Hues of Blue

By francis_Debouis

765 10 0

Juliette was always mesmerized by the color blue. The same color that made her fall in love with his eyes; Pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

115 1 0
By francis_Debouis

Pacey Witter:

" Oh come on! You don't even have an ass Joey! How could I grab it!" Pacey playfully bantered with Joey. Dawson was making a short film and of course the two had to get dragged into it. Pacey was the sea monster and he had to attack Joey on the dock, but where else was he supposed to grab her! Her boobs? He jumped up onto the dock still dripping wet while Joey complained to Dawson. Pacey was about to interject when he saw Dawson looking at a yellow cab with a pretty blonde inside. Oh boy, today was his lucky day. The blonde girl got out of the car and behind her he saw the back of what he assumed was a brunette girl's head. The brunette got out of the car still facing the other way, but the blonde started walking over to him, Dawson, and a not so happy Joey. Pacey reached the blonde first and stuck out his hand, "Hi, Im Pacey, nice to meet you." Then Dawson stuck out his hand introducing himself, " Hi I'm Dawson." And the blonde seemed to know him. " Yeah Dawson. Dawson, hey we've met before I'm Jen." Jen explained. "Oh, yeah, granddaughter from New York." Dawson seemed to get all the girls these days. "Yeah me and my friend actually are staying in Capeside for a while; I think you might know her; Juliette." Jen smiled wildly.

And with that my heart dropped all the way to my stomach. She's back... She's really back. I honestly thought she would have been away for much longer, but still a year was too long to be away from her. Juliette made her way over to us not even making eye contact with me or acknowledging my presence. She had grown out her hair a bit and now she started to wear makeup; it made her look even more pretty than before, but even if she didn't wear makeup she still looked gorgeous.


I couldn't give them any reaction. Not one. Cause then I would forgive them for everything they've done to me when they didn't deserve my forgiveness. It was so hard though when I saw Pacey; I could feel his bright blue eyes on me the whole time as I walked over. He was the one person I wanted to forgive even though he hurt me the most. She decided that today was just not her day, and was not up for chit chat. She didn't want to be rude, but Juliette had to be abrupt.

" Hey Jen, we should go get our stuff unpacked and settled in since school is tomorrow. Bye guys." I gave the trio a little wave, and with that I left an angry Joey, a smitten Dawson ( for Jen; I could see the way he looked at her) and a confused Pacey.

This is what I wanted right?

When I was in New York I changed a lot. I started wearing makeup, more revealing clothes, drinking, partying, and I started to care a lot less of what people thought about me. I was more free this way and I guess when you put it all together to some people I could be unrecognizable. If only people really got to know me then they would know that I could still be the caring person I always was.


Jen and I made our way back to my old house; my father had managed to buy it back. That was my only request if I had to go back to Capeside. When I entered the house the previous owners had made some improvements to the back yard and now instead of two small windows leading out; there were floor length ones that I truly love. Father had ordered painters to go and paint my room back to its old blue hue which made me feel a lot better. This house would be lonely though all by myself, but perfect for throwing parties. Jen and her grandma would stop in for lunch and dinner on the weekends and drive me to school until I could drive myself. They had become my second family even though I knew grams hated me, but I didn't mind that much cause me and Jen got used to it. After a few hours of help from Jen; all of my clothes and furniture were set up the exact way I wanted them to be, but the color blue doesn't feel the same now that I look back on it.

" Hey Julie! Grams has dinner ready!" Jen yelled up the stairs from the kitchen. Juliette shuffled down the stairs quickly since she was starving from the activities from the day. As she entered the kitchen it felt like home again. It was nice to have actual people and a family vibe unlike her being by herself all the time. Tomorrow was the first day of school and she planned on making a good impression not to her teachers, but to her fellow classmates. Juliet's plan was to join the cheer squad which would give her the popularity she needed to land herself a jock boyfriend. Then, she could leave Dawson, Joey, and Pacey in the past to start a new life.

"So Juliette, you have been in Capeside for quite some time. I've known you since you were 5 years old. I'm so surprised to hear the incident that got you shipped away from New York." Nice conversation starter grams... " Well, I guess I have my father to blame as usual. What's a girl gotta do to get her fathers attention because succeeding and being perfect definitely didn't. Now, he knows I exist even if he sees me as a bad person; I don't care," Juliette huffed out. Meanwhile Jen was looking back and forth in horror because of the topic that was brought up. Grams never understood Jen and Juliette, but the pair just dismissed it.They knew that their fathers would never truly care, so what was the point in trying.

To avoid any further arguments Juliette stood up abruptly," This dinner is delicious Grams, but I'm full now, so I think I'll head upstairs and get ready for school tomorrow. You guys can just lock up and leave. I'll be waiting by the front door tomorrow morning," and with that Julitte walked towards the kitchen and set her plate in the sink before padding her way up the stairs. The blue-eyed girl washed her face, put on her pajamas, and did a little more organizing before heading off to bed. She thought to herself though that this year had to be better than all the years before and she was gonna make sure it was a fun one.


