The Sweetest Kind

By seriesfreak

13K 1K 458

Yoon Jin Ah hates that she can't do anything while the town picking on Yoo Jin Woo, her best friend. Min Tae... More

Ankle Guard
Key Chain
Corn Dog
Sweet Dreams
Ferris Wheels
Sunset Daze
Pink Notes
Call a Friend
Set Up

Hair Pin

2.6K 113 32
By seriesfreak

The thing about living in a small town is everyone knows about everyone' business. There's no such thing as secret in this town. For Yoon Jin Ah, it doesn't really concern her as she tries to live away from the spotlight since she's been here.

Jin Ah arrived in this town with her family five years ago after spending the first 12 years of her life in Athens, another small town in Georgia, United States. Their family was summoned home because Halmeoni was sick and there was a good possibility that she died.

But that wasn't her time to die because she is still living her best life until now. Jin Ah always thinks that was just one of the trick from her grandmother to gather her children.

The local secondary school was buzzed with the news of some newcomers in this new school year. Jin Ah never liked being in the light. She wanted to go through her school years in peace. Without drama.

God thought a little change in Jin Ah's life would be good for her as He introduced Yoo Jin Woo to her life.

Yoo Jin Woo was another newcomer in Jin Ah's class. The boy was tall and lean with faces pretty much idolized by their classmates. With all those attributes, school supposed to be easy for Yoo Jin Woo.

Except everyone knew who he was. And by everyone, that means everyone in this town. The gossip mill was turning faster when it was heard that a woman everyone called the former Miss Hamdeok would make her return to the town.

The last time the citizen saw Yoo Ae Ra, Jin Woo's mother, she left town with her bun in the oven. Which she conceived in her senior year of high school. It was not difficult to deduce who was the father of the baby, as Ae Ra was often seen with a certain Mayor's son.

The Mayor's son - now The Mayor - Min Tae San was busy that year, impregnated two women not so far between each other. With Yoo Ae Ra flew from town, Min Tae San married his second choice, Kim Mi Soo.

Now, his sons, both of them attended the same school.

Knowing Jin Woo was the bastard son of the Mayor, their classmates ran in the other directions. No one wanted to cross the legitimate son.

That left Jin Woo and Jin Ah to start their friendship naturally. "Can I sit here?" Jin Ah looked up to the lanky boy. She didn't say anything only slide her belonging away from the table. The corner table away from the crowd.

"I'm Yoo Jin Woo."

"I'm Yoon Jin Ah."

It didn't take long for them to be each other's confidant. Jin Woo always there when Jin Ah needed a company to the library. Jin Ah always available if Jin Woo needed company practicing his shot at nearby basketball court. Jin Ah's house was always the one Jin Woo visited after he encountered one of pranks from his half-brother and his entourage.

Five years in, their friendship has been tested time and again and they survive it all.

Well, almost. Senior year of highschool is looming over them. One more year and they plan to move out of town and experience the real world.

One more year, and they're free.

But if there's one saying that turns out to be true every time is this: it's not a senior year if there's no drama in it.


From outside, Min Tae Gu seems to have everything.

He's the Mayor's son, the legitimate one. The one who will someday inherit all of his father's worth. Which is a lot.

He's handsome, no one can deny that. He has good grades, except for English.

His girlfriend of two years is who everyone deems the most beautiful girl in school, Ha Chae Yoon. That's why he keeps her.

He's the captain of the school's basketball team. The one that's competing in National Championship.

What more can you ask for?

Min Tae Gu's life is perfect by any matrix. Except he has to face his half-brother everyday. That's one tiny imperfection he has to live with.

When Yoo Jin Woo came out from nowhere several years ago, he didn't think much about it. He knew the circling rumour. But his parents didn't say anything, so... he pretended to not knowing anything.

At least until his father sat him down and told him the last thing he wanted to hear.

He got an older by three months half-brother. He inwardly cursed his father for being... reckless and irresponsible.

