Words (a Treebros fanfic)


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Connor Murphy found the letter in the printer. Connor Murphy yelled at Evan, accusing him of things what were... More

What The Fuck Do You Want, Hansen?
He's Going To School!
Aye, Acorn!
A Surprise Friendship
Stay For Dinner!
Less Than Two Minutes.
Hansen, Calm Your Shit.
Wait- Fucking Trees? You like Trees?
I'm At Jared's...
What? Scared, Hansen?
Oh, Yay. Dinner.
He's Depressed And Suicidal.
Wait- Are You?
So You're Gay?
And I've Had Sex Before.
I Fucking Hate You.
Come At Me, Bitch.
You're Coming To My House.
What The Hell Do You Want, Acorn?
Make Sure To Tag Me In The Video!
You're Dating My Sister.
Hey, Babe,
Evan, Now Please.
And I- I Fucked Everything Up.
Go Ahead. I'm Waiting.
Jared Kleinman Speaking,
Untitled Part 28
You Want Christ To Kiss You?

Connor Freaking Murphy.

89 4 0

"I'm so sorry about them..."

Evan shrugged the words off. He didn't need Zoe's apologies about her family, as it wasn't like she was the cause of everything. Sure, he was a little shaken up about how Zoe had just left him alone with everyone, but he knew that Zoe was annoyed and that she didn't know about his crippling anxiety. She may know that he has some anxiety, but he was sure she didn't know how bad it really was, and so leaving him wasn't her fault.

"It's- it's fine,"

Evan closed and the locked the bedroom door, as he knew she liked it to be locked. He knew it was a comfort thing, and he wasn't going to be the one to make people uncomfortable. He glanced back to Zoe who was sitting on her bed, looking at the floor with an unreadable expression.

Evan started to pick at his nails, his anxiety rising in the silence. When Zoe stood and walked over to Evan he kept his eyes trained on the floor, his anxious feeling deciding to stick around for the long haul.

"I know everyone arguing probably makes you uncomfortable. I mean- I bring you to my house, my brothers a bitch to you, you come back to my house, my brother acts all weird and manipulative around you, my parents argue... we can't even have a stupid dinner. You probably want to leave.. and I don't blame you..."

Evan's heart broke a little at the sight of Zoe looking so upset and emotionally exhausted, and so he quickly shook his head.

"No. No. It's- this is fine. Us? I mean- this is fine because of us? Because- because we're hanging out together? And that's nice,"

Evan gave Zoe a very small smile, and Zoe looked up at him, giving him a small smile back. His heart fluttered a little, and he realized how close they were. His heart began to fasten its pace, but he tried to keep a normal expression.


Evan nodded at Zoe's question, and then he felt everything start to go in slow motion, or that was just how his brain went. Zoe started to lean closer to him, her eyes fluttering closed, and he realized that she was about to kiss him.

The girl he had loved for forever was about to kiss him. Actually kiss him, and by her own choice. This wasn't a game, or a dare, or a lie. This was genuine, and his heart began to practically beat out of his chest. Their lips then connected, and he gently kissed her back.

Evan's emotions were all over the place as they kissed. He was extremely happy, as the girl he loved was kissing him, but at the same time he was anxious. He wasn't sure why he was feeling so anxious, though, and then one thought came into his mind and made him pull away from the kiss.

Connor freaking Murphy.

Zoe looked up at Evan with a confused expression when he pulled away, and he felt nervous under her gaze, and so he took a slight step back. He just wasn't able to kiss Zoe while thinking about her brother. That wasn't right, and so he wasn't able to do it.

"I'm- I'll be right back? I need- I need- I need a- uhm- I need water?"

Evan quickly left the room before Zoe could say anything, fumbling with the lock for a second longer than he would have liked. Once he stepped out of the room and closed the door he let out a small sigh, then quietly went down to the kitchen. He could hear Cynthia and Larry arguing in another room of the house, and so he leaned against the wall, running his hands through his hair.

He had just left the girl he loved, who was kissing him, all because of how he had thought about her brother. He wasn't even sure why he thought about Connor, but it happened, and he couldn't say that it didn't. He let out a small groan, feeling his anxiety rising, then he heard a voice and jumped half a foot in the air.

"You dying?"

Evan looked over to the dining room and saw Connor sitting on the table, blankly staring at him. He was scared that Connor would somehow find out about how he was just kissing his sister, though the rational side of him said that if he didn't mention it Connor would never know. The irrational side said that Connor would somehow find out about the dream, and him kissing his sister. He of course listened to the irrational side a little more than he should have.


Connor raised an eyebrow, gave a just barely there smile, then got off of the table. He walked over to the hallway and looked inside of a cabinet, grabbing a pair of keys. Car keys. Evan's eyes widened a little, and Connor walked towards the front door.

"You never saw me."

Evan slowly nodded in agreement, scared of what would happen if he didn't, and Connor left the house. Evan wasn't sure why Connor needed car keys, and he wasn't sure if someone could drive while high, but he didn't dwell on these thoughts, instead thinking about how he needed to face the situation and go and speak to Zoe. He didn't want to, though, and he really wanted to leave the house and never come back. Sadly, he knew that if he did that he wouldn't have any change with Zoe, and so he slowly ascended the stairs to her room.

He took a small, shaky breath before entering Zoe's room, avoiding eye contact with her completely. She was sitting on the bed, and when Evan entered she stood.

"I'm sorry if I freaked you out by kissing you. It just felt right, you know? And- I know I should have probably asked... but... I just really like you, Evan..."

Evan glanced up at Zoe, and he realized that he could do one of two things. He could leave the house and never come back, or he could do what he had wanted to do ever since he first saw Zoe. Evan took another small breath, trying to calm the raging storm of anxiety inside of him, then took a step forward, towards Zoe.

"I really-"

Evan took another breath, trying to speak without stuttering.

"I really like you too."

He gave her a small smile, and watched as Zoe's face lit up. A smile came to her face, and she looked down at the floor for a second, biting her lip. When she looked back up Evan was awkwardly standing there, picking his nails out of anxiety, and so she walked back over to him, placing a quick kiss to his lips.

Evan's smile came back, and he looked at Zoe and her smile, finding it a little less charming than he had before, but he didn't think too hard about it. He knew he was probably just processing that Zoe Murphy actually liked him.

"So- does this mean? What does- uhm- what does this mean?"

Zoe shrugged a little, taking a moment to think. When she looked back at Evan he was sure that she was going to tell him this was all a mistake, and that she in fact did not like him. Luckily, though, those were not the words that came out of Zoe's mouth. The words she said were much, much better.

"This means we're boyfriend and girlfriend? If that's okay?"

Evan quickly nodded, smiling again. Zoe leaned up, kissing him once again, and this time he didn't hesitate before kissing her back.

Evan knew he should be happy, and he was, though he wasn't as happy as he had expected to be. It could have been the fact that this was such a surprise it was keeping his excitement at bay, or it could have been the fact that his thoughts kept straying to Connor freaking Murphy.


I wasn't expecting to publish this chapter until later today.


I will just write another chapter tonight, which I am very exited to write.

Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions!



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