of herself.



"We should have known theyd find out somehow." sighed Nina as she sat beside Lucy and Elfman and Cana for bingo.

"Yeah but Mira really went over board." complained Elfman who was still embarrassed. However he wasnt too embarrassed to keep her in between his legs as they played. 

"She's still going over board." reminded Cana watching as the white haired female was fluttering around the picnic blankets squealing all about their date which she had forced out of Elfman.

"I know how to get her to stop." said Nina "Well either stop or freak out more..."

"H=how?" demanded Elfman who didnt want the guys in the guild to keep teasing him over the fact he had brough her to a little cafe for lunch.

"Like this." Nina leaned up and gently brushed her lips against his long enough for Mira to see. Elfman blushed something terrible as she pulled away. He didnt even realize Mira had fainte hearts till in her eyes at the sight. "OI!"

"What is it wrong that I should kiss my man?" asked Nina gruffly in a way that reminded everyone around them of her attitude whenever she was embarrassed as a kid.

"A real man kisses his woman first!" and with that he did just as he said. And it was a shame that it came to an end early. For big brother Laxus had chosen that moment to arrive at the bingo game.

A real man doesnt run, but a real man also knows better than to fight his girlfriends stronger older brother. Which is why Elfman was running around trying to explain to a furious Laxus. 

"B 5!" called Master.

"I won! Bingo!" cried Nina who paused in her chase of her big brother.

"Oh ho you win the two free all expenses paid tickets to a weekend at the beach!" cried her grandfather.

"Yipee! Hey Elfman wanna go with me?"


"YOU WILL NOT!" Lightning fell like rain from the sky as Elfman sprinted away, while Laxus sprinted after him and a yelling and protesing Nina chased after them all pain from her sprained ankle forgotten in her happiness.

Hey guys I'm sorry if this sucks its just hard imagining Elfman as loveydovey x.x

But I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment I love hearing from you guys :)

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