Tsubaki And Wisteria (English)

By methepsychic1

90 7 2

Meeting Naori was a coincidence for Kakashi. But, the days they spent together bring more than a coincidence... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5 (End)

Part 3

22 1 0
By methepsychic1

Kakashi and Naori were walking with big bag on their back. Sometimes, they hid from the polices on the alleyway and in the crowd.

"Do you know any place where police won't know about?" asked Kakashi

Naori thought for a while then nodded, "follow me."

Kakashi nodded then followed Naori toward the suburb area. They crossed a frozen small river. They walked pass into a forest and branches of the tress were covered with thin snow. Like thin white fingered.

"Are you cold?" asked Kakashi.
Naori shook her head and smiled tenderly. Kakashi rubbed his hands then placed both of his hands to Naori's cheeks.
Naori felt the warmth of Kakashi's hands then nodded letting him know that she is fine.

"It will be much colder at night. We must find a place,"
"There's a small cabin there. It has been empty for long time. We can stay there," answered Naori.

Kakashi nodded then kept walking with Naori's hand in his hand. He holding her hand tight not wanting let it go.

Not long after, they found the cabin. The cabin was small, but it was clean.
There was a main room inside the cabin. A fireplace right before the door toward the kitchen.
"We need to find some woods for the fire," said Kakashi.
Naori nodded, "i will accompany you."

"No. You stay here. I won't be long."
"Okay then. Be careful."
Kakashi smiled then nodded.

Not long after, Kakashi walked into the cabin with some branches tied together.
"Naori," called Kakashi.  But, no answer.
"Naori!" called Kakashi louder. But, still no answer. Kakashi's heartbeat becoming faster. Fear surrounded him. His blood pumped faster when he couldn't find Naori in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Kakashi ran out toward when he found Naori walked into the cabin with a jar filled with water.
"Naori," Kakashi stared at her warily.
"I was looking for some water for us. There's a water spring here that doesn't freeze when it's winter," said Naori as she placed the jar on the floor, "what's wrong?" asked Naori seeing Kakashi's worry face.

Kakashi hugged her tight, "don't ever do that again. Don't you ever leaving me like that."

Naori smiled then caressed Kakashi's back tenderly, "i'm here. Don't worry. Isn't it i'm the one who like this before?"

Kakashi released his hug immediately, "i..i was just worried something bad happen to you."

Naori giggled then nodded. She understands Kakashi. She knew it's hard for Kakashi to start this life. Even Naori didn't know much about Kakashi, but, she really understand that it's difficult for Kakashi to say his true feeling. And she understand really well that Kakashi is not a romantic person and not really good in words. Naori really understand that. And she accepted him.

"I will never leave you. I will always be with you," said Naori tenderly then she caressed Kakashi's cheeks with both of her soft cold hands just like first snow of the winter. Kakashi felt the hands that he didn't want to let go then he smiled.
"I will make the fire," said Kakashi.
Naori nodded then brought the water into the kitchen.

At night, this two lovers sat by side in front of the fireplace. They intertwined their fingers together. Giving each other warmth to their body. There was nothing these souls want. Only each other existence. They could feel their feeling toward small gestures from each other. Kakashi hugged Naori from behind then fixed Naori's coat. He then wrapped Naori's hands with his hands.
"You need to stay warm," whispered Kakashi tenderly.

"You too.. i will make you gloves"
"How about you?"
"Your hands can make me warm."
Kakashi smiled tenderly hearing Naori's answer then hugged her tight.

"You know, i have to make a confession," said Kakashi.
"Confession?" asked Naori in confusion.

Kakashi nodded, "i.. i saw your body reflection on the shoji when you change your clothes on the night i fall onto your yard. You must be think i already fall asleep. I'm sorry i saw your figure."

Naori's face becoming red, "re..really?"

Kakashi stared at Naori then nodded, "i feel sorry everytime i remember that moment. I should've divert my sight. But..."

Naori shook her head and bring her body closer to Kakashi, "it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. Forget it."

