Return, Retry, Restart...Cont...

By DarkDespair713

576K 23.2K 45.6K

You wanted to be with them. Little did you know, that when real flesh and blood are involved... a world with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35 (FOR REAL)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 66

3.6K 210 350
By DarkDespair713

"Your writing down who has who's Kubs Pad (Y/N)?" Ryoma asked as Kokichi picked the lock to Shuichi's dorm. 

"Yep. Might be useful so. So far Korekiyo had Gonta's and Gonta had Angie's. Ryoma had mine and... I have Maki's." You hadn't told either of them about Maki's real talent yet- Kokichi was insisting on watching all the videos right after you collected them all. 

You heard a click come from the door and glanced over at Kokichi who had finally opened Shuichi's door. "Well let's see whose video our dear detective has?" Kokichi went right in and in a few minutes came right out with the motive video in hand. 

"Well well. Turns out our detective is a better liar than we might've anticipated." Kokichi waved the motive video around a bit. "Shuichi had his own video." 

You gasped very quietly. That hadn't happened at all. You knew that having your own video did... slightly increase the chances of being a murderer but it's Shuichi. 

"Hm. So it is possible to get your own and not someone else's." Ryoma shook his head a bit. "Sure wish I got my own." 

"But then you wouldn't be working with me~" 

"And that would be a good thing." 

You laughed quietly at Ryoma and Kokichi's bantering. They're.. an interesting duo that's for sure. 

The three of you went to the girl's side to get to the dorms on the second floor. Miu still had Himiko's this time- which worried you, however... Himiko ended up having Korekiyo's. You felt both relieved and yet more nervous. That means if Kirumi doesn't have her own video... it's likely that the next case won't even be the one with Miu and Himiko. 

....Of course, as fate would have it. The next dorm was Kirumi's. And she ended up having Kaito's video. Fantastic. 

"You good (Y/N)?" Ryoma questioned quietly as Kokichi entered Tenko's dorm. 

"Yep. Just fine. A little tired I think." It was nearing nighttime. This was a viable excuse. 

Ryoma nodded a bit, "It is getting near nighttime. Those guys in Gonta's Lab are probably exhausted by now."

"Tenko had mine~," Kokichi said as he left the room. "I already watched it." He handed the video to Ryoma. We both have been holding the motive videos that Kokichi's been stealing. 

Ryoma rolled his eyes, "What happened to waiting to watch all of them?" 

Kokichi just shrugged sheepishly. "Too late to worry about those details anyway." 

Kokichi went over to his dorm next and just opened it quickly and grabbed his video and handed it to me. "Here. It's Rantaro's. I had his video but it's nothing interesting. It censors his talent." 

Rantaro's dorm was next, Kokichi picked the lock- and entered in, as you tried maneuvering the stack of videos in your hands so you could write down Rantaro's name on your list. Rantaro wasn't in his dorm room this time around, however...

"...You guys do know that breaking into other people's rooms is kinda a crime right?" Rantaro's voice sounded from right behind you. He had a couple of books in his hands. "(Y/N) when you said you were going to take a walk around I wasn't expecting it to be in everyone's dorm rooms."

"To be fair. (Y/N) was sort of blackmailed into helping us so I wouldn't blame 'em." Ryoma countered immediately turning around. "But. You're right. I'll apologize to the others later, but I have to see my video." 

"Oh. That's what this is about." Rantaro shrugged. "Well, I wasn't completely against sharing them anyway. Have you guys seen mine yet? I had Miu's." 

"Yep~" Kokichi popped out from Rantaro's dorm. "I had it. But you can't watch it unless you watch all of them." 

"Is that so?" Rantaro shrugged. "Well alright then. Let me just put these books away." 

As Rantaro entered his dorm Ryoma looked at Kokichi. "That whole thing about not being able to watch our own until we watch all of them better not apply to me too." 

"No, it does! You started this with me so you better see it through to the end~" 

"Wha-" Ryoma started. "That was not part of the deal." 

"You'll still be able to watch your video calm down~ I just think that the others would be more inclined to watch all of them if there are more people who watched all of them ya know?" Kokichi's expression darkened a bit. "Besides. I'm the one lock picking all of these dorms.  You wouldn't even be able to get your hands on it if it weren't for me." 

