The Clowntergeist But Love

By Cr3nzie

288 12 159

NOT EDITED!!! for a friend so if it never says completed dont be surprised i dont intend on finishing this un... More



31 2 21
By Cr3nzie


I awake from my nap to the door opening. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. I squint at the door to see who's there. "HEY EVERYONE!" Now I'm even more confused. Who the hell shouted that?

I put my glasses on and then look at the door. Ohh.. it's Ribcage and his friends. Forgot he was coming to stay with us not gonna lie.

I get up from my bed and walk towards the door to greet them.

"Hello guys!" I say happily. "Oh hello Batez, I was going to go and wake you but you seemed very tired." Lauren responds with a small frown.

"Oh it's fine really, anyways how are you guys." I gesture towards Ribcage, Art and Pops. "Oh we are fine." Art responds to me.

I hum as a response. "Very well," I clap my hands; "Want me to show you where you can sleep?" I ask while turning around.

"Yes please." They reply. "Ok then I'll go pull out the spare beds for you guys." I walk towards the couch and pull the string thing that takes out the bed.

"So here's one bed," I walk over to the wardrobe and take the small little foldable single bed out; "Here's another bed." I put it on the floor and then look around.

"Well uhm, someone's going to have to share sooo... my bad." I shrug while turning towards the three males.

"Well shit, uh." Ribcage scratches his head while thinking. "I can share a bed with Pops." Art shrugs while tossing a bag into the floor and taking his shoes off.

"Well then, that's settled." I smile while walking into the kitchen area of our room. I go to the mini fridge and take out 7up because yes.

I take a swig out of it and sigh in content. I hum while walking over to my bed and plonking myself down onto it.

I feel a dip in the bed and glance over to the person who decided that they wanted to plonk themself on MY bed! Oh it's just Ribcage.

"Uh soo... want to go out for a walk and get some food for the others?" He asks nervously waiting for my answer.

"Yeah sure I'll come with." I shrug, he hums in confirmation. We walk towards the others and we say, "We are so kind enough to go out for food for you guys, so what do you want to eat?" 

They question it between each-other for a few moments before telling us what they want. They want . . . . MCDONALD's! We say okay and then gather our stuff to leave.

We open the hotel door and walk while closing it behind us. We make small chat while walking down the stairs. We didn't take the elevator because that's scary as shit.

We make it the the ground floor and go to the front doors. We exit them and continue walking down the street. We stop at a cross walk and wait for the green man to come on.

I go into a daze and then after coming back to life and see I'm being dragged by Ribcage across the street. I blush once I realise he's holding my hand. Wait, he's holding my hand?!?

I snap out of it once I realise there's a hand in-front of my face waving at me. I look and see Ribcage looking at my weirdly.

"You good Batez? You just stood there at the light thingy and I called your name and you didn't respond so I had to pull you across the road so I'm sorry for dragging you across." He rambles on nervously.

"Ribcage it's fine let's just go get our food." I chuckle at his behavior. "Oh yeah let's go then."

We continue our journey down the street until we are outside of McDonald's. We walk inside and go to the counter and order our food.

After about 10 minutes of waiting our number gets called out indicating our food is done. We go up and collect our food and leave the restaurant.

We make our way back to the hotel with some small chat here and there. Upon arrival at the hotel we open up the big doors and walk on in.

We go to the stairs and walk up them. Our hotel room door comes into view and we stop while he knocks on the door a few times waiting for it to open.

"COMING!!" I hear someone shout from the inside. The door opens up and stood there is Art looking impatient and irritated. But once he realises its us his face changes into a small smile.

"Come on in guys." He says motioning for us to walk in. Once we walk in we head to the kitchen area and place the food on the table. I hear Ribcage call out to everyone that the food is here and they all come rushing in.

"Mmm sooo good." I hear someone practically moan at their food. I laugh at that and continue eating my chicken nuggets.

After finishing up my chicken nuggets I go to the bathroom and take my makeup off. I make my way back to bed and slip into the covers.
I turn my phone on and turn on a movie. I watch the movie.

After watching two movies I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and then get into my pjs. I walk back to bed and turn another movie on.

I watch it for another two to three hours. After awhile it's time to sleep because I am oh so tired. I turn my phone off and plug in to the charger that's next to my bed.

I fix my pillow and get comfortable and then I'm off to sleep. It's a good weekend so far..


My bad this toook forever I'm just lazy guys 😓😓😓🤚 Ookkkkk lav u so much everyone ah ha ha

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