The Broken Crown

By AmythestWinter

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The first time I saw him, my bones turned to water and I knew I would fall at his hands. They called it dest... More

A Thousand Conversations
Secrets and Lies
Power and Control
The Expanse
Tales of the Past
Between the Wars
Secrets of the Day
Pretty Little Things
A Storm is Coming
Allies or Enemies
A Choice of Fate
Immoral Men
Setting Sun
The Covenant
The Hand That Feeds
Heavy in Your Arms
Pandora's Box
The Auburn Beauty
A Destiny of Darkness
All That Glitters
Maintain the Madness
A Good Omen
Shadow of the Past
Sacrifice of Youth

Silvercrest Ridge

3.3K 167 23
By AmythestWinter

I sit still, taking in the fresh morning breeze as a small weight has become lifted from my shoulders. Pulling my hair back, I stretch out my arms, gazing out upon the garden outside my window, the breeze blowing inside as the windows are peeled open. Telling myself I have no time to waste, I look back to the list of things to do today, the joy I had felt as I entered the room dropping. Emmitt will no doubt be the first alpha to come to me, to request a presence with me ever since the battle on Alpha Penelope's pack grounds. Yet I will have to tell him his matters will need to be settled with the council present.

Picking up my morning cup of coffee, the door to my office opens softly, Alpha Yusuf entering in hesitantly as I watch. Four days ago Alpha Penelope's pack was attacked and her men surrendered. I have watched Yusuf mourn the death of Penelope, as Penelope was a dear friend of Yusuf's. Yusuf was sent to Penelope's mansion to persuade her to surrender and emerge, yet Yusuf never returned from that mansion with Penelope... nor his true self. I know what Yusuf claimed to have seen in that house, that Penelope was already dead when he got there. I saw the scene he described as well, for Penelope lay beside her husband exactly as Yusuf had informed.

A piece of me believes Yusuf allowed Penelope to take the easy way out, to not face the consequences for her crimes, to not face justice, and to not face the faces of those she had betrayed. Something happened to Yusuf in that house and now he comes to me all these days later.

"To what do I owe this meeting, Alpha Yusuf?" I greet, instructing him to take a seat as I offer him a cup of coffee.

I watch the alpha glance around the room, as if he had not heard my words, lost in his own thoughts. Stuck in a trance like the days past, Yusuf simply walks to the bookshelf at the far end of the room, face pale as he cannot seem to craft his words.

"Alpha Yusuf, are you all right?"

"Queen Lucinda," Yusuf speaks, his voice soft as he glances to me. "Do you recall such a name."

"I am afraid not."

"Not many do. Not many history books mention such a queen. Nor did she have a long reign. She married into the nobility of the time and though she was a werewolf, she was taught the concepts of witchcraft." Where could he be going with this? "For seven years she sat beside her husband - though he would come to have countless public affairs as she could bare no children. It became rumored she could bare no children because she used witchcraft."

I sit attentive, curious as to where Yusuf could be taking this conversation. What could have happened to make Yusuf think of the topics of witchcraft? What could have happened with Penelope? Could Yusuf have spoken with Penelope in her final words to take Yusuf down a trail of witchcraft history within the werewolf world? It it not common for kings and queens of the past to call upon mages to help protect the kingdom in times of war. What did Penelope know that Yusuf did know?

What did Penelope know that she could have leveraged against him?


"Witchcraft is not natural, Leala, and though we have grown accustomed to it over time, there are forms which still remain unnatural."

"What is bothering you, Yusuf?" I ask, keeping my voice level as I rise to my feet, trying to act like a shoulder for the alpha, trying to be someone he can trust here. "Please, let me help you."

"I am fighting for you, Leala. I am behind you, supporting you, and putting the life of my warriors and myself on the line to see you and your kin on the throne."

"I understand, Yusuf. I understand the sacrifices you and all the other alphas are making. I appreciate it...there is not a day that goes by in which I do not spare a moment to think of what your men are putting on the line. But please, Yusuf, please do not hesitate to be transparent with me."

"I had wished Penelope was transparent with me from the beginning."

"I'm sorry?"

"Penelope was the one to come before me, to make a pact for the two of us to support you." I lean in, biting my tongue as I want Yusuf to continue with his words. "We saw you sitting on the throne as the rightful decision, as someone to unite the kingdom."

"Penelope left that pact," I point out. "I knew when I had sent you into her house, Yusuf, that Penelope was never going to return."

Yusuf gazes up to me, curious with my last set of words. "Why do you think I would send the man she would trust the most without backup? I could have sent Cedric with you to ensure my orders were followed. I always knew you were never going to have her face the possible horrors of returning to the arms of those she had betrayed."

