The Missing Pieces

By LaurenWhitley1

24.7K 1.2K 460

Something happens to Pentatonix that leaves the group with numerous injuries, Mitch's being the worst. What h... More

The Accident
Back at It!
Getting It Out
Making Changes?
Sorry Not a Chapter
Please Accept Me...
Talk It Out
Turn of Events
The Road to Recovery
Something Special
Hello and Goodbye?
On The Road Again...Again
It's Over
Free Day!
New Cover????
Q and S L A Y
Who I Am.
The Confrontation.
The Last Chapter
Sequel is Up!

Touring Again

612 28 13
By LaurenWhitley1

A/N: Hey lovelies!

My chorus teacher wasn't mad she was just like


And writing in math class is fun.

By the way if this is getting too long tell me because I have no idea where to stop or when to make a sequel.

And if I didn't mention it before, Sam's parents don't stay with her at the hospital, they live far away and just visit.


*Mitch's POV*

"I need to see"

We're going on tour tomorrow. You'll see her in a month.

"She might not have a month, Mitch!" Scott screams and I wince.

See if she can come to our next show? Calm down.

"Okay...I'll text her." He says and walks off.

I hope she's okay...

*Scott's POV*

I go out on the porch and FaceTime Sam.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey Scott." She says weakly. "Sorry I just had chemo. I'm still getting used to it."

I wanted to cry at how weak and sick she looked.

"So, I know you've never been to a concert, correct?" I ask and she nods weakly.

"Well I was wondering if you'd want to come to one next month when we come back to North Carolina."

She smiles. "Yeah, I'd love that. I have something to tell you too."

"What is it?" I ask fearfully.

"I'm getting better. I know I look bad, but I'm fighting. The doctors say I could be okay."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "That's awesome! I was scared for a second. We're all praying for you."

"Thank you, Scott. You're the nicest person I've ever met." She smiles really big.

"I don't know, I'm pretty mean." I say and she taps the screen.

"That was me smacking you."

"Ooh, a feisty one." I smirk.

"As feisty as a girl fighting cancer can get," She looks to her right. "I have to go. I'll text you."

"Love you!"

"Love you too." She says and hangs up.

I go inside and hug Mitch around the waist.

"I love you."

I love you too. Is she okay?

"Yeah. She'll be okay." I tell him and he smiles.

Good. I just got a call from my speech therapist. She says I'm doing better. Can you help me?

"Of course. Is she going on tour with us?"

Yes. I'll have to miss some rehearsals for speech.

"That's okay," I say, getting out some of Mitch's speech materials. "Okay, let's start with warm ups. Repeat after me."

"Meh. Me. Mah. Mo. Mu."

"Meh,, mmmah, mo-moh, mu."

"That was great. You're really getting better."

This is like school.

"I know. Kirstie had to learn a lot too." I started to get out another set of flash cards when there was a knock at the door.

I get up and look through the peephole. I open the door.

"Hey Kirst-"

She walks in. "Did you guys hear?"

"No, wait. About what?"

"The hospital. It's been attacked. Someone set a small part of it on fire and it spread." She says all panicky.

"WHAT? What do you mean? You mean Sam's hospital? Is she okay?" My heart starts pounding.

"I don't know. I just saw it on the news. Avi called down there and they didn't answer."

I feel tears form in my eyes. "Sam. I've got to call her."

I grab my phone and call Sam. She picks up.

"Scott..." She's crying.

"Sam! Sam, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay...the hospital! It-It's on fire!"

She's okay.

"I know. Look, I want to come down there, but I can't. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," She's still crying. "The firefighters are here. I'll text you."

"Bye. I love you."

We hang up again and I'm still shaken. Sam is the coolest teenager I've ever met and I'd die if I lost her.

"She's okay." I tell Kirstie and Mitch.

They nod and Kirstie goes back to her apartment.

I sit back down with Mitch. "Do you wanna do this tomorrow?"


"Alright. I'm gonna go to bed. Come with?"

Yeah. He says and gets up.

We put on our pajamas and climb in bed.

"One more night." I mumble and Mitch kisses my cheek.

"Still haven't packed." I mumble and roll over to hear Mitch already snoring.

I almost immediately fall asleep, not realizing how tired I actually was.

*Mitch's POV*

My alarm starts blaring at 5:00 A.M.

I roll over to turn it off and shake Scott awake.

"Noooooo leave me alone." He groans.

I wish I could yell in his ear right now.

I go to my air horn app and blast an air horn sound in his ear.

He jumps awake.

"Jesus, Mitch. What time is it?" He mumbles.

I put on my glasses. Five.

"Ugh. We have to be at the airport at 6:30."

Start packing. I say, motioning to Scott's empty suitcase and then to mine, which is full.

"Starbucks?" He asks and I give him an uneasy look.

Yeah. Be back in 10.

I grab my keys and head out the door, hoping that I don't get the same girl as last time.

When I get to Starbucks I head inside, noticing that there is a different person at the counter.

I wait behind a few people and slide my phone towards the cashier.

He reads my order aloud and puts it in, not batting an eyelash at the fact that I didn't talk.

He gives me my total and I swipe my card.

I wait a few minutes for my drinks and then start to walk back home.

When I get inside I hand Scott his stuff.

