Daddy Loves You

By KittieKathie93

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**Companion piece to An Unlikely Romance (some chapters will run along side each other from both fics)** John... More

We're Having A Baby
Coping With Loss
The Funeral And The Stranger
221B Baker Street
Life With Sherlock Holmes
Sleep Tight, My Love
We're Going Through Changes (Part 1)
We're Going Through Changes (Part 2)
A Sherlock Situation (Part 1)
A Sherlock Situation (Part 2)
A New Day
Four Months Later
The Red-Headed League (Part 1)
The Red-Headed League (Part 2)
Ariana's First Words (Part 1)
Ariana's First Words (Part 2)
Our Little Girl (Part 1)
Our Little Girl (Part 2)
Marry Me A Little (Part 1)
Marry Me A Little (Part 2)
Bloody Murder (Part 1)
Bloody Murder (Part 2)
Meeting The Family (Part 1)
Meeting The Family (Part 2)


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By KittieKathie93

“Morning, John.” Sherlock says, upon hearing John enter the room.

“Have you been there all night?” John asks, rubbing his eyes as he walks into the room.

Sherlock looks up from his position on the couch and sees John stretching and yawning; his t-shirt rising and showing off some of his stomach.

Sherlock gulps and throws his arm over his eyes again.

“You alright, Sherlock?” John asks, looking over at the young detective having heard him gulp quite audibly.

“Yes, yes, fine.” Sherlock snaps, still not looking at John.

“I’ll make us a brew, shall I, Sher?” John replies, rolling his eyes and heading to the kitchen.

Great, he’s in one of his moods again. So much for a peaceful day with Ariana. Hum, I might take her to the park. Leave the moody bastard to mope. Yeah, that would be nice. Me and Ana have barely been out since we moved in here. 

John thinks as he makes two cups of tea, knowing Sherlock will probably not even look at his own.

Ah well, it’s the thought that counts, as mother used to say. Maybe he’ll show some appreciation by not shooting the walls or leaving his experiments in the …

“Sherlock! There’s another bloody head in the fridge! Why?!” John exclaims, slamming the door shut. 

For fuck’s sake. Why does he do this?


Sherlock doesn’t reply as he’s currently in his mind palace.

John’s t-shirt rising and showing off his stomach. That well-toned, nicely tanned stomach that you’d just like to run your tongue… Stop, Sherlock!

You don’t have feelings for John! Your hand didn’t tingle yesterday when his fingers gently grazed yours and you didn’t feel aroused before when his t-shirt … Stop It!

“You alright, Sherlock?” John’s sweet voice asking softly about your well-being.

So kind and considerate, and so gorg … Stop torturing yourself, Sherlock.

“Yes, yes, fine.” You really shouldn’t have snapped at him, he was only concerned. It’s only natural, he’s your friend.

I don’t have friends!

“I’ll make us a brew, shall I, Sher?”

Sher? Did he realise he said that? Maybe it’s just a nickname, like Harry or Johnny.

Maybe, it’s more. You know what Sher means don’t you, Sherlock? It’s a word for darling or dear. What does that tell you, mmm?

Shut up! I can’t think!


“Shut up! I can’t think!” Sherlock shouts out loud.

“Sherlock. I haven’t spoken for ten minutes. I tried getting your attention but you weren’t listening so … I gave up. I made you a brew.”  John replies, the last might coming out a bit sheepish and causing him to blush a little.

“What were you saying, John?” Sherlock asks suddenly, his eyes snapping open and fixing the doctor’s own.

“I … Never mind, doesn’t matter, Sherlock.” John replies, looking back to the morning paper.

“You made me a brew?” And both John and Sherlock are surprised that it actually sounds like a question.

John looks up for a moment and then re-composes himself before settling to read the paper again.

“Good observation, that.” He simply replies, sipping his brew.

“Thank you.” Sherlock whispers, picking up the warm drink and looking at the floor.

John’s head snaps up and he watches Sherlock, watching the floor.

“You’re … welcome.” He smiles, even though Sherlock can’t see him but the younger man looks up and smiles back.

“I was thinking of taking Ana to the park. Seeing as you’re in a mood.” John adds, still scanning the paper.

“I’m not in a mood.” Sherlock snaps, fixing John with a glare.

John can feel Sherlock’s gaze burning him and he looks up with a small smile, “Of course not.”

Sherlock rolls his eyes in return before going back to sipping his drink.

A silence falls over the room before it’s interrupted by Mycroft.

“Hello, boys. Oh, still in the middle of your spat are we?” The older Holmes greets with a snide smirk.

“Shut up, Mycroft.” John jumps in with before Sherlock has a chance.

“You really like pouring fuel on an already burning fire, don’t you?” He snaps, taking his empty cup to the kitchen.

Sherlock just smirks into his cup.

Mycroft follows John into the kitchen, not paying any attention to his little brother, and closes the sliding doors behind him.

“It seems that we have gotten off on the wrong foot, Doctor Watson.”

“Whose fault is that then?” John snaps back, focusing on scrubbing the cup so he doesn’t throw it at the older Holmes.

“If you have any intentions of getting with my brother then you’d do well to stay on my good side.” Mycroft replies calmly.

Stay on your good side?  You’re the one who walks in like a nervous time bomb all the time!” John actually shouts, finally looking at Mycroft.

“It’s only been twice, Doctor Watson.” Mycroft replies, still very calmly which worries John.

He can deal with anger and danger but calm, calm means deadly and he has a feeling that Mycroft is very deadly.

“So you don’t deny it then, I see.” Mycroft adds, before taking a seat at the dining table and placing his umbrella on his chair.

“Listen, I don’t know what you think is going on, but me and Sherlock are just friends. And we’re barely that.”

