Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest...

By icanseemywife

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I will say when the BTVS bits take place, as it skips around a lot. And as for Supernatural, it takes place i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

12 0 0
By icanseemywife

Takes place between Buffy 5.18 and 5.19.

Sam and Dean pulled up next to Buffy's house in the impala as Dean turned to his brother, who was driving.

"So... there's this God lady who wants this key to, what, go home?" Dean checks, looking confusedly at Sam.

"Yeah, that's how it is as far as I understand." Sam had recently finished Season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the season in which Glory is the primary antagonist. "Let's go." He leaves the car and shuts the door, watching Dean do the same. They both walk up the path and knock on the door waiting for a response.

After a few long and awkward moments, a very tired looking Buffy answers.

"Hey, Buffy." Sam greets. Buffy doesn't respond, but gestures for them to enter, which they do. She leads them to the front room where Xander, Willow and Dawn sat.

Willow seemed more chipper than the other two, getting up and hugging the two whilst Xander stayed sat and just gave a sheepish wave.

Lacking any sort of subtlety whatsoever, Dawn borderline yelled;

"Who are these guys?" she stood up, staring at Dean and Sam.

"We're the dudes who're gonna save your asses." Dean snapped, receiving a scolding stare from Sam. Dean shrugged and looked at Buffy. "What's going on?" She rubbed her temples before giving an answer; she was clearly very stressed out.

"There's a God of some sort, named Glory. Long story short, she wants Dawn so she can go home, but that'll end the world so we need to stop her." she explained.

"And why do you need us?" Dean asked carefully.

"Because we think Sagillon and Sabathiel are back. And we could probably use some help with Glory." Buffy sighed.

"We'll help you." Sam smiled as he pulled Dean aside. "Dean, if Sagillon and Sabathiel are here as well as Glory..." It took him a moment, but eventually Dean's mouth fell open.

"They could be working together." Dean finished Sam's sentence. "We should tell them."

"No. They have enough on their plate. We'll stay in our lane, deal with Sagillon and Sabathiel and then focus on Glory. We still don't know for certain if they're working together." Sam explained.

"You're right." Dean replied, scratching his head as the pair stepped back into the living room. "Okay, what happened with our two friends?" Buffy guided the two over to the kitchen and showed them printed pictures of a man and a woman in the corner of a bar, and in one of the pictures the man's eyes glow a bright blue and the woman's black.

Sam and Dean took the pictures and said they'd investigate, and they did. After a rest, they head out at night, leaving the impala outside of the Summers' residence, the pair walked through Sunnydale— and, more specifically, the graveyard. The brothers were being as cautious as possible here, they had their machetes out and at the ready.

From the bushes, a pair of yellow eyes poked through. At that point, Spike sprinted out and attacked the brothers— surprisingly not hurting him. Prepared for an attack, the brothers raised their weapons and Spike raised his hands, still somewhat used to not being able to attack people. At this point, Sam realised who this was and gave his brother a look, signalling for him to lower his weapon.

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you." Sam said reluctantly. He really didn't want to spare Spike.

"Did you— Did you not just see me?" Spike seemed stunned. "I was gonna rip your throat out!"

"But you didn't." Dean smirked.

"Because I'm used to gettin' hurt when I try to eat people!" Spike shouted.

"Why'd you try to eat us then?" Sam interjected.

"Some voice told me to!" Spike yelled back, lowering his hands to his sides.

"Wait, wait, wait... you heard a voice in your head and decided to listen to it?" Dean was puzzled, but in a humorous manner.

"Well, he was very convincing." Spike's volume dropped a bit, making Dean snicker. Sam facepalmed, before calling out for Jack, who appeared in front of him.

"Hello!" he greeted. "I know what you're about to ask, and I'll answer; I thought that Dean would want to fight Spike and so I removed the chip from his head. He can only hurt people if I allow it."

"Who are you supposed to be?" Spike flushed red with anger as he scowled at Jack.

"I'm Jack. Or— I guess you'd know me as God." he smiled at Spike and held his hand by his head in a wave.

"How come you get to control what I do?!" Spike growled.

"What? That wasn't my intention, I just wanted to make it more interesting for my friends!" Jack said, almost defensively. He turned to the Winchesters for assistance but Dean just shrugged and Sam rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'll be honest, Jack, he has a point." Sam said hesitatingly.

