Return, Retry, Restart...Cont...

By DarkDespair713

576K 23.2K 45.6K

You wanted to be with them. Little did you know, that when real flesh and blood are involved... a world with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35 (FOR REAL)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 65

3.4K 195 243
By DarkDespair713

"A-A handsome god?" Himiko questioned, you were currently watching as Angie, once again, was starting her brainwashing process.

"I feel like we're watching the beginnings of a cult." Rantaro jokingly whispered to you. You managed a half-hearted chuckle back, but you knew just how terrifying Angie could be when it came to Atua. You glanced around the room, observing everyone who was present's- well, either amused or confused faces. No one was ever going to do anything to stop Angie though. Perhaps if someone had earlier... there wouldn't be a student council later.

...Well not like you're going to take that risk. So observing it is. You noticed that Ryoma, Gonta, and Kokichi weren't present. Although this happened in the original game too so you weren't too worried. Ryoma was probably sulking somewhere- although you couldn't help but be slightly curious if he tried to take your advice yesterday.

"With that! Himiko's Magic Show is now open!!" Himiko cheered slightly, after Angie's entire speech about greed and acceptance of their situation.

"But in our situation wasting time on magic tricks is quite illogical." Both Tsumugi and Miu added their own thoughts of agreeance to Keebo's words.

You shrugged before speaking up a bit, "I think it's fine if they want to. It'll be a distraction from the motive at the very least."

"Nyahahah! See! (Y/N) agrees!" She waved a finger at me, "Have you ever given any thought of praying to Atua? I think you should!"

You freeze, "Uh. Maybe. We'll see." The awkwardness in your voice could not be any more obvious. But Angie didn't seem disheartened- in fact, she almost seemed happier that you didn't completely reject the idea.

I'll... just be very careful with her. Especially when Atua is involved. You really don't want to die at her hands again.

"The show is tomorrow morning so I'll be calling some of you to help~I'm counting on you to help. Now Bye-Onara!" And with that, Angie raced off and Himiko followed her as well.

"Oh Himiko... what happened to you?" Tenko whimpered sadly as they left.

Korekiyo chuckled, "Faith can truly be quite terrifying huh?"

"I believe there is no cause for concern. This doesn't appear to be related to the motive videos." Keebo pointed out.

"Only worried about that huh?" Rantaro replied.

"Of course. We can't afford to take Monokuma's motive's lightly."

Tsumugi sighed, "But everyone who isn't here could be sharing their videos..."

"Like Kokichi, Gonta and Ryoma?" Kaito listed.

"Hm." Shuichi hummed in thought for a second. "No, I think that's fine as well. Even if there are three people it's still a low probability for them to have each other's videos, and I doubt any of them would share it without getting their own."

Rantaro nodded, "So an exchange in that small of a group is unlikely."

"Ah I see..." Korekiyo mumbled while everyone else nodded in understanding.

"Well let's eat breakfast for now. I have laid out many different dishes." Kirumi said carrying a pile of plates to the table. It didn't take long for everyone to start eating and talking about various subjects. Kaito was on a rant about space. Again. Everyone started to leave as soon as breakfast was over though.

"(Y/N)? You have any plans on what to do today?" Rantaro asked as he stood up.

You shrugged a bit, "Maybe go for another walk, talk to more people- help out with the show?" Actually, the first plan was to avoid the bug gathering that was probably happening today. You avoided it the first time- and in all honesty? You really did not want to spend hours in a room with a bunch of bugs flying around.

"Interesting. Well, I'm headed off to the library-" At your worried glance Rantaro laughed, "Don't worry, don't worry, just to read that's all."

"Oh. Maybe I'll drop by later then."

"If you want. That'd be nice though. But I'll be going now then." He gives you a wave as he leaves.

You sigh as you get up, quickly leaving the dining hall you're now on a search for either Gonta, Kokichi or Ryoma. Gonta so you can avoid him before he spots you, and the later two are just- well curiosity. Although Kokichi isn't your first choice that's for sure. You still can't help but think about how he killed you before... however, you are very very different this time around.

