Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

Coming home and Confirming

112 2 3
By SGD1318

Layla POV:

I don't know how much time has past since Jett brought me to the hospital, and even that trip was fuzzy and blurred. I blink a few times for my eyes to clear as I groggily look around the room I was in. I see Jett curled up in a chair holding my hand gently but firmly in his sleep. His other hand was in a bassinet which made my eyes widen as I finally noticed that everything below my waist was somewhat numb and there wasn't hardly any pressure in my stomach. I wanted to see my baby, I needed to see my baby. I could feel panic and fear start to fill me as I try and sit up only to feel a sharp pain. I guess my movement woke Jett up because he was suddenly there helping me lay back down. He kisses my temple and whispers,

"Thank god your ok, your both ok. You probably won't be sitting up for a few more hours here. You had to have a C-section sweetie, and um, a hysterectomy."

I blink as I try and get my foggy brain to comprehend what he was say but when it did it stuttered to a halt. I swallow and say,

"We can talk about that later, is our daughter ok? Can I please see her, I really need to see her."

He smiles and gently reaches over and picks up a tiny bundle of blankets and carefully lays her in my arms. I look down and see soft blonde hair and a tan face that was relaxed. I shakily reach up and trace her features lightly as I take in how utterly perfect she was. I couldn't keep the smile off my face even if I wanted to. She was absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form. I felt a tear slide down the side of my face as I look up at Jett with a soft smile and whisper,

"She's so tiny and perfect, how the hell did we make her?"

He grins with watery eyes and whispers,

"Because she has the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world as her mother. And I really hope she takes after you because that would be amazing."

I smile as I kiss him softly before I look back down and see my little girl open her eyes and I see she has my blue eyes. I smile and quietly say,

"Hey there Finley, I'm your mommy. And soon you'll get to meet your big brother Rhys!"

I lean down and kiss her all over her face as she starts smiling and giggling making my heart warm. I snuggle her up into my chest as I coo at her, and I couldn't get over how bloody gorgeous she already was. Jett and I just kept looking as her in awe and softly touching and holding her in disbelief that we had made her. My doctors come and check both of us out and everything was completely fine, and I could even leave maybe tomorrow which I was happy about. After a few hours I wake up to a knock on the door and see it open only for Sarah with a nervous looking Rhys in her arms. I smile as I slowly push myself up and wake up Jett and say,

"There's my baby boy! Why you looking like something is going to jump out at you sweetie?"

Sarah looks down at him with a soft smile as Rhys whispers,

"I don't wanna huwt baby or mama."

My heart melts slightly as I smile as raise my arms up and make grabby hands at him getting a giggle out of him. Sarah gently hands him over to me as she smiles and mouths 'I'm glad everything is ok' and I just mouth back 'thanks, so am I'. Rhys curls into my side as I look down into his eyes and say,

"You want to meet your little sister?"

He blinks before nodding as he sits up so I could have my arms. Jett hands me Finley and I cradle her to my chest as I whisper,

"Now sweetie she is asleep so be quiet and gentle ok?"

He nods as he comes a bit closer and peers into the blankets and his eyes grow big. He sticks his small hands in his pockets looking very much like his daddy as he whispers,

"This my baby mommy?"

I grin as I free one hand and gently pull him into my side and say,

"Yes, this is your baby sister, wanna help mommy and daddy look after her?"

He looks up at me as serious as a 2 almost 3 year old could be and says,

"I pwomise to always pwotect my baby mommy."

I look over at Jett who was grinning ear to ear and he says,

"Good, we gotta keep them other boys away from her. Only you, Jacey, daddy, and your uncles and grandpa are allowed."

I roll my eyes as they both nod and Sarah snickers. I look over at her and ask,

"Would you like to hold your goddaughter?"

