Welcome to my playground || K...

By RandomGangster

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Doyoung isn't really into frat boys, but that doesn't stop 5 from being into him. . . . . In which Doyoung ge... More

Oh No!
Oh No! Pt. 2
I should've stayed
The dating project
Day 1: Johnny
Day 2: Yuta
Day 3: Jaehyun
Let me take your hand
Day 4: Lucas
Day 5: Mark
Keep me guessin' Keep me guessin'
Turn back time
Day 6: Jaehyun
What it means to remember
Missing Puzzle Piece
Day 7: Yuta?
We'll take it slow
Next step
Behind the scenes + new projects


306 7 3
By RandomGangster

*3 months later*

Three months, it has been exactly three months since Doyoung, Johnny and Mark started dating and still no one has asked to be boyfriends officially and Doyoung is starting to get desperate... like... how do you get into a thruple and have them all be too shy to ask first? So that's why Doyoung decided to take matters into his own hands.

Lucky for him Valentine's Day was coming up soon, and though Doyoung wasn't fond of clichés, having your anniversary on the 14th was one he could let pass.

However unlucky for him, after Taeyong moved in with Ten, he moved into Taeyong's vacant apartment and at first it was cute that Johnny and Mark lived with him (out of money convenience... yeah... for sure) but right now, when he needs to be alone, both boys decide there's nothing better than staying at home cuddling. Not that he minds (at least not 100% ) but he needs this to be perfect and he can't think while they're both around.

"Hyung~" Mark whined, and both Johnny and Doyoung hummed in acknowledgement.

"I'm hungry cook me something"

"Which one?" The two older said in unison.

"Doyoung hyung of course... do you want the apartment to burn down?" Johnny scoffed, but honestly, other than maybe scrambled eggs and toast, he wasn't very good at putting a meal together.

"Fine, but after we eat I have to... go... do something" Doyoung knows it was the shittiest excuse but somehow it flew over their heads, and sometimes he's thankful about how naive they can be.

After they ate (and maybe cuddled for a little more time) Doyoung decided it was time to start planning. However he came across one tiny problem. Most of his friends were busy, and he needed help. Haechan and Renjun were in yet another trip, Lucas and Kun were helping Ten and Taeyong install a cat proof aquarium and Winwin, Taeil and Yuta were on another date, which by the way, he still can't believe they're dating, they're cute but it was kind of sudden and Doyoung absolutely gives himself full credit for starting a poly revolution.

So that means he either has to find a way to figure things out by himself or...

"Jae, uh... thanks for doing this"

"It's kind of sick that you're asking a person who has a crush on you to help you organize a date for him and his... boyfriends? And for the day of his birthday! Stone cold" Jaehyun said, but Doyoung could tell it was a joke so he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You can't talk about sick, you basically sexually assaulted me... and no not yet that's why we're here" Though the first part was meant to be a joke, the last sounded nervous.

"I'm really sorry about that... really, I know sorry doesn't cut it... I did go to therapy and I realized just how much of an asshole I was... only for them to confirm it" Doyoung felt pity for the boy, it's not like he thought anything Jaehyun did was okay, but the fact that he was trying to be a better person, and he wasted 1 quarter of his life not being one, was kinda sad.

"It's fine Jae, I'm pretty much over it or else I wouldn't make a joke of it, but if you really wanna make it up to me help me with this" Jaehyun smiled, and although it was a bit nostalgic, Doyoung found he felt nothing.

"Well they really like Chuck N Cheese for some reason" The younger started, and Doyoung scrunched up his nose in mock disgust.

"I'm not gonna ask Mark and Johnny to be my boyfriends in a musty ass place full of kids"

"Well you could find a more... adult version of it" Doyoung's eyes lit up at that suggestion.

"The amusement park! Renjun and Haechan went there a while back, you have to go by bus of course but I think I still have enough time to buy tickets and a hotel room and shit omg it's gonna be epic"

"I can get you the bus tickets while you book the hotel... and I promise I'll try not to fuck it up for you"

"Ok, I trust you Jae"

Trusting Jae meant he got his tickets, yeah, but also they almost missed the bus because Jaehyun decided he'd come by to give it to them 15 minutes before the bus was supposed to leave... luckily they all had packed already and it was all about getting the suitcases in the trunk to go to the bus station. Which Jaehyun helped out with, truth was he'd wanted to be there earlier, he didn't have any intentions of sabotaging the trip, but he fell asleep... and sometimes a man just needs to rest.