"I did not kill her...she was a friend of mine - a dear friend-"

"I did not say you did," I insist, rising to my feet as I come to sit at the other end of my desk, right across from the seat Yusuf most commonly takes. "No one else was in that room except for two individuals who are now dead and another who stands before me spewing words of witchcraft abnormalities."

Yusuf sits before me now, the two of us facing one another as the tension becomes thick. "You want to know what our last exchange of words was?"

"I do."

"I never said she-"

"Penelope killed herself, Yusuf, everyone saw the aftermath. Please stop playing this meaningless game and tell me what has been eating you alive. Tell me what she told you that has been slowing killing you."

Yusuf crosses his legs, glancing to the wall of books I have near the dead fireplace, his eyes glancing towards a row of those with ruins gifted from an ancient coven to a late grandfather ages ago. "I am no fool to the relationship which has taken off between River and you, Leala. I saw the roots of it form when you visited that palace and I saw that foundation grow when he came here seeking shelter. As someone who looks out for your title of Queen, I saw him to be a great man to sit beside you as you ruled, for he seemed to make a great match and would work well alongside you."

"You speak in past-tense," I point out, trying to keep my voice calm, already knowing what Penelope must have told Yusuf. What could happen now if my suspicions are in fact one hundred percent correct?

Yusuf looks back to me. "Penelope told me who River's parents are...the abnormality of the entire thing sickens me, Leala, and it will no doubt make others who come to learn the true also sick." Shaking his head, Yusuf clasps his hands together. "I take it you found out some time ago judging just by how carefully you have been with this entire relationship, not just because you two were enemies - do not even get me started about how that makes me angered."

"I know which parts of my relationship I plan to release to the public if River and I make it-"

"Do not play your future subjects for fools," Yusuf snaps, shooting up to his feet. "They will not buy your lies when there are other factors at play. Penelope knew because she knew River's parents. How many others know the true of River's bloodline? If none, then they will go searching. Even if they do not go searching, they will begin to wander when the great Alpha Leala began to have feelings for her sworn enemy-turned-lover. If they find paths linking together, you will find a mess on your hands."

"I have covered my tracks. I have extended land to Finch on behalf of Finley's advice."

"So more are tied up in this mess than I could have imagined and these men will hold political power too!" Yusuf yell, snapping at me as he throws his hands up into the air. "I am trying what I can to see you wearing that crown, Leala, but things have just become more complex and you cannot seem to comprehend that fact."

"There are other factors at play here, Yusuf. I am currently tied up with Keva."

"And I take it Keva knows all of River's secrets and is just holding them for some strange reason? Why has she not released to everyone that River was Zion's child? It could shake the foundation of your armies within a snap." I watch Yusuf pace around the room, deep in thought as he glances up to me every few seconds. "I never knew your mother, Leala, but I am ashamed to see you did not take on her intellect. More like your father than anything - thinking with your heart than brain."

I watch Yusuf slam the door of my office as he makes his way out, mumbling he will be back after he has had a short break and takes some air. As I am left alone with my thoughts, I am pulled to the words Yusuf has left me with, claiming me to be nothing like my mother but like the worst aspect of my father. I had heard what got my father killed in the end was that he fought with his arrogance, not with his heart. If he had fought with his heart, he would have stayed with my mother the day he left. I had heard the day my mother died, she too fought with her arrogance, but also desperation, no longer with her intellect as she led a battle to the palace and died within it.

Yusuf is right, for my subjects will not be happy when they learn River is the son of Zion, that emotion only driven deeper if they were to learn my relationship with him started before the war and continued. Finch and Finley are political powers which I cannot be sure will keep their traps shut. I may have promised an extension of land to Finch as an olive branch, yet what happens if my plot to offer River the packs of Penelope and Evercrest Ridge? Those packs cannot run rogue, they cannot be unruled. I cannot just focus on Keva, but also these issues now too. I need to put my trust in Yusuf and seek out his guidance. I have royally pissed off Yusuf for now and for however much longer, but I need his help.

I was right Penelope told Yusuf the truth of River in her final words. Could that have been all they said to one another? Whatever was included in that conversation, this has been what has been eating Yusuf alive for the past few days.

Will Yusuf treat or even look at River the same anymore? Can I trust Yusuf to keep this secret between us? If I cannot, then what do I do, for it could mean severe consequences...

Yusuf has been by my side this entire time - yet I had thought the same of Penelope. I cannot blindly trust Yusuf. I must watch out and watch my back.

