And Action [jenvid.]

Da alwaysroschel

21.4K 578 202

"Jen?" "Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again." "Nothing will change this okay?" - after receiving... Altro

One: The Table Read
Three: Filming Part 1.
Four: Filming Part 2.
Five: Realizations
Six: Lunch
Seven: Olive Branches
Eight: Paparazzi, Playbills, and Dinner?
Nine: Waiting
Ten: Lobsters and 20 Dollars
Eleven: Love bubble
Twelve: Rumour Has It
13: Lies.
14: All I Want
15: Anywhere With You
16: Reality Check Part One.
17: Reality Check Part Two.
18: One Step Closer
19: Welcome To New York
20: The Moment He Knew
21: The Moment She Knew
22: This is Love
23: The Lucky One
24: Interviews to make the news
25: Meant To Be
26: i have you (always)
tow the author's note

Two: The Night Before

1.1K 30 17
Da alwaysroschel

Thank you to those of you who are reading this story and looking forward to the chapters ahead! For the chapters going forward aside from the cast and the things that are written in the episodes other parts (set breaks, characters, behind the scenes) ARE ALL IDEAS! Nothing is real about those I just wrote them in for the sake of the story (: All the rights for the show and the characters go the creators of friends and I have no affiliation whatsoever with the actors ahah. With that being said enjoy this chapter!

David and Jennifer stayed holding onto each other in the parking lot for what seemed like hours. They knew that within these walls in the studios they were protected that no one would know their unsaid feelings for one another. Because at the end of the day they would go back to their separate homes where one of them has a partner to go home to whilst the other has an empty house with dogs running around. It was always something in the way. But, something that they didn't know was how everyone that was part of the show was hoping that somehow they would come together sooner than later (if they didn't already).

They were interrupted when David got a call. Just when that happened they were once again brought back to their reality. Timing is a bitch, and for them it seems like whether it was on screen or off they would never make it to hear their feelings said out loud.

"That was Christina, I have to go." David whispered.

"Yea, of course I should get going to. Memorize these lines and what not." Jen replied.

"Do you want to run lines tonight?" David asked but Jennifer just shook her head in response.

"It's probably best if we keep it authentic on the day of filming Schwimm."

David moved aside to let Jennifer in her car and just like that it felt like the on screen breakup ruined whatever they had left. Whatever it was.

On the drive back to her place Jennifer couldn't help but think. When this show started her feelings for David were almost instant but seeing as they are co workers and co stars she decided that perhaps it wasn't the best to date someone who she would work closely with. It was a warning from other actors passed that she had overheard. That it could potentially ruin the on screen chemistry. So she just hid whatever feelings she had developed for David and got into a relationship. Someone not in the business and was set up on a blind date. Undoubtedly that relationship lasted longer than she had thought it would. Once it ended however, her feelings for David didn't go away. What didn't help was that at the same time Rachel found out Ross had been in love with her.

She remembered the taping of that episode. David was away in New York settling some things there and wasn't written in for a lot of the finale. But, he was on the phone all the time. Jennifer could distinctively remember their conversation right before the last scene. The scene where Rachel would be in shock that Chandler admitted Ross' feelings.

"Nice escape Schwimmer you left for New York on the episode where you're needed the most." Jen laughed.

"Have to keep the fans on edge for the next season you never know what will happen."

"What's so funny is how Ross never got to see how Rachel was waiting for him to ask her out. Now it's all about this big surprise with the pin for her birthday."

"Wait wait.. Rachel waiting? Did I miss something for this taping?"

"Just my theory is all.. I mean Rachel clearly had developed something for Ross along the first season.." And so did she for David.

"Well guys are oblivious and clearly Ross is." David laughed this time.

"Yea they are. Way too oblivious for their own good." Jennifer agreed because truth be told she thought she was being too obvious with her feelings towards David. Guess not.

That conversation played over and over in her head because as the Ross and Rachel story happened on screen it mirrored her reality with David. Except there was never a real relationship. But a mutual understanding that they will not date one another if feelings arise. A pact they had made behind the scenes after the first kiss between their characters. But it was too late, at that point Jennifer's feelings had grown while David ended up in a relationship by the end of the next episode taping.

"Bubs, you're home." Christina's accent shined whenever she called for David.

"Just a quick read through, you called?" He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to grab some water.

"It's about work.. I have to go to New York for the rest of the week to deal with a client. I tried to hold off as long as I could without flying back again but this time it's urgent I can't really fix the issue over a phone call." Christina reasoned with him.

This has been an ongoing conversation between the couple who had initially met when David was still living in New York City. Christina promised him that she can take care of work from the other side of the country albeit he never asked her to move to California with him it was her choice. However, for the past year that they have been together they have spent half of that apart. Christina always flying back to New York and David going after her. It was always him meeting her in the middle but she never realized to meet him in the middle. But being the person he is David would rather do it than lose the person he loves. Even if that feeling is slowly going away with the countless trips she keeps taking.

