By slimerspengler

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β™οΈŽ what the hell we fightin' for? β™οΈŽ [ in which two girls who possess supernatural abilities, save a quiet to... More

✹SEASON βž‹βœΉ


16 1 0
By slimerspengler


they were walking down the tracks, dropping off chunks of raw meat along the rail tracks.

"all right, so let me get this straight. eve is eleven's twin sister and they both came from hawkins lab?" steve questioned, having not stopped with his questions about the girls well since dustin got off his supercomm with a rather shocked sounding lucas.

"yes! we have much important things to discuss like..about how we're going to survive." dustin protested.

eve let out a sigh of relief, she never liked people talking about her.

"okay. well, so you kept something that you knew was probably dangerous to impress a girl..you just met?!" steve then said in shock.

dustin rolled his eyes. "all right, that's grossly oversimplifying things." he had stated.

"i mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?" steve had wondered out loud.

"an interdimensional slug?" dustin furrowed his brows. "because it's awesome." he then said with a smirk tugging onto his lips.

"well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, i... i just... i don't know. i just feel like you're trying way too hard." steve claimed.

"well, not everyone can have your perfect hair, all right?" dustin disclosed.

"It's not about the hair, man. the key with girls is just... just acting like you don't care." steve asserted.

"even if you do?" dustin accused.

"yeah, exactly. it drives them nuts." steve claimed.

eve huffed, trying to tune them out as she tossed raw meat over in the side of the tracks.

she wondered what el was doing right now. if she was okay and if she had gotten to talk to mama.

her mind then wandered over to el and hopper's fight last night. how she proclaimed that she hated him and how hopper then threatened to take them back to the lab.

that part hurt her the most. she hoped hopper wasn't being serious about taking them back. she really didn't want to go.

"it's like before it's gonna storm, you know? you can't see it, but you can feel it, like this, uh... electricity, you know?"

"oh, like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere-"

eve furrowed her brows at them. what the heck were they going on about?

"no, no, no, no, no. like a... like a sexual electricity." steve said, cutting him off.

eve scrunched her nose up in disgust. she had once asked hopper what the word 'sexual' meant once, when accidentally coming across a book that mentioned the word. she couldn't read anything from the book, but just that word alone really stuck out to her even though she had said it completely wrong the first time she had mentioned it to the chief himself.

since then, she was grossed out by it and never wanted anything like that to happen to her or for her to see it.

"you feel that and then you make your move." steve advised him.

"so that's when you kiss her?" dustin questioned.

eve wanted to gag.

"no, whoa, whoa. slow down, romeo." steve stopped him.

"sorry." dustin said sheepishly.

"sure, okay, some girls, yeah, they want you to be aggressive. you know, strong, hot and heavy, like a... i don't know, like a lion." steve told him.

"mmm." dustin hummed, nodding.

"but others, you gotta be slow, you gotta be stealthy, like a... like a ninja." steve informed him.

"what type is nancy?" dustin then asked.


"nancy's different. she's different than the other girls." steve explained.

"yeah, she seems pretty special, i guess." dustin shrugged, tossing them some meat himself.

"yeah. yeah, she is." steve agreed.

"but this girl's special, too, you know. it's just, like, something about her." dustin expressed.

"whoa, whoa, whoa. hey, hey, hey." steve stopped in his tracks, holding up a gloved hand in dustin's direction.

eve rolled her eyes, wishing they'd stop talking about all this mushy love crap.

it was making her migraine worse than it already was.

"what?" dustin questioned him.

"you're not falling in love with this girl, are you?" steve asked him, bringing a blush to the boy's cheeks.

"uh, no. no." dustin denied quickly.

"okay, good. don't." steve advised him, before starting to walk again.

eve sighed.


she knew it wasn't going to last long..

"i won't." dustin assured him.

here we go again!

"she's only gonna break your heart, and you're way too young for that shit." steve expressed.

the boys fell silent, dustin looked down. a look of sadness plastered over on his face.

eve frowned. feeling a tiny bit bad for the boy.

"...fabergé" steve said, breaking the silence.