Kakashi smiled gladly, "tsubaki.." whispered Kakashi feeling the sweet smell entered his nostrils. Making him imagine a flower. Tsubaki.


"Your smell... sweet and tender. I always remember tsubaki when near you," answered Kakashi.

"My father said my mother always use tsubaki oil on her hair. And, my father always put the oil on my hair since i was kid. And i always use it until now," answered Naori.

Kakashi silenced remembering his father and Naori's father. Naori's brother and himself.

"Hm?" Naori stared at Kakashi. Her eyes sparked happily showing that she was really happy when she was with Kakashi.

Kakashi shooked his head, "it's nothing. Take a rest. I will be here with you."

Naori smiled and nodded, "you can talk to me when you're ready."

"Thank you," thanked Kakashi.

Days have passed. It had been a month Naori and Kakashi stay in the cabin. They treated the cabin as their home.
"Naori, we have to buy some food. We almost run out of food," said Kakashi.

"Are you sure? We are on the wanted list."

"Don't worry. They are not really smart. They won't remember our face easily."

"But..." Naori stared at Kakashi. He could see the fear in her eyes.

Kakashi sighed and pulled Naori's hand, "i will protect you. I promise you."

Naori smiled gladly then nodded.

They walked in cautious on the road. After buying some groceries, Naori bought some grey yarn.
"What for?" asked Kakashi as he held the groceries.

"I promise you to make gloves for you," said Naori.

"Why grey?" asked Kakashi.

"Because it's warm," said Naori

"Black is warmer than grey."

"Really? Not grey?"

Kakashi stared Naori's face then chuckled, "how can you think that grey is warmer than black?"

"Because your hair is grey. And i feel warm.when I'm with you," answered Naori as she smiled tenderly.

Kakashi shook his head then smiled as they walked into the forest.
"Winter.. you love early winter, don't you?" asked Kakashi.

Naori nodded, "very beautiful, isn't it?"
Naori stood on top of the snow mound. Her pale  face sparkled from the sunlight. Her braided hair was put on her left side.
Kakashi walked closer to Naori, 'please.. let me to always be with you. And always protect you. It feels like a dream to have a life with you and to see you next to me every morning i wake up. I want to live with you forever. I know it's impossible, but it's difficult for me to leave you,' Kakashi hugged Naori tight.

"Eh? Kaito, are you okay?" asked Naori in surprised.

"Promise me you will never leave me. Promise me you will always next to me when i open my eyes," whispered Kakashi.

Naori smiled tenderly and nodded, "i will always be with you. I promise."

Kakashi nodded and buried his face onto Naori's hair. He inhale the sweet fragrance from this woman in every breath he take.

----------Smut Part Below------
After a while, they walked around the forest. Inside, they found a cave. When they entered the cave, it was like a different world.
The inside of the cave was warm, and the inside was covered with.blooming wisteria. The sweet scent of wisteria nectar enter their nostril. Taking them to a different world.
"It's beautiful," whispered Naori as she took off her coat, "it's really warm here."

Kakashi stared at Naori's nape and back and walked closer to her. He then put away Naori's hair from her nape. Kakashi then kissed Naori's cold nape tenderly.

Naori took a deep breath feeling Kakashi's warmth breath on her skin.  Kakashi went deeper on to her neck the kissed her deeply.

Naori whined, "ka..kaito-san"

Kakashi didn't answered and he kept going deeper into Naori's cold skin. His hand tried to pull Naori's clothes and tried to enter Naori's clothes.

Naori held her breath when Kakashi's rough hands caressed her body and breasts. But, she didn't resist any touch from Kakashi. Her body accepted every touch from the man in front of her.

Naori turned her body and stared at Kakashi, "Kaito-san"

Kakashi stared at Naori, his eyes were full of love and he want to have Naori completely, but he stared at her tenderly.
"I'm sorry. I..i..."

Naori shook her head then pulled Kakashi's hands toward her body, "treat me like a woman you always want."
Kakashi stared at Naori and cupped his hands on Naori's face. He then pulled Naori's body toward him then kissed Naori passionately.