"I can fly there to meet you at the end of the week if you need to stay there longer babe." He replied instantly.

"No need bubba, it's fine you always do that and I need to take shorter trips." She kissed him on the lips and as they kissed David tried to hold onto some feeling he thought he still had for his girlfriend. Little did he know she was doing the same thing. "I'm going to go pack, after do you want to grab some dinner? I can order in and we can run over your lines together like always."

"I think I'm going over to Matty's tonight with Matt. I can drive you to the airport tomorrow morning before I go to set is that alright?" He tried to reason.

"I'd be worried if you didn't do that." She laughed lightly and kissed him once more before leaving.

Once Christina was gone into their room David pulled out his phone to text Matthew to see if he can call a dinner at his place with him and Matt. He rarely ever lies too Christina but somehow they're both just playing this out until they can no longer stay with one another. At least that what he was hoping for knowing deep down he will have to break up with her.

"Something happened with the happy British couple?" Matthew texted back.

"New York again. Just please."

"You think out of the many times your girlfriend has gone to New York that you two have already broken up.. But ok, I'll text Matt."

After reading the text he locked his phone again. Until another message went through.

"Should I text the girls?"

"If you want."

"We're bringing over some wine and going to order food." Lisa's voice can be heard from Jennifer's phone.

"Honey no it's fine really I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight but just read the scripts and maybe relax before the hectic week." Jennifer tried to reason.

"Too late we bought the wine already. I'm picking up Court in a few hours and she'll text you when we're there."



"Is there tequila?"

Lisa laughed a little noticing how Jennifer is loosening up. "That can be arranged."

"See you two later then."

Hanging up the call and opening her door she was greeted immediately by her dog, Norman. Leaning down she played with him before walking into her house and locking the door. With how crazy her life has gotten since the first season Jennifer is happy at least that she managed to maintain this part of her life a safe routine. No matter how busy her day will get she will go home and be greeted by her dog. Everything will be fine again.

"Did you eat huh buddy?" She asked her dog. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Norman got excited which signalled to her that he was.

Things are simple they really were. If she just stayed within her bubble then nothing would happen. However, inside her head was where everything seemed to be jumbled. Deciding to relax for a bit before going for a walk she turned on the tv and just sat on the couch doing some channel surfing before landing on an interview of the show's creators: Marta and David. Turning up the volume she decided to tune in to this one seeing it was almost done.

"Everyone here at the network has a few questions about the upcoming episode of Friends."

"We hear that over here too!" David said.

"There's only half of our usual writers for these episodes for the sake of wanting it to be secretive in a way." Marta chimed in.

"So Ross and Rachel.." Just the mention of the pair made Jennifer want to switch the channel but what flashed on the screen was some moments of the show. Seeing that made her smile they had clear on screen chemistry which showed, a lot. "Is this the end for the two? I mean America loves them together and are practically the main on screen pairing of the series correct?"

"Well we didn't plan for it to be. Plus it's a little too soon we're hoping to go on for a few more seasons past the third." Marta chuckled. "But, as for the end of Ross and Rachel we're discovering a new layer to the two characters and just how real they are. Which is why David and I really talked with both Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer. Viewers aren't the only one who fell in love with the couple. Everyone who is part of the show has too."

"I'll take that as a maybe answer to my question." The interviewer persisted for a clear cut answer.

"Tune in to the episode when it airs. We're filming the episode right after this upcoming one that is about to air this week." David answered.

Turning off the tv she realized that Norman cuddled up next to her fast asleep which canceled out the walk she planned to take him on. But after watching the interview she really needed to go out and do something. She has no idea what has been up with her lately. Maybe its just the fear that this will really change things between her and David. Or maybe it's her feelings for him that are still there, hidden. She has no right to like him after all he has a girlfriend and when he had feelings for her she was seeing someone. It was timing that was never there for them. Everything else was including the feelings, the care, the flirtation. Shaking her head she checked her phone and noticed a text from Matthew about a plan to meet up at his tonight.

She declined thanking that Lisa, Courteney and her and already made plans. The least she needs is to see David right now. She needs to hide her feelings for the mean time. Similar to Ross who had hidden his feelings for Rachel for years she will do the same for David.

Guys night doesn't come as often as a girls night. Not that the three men don't like being with each other but it's how each of them live farther from each other than the three girls do. Which made it more difficult to plan things so they would settle for meetups after work or the occasional phone call. Except tonight.

"Christina's leaving again?" Matt asked once they started eating.

"Her work." David nodded.

"You gotta let her go man. In what one year how often have you really spent time with her?" Matthew got a look from Matt but he continued. "I know you love her Schwimm but, it looks like she loves her work more."