"what?" dustin asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"it's fabergé organics. use the shampoo and conditioner, and when your hair's damp... it's not wet, okay? when it's damp..." steve trailed off.

"damp." dustin echoed.

"you do four puffs of the farrah fawcett spray." steve added.

"farrah fawcett spray?" eve and dustin said in unison.

"yeah, farah fawcett." steve nodded. "you tell anyone i just told you that and your ass is grass. you're dead, henderson. do you understand?" steve warned him.

dustin nodded quickly, his eyes full of fear. "yup." he answered back.

"okay." steve nodded.

they continued on walking, silence once again overcoming the group.

"farrah fawcett, really?" dustin questioned.

"i mean, she's hot?" steve questioned.

"yeah." dustin nodded.


they made it all the way to the scrapyard, memories of the fight between mike and lucas filled eve's head.

she cringed, remembering when she accidentally knocked out lucas with her powers.

"oh, yeah. yeah, this will do. this will do just fine. good call, dude." steve complimented the two, as they dumped the remaining raw steak onto the ground.

"i said medium-well!" called out a familiar voice.

all three of them turned to the boy who walking beside him was the girl from the gymnasium.

the pretty girl.

eve couldn't help but wave at the girl who was slowly approaching them alongside lucas.

"who's that?" steve questioned, referring to the girl.

when they made it up to the group, lucas stared at eve in shock.

so, did the girl.

"is this..is this eleven's sister?" whispered the red head.

"yes. eve." lucas whispered back.

he then turned to eve.

"i didn't think you were still alive." lucas confessed. "um i-is your sister.."

"yes." eve confirmed.

lucas nodded. "okay. well it's great to see you again."

eve smiled. "great to see you."


they were now busy getting to work, with dustin and lucas crouched behind a broken down car while the girls and steve were slaving away.

"you told her?" dustin asked, his voice low.

"so what?" lucas questioned.

""so what?"" dustin mocked him.

"you wanted to tell her, too." lucas claimed.

"but i didn't, all right? we agreed not to tell her and to look for dart." dustin reminded him.

lucas rolled his eyes, he glanced over to eve. "where did you find her?"

"i don't know. we found her at mike's. i think she was looking for el. i don't know." dustin shrugged.

"whatever. you found dart. how did you find him?" lucas dead-panned.

"are you suggesting that i'm lying?" dustin implied.

"i'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him." lucas stated.

eve watched them, as she helped steve and the other girl work on traps to capture dart with.

"hey, um i've heard a lot about you and your sister." spoke the girl.

eve adverted her gaze from the boys and over to the girl that was stood in front of her.

"my names max." she introduced herself.

"eve." she said back to her, holding out her hand remebering what benny had taught her and her sister at the diner.

"lucas has told me all about you guys. you are so cool, i wish i could be as strong as you and your sister." max blabed.

"hey! dickheads! how come the only one helping me out is eve and this random girl? we lose light in 40 minutes. let's go." steve called them out.

when the kids more like just dustin and lucas weren't paying attention to what steve was saying, steve yelled out; "let's go, i said!"

"all right, asshole! god!" dustin groaned, getting up from his sitting position.

"okay! stupid." lucas grunted, getting up as well.


the kids had now been on the bus in the scrapyard, waiting for dart to find them.

apparently, steve had fought a demogorgon last year when they first came to the surface.

"so, you really fought one of these things before?" max asked steve.

steve nodded.

"and you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" max inquired.

"shit. don't be an idiot. okay?" max rose a brow at dustin's rather harsh comment. "it wasn't a bear. why are you even here if you don't believe us? just go home."

eve shot dustin a look, making him raise a brow at her in return.

"geesh. someone's cranky. past your bedtime?" max shot back at him, as she started to climb up the ladder to the roof of the bus.

eve quickly followed.

she couldn't explain how she was feeling right then and there, but she really really liked the redhead. she wanted to be her best friend.

maybe, el would grow to like her too?

the girls sat next to each other, with lucas on the other end of max. he was looking through his binoculars at the night sky, watching for any sign of dart or any other demogorgons.