A blaring alarm rang through Juliettes ears as a soft glow of sun seeped through the blinds on her windows. Today was the first day of 10th grade. God, all she wanted was to just stay in bed and never get out. Yet the girl slowly stood up and made her way to the bathroom applying her skin care and doing her makeup. Even if she didn't want to be at school she still felt pretty. Even after everything that Pacey had done to her; a little part inside wished he was the one picking her up and taking her to school on the first day.

Juliette bounced down the stairs heading towards the kitchen grabbing just an apple and a protein bar. She was never a morning person, so she also didn't really eat breakfast. After quickly eating her meal she made her way back up the stairs to brush her teeth because only crazy people brush their teeth before breakfast... Just as she was finished grabbing her bag and finishing brushing her teeth; a honk came from outside her house signaling that grams was here. Soon, Juliette and Jen could get their licenses so they could drive themselves to school, but for now they had to deal with the embarrassment of grams.

Juliette quickly shut the door and ran out onto the rocky path that led up to the driveway where Gram's car was. The girl hopped in and closed the girl before turning to Jen giving her a small smile. Jen knew how nervous Juliette was to see everyone at school; no matter the facade that she was putting up.

The drive to school was not that bad, but the whole time Juliette felt like she was going to throw up. All she had to do though was walk through those doors, find the cheer sign up, and make her way to classes while avoiding Pacey and his friends. Grams pulled up suddenly to the school giving them meaningless advice like, " don't get pregnant," "may god always be with you," that type of shit that I didn't believe in; well except for the first. Jen and I gave one last wave at grams before hopping out of the small car and watching her slowly drive away. The two girls turned around to face their new high school and slowly made their way to the doors to start their Capeside high school adventure.

As they ventured on Juliette glanced across taking in the school, noticing on the big lawn a bunch of footballs and papers were being thrown around in a commotion. Many of the freshmen and sophomores got off the school bus and they made their way to class too. When Juliette and Jen finally made it inside; the hallways were packed with returning and new students all excited to see their friends after summer break. Juliette made it her mission to head straight towards the board on the side of the wall that had the cheer tryouts form. Jen followed suit staying close behind so the girls wouldn't lose themselves in the big school. " Alright, here you go," Juliette handed Jen one of the cheer tryout forms, " This will be good for us you know; a great way to get out and make new friends and maybe land ourselves a boyfriend," Juliette smirked while saying the last part of the sentence. " What about Pacey though; from the way you talked about him it seemed like you were in looove," Jen exaggerated the last part of the sentence intentionally. " Pacey is no more. He's in the past and plus I never looooved Pacey we were always just friends. Anyways, I am determined to get a date to the dance because I refuse to go alone so you better help me," Juliette stated, walking away from the board. Jen rolled her eyes, " Fine, fine. I wonder if Dawson would want to go with me though; he seems pretty nice and you can't go wrong with nice right?" " I mean; I guess. From the looks of it he's definitely got the hots for you," Juliette lightly shoved Jen. As the two girls were conversing on whether it's ok to get with a senior; Dawson came running up to Jen with a warm smile. "Jen, Juliette, how are you guys?" Dawson Leery, the golden boy. Jen smiled down at her schedule giving him a kind greeting while Juliette silently walked beside the two of them taking in her surroundings again from inside the school. It was just like any other public school with the generic posters, club flyers, big lunchroom, and tiny lockers. Juliette never really minded if her school was clean or dirty because she wasn't a snob; the only thing that made school the worst were the people. She could already tell the groups of people at Capeside: the jocks + cheerleaders, nerds, party people, rich bitches who got expelled from private school, stoners, weirdos, and then there was the nothings. Everybody knew them, but they didn't necessarily hang out with the specific groups. The nothings consisted of Pacey, Joey, and Dawson; Pacey was the most popular out of the three, but they still mostly stuck to their inner circle of well... nothing. Juliette knew that if she did cheer she would obviously be put with the jocks, therefore, she would be associated with the party people and rich bitches, but only those three groups.

All of a sudden her thoughts were interrupted by Dawson, " So, where are you heading?"

Jen looked down at her schedule before looking back up, " Biology, um, Brinson." Dawson smiled up at her again, " I was just heading that way." Juliette felt as if she was intruding on the moment so she spoke up, " I have english Jen, so I'll see you later ok?" Jen smiled and gave Juliette a nod that signaled she should be on her way.

This school though was like a maze; she got to english just in time right before the bell rang. Everyone in class knew each other and already had friends; all except for Juliette. She was never the shy type; you just needed to get to know her first and then shell keep on talking non stop. Juliette was also confident, but it didn't stop the churning in her stomach as she walked past rows of students making her way to the only seat left. Of course. It had to be next to him.