Taking in a deep breath, I know I must watch Yusuf now that he knows the truth of River's bloodline. For the sake of the future of the kingdom I am trying to build, my running for the throne, and the safety of River's life in this pack, I have to ask myself if I can trust Yusuf.


Steady. I have to relax now. I hate to be alone as I sit at the head of this table, the necklace I wear feeling like a chain around my throat. The table before me lays out like a long road, the sense of direction lost as I try and concentrate on what I have to say here today. I know who will oppose me and who – if any – will offer their support.

I greet those who enter the room, one by one as they take their seats. As the chairs around the table begin to fill, the one adjacent to me remains empty – the one I needed the most support from. Finley clears his throat, asking where Yusuf could be. We wait for another set of odd minutes, eager to get this meeting started as I know the guest we have coming in today will wait for no one – just as death waits for no one. Could Yusuf have taken back his support after everything he said to me, having thought he was in too deep and I had dug my grave too far? Yusuf swore he would fight for me, yet perhaps all I had said in the end drove him away. After all, he never came back to offer his final set of words to solidify any advice. The last words he spoke to me were harsh, claiming I lacked the intellect my mother was known for until the end.

As Finley claims we should begin without Yusuf, I watch the oldest alpha of the council stumble through the room, apologizing for his tardiness. Hustling around the table, he slides into his seat without sparing me a glance. Finley slides me a glance before he settles back down, opening up the table to the discussions we have been brought here today for.

"Penelope's pack has surrendered as we are all well aware of," Mathis brings forth, "those warriors left from the battle have been treated of their wounds. Pack members are kept a close eye on. We have About one hundred of our own men stationed at that pack keeping an eye on everything. Last I heard it is all running smoothly."

"So we have another Evercrest Ridge situation," Emmitt mutters, "though these men are not as innocent."

"We are not here to wipe a pack from existence. We saw how that weakened the foundation of this kingdom during the last war," I point out, "we are fighting for the survival of our kind here, Alpha Emmitt, not the destruction of it. The survival of it means keeping packs alive."

"Those warriors killed my family!"

"And they have paid, do you not think so?" I ask, looking into the watering eyes of Emmitt. "I know what you lost and while I will never be able to comprehend that feeling, do you not think that if you will only seek revenge and wish to kill off the men who killed your pack members as well as their families – that it would start an endless cycle? If we were to begin some endless cycle, then what progress would be made?"

"That pack deserves no respect. They deserve no right to have an alpha lead them."

I raise an eyebrow, watching the faces of the others in the room. "If they have no leader, then they are a rogue pack," Finch comments. "Nothing good comes of rogue packs, Emmitt. You are being irrational here. We all realize what you went through, but these men followed the orders of Penelope and Penelope is dead. Those primarily left alive had no part in the attack. If they have no one to lead them, we lose them to the human world."

Emmitt's face twists, angered by the fact no one has come to back him up. "I have no pack members left."

"I do not tolerate genocide," I declare, my voice deep, on the edge of a growl as I can feel the darkening of my eyes as my wolf begins to emerge. "If you are set on genocide, then you can no longer be part of this council nor fight under the flag of Crimson Lock."

A silence consumes the room, tension thickening as eyes are set on Emmitt, awaiting his response. He understands he stands no chance out on his own. Fighting for his own when there is only one power left in this werewolf kingdom and then Keva's armies on the other side, he knows he could not survive. "Then what do you propose?" Emmitt asks.

I take from a folder beside me sheets of paper proposing plans for a merger. I watch as they reach the ends of the table, eyes reading over them as I try and sit still, my foot tapping nervously, awaiting their questions. "It is a merger between Evercrest Ridge and Silversun Hollow. This merger would allow for Alpha Finch and Yusuf to spread their lands further north to where Silversun Hollow was while keeping land open for new packs to be made in the new kingdom when it is formed and people return to the werewolf world. The merged pack would take up residence where Evercrest Ridge is currently placed."

"And let me guess," Finley begins, looking up from his paper as a smirk tugs at his lips, "you would need an alpha to take control over this new Frankenstein's monster pack?"

A lump forms in my throat, for Finley was the last person I wanted to comment first on this fact. "Indeed, for what is a pack without an alpha?"

"And what is an alpha without a pack," Finley finishes, his smirk only growing as he glances across the table to the golden eyes of River. River looks to me, shocked as he glances back down to the paper and back up to me. "Tell me, Queen Leala, how will your subjects react when they learn your once sworn enemy has been granted a pack so he can hold political power in your new government."

Finley knows the plot here. Political power for many reasons. An alpha can hold political power and when I am crowned, I have limited power, but if River and I still have a relationship as well as similar views, then I feel as if I have a voice in that Senate. Having political power also gives River recognition and respect should it become present to the public the news of our relationship – yet that is all at risk. All at risk if people learn too soon when our relationship began, how it continued on, and who his parents are.