"I don't know. I can't get upset with her over her work when she's always been so understanding with mine."

"You mean with you and Jen." Matt stated.

"With the show."

"You and Jen." Matt repeated. "I'm not saying Jen is in the way of your relationship but come on David. The rest of us are really starting to question you two."

"What about us? There isn't anything."

"Sure that table read is nothing." Matthew scoffed. "All I'm saying David is that Christina is choosing her work and you need to make a choice on continuing this with someone who is half assed."

"She's a lawyer it's not like I can compete with that.."

"The woman moved here man yet she is still flying to New York every month. We get you are the romantic type but is this really the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with?"

"Can we quit this talk now please. That's why I wanted to get away there's already enough in my head about this as it is." David reasoned.

"We're just looking out for you David."

"I know."

They spent the rest of the night trying to fill the conversation with anything possible. Serious topics and comedic ones just as long as it got David's mind off of things. Which is why the three boys had that dynamic on and off screen. While the girls bond was built on seeing each other grow and be there for one another the boys had that exact friendship yet they know when to switch it off. David, Matthew, and Matt continued to eat and talk when once again the conversation was brought back to work.

"The first filming day is tomorrow. Have you got your lines?" Matthew turned to David.

"I kinda do."

"It's so weird how this episode is literally the end all of America's on screen couple." Matthew joked which gained another look from Matt. "What? I'm joking!"

"Do you guys know what was up with Jen today?" David asked.

"We were going to ask you that." Matt turned to his friend. "Did something happen between you two?"

"No, we called the night before but that was it. She never brought up anything to me."

Matthew and Matt both looked at each other signalling if they should disclose the information they think they know to David.

"What?" David asked.

"If you really don't know it's not up to us to say anything." Matt shrugged. "Just talk to Jen out of work ok?"

Taco Night at Jennifer's house has become an unspoken tradition between the three women. The hidden thing behind taco night was always how it was called at the moment when something is up and bothering one of the three or in some cases all three women. It was there circle and even if the six actors were close the bond between these three was something else.

"Feelings for David still there?" Lisa jumped the gun and said it out loud. Courteney next to her eyes wide sipping her wine. Jennifer's reaction meanwhile was just to take a tequila shot. "So, is taking a shot meaning yes?"

"Lisa." Courteney looked at their friend.

"No no. About time I actually said something right?" Jennifer admitted taking yet another shot.

"Listen honey, it's fine if you don't want to say anything Lisa was just—"

"I do have some romantic feelings for David." Jennifer said hoping the alcohol in her system would take over.

Closing her eyes tightly she wasn't sure where this was going. Admitting feelings was the only thing she could seem to do at this point. What else can she say to them?

"Everyone besides Court had a feeling you both had some romantic feelings for each other." Lisa said. "Did you two ever?"

"Act on it?" Jennifer laughed a little thinking how three of their friends were thinking about something that she thought was a secret. "No, timing never is on our side clearly. Even now on screen it looks like our characters have ran its course too. Besides David never had any feelings for me." The response caused Lisa and Courteney to burst out laughing. "What now?"

"David having no feelings for you? Jen please." Courteney could barely speak. "Seriously you think that? That guy who would constantly flirt with you on set? He even watched what your favourite movie to talk about it with you. That David Schwimmer?"

Jennifer never looked at it like that. "Well cheers to timing and being an oblivious bitch if you are true Court." She raised her third shot of the night. "Even if any of that was true he clearly is in a happy relationship and I have a dog." Taking more alcohol into her system Jennifer couldn't believe thinking if Courteney's thoughts were true.

"What are you going to do about this week then?" Lisa asked. "It is yours and David's week."

"Fake it till you make it. Avoid it until you can't. I've been doing it since he got with Christina and I'll stick with it until this feeling I have is over."

"You can do that?" Lisa prodded once more.

"I've been doing a good job so far haven't I?"

"That makes one of you." Courteney joined in. "Just you two need to talk this out. No more pacts just everything on the table. Or the last thing you two can potentially say to each other civilly are the ones written from the breakup scene."

Courteney was right. But, in the moment as much as Jennifer agreed with her she can't bring herself to talk about this with David. Even if her feelings were true and strong she doesn't want to ruin his relationship. The relationship with someone she barely knew and only saw once in passing. What Jennifer doesn't know is that David is thinking about his past feelings for Jennifer. How can the two of them film something like that?

"You know what's funny." Jennifer spoke up.


"Ross and Rachel is the closest thing we can ever get to a relationship. Now that's gone too."

"Who said it's the closest you two will ever get?" Lisa paused. "Jen, open your eyes and stop assuming he won't reciprocate your feelings. You will never know unless you two talk."

"This actually feels like a breakup now. A breakup and a snap to reality all at the same time." Jennifer sighed. 

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