She looked shocked before nodding and stepping forward and gently taking Finley from my arms. She unknowingly started to rock a bit as she looked down with a soft look. The more I looked at her the more I noticed how she was paler than normal, but she had this glow about her. Before I could think to much about it I hear my daughter start cooing, and it made all of us smile. She gently hands her back and whispers,

"She's precious you two, congratulations."

I nod and go to thank her but I noticed she had gotten even more pale and a bit shaky. But once again before I could say anything Jett had stood up and hugged her tightly.  She hugged him back as her head rested against his shoulder before pulling back and saying,

"If your up to it I know Chase wants to come back, and so does your parents and brother Jett. But if your not I'll make them wait."

I smile as say,

"Send them in, I'll get some more rest after they get their fill."

She smiles before she ducks out the door pretty fast. I frown as Rhys asks,

"Is aunty ok? She would go bye bye a lot while in the other room."

I look at him before looking at Jett as he says,

"I'm sure she's fine, she is probably busy doing media stuff and getting ready to start Jace's racing season."

I nod as it would make sense but I didn't quite believe it, and I could tell he didn't either. But it calmed Rhys down so that's all that mattered at the moment. As everyone else came in a saw her they couldn't get over how tiny and cute she was. As they left after a little bit Rhys almost didn't want to leave. But Chase got him to by saying he could stay with him and have a sleepover with Jace. As he walked out with his grandma who was going to take him home to get his things before going to their house I stop him and say,

"Chase, what's going on with Sarah? She looked really pale when she was in here and she left a bit fast. And where is she now, and Jace?"

He leans against the door frame and says,

"Nothing is wrong with her I promise. And her and Jace went home, Jace was getting tired and so was she so I told them to go home and get some sleep."

I looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes as I notice he didn't tell me what was going on. But I sigh as now I at least know there isn't anything wrong. I nod and say,

"Ok, thanks for taking Rhys in for the night."

He grins and answers,

"No problem, he's welcome over anytime. And if you need someone to watch him sometimes while your recovering then our door is open."

I grin and nod as Jett says,

"We will keep that in mind, but you two are so busy as it is so it probably won't be long times we'd ask you to watch him."

He smirks as he stands up from the door frame and turns around saying,

"Don't worry about that, Sarah will be a lot less busy here now for a good while."

I frown and look at Jett who was already frowning as he mutters,

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I struggled and whisper,

"Who the hell knows, it's nothing bad and I believe him on that so I guess we will find out later. Now lay down next to me fool, I want snuggles."

He grins and lays down and carefully brings me into his arms and I sigh in content as I burrow myself even closer to him. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I slowly drift off, but I mutter,

"I love you, and our family so much."

He brushes my hair away from my face and kisses my temple and mumbles,

"God I love you more than anything else in this world, and our family is my everything."

I smile as I nussle my face into his chest and fall asleep, completely and utterly happy.

Sarah POV:

I was laying in bed with Jace asleep next to me, and I couldn't help but smile at how much he had already grown. I wanted to be asleep like him but I was feeling way to nauseated. I rest a hand on my stomach as it was swirling around making bile rise up. I carefully sit up and slowly make my way to my bathroom and kneel down in front of the toilet and breath deeply through my nose. Whimpers pass my lips as it got worse but it wasn't coming up. I clutch my stomach and I start mentally begging for it to just come up already. Suddenly I felt a hand on my back, snapping my head around I see Chase kneeling next to me looking at my in sad understanding. The sudden motion made my stomach lurch and I was leaning over the toilet hurling. I finally got everything out and my stomach calmed down, I sighed as I leaned into him and mutter,

"Yeah, didn't miss this part of being pregnant at all."

He kisses my head and pulls me into his arms and whispers,

"And I really don't miss seeing you like this sweetheart. I hope it's not the whole pregnancy like it was for Jace."

I sigh and I hide my face in his neck as I softly say,

"As much as I want to believe it's possible I think it's going to be the whole time with how often I feel sick. It's just like with Jace already."