"I can't believe we almost missed the bus" Mark said panting as he sat on the seat with his number.

"Yeah, did you see the drivers face? He looked so annoyed" Johnny added.

"At least he let us in" Doyoung finished sighing.

The hotel was actually fancier than it looked on the pictures, and Doyoung was relieved it was all going well. Mark and Johnny's faces were so bright and amazed and he felt so enamored, he knew this weekend was gonna be IT.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Mark asked first, poking at Doyoungs cheek to annoy him enough that he'd spill.

"Stop trying to ruin my surprise" He whined looking at Johnny (who was lying on his other side) for help.

"Be patient lil man" Both Doyoung and Mark groaned at this.

"I thought you were done with that nickname"

"I love the reaction it gets out of you two"

"You're a sadist" Doyoung said, trying to stay awake, today had been a little tiring and he was glad to finally be in the comfort of hotel room beds.

"Mm maybe I am, we should try that out soon"

"Don't be such a perv" Mark said hitting Johnny lightly.

"Says the one who choked Doyoung on our first time together"

"I didn't choke him I lightly put my hand around his neck" The younger of the three defended.

"Because you wanted to feel my dick down his throat!"


"Guys! Omg, aren't yall tired" Doyoung said giggling at his two bickering... partners? God they really needed to fix this title thing asap.

"We're never tired for a good debate"

"On which one of you is more perverted? Here I'll finish it for you guys, it's both"

"Says the one who took two dicks the same night he lost his virginity" They both said at the same time, immediately high-fiving.

"Omg, goodnight" He said turning his back on them.

"Goodnight Doie" Doyoung isn't sure who said it, or if it was both of them as he drifted off to sleep.


"Happy Valentine's Day!" Doyoung screamed bouncing on the bed excitedly.

"Mm, calm down" Johnny groaned, still half asleep, voice sickly sweet and croaky like Doyoung liked.

"God you actually look like a bunny doing that, it's cute" Mark said as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Maybe you are the most perverted after all" Doyoung teased.

"Hey! Can't I compliment you without you thinking I'm horny"

"You're young, of course not"

"I'm not always horny" Mark pouted.

"Says the one who suggested eating me out on our first date"

"I thought you didn't like bickering!" The younger complained.

"When I'm 2 seconds away from falling asleep" Doyoung clarified, now looking at Johnny who fell asleep again.

"Omg wake up sleepy head! I reserved breakfast at a really nice place and if you don't wake up now we're gonna be late... again" Johnny shoots up at the mention of food, startling his younger partners.

"Happy Valentine's Day! I bought you guys something wait here" The taller stood up going to his suitcase and retrieving two small boxes and two gift bags.

"Dude, you're not gonna propose right?"

"Even if that had been my plan, it would've turned into a no as soon as you called me dude"

"You're the same guy that calls me lil man" Mark defended, it seems like all he's done so far.

"I also got you guys something, though I don't think it's as fancy as Johnny's" Similar to Johnny, Mark took out two bags.

"Open mine first" Johnny said, as expected the small box was a ring, a customized ring to be specific. Doyoung's was a simple silver loop that had the word "Doie" written in cursive. Mark's was the same only he had "Markie" on his and they were both relieved it wasn't "lil man".

"I have the same ring but it says Johnny, I wanted to write something cuter like yours but I think Johnny-ie sounds weird" They all laughed hugging and though it felt like a mess off limbs they were happy with eachother.

"The other bag is just candy"

"Open mine now"

When they did, Doyoung wanted to coo, his was a little bunny plushie, and Johnny's was a small bear.

"I have a baby lion to match yalls, do you like it?" Doyoung nodded, pecking Mark's lips before doing the same to Johnny.

"I love it, both gifts, they're beautiful" He said.

Doyoung noticed how Johnny kept staring at the small bear, eyes starting to get teary.

"It's- It's so cute... so tiny"

"No no, don't you dare cry, I will not stand Mark one-uping me before you guys have seen my gift" Doyoung said wiping Johnny's slight tears roughly. Making both boys laugh.

"I thought this trip was your gift"

"Well yeah but you still haven't seen my last surprise" Doyoung pouted.

"Alright babe, let's go to breakfast and you can show us your suprise later"


Breakfast was small and simple, happy, and if some people looked at them weirdly as they held hands, or fed eachother or did anything typical of couples, they didn't care, they were just happy of being besides eachother.

