Revelation Of The Chosen (Boo...

By RJS416

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Magic is not real! Ancient History is just a part of someone's fabrication put into books. Shark and Troy do... More

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Chapter 0: A Distant Past
Chapter 1: The Skeptics of Magic
Chapter 2: The Dark One's Journey Begins
Chapter 3: Ancient History
Chapter 4: The Rothom Archives
Chapter 5: To The Museum
Chapter 6: Intruder in the Halls
Chapter 7: The Egyptian Exhibit
Chapter 8: The Clash
Chapter 9: Mesmerizing Words of Terror
Chapter 10: The Final Guards
Chapter 11: Mummies Alive
Chapter 12: Stolen Scrolls
Chapter 13: Pierce Through to Another Time
Chapter 14: The Mysterious Stranger
Chapter 15: A Thousand Questions
Chapter 16: The Thief and The Thunderer
Chapter 17: Hungry Inhabitants
Chapter 18: An Unexpected Ally?
Chapter 19: Fight Thunder with Fire
Chapter 20: Secret Revealed
Chapter 21: The New World Observed
Chapter 22: A Warning from the Trees
Chapter 23: Competition and Bullies
Chapter 24: Giant Dangerous Arachnids
Chapter 25: Rise like the Winds and Devour like the Water
Chapter 26: To Trust or Not to Trust
Chapter 27: The Hidden Underground Den
Chapter 28: The Forest of Intensions
Chapter 29: The Mermaid's Scream
Chapter 30: The Nylus Rainbow Scale
Chapter 31: Perils of the Island
Chapter 32: The Questioning Begins
Chapter 33: The Hyods
Chapter 34: The Ruincrucians
Chapter 35: Panthora and General Chrome
Chapter 36: Battling Vegetables
Chapter 37: The Cries of the People
Chapter 38: Land of the Mist
Chapter 39: The Return of the Hyod of Wind
Chapter 40: The Hyod Council
Chapter 41: The Balance Between Light and Dark Tipped
Chapter 42: The Messiah of Darkness
Chapter 43: A Dangerous Encounter
Chapter 44: Grave News
Chapter 45: Vulnerable
Chapter 47: Revelation Of The Chosen
Chapter 48: Doublegangers
Chapter 49: The Radiant Warrior
Chapter 50: New School, New Curriculum
Chapter 51: Training Day
Chapter 52: War of Words
Chapter 53: Lord Rothom
Chapter 54: The Second Great War
Chapter 55: A Traitor
Chapter 56: Provoked and Unapologetic
Chapter 57: Secret Training
Chapter 58: Heartfelt Goodbyes
Chapter 59: A Trap Set
Chapter 60: Falling Warrior

Chapter 46: Confrontations and Conflicts

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By RJS416

In the depths of the hidden garden, Pyro was teaching Shark and Troy how to use their Rudiments effectively. How to focus on a target and how to utilize their strength when needed. He enlightened the forest with a disc of fire which hovered above them in the semi dark like a halo.

Troy was blasting away bushes with stronger winds while Shark was enjoying changing the direction of part of the waterfalls, to having the liquid rise upwards and then fall.

"That's it," said Pyro, walking around them and observing their techniques and struggles.

"Keep it up. Image you are attempting to rescue innocent warriors from a tyrant. You are one but you need help."

"This help can only come from inside you and will be projected out, through your Rudiment in order to aid you in saving a life, defending your existence. This is one way to help maintain your Rudiment for a longer period."

Pyro demonstrated how to use their physical strength while incorporating their Rudiments at the same time. He showed them how he used his spiral fire kick and fire tornado.

"Now, the key is performing the move first and then calling forth your Rudiment that split-second after, for reinforcement, cocooning you as a second layer of skin, protection."

The two, after failing at several attempts to combine their physical and Rudimental strengths decided to take a break.

"Shhh," said Pyro with his finger to his lips as the two were huffing and puffing, grumbling and restless. "Listen."

They heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes. Flashes of a rock wing serpent crossed their minds and they huddled together for added defence.

"It's time to utilize what you have learnt from my lessons," said a stealthy Pyro.

He struck first and a gust of wind blew towards him, however he lunged out of the way and it hit the charging Shark and Troy to the ground. Pyro landed half knelt on his feet and could not believe whose eyes he was gazing up and into.

"Lord Valliantious???" stuttered a bewildered Pyro, eyes widened, heart hammering.

He was expecting a Quinterpent not a protector of the Light and the most adored. "Eldest of the Hyods, and most respected, can this be?"

Shark and Troy could see Pyro was awe struck like the first time they met celebrities at the York Movie Festival.

The Lord of Wind and an Apprentice of his was making their way out of the bushes and towards them, hastily.

Shark and Troy recovered from their bombardment and were surprised to see who was heading their way, the same as Pyro.

"This is not good. Definitely not the time," said Shark, expecting a huge confrontation.