He sighs and picks me up, helps me stay up so I could brush my teeth and carrys me into our room and lays me down and whispers,

"Rhys is going to be here shortly, I'll wake up Jace and take him downstairs. You get some rest sweetie, you really need to relax and not get to worked up ok?"

I look up and saw how worried he was about me and my face softened as I lay a hand on the side of his face and whisper,

"I'm fine hun, I'll probably just lay here for a bit and come down to get something to eat and hang out with you boys ok?"

His eyes closed as he rests his forehead on mine and whispers,

"Just don't push yourself please. If you don't feel up to it don't do anything but rest. And if your hungry text me and I'll bring you something. Just, please be ok."

I sit us up and pull him into my arms and hugged him tight. My heart hurts as he starts to shake ever so slightly as he clung to me. I pull back and starts peppering his face with kisses making him chuckle lightly. He started doing it back to me making me giggle, he pulls away slightly and lays a hand on my lower abdomen and says,

"Thank you, I'm just worried about both of you after everything that has happened. I'll try and not smoother you too much."

I smile and cup his face in my hands and kiss him softly before whispering against his lips,

"I understand love, I am to. But we can't always be afraid and live in a bubble. If things do start to take a turn and I have to be bed ridden or something we will deal with that when it comes. But until then we live our lives ok?"

He nods and kisses me before he pulls away as I lay back down and goes to wake up Jace. I lay on my side and smile as Jace wiggles away from Chase and closer to me. I run a hand through his hair and whisper,

"Jaceman, if you don't get up who is gonna play with Ry?"

His eyes snap open and he asks,

"Ry is coming?"

I nod and I couldn't help but laugh as he jumps up and runs downstairs, I look up and see Chase laughing to as he goes to follow our son. He stops at the door and looks over his shoulder and smiles before heading down the hall. It wasn't long before I could hear the boys laughing and playing around. I move and curl up on his side of the bed and let the warmth of the blankets lull me to sleep.

I wake up too arms coming around me from behind, and I smile as I roll over and through a leg over his and sigh. He rubs my back soothingly as l grab ahold of his shirt, and after a while of silence I ask,

"Did the boys wear themselves out?"

He mutters,

"Yeah, both are out for the count."

I hm'ed and wiggled out of his arms making him whine childishly. I snicker and I walk into the bathroom and shut the door, I take out a few pregnancy tests and go to take them. Even though I was pretty sure I was pregnant I just wanted to see the positive tests for myself. As I was waiting for them to come through I brushed my teeth and washed my face for bed. By the time I was done with that they were ready, I take a deep breath and look down at them on the counter. A smile grows on my face as all three were positive, I run back into out room and almost dive back into bed with a laugh. Chase looks at me with a confused smile and asks,

"Good to see you all happy but uh, why?"

I lay on top of him as I giggle and say,

"Even though I was pretty damn sure I was pregnant I just took 3 tests and they all came back positive. I'm just finally letting myself believe in it fully and I'm so damn happy."

I could feel my eyes start to water as he starts peppering myself with kisses as he flips us over and slowly takes my shirt off. But all he does is kiss my stomach all over before resting his head on my hip and lays a hand over my stomach and whispers,

"Hey mini, I'm your daddy and this wonderful woman carrying you is your mommy. We already love you more than you could ever even begin to imagine. We will give you the world mini."

I could feel myself blush as I smile down at him and whisper,

"The babies nickname is mini? Why is that?"

He grins up at me and mumbles,

"Because I know it's a girl, and she is gonna be a mini you. She will be absolutely perfect to me just like you."

My face burns as I lay a hand next to his on my stomach and whisper,

"And how do you know it's a girl?"

He lays his head on my stomach and I start running a hand through his hair as he whispers,

"Because I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a little girl that will steal my heart with one look, just like you did and still do every single day."

My eyes water and I start crying and I tug him up and kiss him softly. And for the rest of the evening we just stole kisses from each other and feel asleep dreaming with smiles on our faces.

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