"My last gift starts at around 5pm so um, to kill time we could walk around town" Doyoung said, and the other two boys nodded, liking the idea.

There wasn't many places to visit that weren't the amusement park and weren't near the amusement park either. So for Doyoung, time went by slow, panicking that one of them would figure it out before it was time, but lucky for him his soon to be boyfriends (if they said yes) were easy to trick, and when 4 rolled around he was more than happy to announce they should go back to the hotel room to get ready.

Doyoung wore a light blue jumper, while Mark wore a yellow one and Johnny a red one. It had been a gag gift Haechan gave them that they may have liked a bit too much, but Doyoung knew something was missing.

"I know it sounds weird but you guys have to wear a blind fold... trust me please"

"Oh so we're getting kinky" Mark said, teasing his hyung.

"And you said you weren't horny all the time" For this, Mark didn't have any words to defend himself.

"Fine" They sung in unison, letting Doyoung tie the bands over their eyes.

How he managed to get them both into the cab without any mayor inconveniences was beyond him, but at least both the boys cooperated, only making slightly suggestive comments here and there.

"Are we there yet?" Mark asked.

"The car is still moving right? Then of course not" Johnny replied in Doyoungs place and Mark scoffed at his passive-aggressiveness.

"We're here!"

"Can we take the blindfolds off?"

"Not yet"

Doyoung guided them to the main entrance tying a small band around each of their wrists, and if the smell of popcorn and the sounds of kids laughing didn't gave it away, he for sure was about to ask the most oblivious boys in the world to be his boyfriends.

"Ta-da!" He exclaimed, pulling at the knots in both their blindfolds so they'd fall at the same time.


"Doyoung this is so fucking cool"

Both boys' gasped, the place was huge, and colorful and noisy, and maybe it wasn't Doyoungs typical form of entertainment but he was satisfied enough just watching them be happy.

"Everything is payed for, just make sure you show them your bands"

"Thank you so much hyung!"

"Can you literally be any more perfect" Doyoung blushed, smiling widely at the praise.

They got on a few machines together, then on some Doyoung absolutely refused to get in, and finally ones Mark and Johnny somehow convinced him go ride (those always ended up being the worse).

They ate pizza and then they went back to the machines. This time not being able to convince Doyoung which, in this case, was the better option since by the third Mark was spilling his guts out. Thankfully he'd expected it and greeted them with a bottle of water and a mint.

"Wow this was so much fun" Mark said, though his stomach was still feeling a bit sick.

"We should probably be getting back now, it's getting kinda late" Johnny suggested which made Doyoung pout.

"We still haven't ridden the Ferris wheel... you can't go to an amusement park and not ride the ferris wheel" He complained, Mark nodding in agreement.

"Fine, only because you guys are pretty" They both beamed, running towards the non existent line since the park was soon to be closed.

Once they reached the top, the ride came to a full stop, and Doyoung could see their eyes panic for a second.

"Um? Is this normal?" Mark says first.

"It's not... in any other case, buuut I have contacts" Doyoung smirked.

"Doesn't Jaemin work here on long weekends?"

"Shush... let's enjoy the view for a second" Johnny and Mark who were sitting next to eachother watched as Doyoung stared at the city bellow. They smiled before deciding to follow what he'd suggested.

"So we've been dating for... well... quite a while now" Doyoung started after a few seconds.

"and... maybe it's cliché and all but I was wondering if you guys wanted to be boyfriends, or my boyfriends, well I guess both is what I mean" He giggled awkwardly, but somehow it seemed fitting.

"Yes! Yes hyung of course!" Mark says before the taller of the three can say anything.

"Wait... we haven't been boyfriends all this time?" Johnny asks, which makes Mark and Doyoung look at him in confusion.

"Well no one ever asked officially until now so... not with a title I guess" The youngest says and Doyoung nods.

"I asked you guys last week... at the party... don't you guys remember?" The two younger boys panic, it had only recently been that Mark recovered his memories from the Halloween party, there's no way this was happening again.


"I'm just messing with you two that never happened, of course I wanna be boyfriends.

"God, don't do that again you scared me, and probably Mark too!" Doyoung whined stomping his feet a little which caused the cart to move a bit.

"Oh come here you pouty boy" Johnny said, but it was him who walked towards Doyoung, afraid that if he moved to their side the cart would tilt.