"River has lost a great deal," I begin, looking around the table. "And he has helped our armies more than anyone had expected. He has offered this council sound advice and I found it perfectly acceptable to offer him the role of Alpha of Silvercrest Ridge," I speak up, including the name of the merged pack.

"Oh, how I would adore seeing two packs trying to merge together on their hate for Leala Maxwell as they are led by River of Eternal Shadows," Finch scoffs, rolling his eyes. "The Crimson Whore and-"

A deep growl escapes my mouth as I hear a term once mentioned before by Finch. He knows where we stand on our agreement and he got what he wanted for now, but nothing is set in stone. "Mergers are never easy, but let us not forget many of your own packs were merged after the last war to try and survive."

"They were merged to survive. They were not merged by force," Mathis points out. "I do not oppose this plan, but I know this will not be an easy task. Nor will getting individuals to corporate with an alpha they did not even vote for. Even if you send in a few troops."

"I understand." Looking over to River, I notice just how silent he has been this entire meeting, how he stares at the paper in front of him, head bowed as his eyes just glaze over. "River, are you willing to accept the role of Alpha over Silvercrest Ridge?"

Slowly lifting his head up, those golden eyes do not shimmer like they usually do, for they are dim. I watch as he stands up and walks quickly from the room, excusing himself. Just as I scoot my chair back, Yusuf grabs hold of my arm, shaking his head, warning me to not follow after him. "So it is decided we will have members of Penelope's pack transported to Evercrest Ridge territory. Finch, allow your men enough time to let those families pack their belongings," Yusuf informs, taking control as my eyes wander to the door River exited from. What could be going on through his brain at this moment? Does he not want the position? Did I scare him off of the idea? "While the move happens, Evercrest members will prepare for new pack members to join. We will need to build temporary housing if not enough vacant homes already..." I seem to drown Yusuf out, filling my head with questions of what River could be thinking right now.



"Keva? Where do we stand on here and the Coven of Andromeda? That Davcina individual?" Emmitt asks, settling down his anger as we change the subject.

Nodding, I try and recall the last call I had received from Declan and the news he had given me. "They are working on the spells they will be using. Elven magic and their own have similar roots. I do not understand the knowledge behind it exactly, but they are close to making some sort of 'bridge' between the two for us to break through the portals of that palace." As my tone shifts, I notice the faces in the room anticipate what I may say next. "The length of time the portals can be opened are limited, as well as the size. If they exhaust their power, there is a risk of literally collapsing a portal which could land portions of our men into parts of the world or perhaps even space. The portals can only be opened for so long, but they can open multiple."

"All through the same point? Would we be able to enter the palace where we want?" Mathis asks, his face twisted with confusion as everyone around the table tries to understand the magic I am trying to explain.

"Declan will be arriving here shortly. Gamma Brie will inform me when he arrives so we may ask more of these specific questions."

"Will this Davcina thing be present as well?"

"I do not know."

"So what can you tell us?" Finley scoffs, leaning back in his chair as he checks the time.

"That I want to get this battle over with when it comes to Keva. I am tired of waiting," I reply, my tone curt. "We can all go take a break. I will call us all back when Brie informs me of Declan's arrival."


"I know what you are doing with this appointment of River's new title," he speaks up, informing me of his presence as I open my eyes and groan. Sitting up from the bed, I look over to spot Yusuf closing the door behind him as he enters my bedroom. "Giving him a title of his own, offering him another way to build a backstory before you take the throne if this war is won. Not just for political power like what he seeks, but a voice and a way to have a reason to get close to you. People would question you if someone with no political power, no real title, and your once sworn enemy was speaking with you and getting close."

"I am doing what I can to cover his tracks and my own, but not just for selfish reasons. It would allow for minimal drama to escape the palace walls beside what Finley and Finch could spread. I do not want the public riled up so soon when a new government is being made so soon."

"Still selfish," Yusuf mutters, taking a seat at the accent chair beside my bookshelf. Running his hand through his hair, Yusuf looks back up to me, his face showing signs of stress. I nod, understanding the selfish reasons behind it. "Building a façade for River to hide behind: the Alpha of Silvercrest Ridge. A new title for people to focus on, though they will still recall his old one. Though, hopefully the new one will keep them from asking of his family name, of his bloodline. Perhaps they will only assume him to be an individual who build his name through times of war."

Taking in a deep breath, I nod, pulling my shoes back on as my feet touch the floor. "And you still disapprove."

