The Mist Of My Heart

Av chlooomb

8K 99 11

While trying to find the 7 lost Lords and save Narnia from evil with the help of King Edmund and Queen Lucy... Mer

The Mist Of My Heart.
New Friends?
Bad dreams
A Golden Lord?
A dragon?
The Blue Star
Final goodbye.

The Lone Islands.

969 15 1
Av chlooomb

As the bell chimes, signalling visitors on the island, I get up and grab my weapons; a bow and a sword, along with a couple of knives. We very rarely get visitors, so you can never be too careful.

Scaling the roof of my small house on the hill, i climb onto the wall, making sure to keep out of sight of prying eyes so I can see if these people pose as a threat.

Slightly in front on me, getting off boats are a group of people who are looking at the island curiously, one boy in particular is looking through the windows of a house. He has short blonde hair and very defined eyebrows.
" Yeah, looks like nobody's in, so do you think we should head back?"

" Do you want to come here and guard something?" Another boy asked, this one looking at least 17. He has dark brown hair and eyes. He's standing next to a girl who looks similar to him in looks but maybe slightly younger, his sister perhaps. She has her hair tied off to the side and is holding a sword. She's pretty.

"Ah yes! Good idea cousin, very erm, logical"

Someone then comes over and hands the blonde boy a dagger. He too has dark brown hair and eyes, but the difference is that his eyes are very dark, almost black from a distance, yet they have a softness to them. His long hair moves around as the breeze slightly picks up. The sun shines over his face, showing the slight stubble on his chin, he's quite handsome.
" I've got it, I've got it" the blonde boy says. " Don't worry."

The 3 dark haired people head inside the building, leaving the blonde outside to guard. He looks rather nervous and he's definitely not holding the dagger correctly. There's no way for me to get inside the building without being seen so I hide behind a rock on the wall and keep watching the peculiar boy.

All of a sudden, the bells start to chime again and distant yelling can be heard from inside, along with the clanging of swords being forced against one another in a fight. A slave trader comes up behind the blonde and takes the dagger out of his hand, pressing it against his throat, forcing him to walk inside the building.
Taking this as my chance, I climb down the wall to try and get a better view of what's happening inside when a loud, high pitched scream can be heard.

"Unless you wanna hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons"

"Like a girl!-"


I can just about hear everything as they closed the doors, but by the sounds of it, the slave traders are putting 2 of the intruders in iron- I'm assuming they're being sent to the dungeons- and the other 2 are going to the market.

"Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king!"

Huh. Guess there's a king in the mix. I wasn't expecting that. Climbing back up the wall so I can remain unseen, i watch from a distance as the 2 dark haired boys get sent to the dungeons and the other 2 go to the market.

Climbing above buildings, I head further towards the dungeons so I can get a better view at what's happening at the market. Hiding behind a building slightly below the dungeons, i grab my bow from around my back and put an arrow in it, holding it ready.

Watching the scene that's happening is truly heartbreaking. A mother being sent to the mist, while the father and daughter run behind the wagon, trying to save her.
"Stay with daddy!" She cries.
"Don't worry! I'll find you!" The father cried from the ground as his daughter runs up to him.

Just like every other day, i shoot my arrows at the wagon, skilfully missing the people on it, instead aiming for the wagon itself in hopes of slowing it down. I also aim for the slave traders. Not injuring then to the point where they'll die, just to slow them down and hopefully prevent people being sent to the mist.

In the dungeons, Caspian and Edmund are looking out the small window after hearing all the distant screaming.
"Where are they taking them?" Caspian asks the Lord.
"Keep watching"

Watching as the slave traders drag people into boats from the wagons, arrows are sent towards them.
"Who is shooting those arrows?" Edmund ponders as he looks at the Lord for an answer.
" Eden. She lost her sister to the mist. She tries to stop the slave traders from sending more people to the mist. Sometimes she succeeds and they have to delay it, other times it doesn't make a difference and she has to run before she gets caught".

"What about her parents? Don't they try to stop her?" Caspian asks.
"Her parents died a couple of years ago. Since then she had tried to help others on the island in any way she can, whether it be helping people carry things or giving them spare food, she does what she can. She really has kind and pure soul. She even managed to sneak me a loaf of bread once, although I'm not entirely sure how she managed that."

The green mist then made its way to the people on the boat, engulfing them until they had disappeared.
"What happened?" Caspian asked.

"It's a sacrifice" Lord Bern replied.

"Where did they go?"

"No one knows. The mist was first seen in the east. Reports of fishermen and sailers disappearing out at sea. We lords made a pact,to find the source of the mist and destroy it. They each set sail... but none came back. You see, if they don't sell you to the slave traders, you're likely to be fed to the mist."

"We have to find Lucy, before it's too late".

Eden watched as the young girl got sold to the slave traders, shortly followed by them trying to sell the young boy. Getting closer to the scene, she grabbed one of her daggers from her boot and made her way to the crowd, making it seem like she was going to be the one bidding. Just as she made her way up behind the girl to untie her ropes around her wrist, a voice yelled out " I'll take them off your hands. I'll take them all off your hands! For Narnia!"

And then a fight broke out.

Swords were clashing against each other, arrows flying everywhere, punches were being thrown, it was definitely a sight to see. I took out my sword and started fighting as many slave traders as I could, knocking them one by one. I saw the people of the Lone Islands joining the fight, using household items as weapons.

After all the slave traders were down and handcuffed, i saw an arrow being shot towards the young girl who was oblivious to it.
"Lucy look out!"

As I was close to the girl- who I now know is called Lucy- I managed to catch the arrow before it pierced the girls skin. Having ran from a lot of slave traders due to pissing them off constantly, I've learnt quite a few tricks, one of them is having extremely fast reflects.

"Oh my Aslan! Thankyou!" Lucy said as she turned to me, smiling gracefully.
I looked at her and gave her a warm smile in return. "You're welcome".

"Who are you?"

A/N - Hi! This is my first story so i hope it's okay so far. I apologise if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes. I'm basing this off the movie instead of the books and obviously some things are different in this book so I could introduce the character into to story. Please let me know if the writing is okay!!

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