Naori accepted every kisses from Kakashi. And she opened her lips easily when Kakashi tried to enter her lips. Kakashi tongue lead her all the way.
After a while, they took a breath. Kakashi stared at Naori and laid her down onto the cave floor that covered by their coat where they finally covered by the sweet smell of wisteria nectar.

Naori stared at Kakashi that lied next to her. There's no regret in their eyes. Only love, happiness, and satisfaction.


At night, they laid in front of the fireplace. Kakashi's arms wrapped around Naori when suddenly he felt a chakra around the cabin.

Kakashi woke up slowly not wanting waking up Naori, then he took the kunai that he placed next to him.

Kakashi stood in the dark when suddenly someone wearing a cat mask stood next to him. A Konoha shinobi.

"Hatake Kakashi. I'm ordered to bring you back to Konoha," said the ANBU.

Kakashi looked down then lowered his kunai. His shadow danced on the wall from the fire in the fireplace that warming the room. They stood still in silence.

"All of the problems in the village has been solved 2 weeks ago. Thanks to all the information that you sent to us. The head of police and the leader of the village had been taken to the daimyo. You can come back to Konoha now," the ANBU then looked at Naori that sleep deeply next to Kakashi. He then walked toward Naori with a kunai in his hand.

Kakashi moved in front of the ANBU then hold his arm tight right before the ANBU kunai reached Naori's neck.

"Taichou, you know the rules. Nobody should know about you," said the ANBU as he tried to push his hand toward Naori.

"I won't hesitate to hurt you if you touch her," said Kakashi sternly as he looked at the ANBU, "she doesn't know about me. You don't have to worry."

The ANBU lowered his hand then nodded, "fine. I understand. You have to come back to Konoha right now," said the ANBU as he disappeared in darkness.

Kakashi just stayed in silence then looked at Naori. Kakashi put away a strand of her hair from Naori's face tenderly. He caressed the pale face then he stared at the sakura lips. He caressed her lips.tenderly with the back of his finger. He could feel the warmth from these cherry lips. Kakashi caressed her cheeks and chin softly wanting to remember every part of this face. The face of the woman he loves.
'I know this time will come. Now is the time. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be with you. I know i only give you pain for being with you.  This beautiful life i have with you, it's only a dream for me. You deserve a better life and a better man than me. I'm sorry, Naori. I'm sorry for always hurting you. I'm sorry for not able to protect you. Forget me, Naori. Hate me for leaving you. Hate me for taking everything from you. Hate me for hurting you,' whispered Kakashi in his heart. He tried to hold back his tears causing his eyes sparked.

Kakashi closed his eyes causing his tears dropping to Naori's cheek.

Naori opened her eyes a little, then in blur, she could see Kakashi's crying face then leaving her.

Naori tried to get all of herself and open her eyes completely. She looked at her side, only empty blanket. Nobody.

"Kaito-san," Naori called the name of the man she loves. But, no answer. Naori looked around. She felt the cold she never felt before.

"Kaito-san," called Naori again as she walked toward the backside. Still, nobody. Naori realize what happened, but she tried to fool herself then ran to the frontside.

"Kaito-san!" called Naori louder, but her voice was sunk in the night wind.  Naori saw the footprints toward the forest. She ran following the footprints barefoot. She didn't feel the cold from the snow biting her body. She kept running toward the forest until she fall to the snow and the footprints was disappeared.

"Kaito-san!" Naori screamed calling Kakashi's name. She looked around, nobody only the pine tress around her. Naori cried, once again she had to be alone in this world. Left by someone she loves.
'Why? Why?'that's the only word keep repeating in her head. Why Kaito leaving her.

Naori walked toward the cabin slowly. The tears keep pouring down from her eyes. Her face sparked by the full moon hitting her tears.
Her heart aching feeling what had happened.
Naori whined in front of the fireplace and hug herself.  Then she saw the grey yarn that she made gloves for.

'I have to be strong. I will look for him. I promise to not leaving him and always be with him. I will find him,' promised Naori to herself.

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