Regardless, after wandering around quite a bit you still couldn't find any of them. You started heading towards the dorm rooms when you heard Shuichi shout.

"(Y/N)! Run! Gonta is chasing after people-" As Shuichi came into view you saw him run in one direction. It didn't take you long to hear the thudding footsteps of Gonta following him- and so you took this chance and ran in the opposite direction. You aren't the best runner but hopefully, Gonta'll be distracted with Shuichi.

After a few minutes of putting distance between yourself and them, you slowed down just a bit to catch your breath.

"Running From Gonta huh?" A voice sounded from right in front of you.

"Yeah—" You said breathlessly, "Were you running as well Ryoma?"

"Nah. Even if Gonta was chasing me, he wouldn't be able to catch me anyway." Ryoma chuckled.

You blinked, well this was different. "Oh... do you know why he's chasing people then?"

Ryoma nodded, "Yup. Kokichi asked him to gather people up for a bug gathering. Of course that's just a diversion to grab the motive videos from everyone."

How. How does Ryoma know that?

Upon seeing your obviously confused expression, he chuckled. "I tried to take your advice. I went to Kaito and told him my reasoning, however... that guy said something about how I need to find my reasoning outside of potentially dangerous objects."

"So I went to the only person I thought would help me. Kokichi." Ryoma shrugs. "The guy put up this plan. I feel a bit bad about using Gonta like this— but it's not completely untrue that most people don't like bugs. And Kokichi wants everyone to watch the motive videos whereas I only care about my own but... well this kills three birds with one stone I guess."

You just stayed silent, when you offered that advice to Ryoma the plan was just for Kaito to help him out— not for him to go work with Kokichi. "Well. It's certainly an interesting plan— wait. You're not going to turn me over to Gonta are you? Personally I really don't want to meet bugs."

"As long as you help us with gathering the Kubs Pad, Ryoma and I will advocate for your love of bugs and get you out of it!" Kokichi quite literally popped up out of nowhere, causing you to flinch at the sudden presence.

Ryoma shook his head at Kokichi. "Eavesdropping again Kokichi? I'm disappointed."

"Hey!" Kokichi countered, seemingly angry. "You're the one spilling the details of the plan to someone outside of it." He casts a glance out you. "Although, I guess (Y/N) isnt the worst person to tell. Especially if they're not against sharing anyway!"

Great. You were roped into this. Again. Well you know that Kokichi's plan'll fail in the end, so hopefully you can just... get Ryoma to watch his, find out who has who's motive, and get Kirumi to hopefully watch her's as well.

Ryoma shrugged a bit sheepishly at you. "My bad (Y/N). Got you roped up in this."

"I suppose it's alright. Again, I don't really want to go meet bugs."

Kokichi chuckled, "Glad to have you on board then (Y/N)! And perfect timing too. Gonta is here."

You glance up and see Gonta carrying the unconscious Shuichi. Poor Shuichi.

Gonta walked up to the three of you. "Gonta caught Shuichi. Gonta so sorry! Gonta couldn't slow down fast enough!" Gonta then turned to face you. "Oh! (Y/N)! Please for your own good! Come with Gonta!"

Before you could even move to speak Kokichi stepped in front of you and face Gonta. "Don't worry Gonta! (Y/N) already lovesss bugs. We need help with something right now but we'll bring (Y/N) to meet the bugs later."

"Oh! Gonta understand! Gonta will see you later then! At Insect Meet-N-Greet!" Gonta waved goodbye and ran off.

"You are too good of a liar." You comment immediately after Gonta leaves to Kokichi.

"Nishishi!" Kokichi laughed, "It's a necessary skill for any leader of supreme evil!"

Ryoma muttered something under his breath about how he'd never work with Kokichi after this.

