Chapter 3

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Jen knocked on the wooden door of Juliette's house; waiting for the girl to come out so they could go to the theatre. Meanwhile upstairs Juliette was applying the last finishing touches to her makeup before she bounced down the stairs. The girl swung the door open and walked out beside Jen, " We both look hot as fuck, so it dosnt matter if this wierd date thing dosnt work out ok?" Jen shook her head while her lips pulled into a big smile, " You are right no bitch, not even Joey Potter, can ruin this for me. Don't let Pacey's stupid hormones ruin it for you either; once he gets past it he'll realize you're the perfect girl for him." Juliette smiled a little at what Jen said; in truth she was willing to let go of her grudge against Pacey. She did not want to get back into Pacey's little clan; her popularity mission was still in place, but she wanted her best friend back. As Jen and Juliette made their way to the theater; Juliette glanced down at her outfit. She had picked out a lace white dress that was shorter and tighter on the ends, but it was her favorite. Juliette didn't wear it to impress Pacey of course, but she didn't want to look like a slob either.

The two girls stopped in front of the theater noticing that they were a little late. The girls quickly walked inside paying for popcorn and the tickets. Juliette and Jen walked in and spotted the trio sitting in one of the aisles. Joey sat next to Dawson who left two spaces on the other side of him that were for Juliette and Jen. The two girls sat down and sent a smile towards Dawson whereas Joey would not even make eye contact with the two. Dawson decided to speak up and clear the silence, " Pacey should be back soon; he's just in the bathroom." Juliette gave a short nod and settled more into her seat. The girl could tell that the night would definitely not be how Jen and Juliette imagined it to be. While Dawson and Jen were making small talk; Pacey finally sat down next to Juliette giving her a small smile before listening to the other couples conversation. After a few minutes Jen spoke up to Joey trying to connect with the girl, " I love your lipstick. What shade is that?"

"Wicked Red." Joey responded flatly. " I love your hair color. What number is that?"

Juliette couldn't believe what Joey was doing. It was old news of course that Joey was immensely in love with Dawson, but she didn't have to be rude. Juliette knew that Jen would never do anything bad to Joey, but Juliette had to put her in her place, " Joey tell me why tonight you had to tag along on a double date? Maybe if you checked your attitude some decent guy might look your way."

Joey only glared back at Juliette and Jen sunk even further in her seat trying to disappear. "You'll have to excuse Joey. She was born in a barn," Dawson apalogixed more to Jen than Juliette of course.

"It's okay. I just do highlights Joey," Jen kindly responded.

Another moment of silence took over and of course Joey had to make the situation worse, " So, Jen, are you a virgin?"

"Jeez you really know how to ask all the right questions don't you Joey?" Juliette remarked because once again she was astonished at how far the Potter girl went.

Still Joey persisted letting jealousy take over her, "Dawson is a virgin, and two virgins make for a clumsy first encounter, don't you think?"

"Oh my god Joey how jealous can you be seriously!" Juliette exclaimed again.

"I just thought I'd help. You know, cut to the chase."

" It's okay, Julie. Yes, I am a virgin" Juliette knew that Jen was lying, and she felt bad that her friend felt the need to lie about that part of her but she understood it all too well.

" What about you Julie? Find any football players to bang since you are on the cheer team?" Pacey asked, trying to take the spotlight off of Jen, but laying it down a little too hard on Juliette.

" Great way to start over Pace," Juliette rolled her eyes not necessarily minding the question, "Not that you needed to know though; I already lost mine to a guy in New York which doesn't even matter."

Pacey, Dawson, and Joey's eyes widened at the girl's statement; they had always seen her more on the innocent side until now.

" I am guessing that you are still waiting for a special someone? Right Pace? English class really seems to turn him on you guys... the whole time he was just drooling-" Before the girl could finish her sentence, Pacye slapped his hand over Juliette's mouth so she could not finish any further. Dawson, Joey and Jen started giggling while Pacey only had a small smile on his face. It was nice to have his best friend back where she was no longer as mad at him.

As Juliette went to face Pacey and continue her banter; a blonde head of hair that belonged to her english teacher caught her eyes. Of course just as her and Pacey were finally getting along Tamara had to come.

" Speaking of english, if it isn't Ms. Jacobs right behind us" Juliette nudged Pacey slightly.

Pacey's eyes traveled up a row and suddenly he turned into a love sick puppy. "I'll be back in a second." He whispered so only Juliette could hear while she rolled her eyes at the desperate boy.

"So, Jen you a size queen?" And again Joey's snarky remarks had to begin. The Potter girl just had to make Jen uncomfortable didn't she. Once again with Pacey gone, Juliette felt as if she walked into a love triangle. Thankfully, Dawson pulled Joey out of the theater after a while of her banters.

Juliette turned towards Jen with a disgusted look on her face," Jen I am so sorry. I can't believe Joey; this was supposed to be yours and Dawsons night. I'll punch that bitch if she ever makes another snarky remark."

Jen smiled a little at the girl's persistence, " Julie; it's fine. I'm not going to let her get to me. I should go over and punch Pacey though for just ditching you; he's such a jerk." Juliettes smile turned into a small frown, " Well I knew what I was getting into, it's fine we are just starting to become friends again; just one step at a time." Both of the girls turned their attention back to the movie, falling into a comfortable silence for the rest of it. Halfway into it, Pacey came practically crawling back to their seats with a black eye.

" Real nice Pacey, what did you do now?" Juliette let out a hard breath. "It's nothing, it's fine, anyways I'm being kicked out of the theater so Ill catch you guys later." As Pacey tried to walk away Juliette grabbed his arm, " We should probably go too; I didn't expect it to be this long and it's getting a bit too dark out." Jen and Juliette stood up from their seats and followed Pacey out of the theater. Jen wanted to see what had happened with Dawson and Joey thus leaving the Witter boy and Juliette standing outside of the theater.

"Pace, why don't you come back to my house and I can help you get cleaned up. This isn't the first mess that you've gotten in that I had to fix for you." The girl stared into the brunette boy's blue eyes that were swarmed with different colors of blue. Pacey's body suddenly became stiffer and he shook his head, " No, I have to do this on my own, plus I don't need you to take care of me anymore Julie. You should have someone who takes care of you and is not a screw up." Juliette was shocked by Pacey's words, but before she could open her mouth to talk again the boy turned around and started to walk away.

" Pacey, come on! Can you at least walk me home?" Juliette yelled after the boy, but received no answer. "Fuck you Witter!"


Juliette wasn't used to being in a place where she didn't have to watch out for muglers or creepy men. Although she would have felt safer if someone (especially Pacey) had walked with her. Setting down her keys; the girl made her way upstairs getting ready for bed quickly so that she could get some rest before school the next morning. As she took off her makeup and her dress; Juliette realized that no matter how she dresses or how pretty she is... Pacey would never notice her the way he used to. She wanted to not care so badly, she wanted to let go of that part of her life, but the Witter boy kept pulling her back. Today was a prime example of how much the two have changed, Pacey was a high school boy who wanted a woman, and Juliette was a girl who wanted to party, but also feel safe. She always felt safe with Pacey which was one of the reasons she was constantly drawn back to him.

Juliette's thoughts slowly consumed her head as she settled down in bed and turned off the lights drifting off to sleep.

Sorry this one was a bit short, but I wanted to split it up a bit.

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