not another story about love...

By lizziexsblood

32.2K 992 172

replacing landon with lizzie- as it should be. completed on : 29.08.21 π’Š 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 π’šπ’π’–π’“ 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉, π’Š 𝒉... More

somewhat acceptance?
down goes the birthday girl
blueberry eyes
like a boat on rough seas
potato on a stick
hidden in the moonlight
losing "hope"
here we go again
tell me you care
movie night
she's pretty when she sleeps
working things out
always and tomorrow

a healing kiss

1.5K 51 5
By lizziexsblood

school holidays have finally arrived-rejoice with me!! planning to finish this book soon- i'm kinda running out of ideas, so drop any if you like :). i feel like it's lost at this point.

is anyone else watching atypical season four? 🤞🏻 AND remember to stream permission to dance 🎉


april 5th
i would like to love you, one day.
that was what hope had been thinking since she hung up the phone.

hope would be lying if she didn't admit feelings weren't her thing. but she'd also be lying if she didn't say lizzie was indeed, her soulmate. she had planned to ask landon to meet up later that day, to tell him the newest updates, but when she woke up...she wanted to go straight to liz.

she had dreamt about her last night. they were both dressed in white gowns that fell in ribbons to the floor. lizzie's had the sleeves of a summer dress, and was sinched in at the waist by a silver rhinestone belt, while hope's was long-sleeved and had the same rhinestones circling each cuff. she never wanted to wake up- and took it as a sign to confirm their obvious connection.

landon could wait. she was sure he'd understand anyway.

it's not like he never thought something was off about our relationship anyway.

she threw the covers off her lap, exposing her thighs that quickly erupted in goosebumps. she shrugged off the chilliness of the air and jumped to her feet. she reached down and scooped up her phone off her bedside table and unlocked it quickly with her thumb.

bi-curious blondie was online 2 hours ago.

you are online

the grill? for lunch?

bi-curious blondie is online

bi-curious blondie:
depends, you paying?

seriously? i want to hang
out, and you ask if i'm paying?

bi-curious blondie:
well, are you?

hope huffed. lizzie was impossible to do anything nice for. if she was honest, she was sure she'd curse lizzie more then love her. but before she could reply her phone vibrated again.

bi-curious blondie:
you know my presence
is payment enough, mikaelson.

everyone else always said it with such disgust, hope had started hating her last name. it made her stomach twist every time she heard it- like she was the bad guy from a long line of evil.

but when lizzie used it...oh it made the dread in hope's chest turn into butterflies. she was lizzie's girl, only girl.

she tapped out a reply.

fine. but only this time.

bi-curious blondie:
😌. see you out front. i'll


hope hated being a passenger. just like crowds, she wouldn't even be dead caught in the passengers seat. josie had suggested that considering hope had authority in practically everything they did, sitting back and watching someone else have control would absolutely make her nervous.
hope knew she wasn't wrong- but on road trips it meant she had a habit of either excessively talking, or not talking at all....not that she spoke to anyone other then her very limited friendgroup anyway.

lizzie of course, used hope's "passenger phobia" as jo called it, as the perfect excuse to pick on her. it was the one thing lizzie had always had against her as kids, well, until now.

hope was belted in beside lizzie, her bottom between her teeth and her fingers twitching nervously in her lap. the only reason lizzie always drove was because she hated it when hope did- she believed hope was a hazard to everyone around them. she got distracted easily behind the wheel, flipped off anyone who disrupted her route, and had picked up a pattern of stopping suddenly under pressure (mainly in response to lizzie's complaints).

however, in relation of recent events, lizzie felt it was her duty to ensure hope was okay the whole drive. it was a small price to pay if it meant hope didn't get the opportunity to accidentally get them killed.

"hope," she said softly. "you doing alright? i can stop for a bit..."
hope shook her head. the poor girl had her eyes clamped shut, and her fingers running in small shaky circles on her thighs.

lizzie frowned, taking a long glance at her friend as she came to a stop in front of a red light.
she reached over and curled her fingers around hope's and squeezed to stop them from moving.

instinctively, hope laced her fingers with lizzie's and managed to peek a eye open. she had to admit, it was a completely different response to when they were little, and she felt a warmth grow in her abdomen. her heart finally stopped hammering against her chest.
"we're almost there, you're doing great." lizzie soothed, rubbing her thumb over hope's knuckles, a sensation hope already knew she'd grow to love.

a few minutes passed, and although lizzie had to pull her hand away a few times to drive properly, she always made sure to return it.