That was when he started picking on Jin Woo. Yoo Jin Woo never retaliated even when Tae Gu sent someone trashing the basketball court where he usually practiced. Or when Tae Gu put dirts in his locker.

Yoo Jin Woo chose to stay low all this time. Not getting much attention. Until today, apparently. Today, he saw Yoo Jin Woo's name in the participant list of try out for the basketball team. The team was down one man because one of the personnel was injured from last match.

His thought is interrupted when his father opens his door. Without knocking as usual.

"I heard Jin Woo trying out today?"

"How do you know, Abeoji?"

"Just talks around. How do you think? Is he good?"

"I don't know. Coaches didn't discuss it with me."

"Is this something I need to worry about, son?"

Tae Gu shakes his head. "No, Abeoji. I'll take care of it."

When his father leaves, Tae Gu feels like he wants to punch something. Or kick something.

So, yeah, from outside Min Tae Gu's life seems perfect.

When it's the furthest from the truth on the inside.


"I try out for the basketball team." Jin Woo says as he put down his lunch tray on the table. Jin Ah stops her eating, looking at her friend with disbelief.

"You said you would never play for the school team if Min Tae Gu was still on the team."

"I... I can't stand it anymore, Jin Ah. I need to defend myself." Jin Woo says. Jin Ah sighs. "I still don't like the idea, he will go even more ridiculous in bullying you."

"Yeah, that's probably right. But now, I won't take the high road like everyone wants me to take."

Jin Ah looks at his best friend and shrugs. "Well, this is senior year, if you want to do something stupid, I guess this the time."

Jin Woo chuckles. "What about you? Is there something stupid you want to do? Get a boyfriend or something? We spend too much time together."

Jin Ah shakes her head. "Naah, I'm just going straight on my line. What? You want to have girlfriend? Is that what you're saying? Is Chae Yoon single now? Last time I check, she's still your little brother's girlfriend."

Yoo Jin Woo has always had the biggest crush on Ha Chae Yoon. Like from the first time he saw her on 8th grade.

When Jin Woo thought about asking her out on a date in freshman year of high school, however, Chae Yoon started going out with Min Tae Gu. What an additional pain for Jin Woo that was.

He spent hours running and shooting ball on the court that time to help pushing the anger away. And Jin Ah was there. She was the witness of this long standing crush Yoo Jin Woo had for Ha Chae Yoon.

Jin Ah never knows the girl personally, they belong in completely different cycle, but whatever makes Jin Woo happy.

"Not like that... And I'm way past my crush on her." Jin Woo deflects. Jin Ah rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say, Yoo Jin Woo. Tell that to yourself a few times more, maybe then it'll be the truth."

"When do you know about the try out result?" Jin Ah asks Jin Woo. He shrugs. "Today... maybe, tomorrow? I don't know. Coach only says the shortlisted one will be contacted."

"Well, it's about time this town knows what kind of talent Yoo Jin Woo has on basketball court, so they can stop cheering for Min Tae Gu."

Jin Woo smiles. "Thank you for the loyalty. If I make the team, I expect you to be on the court every game." Jin Ah gets up from her seat. "You bet. I'm going to cheer you the loudest. I have to go."

"To study center? I'll walk you." Jin Woo also gets up. Jin Ah stops him. "We spend too much time together. Stop following me around."

Jin Woo laughs. "See you later, Jin Ah."


Min Tae Gu sees the interaction between Jin Woo and Jin Ah from his table at the center with renewed interest. He always sees them together but never knows who she is. He nudges one of his minion, Seo Joon Hee, and asks him.

"Who is that girl that always with Yoo Jin Woo?" Joon Hee turns his head to the best friends, observes them and shrugs.

"That cute girl? I don't know. But I think I've seen her in study center. Why?"

Tae Gu nods but his thought flies to a plan unexpectedly formed in his head. He may resort to that plan if his talk with Coach goes nowhere.

Which is exactly what happened when he meets Coach Hong that afternoon.