"Oh— I see." Jack shut his eyes for a moment and soon opened them. "Alright, Spike, your chip should be fully active now." He smiled before just disappearing.

"What the Hell was that?" Spike asked as Sam and Dean began walking away. Sam turned back and smirked.

"God." he told him bluntly.

"No, wherever you're going, I'm coming. You know something." Spike protested. Sam turned to Dean and he just shrugged. Reluctantly, Sam nodded and let Spike join them.

As they approached the café, the saw the same pair from the photos still sat there.

"This is clearly a trap." Sam whispered to Dean.

"Mhm. But what choice do we have? We can't exactly-" Dean was interrupted when Spike sprinted forward and barrelled into the door. Dean looked back at Sam, slightly annoyed before they ran forward with Spike.

As they entered the café, they saw Spike thrown across the room and Sagillon with her arm outstretched and Sabathiel behind her.

"You Winchesters just don't quit, do you?" Sagillon tutted as she stepped forward. "Spike, darling."

"How does everyone know my name?" he muttered as he got up, holding his arm. "What do you want, bitch?"

"You want to be rid of the chip, don't you?" she smirked as she stepped forward again. It seemed Spike thought for a moment as he looked back at the demon.

"You're a demon." he noticed; it seemed he could see her true form, being a vampire. "You're about to tell me you can get this chip out of my head using some special powers you got. Well, guess what? Takes one to know one, you can't manipulate me."

Sagillon put her face in her hand for a moment, before sighing.

"No matter." she used her powers to shove Spike against the wall again and then turned her focus on Sam and Dean. "When I release The Empty, you'll all wish you'd have joined me." She said as she disappeared, along with Sabathiel.

Dean looked at Sam cautiously before looking down at Spike.

"C'mon, let's get you to Buffy's house." Dean sighed as he went to pick up Spike.

"No!" the bright blonde almost yelled. "She's got a ward up. I can't go in."

"Are you serious, you need all hands on deck!" Dean yelled; though it wasn't clear, Dean was talking about Glory and the Scooby Gangs' fight against her.

"With her? Screw that, mate." Spike scoffed as he dusted himself off.

"Listen blondie, I'm talking about Glory. Buffy'll need all the help she can get." Dean scowled.

"It's not that simple." Spike snapped. "Glory doesn't want to kill that lot, she just wants Dawn."

"So? We kill her." Dean said bluntly. There was a moment of silence— before Spike burst into a cacophony of laughter.

"She's a God, you idiot! There's no killing her!" he laughed.

"Yeah, there is." Sam, who was silent up until now, stepped forward and pulled out the Colt— the weapon that could kill anything.

"What's that?" Spike scoffed, looking at the melted object in his hand.

"We we're gonna get Jack to fix it. It's a gun that fires bullets that can kill pretty much anything." Sam explained.

"You want to use that against her?" Spike checked. "That might work. You sure it works on Gods?"

"Not exactly." Sam said. "But it's worth a shot. Jack!" He called, and Jack answered.

"Yes, Sam?" he smiled, looking at the object in Sam's hands. "That's the Colt."

"Can you fix it?" Dean asked.

"Yes, I can. I'll need a moment though." Jack said as he took the melted gun off of Sam.

"Uh— boys?" Spike got Sam and Dean's attention. "What's that?" He was pointing towards the crowd of people with pitch black eyes slowly walking towards them.

"That's Sunnydale." Jack remarked, looking up with a confused look on his face. "I didn't do this. I wouldn't let anyone do this. Even if I lost focus, I wouldn't— aaghhh!" Jack screamed as he dropped the Colt and was lifted into the air. Sagillon stood behind him with a hand by her side.

"Did you really think I would just disappear?" she smirked as she seemed to take some of Jack's power, some transparent yellow mist transferring from his mouth to hers.

"I can't take it all at once but— this is enough." she winked and disappeared, letting Jack fall to the ground.

"This is mental, I gotta—" Spike went to run but Dean grabbed his arm and held him in place.

"Jack, are you okay?" Sam kneeled down and saw Jack nod.

"She took some of my power. I could still fix the Colt, but it'll take longer." Jack winced as he reached for the melted gun— only to get his hand stood on by a high-heeled foot.

"I heard the commotion and felt the presence of demons. Wondered what was happening. This looks fun." Glory smirked as she kicked Jack in the mouth.

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