It was the foe Pyro spoke of earlier. Now they had front row seats to the highly explosive event they foresaw.

The brazen, golden hair Arion sped past Lord Valliantious, forgetting his place. Arion stopped in front of Pyro who was now standing and the two gazed at each other while winds surrounded them, fluttering about their hair.

"You," both said simultaneously. "What are you doing here?"

The trees were still for like Shark and Troy, they too could feel the heat in the air rise. The two opposing warriors, the Thief and the Thunderer were face to face. The two who were friends with Chi-taki but knew nothing of the other.

Shark and Troy's eyes were focused, not on the tall, pale Lord of Wind but the two young warriors. It was an eye-catching event like witnessing a sight of the, is it real or is it not, Loch Ness Monster.

"Chi-taki needs to be here to explain all," whispered Shark.

"You're right," replied Troy. "We have to call him before these two, start fighting."

Shark and Troy could see streams of lightning flicker off Arion while the flaming tips of Pyro's hair began to glow brighter than the disc of fire above their heads.

"What're you doing at Chi-taki's den?" demanded a furious Arion.

"I believe it's my place to ask such," replied Pyro, his brown eyes flaring red.

"Chi-taki's my friend and I don't need to defend myself to the likes of you," retorted Arion, his yellow eyes glaring like a tiger's.

"Chi-taki would never become friends with the likes of you. How dare you tarnish his name," shouted Pyro with anger.

The only father he had would never foster a friendship with someone who believed himself to be above their class.

Chi-taki would not keep it a secret from him but then again Chi-taki did kept the secret about the existence of Earth, the lost Kingdom of Man from him for 18 years. What other secrets was he keeping from him?

"That is enough!" interjected Valliantious with a loud roar of a lion, grasping everyone's immediate attention.

"I am sorry my Lord that you had to witness my disgraceful words and actions," apologised Pyro, clasping his hands together and bowing.

"Everyone, including the Hyods have such words and actions so do not dismiss them but channel them and use them to your advantage or else they will get the better of you," replied Valliantious with a smile.

Shark and Troy could have had a stroke when they saw who was heading towards them. Their eyes had to be liars or pulling a grand prank on them.

It was impossible for him to be standing in front of them. They took a second look. It was him. Never in their wildest dreams would they picture him as one of the great Hyods they have heard so much about.

"You," bellowed Shark, his index finger pointed up at the Wind Lord. "You are a Hyod and the, and the, wow."

"It, it, it cannot be," said a stuttering and surprised Troy.

He like Pyro and Shark was now star struck, for that was who a Hyod was. They were celebrities on Axial. No, more than celebrities, someone greater and of a higher power.

"Professor? Professor Valliant?" said Shark wanting more clarification to his assertion. "You are the noble lord Chi-taki spoke about? This is impossible. Our eyes are playing games on us. What're you doing here?"

Arion, now standing next to Lord Valliantious found the two strangers being disrespectful to the great Hyod of Wind.

"Do you know who you're speaking to? You are speaking to the eldest and strongest of the Hyods so show some respect."

"They were never one for that," replied a smiling Valliantious, catching Arion off guard.

Lord Valliantious walked ahead of a dazed Arion and Pyro, both surprised at his words. It sounded like the Wind Lord was familiar with the two.

The four had many questions to ask and were all about to when Valliantious interjected. "It is not safe for us to speak outside. Dark Warriors might be lurking, waiting for something to use as leverage."

They followed the exact path into the den where Chi-taki was ready with six drinks and bowls of what looked like grass and chopped up vegetables and fruits on fire. Could they eat fire? He was expecting Lord Valliantious and Arion. It was obvious to Pyro now.

"Welcome Lord Valliantious to my humble den," said Chi-taki with a smile on his face.

He proceeded to bow while clasping his claws together.

"Thank you for having me. It is an honour to be here once more," replied Valliantious with another of his smile.

Shark and Troy, still in astonishment to who their history professor was, finally noticed the angry facial expressions on Pyro and Arion's faces. Each stood on opposing sides of the room, waiting for the greetings to be over.

Their former professor had to be the one Chi-taki spoke of, the noble lord. Valliant was a Hyod and clearly since he taught them in their world then it meant he was able to travel from one to the other.

They were about to return to the comfort of their homes. The feeling of home elicited a sense of freedom and relief from their hearts and shoulders. It was almost as if they could reach out and touch the door handle to their houses.

Valliantious walked over to the immense glass window and began staring at the star filled dark sky. Arion and Pyro both walked up to Chi-taki and were about to confront him when Valliantious said his first words, stopping all in their tracks.

"Pyro and Arion. The two of you have a boiling question for Chi-taki, however, it will be answered but not by him but by myself."

Chi-taki took the opportunity and sat down at the table and began sipping his drink, only staring at Lord Valliantious and avoiding any eye contact with a puzzled looking Pyro and Arion.

Troy was about to ask his questions when Valliantious' voice echoed into his ear.