"hey, you can open your eyes now." lizzie's voice mumbled, giving hope's hand a little shake. hope wasn't sure if she had been gripping lizzie's hand at all, but just in case, she opened her eyes, unwound their fingers, and observed any marks that might have turned up. luckily, there were none, which made her feel a little better.

"sorry," she said. "i know it's a stupid thing to be anxious about."
if lizzie's expression could soften anymore, it did.
"hope, you don't have to apologise for anything. you can hold my hand as much as you want...whatever makes you feel safe."

hope just about melted, and the impulse to press her lips onto lizzie's was overwhelming. but even if they both felt the same way, she thought that considering their history they'd better take it slow, soulmates or not.

instead, hope replied in a hushed voice, "thanks."
she kept her eyes down in the hope of shielding her flushed cheeks, which made lizzie chuckle.
"right," lizzie announced. "i'll get us a table, are you okay on drinks and food?"
"yeah, i'm assuming you want your usual?"
"you know it."

hope fumbled to unbuckle her seatbelt and opened the passenger door, when lizzie grabbed her arm. hope immediately looked puzzled as she watched lizzie lift her hips up to grab something from her back pocket.
she produced a 20 dollar bill and handed it over to hope, who had her mouth parted in surprise.
"i thought-"
"i was just joking, hope. i'd be a jerk if i didn't contribute to the bill."

hope still refused to take it.
"you really don't have to, i don't mind-"
"take it." lizzie said, waving it front of hope's face. "seriously."
when hope just stood there, lizzie rolled her eyes, grabbed hope's wrist and flattened her palm, slapping the bill in her hand.
"now go, i'll see you in there."

hope knew she had lost that battle.

hope wanted to pinch herself. pinch her -fucking- self. lizzie may as well have been a goddess in the golden light streaming through the window. and she was sitting right opposite her. lizzie had specifically picked a booth in the corner of the grill, shielded from public eye. just the way hope liked it.

she had chosen to wear a low white jumpsuit that tied at the waist and had butterfly sleeves. kind of like what she had been wearing in hope's dream. her blonde hair was tied up in pigtails that shifted every time she moved.

whereas hope may as well have been wearing the same outfit she had been wearing since she had turned 15. she always thought she was born with a hard figure to dress, especially as a teenager. short and never the slimmest of the bunch. so her wardrobe was filled with basic tops, jeans, black boots, and of course her family crest necklace that was surgically attached to her.

she liked to think her auburn hair made up for it, but even today she had flung it up into a messy bun in her flurry of excitement to see lizzie. she was pretty certain half of her hair never made it into the up do anyway.

"so," lizzie's voice brought her thoughts out of her hair nightmare.
she cleared her throat and turned her attention to lizzie.
"so..." hope repeated.

lizzie glanced her eyes down to the table in front of her and picked up the fork on her left. she turned the fork in her fingers, to have anything else to focus on other then what she was going to say next.

"i don't want to stall....this. i think it's pretty obvious to both of us that we're soulmates, but i want to make sure we're both on the same page."
hope raised a eyebrow in question.

lizzie inhaled sharply, dropped the fork with a clink and finally met hope's eyes.
"hope, i want to try this. i mean, we have to anyway, but, i feel like we shouldn't rush it."

hope widened her eyes. "oh- oh! of course, liz." she said, shaking her head. "i think it's the right thing to do....take it slow. i mean, rushing it isn't the best idea."

lizzie crossed her arms and leant forward, the slight swell of her cleavage catching hope's eye. hope ran her tongue along her teeth and pretended not to notice by running her fingers around the bottom of the salt shaker.

"good. i'm glad you agree." lizzie muttered. but the air was tense, and by the way lizzie's eyes were frantically darting around the grill to avoid looking at hope, hope knew what had to be done- she just wanted to see who would crack first.

it was lizzie.
lizzie had had butterflies in her stomach ever since she had met hope at the front gates. it hadn't been long since their short conversation about wanting to try their relationship, but lizzie simply couldn't hold back.

once hope had turned back to meet lizzie's eyes, she used one hand to pull hope in by the back of her neck, and used the other to cup her cheek.
suddenly, she was seeing sparks behind her eyes. she'd never felt so alive.

turned out, hope's lips were as plump and soft as they looked, and though lizzie planned on throwing her into another, she remembered their promise to take it slow.

even though hope had been half expecting the kiss, it still managed to catch her off guard. but she didn't flinch, didn't panic, just began moving her lips in rhythm with lizzie's- although there was little movement.
it was better than any of the million kisses landon had given her.
it was utterly perfect.

neither of them said a word as their lips parted. they didn't need to, everything that had needed to be said had been expressed, in one simple movement.

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