Chapter 2

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“Are you excited than? Your big bro is coming home!” He says and I cheer with fake enthusiasm. I look over to the door to see the doctor waiting for what I’m guessing is me.


“Look, Luke, I have to go.” I quickly hang up before he could say anything. The doctor comes into the room. I stare at him for about five seconds before switching my glance over to Tsuna. She looked as if she was blinking, but all the rest of her was completely still. I’m ninety percent sure she can hear me though.


“Who were you talking to?” I shrug, not wanting to answer. Don’t get me wrong, I love Luke but right now, trust me I wanted him here with me, but I was scared out of my life. I didn’t want him to find out.


“Is she going to be okay… in like a week.” The doctor then nods.


“Possibly, but she may wake up with Amnesia.” I nod. I hoped she would be. I think she would be. I’m just scared Michael is going to come here, and she won’t remember him, and oh god.


 In a weeks time, Tsuna was back at home, everything was fine, but she wouldn’t talk. I did not know if she had Amnesia, but the way she walked (MAYBE ITS THE WAY SHE WALKED) around the house, I knew she wasn’t fine at all. I hoped she would talk though before Michael came. They were supposed to arrive tomorrow, and Michael will be devastated if when we met them at the airport, she won’t kiss him. Michael has been waiting a long time to see his girl again (ITS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME SINCE I SAW YOU BACK ON SKARO).


 It was night time. I was in my bed and Tsuna was in her bed across the room. Everything felt kinda normal.


“You have a boyfriend.” I say out of nowhere. “His name’s Michael Clifford. He’s in a band with my brother. They are coming home tomorrow from their tour.”


“That’s cool.” I heard her mumble. “Is he a good kisser?”


“I wouldn’t know.” I reply.


“He is cute?” I reach over to my phone and pull up a photo that was taken six of us before they left. I go out of bed and show her the photo, pointing to which one is Michael. “Oh, he’s cute. Real cute. Which one is your brother?” I point to Luke. “That’s cool. What instrument does Michael play?”


“Guitar, he’s really good too.” I go back to my bed, making myself comfortable. I couldn’t wait to see them again. Thing is that now I will have to contain myself.


 Tsuna and I were waiting at the airport. Of course, we were early. I tried to tell Tsuna about everything. How long her and Michael have been dating and everything I knew about their relationship. She said she couldn’t wait to meet him. But I didn’t just tell her about Michael, I told her about everything. I couldn’t believe she woke up with Amnesia. Soon enough people started to pile out of the portal (tunnel to the plane). Soon enough I saw Mikey’s colored hair. Tsuna stands up with me and I run over to my brother. His arms soon take me into his embrace. I missed him and I didn’t realise I was crying.


“I missed you so much.” Luke says, kissing the top of my head. “I worry ‘bout you, you know.” I nod into his shoulder.


 After a while, I look over to Tsuna. Her and Michael were talking, she had a confused look on her face. Michael had Tsuna held close to him. He acted as if he hasn’t seen her in a million years. It must be hard to leave his girlfriend of two years to go on tour. And I never really thought about Tsuna in all of this. When they left, she must’ve been devastated, then again her and Michael talked, like, everyday. But then everything changed.


 Michael then tries to lean in, and Tsuna moves away. There was a look of hurt on Michael’s face. That’s when we start to walk to the terminals to get their luggage. Luke still was holding on to my hand. Tsuna and Michael were walking next to each other, and honestly, Tsuna looked like a lost puppy. I look behind me and Ashton and Calum were talking. Dang, did Ash look cute. I wish he wasn’t older than me.


“Hey, you okay?” I nod. Luke squeezes my hand, then lets go so he could get his luggage. The other boys do so as well.


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