"it's kinda awesome." max commented, trying to make conversation with lucas.

"huh?" lucas turned to her, having not realized her or eve were there with him until well just now.

"the fog, i mean. looks like the ocean." she further explained herself.

eve looked towards the fog. she's never seen the ocean before, but the fog was a pretty sight to see.

"pretty." eve said, softly.

max glanced over at her, a smile tugging onto her lips.

"you miss it?"

"what?" now, max was the one to be confused.

"the ocean. the waves? california?" lucas answered. "hawkins seems pretty lame, i bet."

california? what was that. eve wondered.

"no, no, no, it's not that." the red head denied. "it's just... my dad's still there. so..."

"why?" lucas questioned.

"it's this legal term called "divorce." see, when two married people don't love each other anymore-" max was cut off by lucas saying "yeah."

eve didn't know parents could get a divorce. she just thought they stayed together forever regardless of the circumstances.

"my mom and my stepdad, they wanted a fresh start away from him. as if... as if he was the problem, which is total bull. and things... are just worse now. my stepbrother's always been a dick, but now he's just angry... all the time and... well, he can't take it out on my mom, so..." max trailed off, shrugging.

"he hurts you?" eve spoke up, trying her best to form a sentence correctly.

max turned over to her, a blush rose to her cheeks.

"no, but his words sometimes really hurt." max assured eve, she then turned back to lucas. "i don't even know why i'm telling you this. it's just... i know that i can be a jerk like him sometimes, and i do not want to be like him. ever. i guess i'm angry, too, and...  i'm sorry. jesus! what's wrong with me?" max blabbed, slapping her forehead when she realized what she had been doing.

"hey. you're nothing like your brother, okay?" lucas assured her. "you're cool and different. and you're super smart. and you're, like, totally tubular." he complimented her.

"nobody actually says that, you know." max said, chuckling.

totally tubular?

that sounded odd..

"well, i do now." lucas claimed.

max smiled. "and it makes you seem really cool."

"i like talking with you, mad max." lucas confessed, completely forgetting eve was there with them.

"and i like talking with you, stalker." max teased.

all of a sudden, they could hear growling in the distance of the scrapyard.

they all turned their heads in the direction of the growling.

"lucas, what's going on?" dustin yelled.

"hold on!" lucas cried.

lucas pulled his binoculars over his eyes, looking around frantically scanning the area.

another low growl came from in the direction lucas had his eyes set on.

"i've got eyes! ten o'clock!" lucas announced. "ten o'clock!" his voice then coming off as a stutter.

eve gripped onto max, not even realizing that she did.

max looked down to their hands intertwined with one another's.

a blush rose to her cheeks.

eve quickly pulled her and max down back into the bus, thinking it would be safer than being outside at the moment.

"wait, you sure that's not a dog?" max questioned, still skeptical about the whole thing.

dustin shot her a look, in which she rose her middle finger at him in response.

eve cocked an eyebrow at her, finding her inappropriate gesture rather amusing.

a chittering sound echoed throughout the scrapyard, obviously it had to have been dart.

"he's not taking the bait. why is he not taking the bait?!" steve screeched.

"maybe he's not hungry?" dustin assumed.

"maybe he's sick of cow." steve answered him, before grabbing a hold of his bat , heading for the door.

eve's eyes widened.

he was not going out there alone.

he wasn't going to survive.

eve ran after him, grabbing him by the hem of his jacket.

"w-who's doing that?" steve asked, looking around frantically.

"i can fight." eve proclaimed, when his eyes finally fell on her.

"yeah, me too." steve told her. "you need to stay in here."

"no, you stay." eve ordered, pointing to her and then to him.

steve shook his head profusely.

"no. you listen to me, you stay inside. i'm going out, you hear me kid? stay in here?" steve instructed.

"steve, what are you doing? steve?" dustin sped-walked over to them.

steve threw his lighter over at dustin. "just." he let out a heavy breath. "just get ready."

steve opened the door, exiting out of the bus slowly.

eve trailed behind him. adamant on not leaving him behind.

he was not going to do this alone.

not on her watch.

steve looked back, his brows furrowing. "i told you to stay inside."

