Chapter 3

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{JJ's POV}
I was going through case files when I got a call from the Chicago PD asking for our assistance on a case. I look over the case to determine if it could be a serial killer. I come to the conclusion that it is so I go to Hotch's office to tell him.

{Hotch's POV}
I was doing paperwork when someone knocks on my door. I tell her to come in JJ walks into my office and tells me we have a case. She briefs me then I go to tell Garcia.

{Garcia's POV}
I was working when Hotch comes into my office to tell me we have a case. He briefs me then goes to get everyone in the round table room while I set up. Everyone enters the round table room so I can start the debrief. "Ok so the Chicago PD has asked for our assistance on a case (Derek doesn't mind going to Chicago now that Carl Buford is dead) where three 13 year old girls have went missing all abducted from their bedroom in the middle of the night. All of them were under 5 feet tall, had brown hair, brown eyes, and wore glasses. The first and second victim Kelly Martin and Paige O'Brian was found in the woods behind each of their houses. They both had stab wounds to their arms, legs, and torso. The COD was a gunshot to the head exacution style by a 9 millimeter. They were both held for 48 hours before they were killed. The third victim Kaylee Johnson was taken from her bedroom at around 11:30 last night which means we have about 36 hours to find her." "Wheels up in 30." Hotch says

{Rossi's POV}
We listen to Garcia tell us about the case then Hotch says "Wheels up in 30." so we all get our go bags and walk to the plane. When we get on the plane Morgan puts his headphones on, Prentiss sits across from Hotch staring out the window, Hotch is looking through the case file (I wonder when those 2 are gonna admit they have feelings for each other), JJ is sitting beside Reid and they're talking about the case, and I'm just thinking about how this unsub gets into these houses abducts three 13 year old girls and dumps them behind their house yet no one sees anything.

{Prentiss' POV}
When I get on the plane I sit across from Hotch and stare out of the window wondering if Hotch feels the same way about me as I feel about him.

{Morgan's POV}
We get on the plane and I put my headphones on and listen to music.

{Reid's POV}
We get on the plane and me and JJ sit next to each other to discuss the case. We talk about the reasons he might go after these girls, why he dumps their bodies behind their house, and why he abducts them from their homes. We come to the conclusion that he most likely abducts them from their house and dumps them behind it because their house represents safety and he is taking that away from the family making them think no where is safe just as the plane lands.

{Hotch's POV}
As the plane lands I say "JJ, you go to Kelly Martin's house and talk to the parents, Prentiss, you and I will go to Paige O'Brian's house and talk to her parents Reid you go to the police station to start the geographical profile, and Rossi and Morgan, y'all go to Kaylee Johnson's house to talk to her parents." I put Prentiss with me on purpose. I like being around her. When we land, everyone goes where they were told to go.

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