"I do. River should never have been born. I care not for where his parents are and I never want to know. But I see the kind of king he could be beside you."

Glancing down to my phone, I watch as it buzzes, Brie informing me that our guest as arrived. "Will you protect what I am trying to do here?"

Yusuf thinks for a moment, letting a second of silence pass between us. "I will protect the future of this kingdom."


"Is there a way to enter into the palace where we want?"

"Is there a chance our bodies will be sliced in half if something fails?"

"What if the elves push us back through the portals?"

Endless questions are asked as we sit at the table, Declan at the other end as we are back together and gathered to ask our questions. Raising his hand, Declan asks for everyone to clam down, that nothing like getting sliced in half is possible with the magic his coven will be using. "The likelihood of a portal failing halfway through is unlikely, for my coven understands the limits. We will only be allowing a certain amount of men for the time we can hold a portal open. Portals are a draining sort of Chaos and, if opened for too long, can have lasting effects on the mind for the user." Clasping his hands together, Declan glances to River for a short second. "I am sure this one has used them before. Projected them perhaps?"

"For a short second. Nearly passed out."

"How long did it take to learn?"

"I had been practicing for years. Portals were the hardest to project," River replies, his voice low as he looks around the table, perhaps not wishing to have informed the others he had learned magic.

Declan turns back to the mass of us. "Portals are tricky to pick a spot to project even if you have been to that place before. Since my coven has never been inside that palace, we cannot pick and choose where we project the other end of that portal, but we can sense the presence of magical artifacts and use them to have a general idea of where to place you. Magical artifacts give off certain...auroras if you will. Since River has been inside that palace and knows of these items, we can use his knowledge to have an idea which artifacts to project the portal next to. If these artifacts are located in isolated hallways, tunnels, and other places to better hide your presence, then we can pop you out there."

I watch how those around me nod, liking the ideas of this as Declan looks to River. "This process planning would take about a week at most, for it is draining to sense the presence of auroras with a magical barrier in the way. We can take down the barrier, but only when the time comes to bring your armies into the palace."

"How long until this whole plan is ready to go?"

"I would give you all about a two week maximum, perhaps even less. It all depends on the placement of these artifacts and then communicating with this council about how many men you wish to enter in through those portals at a time. Once that is complete, my coven can travel up here and prepare."

My heartbeat goes haywire, realizing just how much time is left. Chills run down my spine as I try not to show the fear in my eyes to the others around me. I hold my hands still in my lap, trying to not let them shake as I watch the others around me too realize just how close we are to meeting Keva and her men face to face. "We look forward to it, Declan," I inform, thanking my uncle for all his help.

"If you do not mind, Leala, I would like to speak with River more. I take it you are all done asking me questions?"

We all nod, no questions left as it all seems clear the layout. River glances to me before going back to Declan. No doubt the two of them will be discussing magic. As The rest of us walk from the room, I grab the door as the last one out, peering over my shoulder as I watch Declan pull from his pocket a small onyx ring with a ruin carved into it. What could Declan be doing with such a thing and River?

As the door pulls shut, a cold pass of air runs over me, the muffled voices behind the door now nothing but dead silence as I know magic now protects the room and nothing can be heard. Whatever Declan needed to talk with River about, he needed it to be kept secret for a reason. Pushing my ear to the door, a static shock runs through my body, causing me to jolt back and a ringing to erupt in my ear as I hiss. A shimmer runs along the door for a short second before disappearing, telling me to not try that again. Letting out a sigh, I walk away from the room, returning to the living room as I look to see Finley and Mathis in deep conversation while Finch, Emmitt and Yusuf argue about how the merger of two packs will go down. As I enter into the room, the conversations seem to drift into a silence. Will this be how conversations will happen in the palace when everything is said and done? Will people drop their conversations when I enter into a room because they do not wish to discuss their political opinions with me?

Everyone has their opinions yet when I take the throne, my political opinions will be just a voice and not something I can and pass into law. With River as an alpha, he can pass laws and made decisions for this government, yet he has his own voice and I cannot expect us to always agree. Will people just see me as some type of celebrity and traditional figure due to what Finley has done? Glancing to Finely, I can feel my blood boil as he offers me a slight smile before going back to a small topic of conversation with Emmitt and Yusuf. For right now I hold say in what happens and he knows that, but he knows I soon will not. I swear he will pay for what he has done and I will find a way to be more than just some individual who prances around all day wearing a crown, jewelry, and what coat I wear being a topic of conversation for the media.

My mother and father did not die for their daughter to be nothing more than someone who fought a war to have no say in the future and shape of the government, no. They died because they believed in a system of government without a broken crown and I will be damned if Finley will rob me of that. 

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