"no." eve refused.

steve let out a sigh, finally giving up on trying to get her to stay inside with the rest of the group.

"just stay close to me. i don't want you getting hurt." steve warned her.

they walked closer in the area where dart was heard growling.

he started whistling at it.

"come on, buddy." he called to the monster.

in the corner of her eye, she saw max and dustin sat next to each other on the bus looking out the window.

steve swung his bat around, with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.

"come on, buddy. come on, buddy." steve moved over to stand next to a pile of meat. "come on. dinner time. human tastes better than cat, i promise."

eve scanned the area frantically, her hands balled up in fists as she stood next to steve who was trying to lure dart out from his hiding place.

they then spot dart coming out from the shadows, slowly approaching them.

eve then noticed two other monsters, coming out from their own respective shadows in the scrapyard.

her breathing hitched. feeling nervous for what was about to happen.

could she help steve take all three of them down or was she not strong enough like her sister was?

there was only one way to find out, she supposed.

"guys, watch out!" lucas yelled.

"a little busy here!" steve cried.

"three o'clock! three o'clock!" lucas chanted at the top of his lungs.

steve followed eve's gaze, finally taking notice of the other two monsters coming out of their hiding spots in the scrapyard.

in the corner of eve's eye, she saw the door to the bus swing open.

a monster came running towards her and steve.

with a flick of eve's wrist, she flung the monster against a pile of metal.

"guys, run!" lucas commanded.

steve quickly dodged a creature from attacking him by sliding over a vehicle.

"guys, hurry!" eve could hear max cry out.

eve put her hands over her chest, making an 'x' with her arms.

she focused on the one monster running at her. she pulled her arms out to her side, making the ground shake as the monster exploded into nothing but guts and blood.

"wow!" steve said in awe, as he dodged another attack from dart as he sprinted towards the bus.

"eve, come on!" steve yelled at her.

eve's eyes widen, she sprinted towards steve just as dart came chasing after her.

"come on!" the kids screamed.

max grabbed a hold of eve's hand pulling her inside.

steve jumped on in, just before dart could launch himself at him.

dustin closed the doors to the bus.

just when he did, he saw more monsters coming out from out of nowhere. running straight for the bus.

"shit!" dustin cursed.

the monsters were launching themselves at the door, trying to break in.

"are they rabid or something?" max questioned, stepping back from the door with eve glued at her side.

eve was feeling dizzy. her head was swimming and her body burned.

she always felt the most pain after using an extra amount of her powers.

even during all the beatings she was given by the bad men at the lab, she's never felt this much pain before in her life and she hated it.

why did she deserve to feel all this pain?

why couldn't it be the bad men?

she was pulled out of her thoughts, when she heard max screaming at the top of her lungs.

eve ran over to her, who was looking up at the roof.

standing on the roof of the bus was another demogorgon.

it was almost fully grown.

eve threw her hand out, launching the monster off of the bus.

she let out a cry of pain, before collapsing.

luckily, steve had been there to catch her just before she could fall.

everything fell silent, dustin ran over to check if there were any more monsters out there waiting to kill them.

he saw nothing.

there was no signs of dart or any of the other demogorgons out there.

"are you okay?" steve had asked eve, pulling her back up onto her feet.

eve stumbled a little, max quickly wrapped her arms around her waist, keeping her still.

eve looked down at where max's hands were positioned, a blush rose to her cheeks and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

max soon realized where her hands were too. she didn't mean to set her hands there, it just happened.

"a-are you okay eve?" max asked her.

"yes." eve fibbed.

she didn't want anyone to worry. they already had enough on their plates with the whole monsters and everything. so, her problems weren't much of a big deal for anybody to be concerned over.

it was just a little pain, not so bad right?

"what happened?" lucas asked.

"i don't know." max replied.

"steve and eve scared 'em off?" dustin assumed.

"no. no way. they're going somewhere." steve stated.

so, what were they going to do now?


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