How Did We Wake Up With Amnes...

By AwesomePeople4545

204 13 13

Two girls knew 5SOS before they were famous... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Flashback: Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (100 Reads celebration)

Chapter 3

18 2 2
By AwesomePeople4545

 Luke, Tsuna, and I all arrive back at the house in no time. We already dropped the rest of the boys back at their houses so they could see their families. Our mom was so happy to see Luke, she was, like, crying. Happy tears, of course. I felt like Luke couldn’t believe he was home. He kept saying that nothing changed and he missed Australia.

 It was nighttime. Tsuna had already gone to bed and I was hanging with Luke in our living room. We were watching some movie on tv. It felt good to have him back. My head was on his shoulder. Alot of the fans used to think we were dating because we were always so close, and he would kiss my head and stuff.

“What you thinkin ‘bout, Ebs?” I didn’t really realize I was in my own little world.

“You.” Luke runs a hand through his quiffed hair. “Can I tell you about something that happened while you were away?” Luke slowly nods.

“You didn’t do drugs, did you?” I quickly shake my head. “Oh good.”

“Um… Tsuna and I were in an accident…” Luke sits up. “A car accident. We’re both okay, but Tsuna was in a coma for about 2 and a half months. A-And when she woke up, she had amnesia.”

“Is that why she didn’t let Michael kiss her?” I nod. Luke’s eyes widen. “I-I… Why didn’t you call me, or Michael! That’s his girlfriend for crying out loud! Is that why you didn’t talk to us?” I nod again. “Well, nice to know I’m loved.”

“I’m so sorry, Lukey. It’s just you were on tour, and living your dream. I didn’t need you to come home for this small thing. Look, Tsuna’s fine. Her doctor said she might be able to regain her memory.” Luke had his head in his hands.

“Oh god. We have to tell Michael. Oh jeez. I’m going to call him now.” It was my turn for my eyes to widen.

“No! No! No! We wait until Tsuna wants to tell him herself.” Luke rolls his eyes.   

“Tell who what?” Tsuna says while coming down the stairs, rubbing her tired eyes.

“Nothing, Tsuna.” I say, trying to get her to not worry.

“I don’t believe that.” Tsuna says with a closed eye smile, looking kinda creepy.

“Ebs, you two should go to bed. We can talk about this in the morning.” Luke tries to compromise.

“RAWR I AIN’T GONNA GO TO BED! NO JIMMY PROTESTED!” Tsuna yells before rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically. “I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND JUMP AROUND UNTIL WE SEE THE SUN” Tsuna screams, jumping up and running around while jumping.

“Someone is full of energy. And that’s saying much for a guy that is terribly jet lagged.

“I might have had a bag of Sweet tart Jelly Beans..” Tsuna says while rubbing the back of her head “And maybe a can of Mountain Dew…. Heh…”

“You know that is really unhealthy before bed.” I say, trying to drag Tsuna to her room.


“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get you to bed before you crash.” I say and of course Luke is being no help at all.

“SINCE YOU BEEN GONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” Tsuna exclaims “And I ain’t gonna crash because I’m a NIGHT OWLLLL” Tsuna say derpily.

“Have you ever had a sugar high before? You crash right after. And your doctor said you shouldn’t be eating a lot of sugar anyway.” I say, getting into my pajamas and I was hoping I could fall asleep before she eats anymore sugar.

“ITS A BIRDDDDDDDDDD” Tsuna says while throwing a pillow at me “And no dip Sherlock” I get into my bed. Putting my pillow over my head to block out the loud noise.

“PILLOW FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Just kidding. MOVIE TIME!” Tsuna screams before running towards the wardrobe “I’M OFF TO FIND NARNIA!”

She then yanks open the wardrobe door “IS THIS THE WAY TO NARNIA?!?!”

“Why can’t the world let me sleep?” I say, tiredly.

“I think I see-” Tsuna starts before face planting on to the wardrobe floor and falling asleep.

“THANK GOD.” I say, quickly falling asleep.

“Potatoes and carrots…. AND NANDOS.” Tsuna mumbles in her sleep.

Yeah.. A LOT of randomness XD


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