Love (Criminal Minds) *Comple...

By CriminalMinds101620

6.5K 128 94

This is a Jeid, Hotchniss, and Morcia story. If you don't like one of the ships don't read. *Completed* More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12/Epilogue

Chapter 2

758 16 5
By CriminalMinds101620

{JJ's POV}
When I got to work I'm the first one there like always, so I go to my office and start going through case files to find a new case. A few minutes later Hotch arrives.

{Hotch's POV}
When I got to work JJ was already here but she's always here first so it didn't come as a surprise. I went to my office and started working on paperwork. As I'm working on my paperwork I look out of my window and notice Reid come in and sit at his desk and start working.

{Reid's POV}
When I got to work I realize Hotch and JJ are the only ones here. I'm usually the 4th one here instead of the 3rd. I walk to my desk and sit down when I hear footsteps behind me, so I turn around and see JJ walking towards me. She is so beautiful. Spencer she is married! I scold myself. JJ comes over and sits on my desk and we talk about Henry for a few minutes then Rossi comes in and JJ goes back to her office.

{Rossi's POV}
When I get here I notice JJ sitting on Reid's desk talking to him (I'm guessing about Henry). I also notice Hotch in his office and no one else is here. I go to my desk and start working. Morgan and Garcia walk in together like they do every Monday.

{Garcia's POV}
Me and Derek walk in together like we do every Monday because every Sunday we have movie night unless we have a case. When we walk in everyone is here except for Em. Derek walks to his desk and I watch him for a few seconds thinking about how much I want to tell him I'm in love with him but I snap myself out of my thoughts and head to my batcave.

{Morgan's POV}
I walk into the bullpin with Penelope like I do every Monday after movie night. When we walk in I realize Prentiss is the only one missing. She is always last to get here because everyday she stops and gets everyone coffee. I walk to my desk and Penelope goes to her batcave when Prentiss walks in holding 7 coffees and a bagel. I get up to help her.

{Prentiss' POV}
I get all the coffees and my bagel and head inside when I see Morgan get up and come towards me to help me pass out the coffee. He grabs his, Penelope's, and Reid's then he puts his on his desk, hands Reid his, and then goes to Penelope's lair to give her her coffee. I'm left with mine, JJ's, Rossi's, and Hotch's. I put mine on my desk, hand Rossi his, go to JJ's office to give her hers, then I go to Hotch's office to give him his. I made sure to give Hotch his last so I can talk to him for a minute. I love being around him. Hotch is so sexy. Emily he is your boss! I scold myself as I walk into his office. I hand him his coffee and we talk about Jack for a few minutes, but then I decide I need to go to my desk and start on my work so I tell him good morning and I was going to work and I walk out and go to my desk.

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