Guns and glory (A Highschool...

By Ace_spade789

49.2K 666 285

Book 2 of my gunslinger series A reboot/sequel of my original gunslinger of kouh book More

A second chance
Very interesting
Secrets out
The old friend
Fried chicken
Aftermath and a fight
The fight for the future
New Gunslinger of kouh
Open house
The summit part 1
The summit part 2
What the hell?
The battle
Always somthing...
Shield and guns
The adventure continues
Natural elections
Natural elections finals
Unexpected pink suprise
Tri city raids
Blinding raindows
A trip to a beach
Councel of relics
Theres no place like home
Kyoto part 1
Kyoto part 2
Kyoto part 3
Fire and brimstone

The vampire kid

1.2K 18 3
By Ace_spade789

So after the open house at the school Rias released her other bishop a boy named gasper he dressed like a girl but I don't judge. I learned of that when I met him when xenovia was "training" him if you can call her chasing him with her sword.

Alex: "xenovia. Please stop the kid is terrified of you."

Xenovia: "what do you suggest?"

Alex: "here let me."

I then pull out chocolate.

Alex: "alright gasper my name is Alex can you do me a favor?"

Gasper: "you don't seem scary... yeah I can try."

Alex: "ok I'd like to test your powers so I can see how I can help you. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to toss this chocolate towards koneko. If you want it you need to get to it first without stopping time for me."

Gasper: "ok... I'll try..."

Alex: "ok go."

I toss the chocolate and gasper froze time for everyone except myself. It was cool seeing that chocolate frozen in mid air right in front of koneko her hand outstretched just about to grab it. Gasper walked up and grabbed it and I walked up to issei and drew a mustache on him before standing behind koneko with another chocolate. I then nod to gasper and he resumed time.

Koneko: "where's Alex?"

Alex: "BOOM!!!!"

Koneko jumped about 10 feet and was about to attack me when I pulled out the chocolate bar.

Koneko: "you really think a chocolate bar is going to stop me?"

I then pull out another.

Koneko: "fine."

Alex: "great job gasper. I had a feeling that you could do it. I gotta say I'm kinda jealous of your ability."

Issei: "you want to stop Time to grope girls too?"

Alex: "Gasper can you freeze time again?"

He does and I walk up to issei I stand in front of him for a moment with holding my chin. Then the idea struck. I tied his feet together pulled his pants down and I hung him upside down. I then gaged him and I nod to gasper and he resumed time.

Alex: "hey koneko I made you a punching bag. Have fun."

Koneko: "don't mind if I do."

Gasper: "are you sure that's ok?"

Alex: "yeah he likes it when women hit him."

Xenovia: "he does? How do you know?"

Alex: "because if he didn't he would stop being a pervert."

Koneko: "freak is probably getting off on this."

Alex: "well I'm going to get going. I'm sure you girls have it from here. Gasper keep practicing with your powers ok. Try catching a ball maybe."

Gasper: "ok thanks Alex."

I then walked to my motorcycle and went home.

The next day I learned that issei helped Gasper with his power and I was impressed but I was also concerned about what he has planned. But what worries me is the bag the girls got him to help his anxiety. It's creepy. I spoke with Arthur about the summit she wants me with her as a witness and as security. Class went well and after school akeno wanted me to go to a shrine with her. When I arrived akeno was waiting for me at the top. We talked a bit about the shrine but it wasn't exactly important. But I did ask how she could enter the shrine.

Akeno: "we have a special agreement."

???: "so this is the Ace of spades and new type of angel. Alexander Flint it's nice to meet you."

A angel appears out of a golden heavenly light with 10 golden wings.

Michael: "I am Michael. Otherwise known as the chief of the angels."

We all went inside and he gave me a sword called Ascalon.

Michael: "this holy sword has earned another name. Dragon slayer."

Alex: "i thank you for the gift lord Michael. However I've never even held a sword before I'm more of a gun guy."

Michael: "ah yes hope and despair. The sacred gear passed on from another version of you from another universe. And as a bonus made you into a new type of angel."