"I am also aware that you Troy and you Shark, have burning questions to ask and all will be answered as soon as all of you take your seats."

"Your parents named you after Lord Ponthious' Beastial, how odd," commented Arion. "They might as well name you tidal wave cape."

Shark knew an insult when he heard one. If this was Earth, he would be all over Arion with his fist but given who the thunder brat was and where he came from, he held his tongue.

Arion sat across from Pyro and the two could not help but stare at each other with daggers rising out of their eyes.

Shark and Troy sat across from each other. They're eyes flickered back and forth from Arion to Pyro and then to Chi-taki.

Valliantious finally seized gazing at the outside and walked over to the table. His bustling hurricane cloud cover cloak and silver-grey armour began to glow.

"Now, Arion, Pyro, it was at my request that Chi-taki kept the two you apart and a secret from the other," said Valliantious, sternly.

The two looked at each other and then to Chi-taki who now nodded his head in agreement. "I wanted to tell the two of you about the other, but a promise is a promise. To tell you the truth, I never thought the two of you would be at such odds with each other. You have so much in common."

"I have nothing in common with him," bellowed Arion, his arms folded while he squinted at Pyro.

He was not a Thief and an outlawed. He was a warrior of Apprentice Hall. He performed perfect concoctions and was superior in strength and intellect.

"I too have nothing in common with him either," replied Pyro, squinting back at Arion.

Arion was arrogant, a thunder brat and a snob. He thought he was better than everyone. He couldn't believe others who were of lower class were capable of performing just like him.

Chi-taki shook his head in disappointment and the two noticed; however, they were not about to acknowledge something which was utterly untrue in their minds.

"My lord, why did you want Chi-taki to keep such a secret?" asked a curious Arion.

"I will answer your question as soon as I answer Troy and Shark's," replied Valliantious, his gaze telling Arion to proceed no further.

"I am the one Chi-taki spoke about earlier?" said Valliantious, but before he could finish Troy interrupted.

"You are from or are able to travel to our world?" Troy needed clarification of this before anything else.

"Wait," interjected Shark. "Were you the one who saved us from Panthora?"

So many questions unanswered were surfacing, prioritizing the most important was proving difficult but he was sure the clever Troy was able to do it.

"Wait! What," interpolated Arion. "What is this about another world and the Ruincrucian Panthora?"

"It is time Arion for you to know that Earth, the Lost Kingdom of Man, actually exists and that it is not a youngling's tale. Shark and Troy are from there," answered Valliantious with finality.

Arion was absolutely stumped for words but it was ingenious though, to hide such a huge secret in a youngling's story. No one would think of looking there for such a treasure. But how were two Earth Humantians able to penetrate into their world?

"What's this about the two of you facing Panthora?"

"Yeah, we faced her but first we released her from her imprisonment and then we faced her," responded Shark.

And then he caught Valliantious' question. He was not the one who saved them. It was someone else, but who?

"Somehow we were able to read the scripts on her tomb. After she broke free, she said we helped imprisoned her and that she was sent to our world to return us to her master whom of course we now know is Omegon or the Messiah person or what ever his name is," continued Troy.

Arion's ears were telling him lies. Why would the Messiah of Darkness be interested in two Earth Humantians? What was so important about them?

"We were able to defend ourselves with the aid of our newly discovered Rudiments; however, she was too strong for us. She was about to capture us when someone in a blue cloak opened a gate and sent us here, saving us. At least that's what we think," finished Shark.

"Do you know who it was and why Panthora accused us of imprisoning her?" asked Troy, wanting, know demanding answers at this point.

"Unfortunately, I have no idea of who saved you or how Panthora was able to enter into your world and why she thought she knew you, unless," replied the pondering Valliantious.

"Unless? Unless what?" asked a bewildered Troy.

"Omegon knows. He somehow knows of the year," whispered Valliantious to himself.

"What are you talking about?" asked an even more confused Troy. He was like Shark attempting calculus.

"It is imperative the four of you work together and develop your strengths to the max," asserted Valliantious.

All four were dazed by what had exited his mouth. What did he mean by working together and for what purpose? Again, Arion thought his ears were being deceptive and lying to him. Those words of madness did not just come out from Lord Valliantious' mouth.

"I don't understand?" exclaimed a confused Arion.

"Are they?" pointed Arion to Pyro, Troy, and Shark, "Are they the new Elders you spoke of?"

"Yes. Yes, they are," replied Valliantious firmly.

"This is outrageous," shouted Arion, like judge objecting. "The Hyods only choose the best fifty warriors to attend, only ones whom they have personally detected as strong and most have not even filled their Houses."

"Now you want to have these inexperienced warriors become Elders. They are not even ready to step foot into the first of the four-year semesters; much less be in second semester as I am. This is preposterous."

So Lord Valliantious is really Professor Valliant, Shark and Troy's teacher, what do you think about that? 

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