"Awww cmon Ryoma! I think we make a great team!"

"Yeah no."

Kokichi pouted, "You'll accept it one day! Well— I'm off to go check up on my prisoners! Just wait for me near the dorm rooms you two!" He raced off in the direction Gonta went, leaving just you and Gonta behind.

"He sure is something." Ryoma murmured to you, as he started to walk towards the dorms with you.

"That's an understatement." You shook your head and chuckled, "Regretting working with him now?"

Ryoma doesn't reply for a bit, clearly thinking over his answer. "I don't think so. The information should be worth it after all."

You sighed. This honestly hurts more than it should— you know exactly what's on Ryoma's motive video, and that it's the exact opposite of what Ryoma's hoping for. "Right."

The rest of the walk to the dorms was relatively silent. Until it was taking a lot longer for Kokichi to show up.

"This guy— he's the only one who can pick locks so we have to wait for him and yet he's still so late."

I wonder if he's being chased by Kirumi right now like in the original? "It does suck, what should we do until then?"

Ryoma hummed, "Maybe grab the ones we have? So Kokichi doesn't have to break into our rooms." Ryoma's immediately turns to go to his dorm to grab the motive video he owned.

"Oh— true." You walked to Kaede's room and grabbed Maki's and walked out as well.

"You know. The offer for you to watch yours is still there." Ryoma said waving your Kubs Pad around a bit. "Kokichi'll probably watch it when he arrives, he really wants to see yours and Rantaro's. So if you want to watch it without him first..."

You sighed and took the Kubs Pad from Ryoma's hand while putting Maki's down on one of the steps. "I guess I will." With that you pressed the play button.

The video was the exact same. Your name was listed, your talent was censored, it then talked about how you were lonely "in this world". Which, by the way still confuses you. And on top of that— it still offered you the same chance to kill someone and save someone with you.

"...well that was interesting." You murmured as the video faded out.

"I thought so too. I didn't know this whole motive was about our most important people until Kaito said it in the dining hall. Yours is... pretty unique." 

"That also means I have no one waiting for me out there though." You replied with a shrug.

"....It's a pretty interesting opportunity though." Ryoma hummed. "You could work with someone else, have them take the blame for your kill in exchange you save them when you win."

You raised an eyebrow at Ryoma. Surprised he even had a plan thought out. "Maybe. But I'm not going to kill anyone. I won't steal someone's life like that."

"Right." Ryoma sighed. "Sorry about that. I was just thinking that if we're all doomed to die here, saving two people over one would be a more favorable outcome."

You opened your mouth to say something inspirational, but you couldn't. "I'm not as naive to think that we'll all be able to escape, but... I still don't think giving up and bending to the rules of this place is what I want."

"So that's the kind of person you are huh (Y/N)?" You didn't bother to answer with anything more than a nod. "You're more like Kaede than I thought then." Ryoma's expression turned a little more sullen as he mentioned Kaede. "That girl.... She told me not to sacrifice myself and rejected my offer back then... and yet she went off and killed herself anyway."

You stiffened, you knew that something you did messed things up to that point, and you didn't really want to comment on it. The two of you just remained quiet, not wanting to talk much after that was brought up.

"Heyyy!!! No fair! You guys are watching the videos without me?" Kokichi finally showed up crying, gesturing to the motive video in your hands. "I was just playing tag with Kirumi for a bit, you guys didn't have to leave me behinddd~"

"Oh quit your whining." Ryoma muttered. "You took too long."

"True! We better get started soon then huh? I promised those guys at Gonta's Lab I'd be back by nighttime." Kokichi skipped over to the first dorm on the guy's side. And pulled out his lock picking tools.

"Well here goes nothing!"


And chapter 65 is done! 66'll probably come out either tonight or somewhere at 2 AM in the morning for me tomorrow.

Thankfully Wattpad seems to have fixed itself a bit so hooray!!

Anyway, as always. Thanks for reading everyone!

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