Tell Me A Story

By rangleythecat

986 57 19

A maidservant is forced to go clean the dungeons but gets as unexpected surprise when she meets an old friend... More

Her Beginning
As If I Have A Choice
Youthful Mars

Her Day Away

44 1 4
By rangleythecat

Björn, the stable boy, is a good friend of Dagmar's. He is not a boy anymore, he is a man but the title remains the same. It is rare for him to allow a horse to be taken from the stable by her as it may attract unwanted business. Dagmar would often comply with his wishes, but not today.
Today she yearned to feel the rush.
The rush of the powerful beast beneath her legs. The rush of the wind in her hair, forcing her eyes to blur and water. The rush of her heart as it beat in her chest, causing a sharp pain in her lungs. She loved the pain as it gives her a true sense of living.
Björn spoke softly as the fire red sun rays drifted into the stables, early in the morning.
"Take care in the forest today, Dagmar, a young woman should not venture out alone." His words are always the same, a comfort to her.
"I am always vigilant, my friend, keep the stable clean for my return."
The gentle light reflected his dark, dusty face, his full beard almost appeared to shine and she felt relieved this morning. He was a handsome man, possibly a man to marry, but that is none of her current concern, for today she desired to be with Mother Yggdrasil and all her creations.

Down to the forest, they rushed. Dagmar could almost hear the sound of the river over the thunderous boom of the steed. She titled him Hasufel, it means great warrior and truly, he was. But this title is known only to Björn and Dagmar, and they cherish this name for their mutual friend.
They rushed into the thicket, branches violently snagging the young maidens hair, but she do not mind, the rush of her heart only grew with every beat of Hasufel's hooves. She coxed the stallion to a slow trot, his heavy breaths replaced the booms of his gallop. Following the river deeper into the forest, she felt more at home. The birds welcomed her with songs but the beasts of the forest escaped her presence.
"One day," she told herself, "one day I shall rest my hand upon the face of the great deers of the forest, though they fear me. I want them to know I will not harm them."
They are a large species, nearly as large as sir Hasufel, but in Dagmars opinion, they are far more glorious. And though they may be large beasts, they tend to freighten easy, making it difficult to approach them.
Dagmar simply feels at peace when she sees them prance and scamper, their leaps as high as a stable and their cry as beautiful as a choir.

"Watch for Fenris, he is quite large but you will not see him stalking you. It would be a quick but unpleasant death." She was taken aback for that voice was not her own. "Show yourself!" She demanded, and they did. To her surprise, it was young prince Loki.
"How can this be? Have you escaped your prison? Have you dared to deceive your way out of your confinement?"
"Well, my dear Mars, today you are showing a confidence of which I have not yet seen. Why do you speak to me in such a way?"
"You are a trickster, nothing more. If you are here then you have succeeded in doing the one thing you are meant to do, deceiving. You are no longer my Royal Prince, I have to respect the authority of my King and All-father..."
"Oh, Mars... such confidence is admirable but you may lay your trust upon me for no devious act done. Understand, I am still in the cell and was given the opportunity to travel by the Queen. You see, only on occasion I am capable of traveling wherever I wish on Asgard without ever once leaving the sanctity of my wretched prison... what you see is an illusion, Mars, though I see you and you see me..."
"...Why are you here, may I ask?"
For a moment, Loki remained silent with a smile.
"...the birds, Mars. The birds are what led me back to the forest... it's been far too long my friends." He spoke softly to the trees and the fowl. That is when Dagmar realized the large buck watching Loki from the brush. He must've been there all along, for he was very calmly facing the Prince.
"Hello Navir, you look well." The buck bowed and went along his way, acknowledging the tall man before moving along his own business.
It would appear the Loki has managed to do the one this Dagmar desired most, and she felt some envy toward him.
"Do you remember when we were young of age, Mars? When we would give refuge to young creatures?"
"I was not involved in these affairs, if you cannot recall properly."
"Oh, I recall fairly well, Mars. It is you who does not remember properly, it would appear. For I recall how you would aid me in hiding young foxes and birds in the sheds. How you helped keep the maids from entering their places of hiding with clever lies and deception. You were very intelligent at such a young age... where do you think I learned my Mischief from?"
"I never taught you how to take lives. I never taught you how to force upon a war of nations and worlds. I never taught you to be... you. You have largely changed since I saw you when you were much younger and far more pleasant company."

Loki's expression did not change, he simply watched the forest around him.
Dagmar's heart softened for when she looked at him, she could still see her young friend in his eyes. The innocent boy she once knew. How did he come to be so faulty? He lost his innocence, but how did this occur? Dagmar's curiosity overcame her, she must know how the Loki she once knew managed to change into a creature of death.

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