Once settled, he pulled Doyoung onto his lap.

"We are not about to do this in a public place" Mark said when he realized Johnny's intentions.

"He's right, we should take this to the hotel room before an accident happens and I fall to my death" Doyoung said before pulling away from Johnny and after a quick text the ride started up again.


"So boyfriends, how do you wanna do this?" Mark asks.

"Mark, as cute as it is, calling us boyfriends all the time sounds a bit awkward"

"Ah! I just like the fact I can use it now!" The two older boys cooed at their boyfriend's antics.

"Well we can do it like the first time" Johnny suggests.

"Or we could double penetrate you like we did for your birthday" Doyoung blushed, yeah he always bottoms, but it wasn't always that he was the center of attention, some days it was Mark, and somedays it was Johnny (which was Doyoungs favorite way if he's honest, since Mark and him would team up to tease the fuck out of the oldest boy). So them suggesting sex centered around him did make him a bit shy (in a good way of course).

"Or Johnny can fuck Mark, while Mark fucks me" He suggested, not addressing any of the boys in particular.

"Fuck ok yeah"

"I- I wanna prep Mark" Doyoung said, he'd never done anything like that. It was usually Johnny who offered since he was always so meticulous about the process.

"Oh" The taller of the three said, and Doyoung assumed the only reason why Mark hadn't said anything was because he was really turned on, if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by.

"Hyung you can prep me and I'll just copy what you do" This, Mark did reply to with a small nod.

After taking their clothes off, Mark laid down, his back pressed against the sheets while Doyoung sat on his heels. This position would give them all space to work with without it being too awkward.

"Ok, here, you don't necessarily need a shit load of lube but it's better for there to be more then less" Doyoung rolled his eyes.

"I'm not completely uneducated on this subject... yknow there was a time I thought I was a top so I like looked shit up" Mark tried not to laugh, he really did, but his serious facade didn't even last 3 seconds.

"Hey! I could be a top if I wanted to!" Doyoung nagged.

"Mhm, you're right, too bad your pretty body was made to be fucked" Johnny said kissing Doyoung's neck as he slipped one finger inside. 

Doyoung gasped, not really expecting the sudden intrusion. His cheeks turning a light pink.

"Cute" Mark says, stroking his cock slowly, and though Doyoung didn't wanna make this about himself he preens under the compliment.

"You can start with Mark baby" He mentally slaps himself for forgetting to do the same to the boyfriend in front of him. He applies a bit more lube than the one Johnny had squirted on his fingers in fear that it had dried up even though it hasn't been that long.

He strokes Mark's hole once, twice, before he slips his fingers in. It's easier than he thought, and with Johnny's second finger slipping inside him he doesn't really have the time to feel nervous.

He pumps his fingers a few more seconds before he slips in another one.

"Is he doing good Mark?" Johnny says, the first words in a while.

"His fingers feel different... in a good way... they're long" Doyoung can tell Mark barely made it through that sentence, too focused on the pleasure, but he's more turned on by how Johnny and Mark talk to eachother as if he wasn't there.

"Can we add another?" He knows Johnny isn't talking to him so he doesn't answer, just focuses on Mark, and when the younger nods, he slips in a third finger.


"Hmm, do you hear that Doyoung? I think Mark might like you're fingers more than mine" Doyoungs chest flushes, and while he's distracted with pride Johnny slips in the fourth and probably final finger. He whines enjoying the feeling of being full.

He's not sure how he's been able to hold up so well and keep up the same pace with Mark considering he melts with anything inside him but he's glad it's almost over as hot as it is. Right now he feels the need to lie down and just take it like a proper slut.

He slips in another finger inside Mark and the younger lets out the most pornographic moan he's ever heard. Doyoung's cock twitches and he feels desperate.

"I think you hit the spot"

"Do that again hyung" And Doyoung does, suddenly craving to hear more noises like that. He's always reveled in pleasuring other people.

"I'm ready" He doesn't know who says it first, if him or Mark, but Johnny and him slip their fingers out at the same time so he assumes it was probably both.

The bed is still warm from Mark's body when he lays down, the sheets smell like detergent and a bit of his boyfriend which he loves.

"I'm gonna push in hyung" Doyoung nods, and even though it's not the first time Mark's inside him, it feels different, in the sexiest way possible. He knows that in a few moments, Johnny's gonna basically be fucking him through Mark and he's not sure how to feel about that other than impossibly turned on.