Tae Gu wants to argue further with the coach, but when the coach asserts his authority, there's nothing Tae Gu can do.

"I'm the coach here, Min Tae Gu. It's up to me whether Yoo Jin Woo makes the team or not."

"I understand, Coach. But our team already has me as shooting guard. We don't need him."

"And if you're injured? Do you think you can't be injured? I will make decision based on the team's best interest. And not based on your preference not to have your brother on the team."

Coach leaves Min Tae Gu fuming with his last statement.

Damn you, Coach! And damn you, Yoo Jin Woo! Tae Gu tries to calm himself down on the court, honing his three pointer. In the coming days, he knows Jin Woo will join the team in practice. And Coach will be on his ass. 

Apparently, the universe decides that it's not enough for Tae Gu to see his brother every day in class, but he also needs to see him on the court.

Not even slightly calm, Tae Gu leaves the court and meets his girlfriend on her locker. Their relationship is getting colder day by day. They just drift apart. But she's good as trophy girlfriend.

"Hey, baby. Come on, play with me after school?"

Chae Yoon glances nonchalantly at Tae Gu who's smirking. "I have cram school. You don't have basketball practice today?"

Tae Gu grunts and leans in to the locker next to hers. "I don't want to think about basketball. Coach giving me headache. I think he wants Yoo Jin Woo to join the team."

"That means he's good, right? Isn't that benefitting your team?" He hates that she never gets his dislike to Yoo Jin Woo.

"Why are you taking his side?" Chae Yoon sighs. "Tae Gu, not this again. You wanna hate on your brother, fine. That's nothing to do with me."

"But you're my girlfriend, you should be taking my side!"

"Yeah, if you're making sense. I don't have time for this." She's the second person today that leaves him fuming today.

God! Could this day be even worse? He thinks to himself.

It definitely can, as Tae Gu experienced. After school, he is summoned by his English teacher just to be informed that his score from last test is below the threshold for passing.

"Bring this to the study center, they will assign you a tutor to help you with this. The remedial test will be on Monday but there's mock test the day after tomorrow if you want to try out, with your activity with basketball, you have to pass the test to keep playing."

Tae Gu is stunned. His English is not good, he knows that, but never before he failed his test. Another bullet for his father to undermine him.

AAARRRGHHHH! He wants to scream his lungs out. What is up with today. He feels like he is being kicked when he's down. From his talk with his father, with the talk with the coach, with Chae Yoon. And then this.

He walks solemnly to the study center, then remembered his conversation with Seo Joon Hee. That girl who always with Yoo Jin Woo. He probably can find her in study center.

Huh. Hopefully this can salvage his day. 


After a long day of tutoring after school yesterday, Jin Ah wants to rest today. Tutoring comes easy for her and it makes her happy when her student comes to her and show her their good result after she helps them. It always makes her feel good about herself.

Today, she wants to watch a movie and Jin Woo already agrees to accompany her. But first, she needs to go through an obstacle in front of her locker.

"Mm, can I help you?" Jin Ah says to the guy waiting there. It's not like she doesn't know him, who doesn't know Min Tae Gu in this school?

"I hope so. You're my tutor." He answers lightly, a smirk in his face. Tae Gu didn't think much when he came up with this idea, so he is pretty surprise when he realizes this girl is in fact kind of cute.

Jin Ah glances at him uninterested.

"I don't think so." She finally says.

"You're Yoon Jin Ah, right?" He hands her the familiar piece of paper from the study center with Jin Ah name on it. She has no other choice but to turns his way and takes the paper.

It sure looks like my name. God, why is this happening to me? Jin Ah thinks to herself. Then she thinks about Jin Woo. The least she can do for Jin Woo is to not tutor his enemy a.k.a his half-brother.

"I'm sorry, I can't tutor you." Jin Ah gives back the paper and leaves Tae Gu behind.

"You can't or you won't?" challenges Tae Gu who hurriedly follows her. Jin Ah stops abruptly. "So you know I won't tutor you." Then she walks again.

"Because of Yoo Jin Woo?"

