Lovers Forever! (A Servamp St...

Por katebluejaguar

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This is based after the war with Tsubaki. All is peaceful until the Eves have an unwanted and unexpected mee... Más

Prologue: After The War.
Chapter 1 The Meet Up.
Chapter 2 The Group Chat Truth or Dare.
chapter 3: The Phone Calls.
chapter 4: Mikuni Brings The Potion!
Chapter 5: The Truth-telling Potion.
chapter 6: Promises Are Broken.
chapter 7: Servamp Messenger Chat.
Chapter 8: End to a wonderful day and a start to another.
Chapter 9: A Not So Good Unexpected Meeting.
Chapter 10: Sleepover.
Chapter 11: Servamp Drama.
Chapter 12: Gifts And Marks.
chapter 13: Hide and Seek in the Dark (part 1)
Chapter 14: Hide And Seek In The Dark (part 2)
Chapter 15: The Night Of The Crazy Eves.
Chapter 16: Shopping Trip Ruined.
Chapter 17: Truth Of The Eves Bad Past And A Unwanted Phone Call.
Chapter 18: Unwanted Home Visits.
Chapter 19: Problem And The Servamps House.
Chapter 20: Meeting Two Of The Season Servamps.
Chapter 21: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/ Eves.(part one)
Chapter 22: Meeting The Other Two Season Servamps/Eves. (part two)
Chapter 23: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 1)
Chapter 24: Servamps Old Rooms (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Eves Kidnapped.
Chapter 26: Bonds Broken.
Chapter 27: Eves Great Escape
Chapter 29: Eves Five Years Later.
Chapter 28: Servamps Five Years Later.
Chapter 30 Return of the Servamps (part 1)
Chapter 31 Return of the Servamps (part 2)
Chapter 32. Return Of The Servamps (part 3)
Chapter 33 Return of the Servamps (part 4)
Chapter 34 Return of the Servamps (last part!)
Chapter 35 Everyone Reunited (part 1)
Chapter 36 Everyone Reunited (part 2)
Chapter 37 The Melancholy Phone Call.
Chapter 38. The first night being reunited!
Chapter 39 Eves Off To Work.
Chapter 40: Yelling and confusion!
Chapter 41 Servamps being stupid!
Chapter 42: Really Great News!
Chapter 43: Before the big day.
Chapter 44: The big day.
Chapter 45: Homecoming!
A/N Happy Birthday
Chapter 46: 30 years later!
Chapter 47: Flashback number one.
Chapter 48 flashback number two.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Not a chapter. But please check it out!
Chapter 50: Sad news.
Not a chapter.

Chapter 49 Nighttime meet up and drama.

31 1 0
Por katebluejaguar

Hey everyone!
Here is the latest update!
I'm sorry it took so long to write.
I was just very busy with school.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


It was 9:00⏰ when Misono and Lily heard the door bell. Both got dressed and Misono rushed out the door🚪 and was the first one downstairs. He was walking fast compared to how much he was hurting due to having sex with Lily, but this was important so he wanted his friends inside fast. Plus, it was very rude to keep your friends waiting outside.

When Misono opened the door he was not very surprised to find a certain pissed off angel👼 of destruction kicking a certain laughing hedgehog🦔, who was amazingly dodging all the kicks that was thrown at him. Misono still couldn't understand how he could dodge the angels kicks. Probably from years of practice.

Then across from where the two were standing on the porch a certain housewife, who still didn't understand why everyone kept calling him that, even after all these years, was telling off the lazy cat🐈, who was happily perched on his shoulder. The two get along better now than they used to be.

Standing on the steps was a tall certain person, who still worked at his family's hot springs was chatting to a short kid with lots of pride sitting on top of the familiar coffin.

And lastly behind them chasing a laughing fox🦊, who was acting like he was having the time of his life, was a green haired famous author, who looked like he was not enjoying it one bit. Misono stepped outside catching everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone🙂!" Misono greeted cheerfully. Not noticing that other people had started to arrive.

"Hey, Misono. Your looking well😊!" Mahiru greeted his friend hugging him.

"Thanks. You too, Mahiru. Licht please don't break anything😒!"

"Sorry, Misono😅." Licht walked up to hug Misono ignoring Hyde who was now lying on the ground groaning in pain, cause he was too slow in dodging one of Licht's kicks.

"Hey, Misono🙂." Tetsu greeted as he walked up the last few steps and was standing on the porch as well.