Mark moves slowly at first, and Doyoung knows Johnny's not inside him yet, they're letting him adjust first and he's thankful for that. He lets out breathy moans everytime Mark pushes all the way in. His thrusts are deep and calculated and Doyoung isn't sure how he hasn't lost his mind because they're also painfully slow. At one point Mark stops, but before he can complain, there's a pleasured sound coming from the younger. Johnny's going in.

Johnny's face is buried against Mark's neck while Mark has his head thrown back on Johnny's shoulder, mouth open in pleasure. It's not the first time Johnny fucks Mark, but it is the first time he does it while he's inside Doyoung and they can't really blame him for being overwhelmed when he's receiving stimulation from both ends.

"Kiss me" Doyoung says, pulling Mark towards his lips, and Johnny takes the opportunity to push a bit harder. Making the two younger boys moan into the kiss.

Then Mark goes back to lay agaisnt Johnny's shoulder, though he seems more composed now.

"I need to close my eyes for a second" At this point Mark isn't even moving, they're both just reacting to Johnny's movements, but when Doyoung says that, it gets a giggly reaction out of both.


"The visual is too much I think I'm gonna cum too early" Both his boyfriends smile, and then they kiss while Johnny keeps thrusting, sending Mark's dick deeper inside him.

"S-hit, I'm being serious" He complains.

"We know"

Johnny reaches around Mark to wrap his hand around Doyoung's cock, stroking it slowly in contrast to his thrusts that have now picked up the pace.

"Hyungs, too much, I think I'm gonna cum" As expected, Mark comes first, he was, after all, being stimulated from both sides.

Doyoung feels the warmth filling him up, and for a second he wonders if, like the first time, he'll end up with both of their seeds inside him before Johnny gives one last thrust to a slightly overstimulated Mark that has both of them cumming.

When Johnny pulls out Mark goes to lay on top of Doyoung, soon realizing there was cum all over him and while the whole ordeal was hot he doesn't know how sticky he really wants to be.

"My two pretty babies, filled up with cum and satisfied, it's like 3am so it's not really Valentine's Day anymore but, I think it's safe to say this was the best one" Johnny says, picking up a towel neither Mark or Doyoung knew where it came from, and cleaning the boys up before the cum rolled into the sheets, that's where they're gonna sleep after all.

"That was... an experience... like a fucking great one" Mark says first, and Doyoung realizes that's the first thing he's said in a while.

"Yeah, Johnny's great"

"Hey! I did good too!" Johnny and Doyoung giggled, and Mark soon joined them.

They exchanged sloppy kisses before deciding they were tried as fuck and they had to go back tomorrow afternoon.

"I love you... both of you... I love both my boyfriends" Doyoung said, pulling the sheets over himself to cover from the embarrassment of the words.

"He's so cute" He vaguely hears Mark say and then Johnny's pulling the sheets down softly, he stops when his eyes eyes are peeking out.

"I love you too" Johnny says pecking his forehead.

"And I love you too lil man" He turns to Mark who groans, pushing their lips together before the younger turns to Doyoung.

"Yeah, I love you too, and I love Johnny too even if he doesn't let go of that stupid ass name" Doyoung giggles, and when they cuddle up besides him Doyoung thinks about the future. Maybe in a year they won't be together anymore, or maybe they will, he's not sure, but he's glad that they'll be here tomorrow, and he knows he'll pray for his tomorrow to always be with them.


"So you're telling me you guys had a super romantic after sex I love you moment before us" Ten says, pointing and Taeyong and himself.

"Uhh... yeah pretty much"

"Wow, baby's grown up so much"

"I'm not a baby" Ten flicks his fake tears off his face.

"He doesn't even want me to call him baby anymore" He throws himself over Taeyong who laughs at his boyfriends antics.

"So you love them?" Taeyong asks, smiling.

"Yes, I really do, I love them"



AHHH this story has finally come to an end, it was such a wild ride, I feel like so much changed from how it began to how it ended. I feel like a lot of people saw the pairing coming but separately? Like yall either said Johnny or Mark but I don't think people expected them to be both... There's actually an interesting story about this that I'll be publishing in an extra chapter along with an announcement for other works!!!

Anyways! Thank you for being here and liking my story!

Chapter inspired by: Dowoo aquarium + ferris wheel date

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