"Because of how you treat Jin Woo."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jin Ah rolls her eyes hearing the familiar question. "It's none of your business, but he is not my boyfriend. Why everyone seems to think that? Ugh."

"Why are you always with him then?" Jin Ah stops again. And point her index finger to Tae Gu.

"The question is... Why don't you get to know your own brother, Min Tae Gu? Instead of harassing him." She leaves him speechless. No one ever calls him out on that. Not even his - their - father.

Jin Ah is upset because her encounter with Min Tae Gu kind of ruins her mood. He never once before takes interest to her and she'd like to keep it that way. She doesn't like being in his radar. It's like sign of disaster.

When she meets Jin Woo for their movie after school, Jin Woo is uncharacteristically silent. Like there's something on his mind.

"What's up with you? You hear from the basketball team yet?" He smiles. "Yep. I got in. Tomorrow will be my first practice."

"Then why are you looking so... down?"

"Someone trashes my locker."

Grrr, that Min Tae Gu! She inwardly grunts. She will never agree to that request.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something for you." She empathizes with him.

"It's just... I never do anything to harm him or... yeah, whatever. Come on, let's just watch some movies."


Tae Gu sees his try out test result in disbelief. Failed again. Grrr... if he doesn't pass his remedial test this coming Monday, he will be doomed. This school too, since they have Round 1 of National Championship next Saturday.

Ugh, instead of using Yoon Jin Ah to play with Yoo Jin Woo, Tae Gu really needs her to tutor him. He writes down a simple note for her to see him on the roof and put it in her locker.

He is ready if she doesn't show up. Based on their last conversation, she seems firm with her decision and doesn't want anything to do with him. But he'll appeal with his test. He just needs her to show up.

It's already 15 minutes past the appointment and he's getting desperate. But then the door to the rooftop is opened and Yoon Jin Ah walks out.

"Can't you find somewhere lower than rooftop?" She grunts while walking towards him. Tae Gu smiles seeing her pouty face but schools his expression once she is in front of him.

"I have try out remedial test today." He starts.

"And that... my business how?"

"And I really need your help." He hands his test result to Jin Ah. Jin Ah takes it and looks at the paper.

"The remedial test is on Monday. I can't play in the next match if I don't pass this test."

"You should've thought that before trashing Jin Woo's locker." She glares at him. This girl' loyalty to his brother is something.

"Come on, help me. I need... no, I have to pass this test."

"I can't. I'm not gonna betray Jin Woo."

"I'd do anything. You can ask for anything and I'll give it to you." She looks at him curiously.

"Anything?" Tae Gu nods.

"I'll think about it." She doesn't say anything else and leaves him alone. What's with that girl always leaves him?


Yoon Jin Ah is a smart girl, if not the smartest. Jin Woo once said that she probably the only girl he knew that had good head. Meaning she always thinks with her head and not with her heart like most girls her age.

And that's what she's doing now. She is contemplating Min Tae Gu request. Honestly, if Jin Woo is not his best friend, she will help him in a heartbeat. He actually successfully appealed to her softer side by showing his latest test score.

But in reality, Jin Woo is her best friend. And she will jeopardize their friendship if she agrees to Min Tae Gu's request. The answer should be obvious, right?

Wrong. For Jin Ah, this is actually her opportunity to lessen the bullying Jin Woo experiences every day, if Min Tae Gu agrees to her condition. Seeing his desperation, Jin Ah is sure she will get what she wants.

So, she makes up her mind and leaves a note in Min Tae Gu's locker. To meet her on the roof.       

"Leave Jin Woo alone and I'll tutor you." Jin Ah says without further ado once Tae Gu arrives.

"I'm started to think you like hanging out with me with all these meetings on the roof." Tae Gu teases her. He can't help it, he likes seeing her turns all pouty because of his comments.

Jin Ah rolls her eyes. "That's my condition." Seeing Jin Woo so frustrated with the situation and knowing she can do something about it is what makes Jin Ah decides to come up with this choice for Tae Gu.