Alex: "I'm still learning about it but I don't feel any different."

Michael: "may I see your wings young Flint?"

I unfurled my wings each feather was golden with black tips.

Michael: "very interesting. They appear to be leader angel wings with black tips on each feather. Signs that you walk both holy and demonic energies. I see you don't have a halo ether but I can clearly feel divinity radiating off of you. Perhaps one day we can test it in heaven but alas we haven't the time today. My purpose for being here today was to gift you the sword. As your a angel now with your level of divinity I'm surprised that you only have the 2 wings with the divinity you have you should have 10 like myself."

Alex: "thank you again lord Michael. I have a request if you don't mind."

Michael: "another time young flint I promise I'll listen to your request when we meet again."

He then disappeared. And I sheath the sword and it disappeared on my belt.

Alex: "huh... neat..."

Akeno: "we might need to get kiba to help you learn to fight with a sword."

Alex: "can I ask you something about the other day? Braydon says that kokobile said that your barkiel's daughter."

Akeno: "yes... he's my father. I'm the half breed daughter of the fallen angel leader barkiel and a human. My mother was a young shrine maiden and one day she found a wounded fallen angel and nursed him back to health. She did her job well. They fell in love. And soon enough I came along."

Alex: "im a idiot it's none of my business and im pushing."

She then gets up and turned around and unfurled her wings. One devil one fallen angel.

Alex: "your wings are beautiful akeno. Remember that they tell a story. Your story. My wings tell the story of someone I met when I died he gave me his powers so his child could grow up without the powers of the angel of redemption. You should never be ashamed of who you are akeno. Your you not your father."

Akeno: "I grew up hating my angel side and I jumped at the opportunity to become a devil. To spite my father."

Alex: "your unique akeno there's nothing bad about it. And it's kinda hot that you did it to spite your father. We're both unique. Arthur raised me after kokobile killed my family and while she taught me how to fight monsters she wasn't a very good mother. She was never around and I had to learn how to do things on my own. It's only after moving here and meeting you all that I'm learning how to be around others and even work with others."

Akeno: "the truth is I've wanted to tell you for such a long time. But you must hate fallen angels."

Alex: "I never said I hate them... sure I hate the ones who killed my family but I don't hate the race. I'm even part fallen angel now too."

We both chuckled a moment.

Alex: "your not your father. There's so much more to you then that. I'm not Arthur and I'm not billy the kid. I'm not anyone but myself. And your you no more no less. And I wouldn't want you any other way. Your one of the most awesome people I've ever met. And I'm proud to know you."

Akeno: "you say sweet things like that what's a girl supposed to do?"

Alex: "ah well I'm only speaking the truth."

She then walked over to me and fell into me

Akeno: "you know what Alex?"

Alex: "what's up akeno?"

Akeno: "I'm perfectly fine with joining your harem."

Alex: "wait who told you?"

Akeno: "don't you think this is a good position?"

Alex: "it's nice and all but 2 things. 1 we're in a shrine. 2 I'm the one on top."

Akeno: "but I've been so very naughty. I need to be punished. Scold me on how I've been a bad girl."

Alex: "not here. Come by my place after the summit. We should get up before Rias finds out."

Rias: "finds out what. Answer me Alex."

Alex: "what's up Rias?"

Akeno: "I think she's jealous that im in the harem and she isn't."

Alex: "how long have you been there rias?"

She started glowing red with her power.

Alex: "did you want in on it too? I mean I didn't think you where interested in me like that."

Rias: "did you get the sword?"

Alex: "yeah I got it. Did you set that up?"

Rias: "and the angel?"

Alex: "somewhere over the rainbow."

Rias: "then that means your business here has concluded. Let's go."

Alex: "what do you mean let's go? Go where?"

Rias: "you already told akeno where we're going. We're going to your apartment."

Alex: "alright then. Thanks again for your help akeno. After the summit I'll thank you properly and scold you for your behavior."

I then left with Rias to my apartment.

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