movie night

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AN/ something went weird with the saving of this chapter so don't mind any strange sentences :)


april 6th

at breakfast the next morning, lizzie couldn't wait to spill everything to her sister.

i kissed hope mikaelson- i actually kissed her!

barely 24 hours after their first kiss, lizzie could still feel her lips tingling from the excitement that she could hardly contain. she hurried down the stairs, skipping two each time until she reached the landing. she desparately scanned the dining hall for josie's familiar short brown hair, and spotted her sat with mg, and kaleb.

both boys sat opposite her, leaving a gap in between josie and where another group of witches started.
"jo!" she wailed, taking a beeline to their spot on the bench. "josie!" she repeated.

her sisters head shot up from her conversation. lizzie had to stop when she reached them, slamming her hands down on the table to catch her breath.
"jeez, liz-" kaleb commented as he started chewing on the last piece of his croissant. "what has your panties in a tangle?" he asked through a mouthful of pastry.

lizzie pursed her lips, flipping him off and focusing back to her sister. kaleb choked as he tried to laugh, covering his mouth. mg snorted and gave kaleb a few hard slaps on his back to help the food pass down his throat.
all she had to say was "i kissed hope." and the whole table fell silent.

the most unlikely love had somehow come out of two previous enemies, and lizzie was certain it would take everyone by storm.
unfortunately for her, she soon realised her friends had fallen into a tense, uncomfortable silence- mg had frozen in place, his mouth hanging open. her sister had gone a little pale, while kaleb had halted mid bite, a piece of melon stabbed on his fork.

"uh, guys?" lizzie stepped over the bench to sit sideways beside her sister, pulling her other leg over and turning face on.
"i uh," josie was the first to talk. "my best friend?"
lizzie nodded. "yeah, but there's more to it then that! i mean-"
"and what would that be?" mg piped up. "liz, you've always hated hope. it was hard enough to get you to help her with her visions."
"but that's just it, mg. our vis-"
"i can't believe it." josie muttered.

lizzie shrugged, taking her sister by the shoulders and squeezing gently.
"our visions correlated in a way neither of us knew," she explained. "when hope couldn't see them properly, and at her age, i knew something had to be up." she looked from josie, to mg and kaleb.
they weren't following.

"don't you get it?" lizzie desperately tried to put the puzzle together for them. "hope was expecting landon to be to her soulmate- so it was forced. but as we started spending time with each other, and actually opened up....the pieces fell into place. her visons cleared and oh you should've heard what she saw when she figured it out. it was so beautiful."

"uh, lizzie," josie looked down into her lap. "i just- i mean, are you sure? are you...both sure?"
josie looked almost, sad. lizzie's face dropped as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap.

"what jo is trying to say," mg cut in. "is that, she thought hope was her soulmate....and that, i was yours."
lizzie was silent. she had had no idea that was what her sister had in mind. what in the world did she see to bring her to that conclusion?
lizzie was sure hope was hers, hope was the only thing she was sure about. so she hoped she wasn't wrong.

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