Min Tae Gu regards her closely. He never knows how it feels to have someone cares so much about you that she 'sacrifices' herself. He's angry that it's his half-brother whom surrounded by loyal companion like Yoon Jin Ah while no one ever does something like this for him.

"And Jin Woo can't know about this. About us."

He rolls his eyes. "Sure, my half-brother won't ever know that her best friend helps the enemy."

"I'm serious Min Tae Gu. Leave Jin Woo alone. And that includes your friends."

He nods. Ugh, he wishes he doesn't need her help. But he does and she's the best for this particular subject. We're Korean for god sake, whatever for we should learn English?

Jin Ah sighs. "God forbid you only play one of your game here, Min Tae Gu, because I put my friendship with Jin Woo on the line."

"How come you are friends with him anyway?"

"He was the only person who talked to me when I first came in a few years back. Why are you hating him? It's not like he bothers you."

Tae Gu grunts. "He reminded me to my father's failure. And mine." Jin Ah glances at Tae Gu, not expecting this kind of honesty from him. And decides she doesn't care, so long as Tae Gu keeps his promise of leaving Jin Woo alone.

"Saturday, 3 o'clock. I'll tell you where later. Where Jin Woo can't find us." Jin Ah leaves Tae Gu without saying anything else. Like always.

Tae Gu observes her back moving away from him. He never meets anyone showing less interest to him than Yoon Jin Ah. Even when he understands her reason for acting that way, it doesn't stop him wishing she acts a little warm towards him.


Jin Ah already regrets her decision to say yes the second the clock ticks past three. She is waiting at the park bench near the next town's library. No one from their school will find them here.

"I should've known he's just gonna waste my time." Jin Ah grunts. She already lies to Jin Woo for this tutoring session when he asks her to accompany him to the store to buy new basketball shoes. "Some best friend you are, Yoon Jin Ah." She scolds herself.

"Yoon Jin Ah!" She hears her name called and sees Tae Gu waves to her from the place he parks his motorcycle.

"You're late." Jin Ah glares at Tae Gu. Tae Gu gives her his best smile as he drops to sit on the bench in front of her. The table is already full of books for their study session. Instead of directly delving into the books, Tae Gu opens the snacks he brings.

"Min Tae Gu, we're here to study, not to eat some snacks. Do it on your own time." Jin Ah reprimands him. Of course, Tae Gu doesn't care and continues with the snacks.

"Oooh, there's prize in it. Wait. What's this? A hair pin?" Jin Ah nods. It is indeed a hair pin. A very cute gold hair pin with a pink heart at the end. Tae Gu smiles and gives the pin to Jin Ah.

"It's for you." To say Jin Ah is shocked is probably an understatement. No one – correction, no boys except Yoo Jin Woo – has ever given her anything.

"What? Stop it, Min Tae Gu."

"Come on. It will look good on you." Tae Gu takes back the pin and goes to Jin Ah side. He crouches in front of her and proceeds to put the hair pin on Jin Ah's hair.

"Don't say I never give you anything, Yoon Jin Ah."

For the first time since their first interaction, Jin Ah feels something other than annoyed at Tae Gu. Thankfully she stops herself before she gifts Tae Gu one of her smile.



Hi lovelies 💕💕

So, this week I heard a new podcast from @dramaqueensoth that reminisced the time the three main female lead had on the show. One Tree Hill is forever one of my favorite shows and it inspired me to write a random scene in my head.

And then it inspires me to write it further. Ahh, the feels! I'm remembering my teenage self haha

So, here it is! Yoon Jin Ah feat Min Tae Gu which is inspired by Naley pairing from One Tree Hill. Hopefully I can update it in between updating my other stories. You can expect candies, macarons, and butterflies from this story. All The Sweetest Kind 🍬

Special thank you for @eghamong for the cover. Just wait, I'll update Sky High soon for you 😂

Read, vote, comments if you would as usual, I appreciate our interactions very much!

'Til next!

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