Forgotten by My Twin

By TreijiHathaway

43.5K 950 33

17 years old Adrianna Jones wants nothing more than to find her older twin brother, Antonio Jones and to get... More

Cast and Character descriptions
Chapter 1- Miss Lucy Graham
Chapter 2- a dying bull/ howling wolf
Chapter 3- Help
Chapter 4- as far away as possible
Chapter 5- i'll miss you
Chapter 6- the past (1)
Chapter 7- the past (2)
Chapter 8- finally back
Chapter 9- Nio
Chapter 10- for the sake of a daughter
Chapter 11- shopping with papa
Chapter 12- first day of school
Chapter 13- Surprise
Chapter 14- little Ms Queen B
Chapter 15- the new game
Chapter 16- Maddie
Chapter 17- Josh
Chapter 18- Rumors
Chapter 19- another surprise
Chapter 20- confrontration
Chapter 21- all for me
Chapter 23- how is she?
Chapter 24- forgiveness
Chapter 25- happiness

Chapter 22- saving her

1.7K 36 5
By TreijiHathaway

Antonio Jones' POV:

"What my idiot brother is trying to say is that she was abused by Lucy. And she could be dying right now so we need to hurry the fuck up and go. Matt can we please explain everything later. And call your friend he can help us" Mark said. I was barely able to comprehend the meaning behind his words. She was abused? She was abused because of me.

"Why? Was it- was it Lucy?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes smart ass. She didn't leave because she thought that Lucy could give her a better life style but because she was worried about you. Because she didn't want you getting hurt. You seriously don't deserve her as a sister, you selfish bitch. Now that this has been cleared, can we go. Matt and I will explain everything on the way towards Utah." We quickly walked towards the car and sat down. Dad was going to drive and Mark sat at the front seat. Me and Matt sat at the back. After Matt called his friend and told him about Ria, he started to explain everything that happened with her through all those years. The bullying, panic attacks and worst of all the abuse. He told us what happened right before she came to Arizona.

I could not believe that my baby sister, my twin, my other half went through all that when I was sitting here thinking that she left for money. How could she love me so much to risk her life for me? I know I would kill or be killed for her. That was the case even when I blamed her for leaving. I never hated her, but I still made her life a living hell. The way I treated her was worse than Lucy because with Lucy, Ria always expected it. But with me, she thought I loved her. I did. I do but I couldn't let her know that.

Adrianna Jones' POV:

Lucy started telling me how much of a useless, piece of shit I am as soon as we sat in the car. Of course, she didn't let me call Mark or Matt but I could only hope that Tony told them. I honestly don't care about him anymore. I went through all those years of torture for him only to be returned with hatred. I don't blame him for anything because he didn't know. I guess I expected too much from him. I wanted him love me the way I love him. I wanted him to trust me the way I trusted him. I guess I forgot the possibility of that not happening. I should have either told him everything myself instead of writing the letter or just not have told him anything at all. I should not have gone Arizona at all. I love him. How could I ever stop loving him, he is my twin.

"Ooh, look here. The bitch thought she could escape me. What? Didn't work out so well, did it? I always told you that you are just a slut that doesn't deserve anyone. Even your own brother didn't want you. He was right. You are just a bitch. And a slut" she told me. As weird as it sounds, she actually tied me to a chair.

"Oh look who's talking" I wasn't sure where my new found confidence came from but I guess I've just had enough. Enough of everyone telling me how worthless I am. She said I'm a slut but how am I a slut when- cliché or not- I'm still a virgin.

"What did you say?" She asked in a dark tone

"I mean, being a slut yourself, you should know what it means to be a slut. In case your crazy and drunk mind forgot, a slut is someone who opens up her legs to anyone with a dick, like you." I was answered by a punch to my face to which I just laughed humorlessly. "I guess I forgot that the truth stings"

"Someone's grown a tongue." she had a menacing smile on her face

"Just stating the obvious" I smile innocently.

"You are so going to regret this" I laughed before she punched me in my stomach multiple times. I tried my best not to give her the satisfaction of hearing me scream but it was getting harder as she slammed my head at the back of the chair again and again. I let out a little whimper as I saw the knife in her house. She decided to cut my arms open to which I finally allowed to scream out in unbearable pain. It had been about 5 hours since I've reached here and I have had enough. All I wanted was to get rid of this pain. I was ready to welcome death if it would free me from the torture. And that is when I heard it.

I heard Mark calling my name. I thought it was some kind of mirage but still answered it the best I could.

"Mark. Mark" I whispered as loudly as I can

"Shit. Shut up you bitch." Lucy said conforming my suspicions. They were really here. Tony told them. They were going to save me. And as if hearing my thoughts, Lucy panicked and in her frantic state she stabbed me in my stomach. I screamed loudly because of the pain. I heard the door being kicked open and saw Mark and Tony running towards me. Matt came soon after them.

"Miss Lucy Graham! You are under arrest for abuse and forced captivity of Adrianna Jones." A police officer pointed his gun towards Lucy.

"I'm sorry Ria. I'm so sorry. Please stay with me. I love you so much." Was the last thing I heard before falling into the darkness.

'I love you too Nio'


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