Misono was about to reply when someone familiar wrapped his arms around Misono. And that someone was none other than his bastard of a older brother. "Hello little bro😌!" Mikuni greeted as he rested his head on Misono's shoulder.

Jeje was standing leaning against the doorframe.

Misono smiled😊 and turned around surprising his big brother and embraced Mikuni back, resting his head on his chest. "Hello, Mikuni!"

Everyone had stop arguing and was watching the boys smiling😊.

Then at that moment three other people had arrived and when one saw this very rare moment he immediately started laughing🤣 and ruined the rare moment.

"Tsurugi stop laughing💢!" Yumikage scolded the black haired boy, who had started laughing like a clown, so hard that he had fallen down and was now rolling on the ground still laughing😂.

Upon hearing Tsurugi laughing Misono let go of his brother blushing embarrassed😳.

Mikuni glared😠 daggers at Tsurugi for ruining the only moment where Misono had hugged him back instead he pushing him away.

Mahiru was just watching Tsurugi unimpressed😑.

Kuro mumbled how tiring and what a pain this was😠.

Tetsu and Hugh were watching Misono sympathetically🙁.

Licht was too glaring😠 deadly at Tsurugi.

Hyde and Tsubaki were trying their very best to keep their giggles🤣 quiet, but weren't doing a very good job.

Sakuya just put his hands into his pockets and walked up to the others leaving Tsubaki behind.

"But it's funny! After all these years Misono and Mikuni finally greet each other nicely for once🤣🤣!" Tsurugi said still laughing and ignoring all the people, who where still glaring at him.

Then Shuhei walked up and looked down at his husband, then at everyone and then looked at Yumikage😒. "Why is Tsurugi laughing like he is dead?" He asked Yumikage.

"Hey! I'm not dead😩!"

"I don't know, Shuhei😒!" Yumikage answered Shuhei ignoring Tsurugi.

"Stop ignoring me😫!"

"Junichiro can't make it, unfortunately." Shuhei told the others also ignoring Tsurugi.

"What did I say😫?"

"Say something, Tsurugi🤨?" Yumikage asked Tsurugi and glaring at him.

"No, Yumi-chan😅!" Tsurugi sweatdropped and jumped to his feet.

"Good😌!" Yumikage smiled.

Misono then realized that everyone was still outside. "Come on in everyone😊!" And everyone walked inside just as Lily was walking downstairs his shirt still crumpled and half unbuttoned from the earlier event with Misono.

Lily smiled😊 and said, "Hello everyone. You are probably tired, so rest in the usual rooms and we'll talk in the morning." Then Lily walked down the remaining steps to stand with Misono.

"I want the bed close to the window this time😆!" Hyde shouted as he sprinted up the staircase.

"IN YOUR DREAMS💢!" Licht shouted and sprinted after him.

The Sloth and Melancholy pairs followed chuckling🤣.

Then Yumikage stormed up the stairs mumbling something about "texting Junichiro" and "peace and quiet" and "sleeping."

Shuhei dragged Tsurugi upstairs to either have some fun or lecturing as usual.

Then the Pride pair went up a few minutes later.

"Not going up to bed little bro😐?" Mikuni asked following Misono into the lounge.

"Nah. Just in case some of the others arrive later tonight😔." Misono explained sitting down next to Lily.

"Who else is coming🤔?" Mikuni asked curiously.

"We are still waiting for the Wrath and Gluttony pairs, none of the subclasses could make it though😔." Misono explained.

Mikuni was about to say something when there was a knock at the door🚪. Misono, Mikuni and Jeje went to the door🚪 while Lily sprinted up the staircase.

"Hello, Iduna and Freya!" Misono😊 and Mikuni😁 said in unison greeting their friends.

"Hello, Misono. Hey, Mikuni🙂!" Iduna hugged the two brothers.

"Hello, older brother🤗." Freya greeted Jeje with a hug.

"Hello, Freya!" Jeje greeted hugging his sister back.

"Come on in! You must be tired so the usual rooms have all been prepared😅." Misono said as they were back standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"Ah. Where is our room again😳?" Iduna asked embarrassed.

"Right. LILY! Get down here😫!" Misono ordered.

Lily popped his head around the corner at the top of the staircase trembling. "Y...yes...M...Mi..Misono😰?" Lily stuttered.

'Still afraid of Freya!' Jeje thought chuckling😆.

"Could you show Freya and Iduna where their room is...." Misono was interrupted by.





"...and could you shut them up please😞?" Misono finished what he was saying with a groan of annoyance before walking back into the lounge followed by Mikuni.