"That's enough." You interjected. "You should've been upfront with Ryoma about this before." 

"Maybe~" The lighthearted tone immediately entered his voice again. "It's just a slight detour from the original plans. Surely it's not that much of an inconvenience." 

Ryoma moved his hat down a bit. "Whatever. I've got a ways to go since I didn't clear this up beforehand." 

Luckily, before the mood could become any tenser, Rantaro stepped out of his dorm. "Alright let's go then?" He then walked over to you. "Oh, (Y/N). Let me carry the videos for you, just focus on writing who has what." 

You blinked a bit in surprise but handed the videos over anyway. "Oh, thanks." 

"Playboy." Kokichi muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. 

Rantaro laughed, "I'm not a playboy. It's called being a nice person. I wasn't about to make (Y/N) write and carry videos. One day when you're older you'll understand Kokichi." 

"We are practically the same age!" 

Rantaro hummed. "Oh yeah. Then act like it~" 

Ryoma chuckled at that, "Rantaro's got a point." Kokichi simply pouted in annoyance and made his way to the next dorm.

"He's such a kid." Rantaro commented as you all followed Kokichi. 

You nodded, "You're pretty good at dealing with him though." 

"Hmmm? You think so?" Rantaro shrugged. "I had a few younger siblings and he's kinda like that so I suppose." 

Kokichi grabbed two more motive videos. It turns out that Maki had Kirumi's this time around, and Angie had Tenko's. 

"Still not finding mine...?" Ryoma muttered. "Guess it really is one of the last two." 

"Well first up is our robo-boy~" Kokichi laughed, "We haven't found his either, wouldn't it be funny if the robot got his own too?" 

Kokichi entered, and quickly came back laughing. "Wow! I was right! He got his own and he was so against sharing~"

"Or it's because he saw his own that he's so against sharing..." You muttered, now the fact that Keebo was quicker to jump when Gonta almost said the name this time around makes sense. 

"That means Kaito has mine though..." As Ryoma says that, it makes a lot more sense why Kaito still refused to give him the video despite hearing Ryoma's real reasoning. Moments later, Kokichi confirmed that statement. "...Well I guess we have all of them now." 

"Now I guess we watch them all huh?" Rantaro hummed. "Well, no point in watching it out here. We can head into my room I guess." Rantaro walked to his room quickly and opened the door.

"Well! Don't mind if I do~ I just want to watch these already!" Kokichi rushes into Rantaro's room. 

"....No sense of tact whatsoever," Ryoma murmured but followed anyway. 

It took a bit of deliberating, but the four of us decided to just sit on the ground of Rantaro's room and start watching them. 

"It's like we're having a movie marathon!" Kokichi will not stop making jokes about this situation. You facepalm at his remark. 

Ryoma scoffed. "Yeah. Only these movies are meant to make us kill each other." 

Kokichi just picked out the first video and pressed play in response. And like that we went through all the videos. Kaito's grandparents, Shuichi's Uncle, Tenko's master... and so on. 

Korekiyo's video was up next, and unsurprisingly- it talked about his sister and Korekiyo's kill count, and how Korekiyo needed a few more to get to a hundred.

Rantaro put a hand to his mouth, "That's... disgusting." 

"No kidding." 

I grimaced, they were about to find out Maki's secret too. Needless to say after watching it, the reactions were not the best. 

"So we have two- well I suppose three with Ryoma here- killers in our midst?! Damn." Kokichi hummed, too nonchalantly for what he was saying.

Ryoma simply pulled his hat down a bit at Kokichi's words. "That. That is a lot more than I thought." 

"I mean, at least you obviously regret your actions Ryoma~ The other two? Well, one of them has a literal goal of a hundred killings. While the other is hired to kill people." Kokichi continued. "That's pretty terrible, good thing we watched them hmm?" 

Rantaro just reached for the next video. "Let's... let's just watch the next one. It's way past nighttime, and this one's Kirumi's it shouldn't be too bad." 

It was bad. 

Ryoma was evidently shocked, "She's the prime minister-?" 