“I think it’s a little more than that, John.”

“What would you know? You don’t care for anyone. Neither does Sherlock.”

“I would agree normally. But for some reason, Sherlock has grown attached to you in such a short space of time. Which worries me.”

“Why does it worry you? Because you won’t be able to manipulate your brother anymore?”

“I don’t intend on manipulating  my brother, Doctor …”

“Stop with the Doctor Watson! I know you don’t respect me enough to use my title.”

“On the contrary, I respect you immensely. Anyone who has managed to control and somewhat, tame my little brother deserves great respect. He isn’t an easy man to handle.”

“Well, that’s true.”

“If you wish to be with him then you must do it on his terms …” Mycroft pauses to see of John will agree or disagree.

“Go on.” The doctor simply replies.

“You must not push him. If he wants you, which is becoming very obvious, then he will attempt to do something in time …”

“Wait, what do you mean which is becoming very obvious?”

“I have known my brother his whole life, he has never become attached to anything. But you, well, you’re different.”

Sherlock, who had been stood at the door listening the whole time, walks in.

“Stay away from him, Mycroft.” Sherlock practically shouts, standing between his older brother and John.

“My point exactly.” Mycroft simply replies, standing up and grabbing his umbrella. “Remember what I said, John. Goodbye, dear brother. Doctor Watson.”

And with that, Mycroft walks out of the kitchen and down the stairs.

“You were listening the whole time.” John says suddenly, it’s not a question.


“So, is he right? Do you … ya know …”

“Yes.” Sherlock replies, still staring at the now open doors.

“Oh … So …”

“So what, John?” Sherlock snaps, his head snapping back to glare at John.

“For God’s sake. Do I have to spell it out for you? Do you like me? As more than a friend, I mean?”

“Yes.” Sherlock whispers, looking at the floor.

“Then what do we do about it?”

Sherlock doesn’t reply, he just walks back into the living room and picks up his mobile.

11th February 2010   10.00am

I need some advice




11th February 2010  10.05am

I’m in a meeting, Sherlock




11th February 2010   10.08am

It’s of extreme importance




11th February 2010   10.12am

Be quick and to the point




11th February 2010   10.17am

I’ve developed some feelings for my

flatmate. He wants to know what

the next step is




11th February 2010   10.20am

That Doctor Watson? He seems like a nice guy, and if he likes you back then tell him. Don’t be, how do you put it, oh yeah, an idiot. If he wants you too, God help him, then don’t let him walk




11th February 2010   10.25am

And no, I don’t mean break his legs or whatever. Just tell him! Now, I have to go, I’m meeting with some Government Official. Good luck




11th February 2010   10.27am

You’re the one who needs the luck,





11th February 2010   10.29am

What? Never mind




“What are you doing, Sherlock?” John interrupts suddenly, walking back into the living room.

“I was just seeing if Lestrade had any good cases for us. I asked him for anything above a seven but he has a meeting so nothing yet.” Sherlock replies in a rush, causing John to give him a look.

“Lestrade is the DI we met at the first crime scene right? Silver hair? He seems nice.”

“Yes, obviously … What do you mean nice?”

“Careful, Sher, you sound jealous.” John replies with a smirk.

“Sher?” Sherlock asks without thinking.

“Sorry. Um, I guess you probably don’t like nicknames, do you? Never mind.” John replies awkwardly, looking down at the floor as a blush creeps up his cheeks.

“I … You’re right, never mind.”


“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” Sherlock shakes his head slightly and stares out of the window.

“Sherlock.” John pushes gently.

“Shh, thinking.”

“Right. I’m going to take Ana to the park, I’ll see you later, yeah.” John gives a sort of smile and then goes to awkwardly hug Sherlock, before deciding against it and just gripping his shoulder gently and heading for the door.

Sherlock lets out the breath he had been holding and spins on his heels, “John.” The name leaves his mouth before he’s even realised it.

“Yeah?” John stops on his way to the door and looks back at Sherlock.

“Mm, can I … come with you? If that’s alright? It’s just … isn’t that what normal couples do?” Sherlock asks awkwardly, bringing a hand to his face as a blush starts to collar his cheeks.

“Mm, yeah, they do. Why? Is that what we are?” John asks, trying to sound curious rather than hopeful and desperate.

“If that is what you want, John. Do you find me attractive?”

“It’s not all about looks, Sher. But yes, I guess I do.”

“I know my personality is less desirable, but it’s … manageable, right?” Sherlock whispers, looking up at John with hopeful eyes.

“I’ll get used to it. Plus, as long as you’re okay with Ana then I could be persuaded.” John replies, a suggestive smile pulling at his lips.

“Doctor Watson, are you propositioning me?” Sherlock squeaks, his blush deepening.

“I might be.” John’s smirk is definite now and he moves over into Sherlock’s personal space again.

Sherlock’s breath hitches as he stares down at his flat mate, trying to deduce him.

John chuckles and places his hands on Sherlock’s chest, getting onto his tiptoes to kiss the younger man.

Sherlock let’s his brain shut down for a few moments and allows his body to take control, wrapping his arms around the smaller man.

“You are such a wonder, Watson.” Sherlock smiles sweetly as the kiss breaks.

“I’ll be sure to keep you on your toes then, Sher.” John smiles back, emphasising his nickname for his new soon-to-be-lover.

“I knew that wasn’t just a nickname.” Sherlock grins, kissing John again softly.

“But of course, you don’t like nicknames.”

“I could learn to love them when they come from you.” Sherlock replies honestly, staring into John’s eyes.

And so John is falling for his mad, eccentric, beautiful flat mate and he honestly doesn’t care how much of a fool that makes him.

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