Except, when she went to sit down it was like she didnt exist. Instead he was basically drooling over the english teacher Ms. Jacobs. Of course, while she was away, he turned into a typical teen boy gawking over anything that had big boobs and an ass. Juliette of course; had to sit through a whole entire english class watching Pacey embarrass himself by trying to impress Ms. Jacobs. The whole entire period he had a big smug smile on his face as if she would ever go for a boy; non the less Pacey...

After English she had two more periods until she could see Jen. Those two periods were probably the longest of her life. Juliette was never a star student, and she sometimes got failing grades, so it made her average. She thought the first day would be easy, but boy was it just boring. Finally the bell rang, signalling that it was time for lunch and everyone shuffled out of Juliettes previous class. Juliette quickly walked towards the cafeteria and spotted Jen sitting alone at a table.  A thought popped up inJuliettes head reminding her that she forgot to tell Jen that their cheer tryouts were during lunch. Juliette quickened her steps and reached Jens table.

" Jen, come on, I forgot to tell you that cheer tryouts were during lunch we gotta hurry!" Juliette quickly explained before grabbing Jens arm and pulling her towards the gym. The two girls quickly stood in line beside all of the other girls trying out. A girl, who seemed like the captain, stood up from a line of chairs and stood in front of the new girls, " Now, I want to be clear. This team is a huge commitment and it brings many opportunities. This tryout is based on looks, popularity, and a little skill." The girl then looked down at her clipboard before speaking again, " Juliette Mayberry, please step forward." Everyone's heads turned towards Juliette as she stepped forward suddenly feeling out of place. From the corner of Juliettes eye she could see Pacey in the corner of the gym standing with a group of guys pausing their basketball game to watch the tryouts. " Hmmm, pretty nice body, a pretty face well... maybe a little chubby but we can work on that. New to the school so you have a fresh new plate. I would say you are a pretty good candidate." The girl paused, making Juliette suck in a breath. " Welcome to the team Juliette! Well I think we'll call you Julie from now on." And with that Juliette let out a breath turning to smile at Jen who smiled back. Juliette quickly exited the gym to go to the cheer locker room and try on her new uniform.

"Hey! Julie!" A voice came from behind Juliette as she was making her way to the locker room. She knew that voice; it was of course Pacey. " What do you want Witter; you wanna call me a rich bitch again?" Juliette scouled as she turned towards Pacey. Pacey's expression softened the slightest, " Look, when I realized what I did I drove straight away to your house, but when I got there you weren't there. Juliette, you have to believe me! You were my bestfriend and, fuck I couldnt belive that you were leaving me. Can you just give me one chance please; do you want to go to the movie theater tonight with me?" After just exploding at Juliette; Pacey slowly glanced up at the girl hoping that she would accept. He really wanted to catch up on everything that has happened with her. Even though he was interested in Tamara; there would always be a sliver of affection for Juliette.

The girl slowly thought his words over; she really did want to reconnect with Pacey. The girl made her decision and spoke up, "Fine, but, this is your one shot Witter. Otherwise you must leave me alone so I can start over ok? It's already been hard enough being here again." With that the girl gave a small smile towards the Witter boy and made her way once again to the locker room.

Juliette had a feeling that Pacey was probably just using her to have an excuse to see Tamara most likely. Hopefully though, they'll get to talk for a bit before his guy hormones kick in and he ditches her for their teacher.

Juliette opened the locker room door and saw her cheer uniform hanging up in a locker. She slipped it on, and it felt almost comfortable. The uniform was obviously short and tight so she'd just have to get used to it.

The door creaked open revealing Jen walking through; Juliette glanced up and squealed, " OH MY GOD! WE DID IT JEN!" The two girls then proceed to jump around for a bit and show off their uniforms to each other before Jen spoke up. " I heard that you have been invited to a date tonight by Pacey... Dawson, Joey, and I are also going and I'm only a little disappointed." Jen sighed, glancing at Juliette. " It's going to be so awkward with Joey there; I already feel like I am in a love triangle." Jen threw up her hands before letting them fall to her sides. Juliette quickly spoke up, "Well if it makes you feel better first of all; Pacey only asked me out to get to our english teacher Ms. Jacobs, secondly, Joey has been in love with Dawson since the two met... there's no changing it. Expect I know for a fact that Dawson totally liked you! He'd be a fool not to too."

"Well, I am sorry that Pacey asked you out only because of that..., but thanks Juliette it means alot." With that Jen linked her arms with Juliette and the two paraded out of the locker room to their final classes.

The day went by quicker with the excitement of the cheer team and the date tonight. The school's final bell rang and all the students ran out of their classrooms excited to be out of school. Juliette needed some time alone, so she told grams and Jen not to worry and she will just walk home. It had been a while since she'd seen Capeside, but nothing really changed in a year.

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