"Apparently so... although this kind of background makes sense with her devotion to people. I guess devotion to an entire country would be strong enough to make her kill." 

You hummed in agreement. Choosing not to say anything in case it gave you away. The four of you continued watching the videos until the only four you hadn't seen were your own. 

"Well. I guess we can watch mine first." You offer, grabbing your video and pressing play. The guys didn't say anything towards it

"Hmmmm? So you have no one important to you huh (Y/N)? That's sad. And kinda lame." 

Rantaro lightly hit Kokichi on the head, "That last part was not necessary." 

You laugh a bit, "Maybe. But it's whatever, I wasn't planning to take the offer anyway so... who's next?" 

Kokichi surprisingly went next, Ryoma looked noticeably surprised at the "no killing" rule, but besides that no one really said anything. You watched Kokichi for any change in demeanor- but you couldn't spot anything. Of course, he watched it once so he was probably more mentally prepared for it. 

"Rantaro? Ryoma? Which one of you are going next?" You asked. 

"I'll go last- my talent's probably censored like yours and... Ryoma's been patient enough." 

"Hmph. I won't deny that offer." 

Kokichi just picked up the video, and pressed play. And just like in the original. Ryoma had no one. The silence that filled the room after the video ended was deafening. No one spoke, not even Kokichi. 

"....Well I suppose someone like me wouldn't even be worth the time of someone outside." Ryoma finally spoke. 

"Wait Ryoma- these videos come from the enemy." Rantaro started, trying to be helpful. "It's probably a lie, all of these videos could be lies we shouldn't trust them." 

Ryoma raised an eyebrow, "You think they lied about all of that? About Keebo's professor, or Himiko's teacher? What about Kaito's grandparents? You think they could lie about all of that?" 

"Well..." Rantaro became surprisingly quiet. "Just cause-" 

Ryoma just picked up Rantaro's video and shoved it into his hands. "Watch your video and then you'll understand- they couldn't have made this up." 

Kokichi and You exchanged worried glances- well no. To be accurate you were worried, Kokichi just gave you a nonchalant shrug that said 'I don't know what to do, and I don't care.'

Rantaro pressed play on his video, and similar to yours it censored his talent but... the images of his sisters played immediately after. Your eyes landed on Rantaro's fist, which was shaking. You reached out to put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him but he lifted a hand to stop you. "I'm fine (Y/N). Just- Just surprised." 

"Hmph. Now you understand huh? There's a distinct feeling from the videos that just makes it undeniable." Ryoma stood up to go leave.

"Oh?" Kokichi tilted his head a bit. "I don't believe mine though. Dice would never let themselves be caught like that. Honestly- I don't understand why you guys are so naive and gullible." 

Ryoma turned around, "What?" 

"Nishishsi~ Like Rantaro said, these are from the enemy. You wouldn't trust half the things Monokuma says, so why are you trusting a video made by him? One obviously meant to torment us? Isn't that kinda stupid? I thought you two were smarter than that." Kokichi laughed, "Gonta on the other hand would probably believe this but... well." 

"You are an insensitive brat-" Ryoma started before Kokichi cut him off. 

"All I'm doing is speaking facts Ryoma!" Kokichi countered, "You're free to do whatever, I did say we shouldn't cooperate, but it would just be so boring if you really did something stupid because of your video." 

You were watching in shock as Kokichi fought against Ryoma, what the fucking hell is going on. This wasn't what you were expecting. I mean, if Ryoma actually gets convinced by Kokichi's words... 

Would that be so bad though? You already screwed up the first chapter- you can't predict anything now. You ran fingers through your hair, feeling another headache starting to build up. 

Rantaro finally stood up as well. "Kokichi... does make some valid points Ryoma. These are from Monokuma after all. Did you really think you'd find a reason to live- through videos meant to cause death?" 

Ryoma froze at those words, and once again the room was filled with silence until Ryoma finally said something. "Hmph. I guess I still have a ways to go." Without even another word he left the room. 


Well, this is coming out a few hours later than I'd like- I fell asleep mid-writing it. Anyway uh yes. Hopefully these couple chapters- and the more consistent update schedule in the future makes up for my very long absence. 

Until the next chapter then~!

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