Got enough clothes?

"No, actually. I need to go shopping." He says, attempting to close his suitcase.


"I sense the sarcasm."

Let's go. We have an hour.

"Okay. I'll get the suitcases. Can you put Wyatt in his cage?"

I nod and get Wyatt.

I put our suitcases in the car and go back inside to find Wyatt jumping around everywhere and Mitch frantically running around trying to catch him.

I laugh and snap a picture.

@scotthoying: We are such a wonderful family.

He finally catches Wyatt and puts him in his cage.

"Okay, finally. Let's go." I say.

We lock all the doors and attempt to fit all of our stuff in the car.

When we're finally jam packed in there, we drop Wyatt off at the breeder's and head to the airport.

Sam texts me.

Sam: Good luck on starting tour today!

Scott: Thanks! How are you doing?

Sam: Okay.

Scott: We're coming to North Carolina soon. Imy :(

Sam: I miss you too.

We get to the airport so I put my phone up.

I'm really excited for where we're going because we're not really going where Sam thinks we're going.

I've talked to her mom, and we're going to be arriving in North Carolina at around 8:30 today, after her chemo.

She's also undergoing a huge operation later.

This could get her out of the hospital, so we're all hoping and praying that it turns out right.

We rush to the terminal because we're late, as usual.

We find everyone and take our seats on the plane.

There wasn't anyone else in first class so we got everything to ourselves.

"Hey guys!" I say and sit down.

"About time." Kevin says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Ooh sassy today. Someone took after Mitch."

I'm so proud.

"So guys, do y'all wanna stop at the hospital and see Sam?"

They all agree.

"Yeah! How is she doing?" Kirstie asks and I realize that they don't know what's been going on.

"Good... Well, she's getting a major surgery today to hopefully remove her cancer. It's dangerous. I'm really worried."

"She'll fight through it." Avi says.

"I know. She's strong. But nobody tell her that we're coming. I wanna bring her to a show soon."

"That'd be cool." Kirstie says.

We just chat for a while and I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up when we land.

We all get off the plane and are taken to our hotel.

After meeting a few fans, we all put our stuff up and meet in my room.

Sam: Going into surgery. Please pray for me. Love you! By the way, you can come visit at 12.

I quickly text her back as everyone gets in my room.

"Sam is just now having surgery. We can go visit at 12." I say.

"We could go after rehearsal at 2?" Kevin suggests.

"Sounds good. I don't think she's well enough for a show, but we can always sing to her." I say and everyone agrees.

We break up the meeting, have rehearsal and go to see Sam.

We get to the hospital and I anxiously go to Sam's room.

I walk in to find her sleeping.

"She's been waiting for you." Her mom says.

"Did everything go alright?" I ask and sit down.

"It did. She already had an X-Ray. It's all gone. Only one more chemo to make sure." She says and smiles at her daughter.

"I've been thinking about her and praying for her a lot. She's a special girl."

She starts to wake up. I want to surprise her so I mouth that I'm gonna walk outside.

I walk out. "She's waking up. We all should walk in and surprise her." I say and put my ear to the door.

Her mom asks her how she's feeling and stuff, and I knock on the door at her code word.

"Come in!"

I walk in and pull back the curtain.


"Sam!" I mock her.

She starts crying and I give her a big hug, careful of her wounds.

"I missed you." She says, letting go.

"I missed you so much."

"I can't believe you're here! I've been thinking about y'all every day."

"We just flew in today. I knew I had to come see you. We're here for about three days."

"Wow I'm... I don't even know what to say!"

"Well, I have something to ask you. Do you wanna FaceTime me during the show tonight so I can put you on the big screen? The fans wanna meet you." I say and Sam smiles.

"Are you serious? Of course!" I laugh at her excitement and we chat for a while before we have to leave to get ready.

"See you tomorrow!" I say and we go to the place that we're performing at.

We get ready and go back stage.

"Okay, guys. Tonight is all about Sam. Scott's gonna FaceTime her during his speech. Then we're gonna sing to her. Got it?" Kevin says.

We all agree and get ready to go on. We take our beginning places and get the show started.

The show goes smoothly and we get to the part where we FaceTime Sam.

"Okay guys. We have a special guest tonight," I say to the audience. "Her name is Sam and she is very sick so she couldn't be here. She has cancer and has just undergone a major surgery, which hopefully will make her better."

My phone rings.

"Here she is now!" I say and her face comes up on the screen behind us, which is connected to my phone.

"Hey Sam! Say hi to the crowd!" I say and turn my phone towards the crowd. The crowd roars.

"Hi!" She says.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Good. I'm actually doing great. And guess what guys? I kicked cancer's butt!" She says and the crowd screams again.

"We all love you Sam! Say "I love you!" crowd!"

"I love you!" The crowd says.

We all say goodbye and end the FaceTime.

We finish the show and get back to our hotel.

I get a shower and go to bed.

Normal tour life, really.

Tomorrow's a free day, but Mitch has speech, so I'm staying with him.

Mitch refuses to have speech sessions, but I force him to go.

I know he wants to be able to talk again.

I turn to say goodnight to Mitch only to see that he's already passed out.

I snap a picture, put it on Twitter and go to bed.

We have a long day tomorrow.

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