"What's up little bro😟?"

"Nothing, Mikuni😞!" Misono sat on the couch🛋.

"Come on, little bro. You can tell me☺!" Mikuni responded in his usual annoying cheerful self as he sat on the couch🛋 opposite Misono.

"I'm just thinking about why the Servamp of Autumn wanted is all to meet up😔." Misono sighed.

"It does sound suspicious, but I'm sure there is a good reason for doing so😞." Mikuni replied.

The two brothers stayed up late into the night talking.

It was around midnight when the Gluttony pair arrived, but they went straight up to their room to sleep.

Mikuni and Misono stayed in the lounge accompanied by Jeje, then Lily joined them when he had stopped trembling only to get a slight lecture💢 by Misono on how he was acting like a baby.

The four of them stayed up chatting. Mikuni sitting on Jeje's lap, with Jeje hugging him and Misono also being hugged by Lily while sitting on his Servamp lap. Once the two boys started yawning they all lay down on the two sofas🛋.

Lily and Jeje kissed their lovers and Lily sung a beautiful lullaby🎶 and Misono the last thing Misono and Mikuni knew they were both so deep in the lullaby that the two fell asleep😴. Lily and Jeje watched their lovers, said a few words to each other before joining their Eves and fell asleep😴.

Upstairs Licht and Hyde talked for a bit before they fell asleep due to Licht's lullaby🎶. The two fell asleep😴 in the same bed🛏 with each others arms wrapped around each other.

It was the same situation with Mahiru and Kuro. Kuro had hummed a lullaby🎶 to Mahiru as he fell asleep😴 and Kuro watched his sleeping lover before whispering loudly at Tsubaki, who had climbed in their bedrooms window for what reason Kuro didn't know.

"Get out Tsubaki💢!" Kuro glared over at Tsubaki, who thought he was doing a good job in hiding behind the long curtains.

"Your so mean, Nii-San😢!" Tsubaki poured before climbing out the window and pulling it shut as he left. Kuro then fell asleep😴 hugging Mahiru.

After lecturing Tsubaki about how dangerous it was to climb out windows he lay on his bed🛏 and gestured for Tsubaki to join him. It was not long before the two were both in a deep slumber😴.

Tetsu had fallen asleep before Hugh, who had gotten so lonely lying in his coffin⚰ so he went and hopped into Tetsu's bed🛏. Tetsu probably hadn't fallen fast asleep cause he somehow knew that Hugh was there and pulled him into a hug. And Hugh fell asleep smiling😌😴.

As soon Niccolo and Lidio turned up they went straight up to their room and immediately collapsed onto a bed🛏 and both were so tired they, both fell fast asleep😴.

Freya and Iduna talked for a bit before Iduna fell asleep😴. But unfortunately for Freya, she couldn't get to sleep cause Tsurugi kept on texting📱 her. When Tsurugi finally stopped texting she switched her phone off and lay down next to her lover and too drifted into her dreams.

After texting📱 Junichiro, who thought the evenings drama was funny, Yumikage texted goodnight to Junichiro before switching his phone📱 off and lying down on his bed, listening to Shuhei telling Tsurugi off for whatever he did before drifting to sleep😴.

Shuhei as usual scolded💢 Tsurugi for annoying the others before the two lay down in separate beds🛏. Tsurugi was just drifting off when he felt Shuhei hop into his bed🛏 and hug him from behind. Tsurugi swore he heared Shuhei whisper "I love you" as he rested his head on Tsurugi's back. The latter smiled😌 as he fell asleep😴.

The house was very quiet. Filled with deep breathing of sleeping people.

Over in china with the Servamps of Autumn🍁 and Winter❄. It was the opposite. Lots of people were rushing around. The two Servamps were sitting alone.

"Luna. It will be alright! Alex would had not wanted you to be upset! We all knew this would happen😟." Luka, Servamp of Autumn was comforting the Servamp of Winter.

"Don't worry about me😞. I will be fine. Go be with your Eve😟. And I know. Your right." Luna replied. Before lying down to sleep😴.

'I hope the other Eves are gonna be alright after hearing this😞. I do hope that their Servamps will treasure them dearly. Sometimes even we forget. The Eves are not immortal.' Luka thought as he passed a window and saw the full moon🌝 before walking into his Eves room.


What will happen next?

Why did the Servamp of Autumn want everyone gathered at the Alicein Mansion?

What is happening at the Season Servamp's house?

Find out in the next chapter!

Bye for now.


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