The Corpse in the Creek

By Cosmic_Pumpkin_King

8.1K 688 713

There was a creek that ran through the forest near Bakugou and Midoriya's neighborhood, one that possessed th... More

There's Something in the Water
To Name a Stray
Does Drop Is Ghost Man?
God Bless All Might
Vlad Asks Dumb Questions
Drop Murders Mineta
To Say Thank You
Who Are You?
I've Seen Crazy
The Most Important
Lost Boy
The World Swallowed Me Up
You're a Hero, Right?
The Answer


522 44 68
By Cosmic_Pumpkin_King

The day had started out fine for Shinso until he was transferred into the hero course.

Don't get him wrong, he was proud of himself for reaching his goal so he could finally work towards being a hero. However, the minute he stepped into the classroom, one of the first ones there, someone grabbed onto him roughly and held something to the side of his head.

"Don't move." The person hissed, sounding male in voice but Shinso knew never to assume one's gender identity. "You're the new person that Shouta brought in, right?"

"You mean Aizawa-sensei?"

"That's what I just said."

Shinso felt his quirk take affect and sighed. "Let me go."

For a moment, the person's grip wavered before suddenly tightening a bit around the purple-haired teen's waist. "I can't do that. I need to know if you're on my side or not."

Shinso didn't respond, his eyes wide with shock and slight fear. He had never met anyone that was immune to his quirk. Not even Aizawa-sensei, who worked on training him after the Sports Festival, was able to resist his quirk as fully as this person had. "On your side for what? I don't even know who you are."

"You're Hitoshi Shinso." The person suddenly spun Shinso around until he was facing them, one of their hands still on his waist. Held out between them was a Nerf gun that looked like it was crudely painted purple with children's art supplies. "And people call me Drop. Are you on my side or not?"

"Your name is Drop?" Shinso raised an eyebrow at the slightly taller person. They had fluffy black hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to stare into his soul even as the shone with amusement. They had on an oversized black hoodie with a tiny sleeping cat over their heart and matching dark pants with rips in them. On their feet were the only pop of color, which were blue converse. "Why do people call you Drop?"

"Because that's my name."

"Is that- Is that like a last name?"

Drop tilted their head before nodding slowly. "...Yes. Technically. My first name would be Dew."

Shinso gave them the most deadpanned expression he could muster. "Your name is Dew Drop?"

"You can't judge me, Shouta's the one that gave it to me." They shook the Nerf gun in their hand slightly, drawing their attention back to it. "I need you to be on my side. We're at war here, Shinso."

"Against who?"

"Hagakure and whoever she recruits to her side." At his confused look, Drop elaborated. "She's the invisible kid in the class. We're at war right now because I have been wronged and you seem like one of the best fits for my team."

Shinso nodded slowly, processing the information. "Who's all on your team?"

"Right now it's Sato, Kaminari, Todoroki, and Babe."

"How'd you convince Todoroki? No, wait, who's Babe?"

Drop tilted their head, opening and closing their mouth for a moment. "Babe is..." They made the hand sign for 'asshole,' one of the only signs Shinso knew, but it got the message across.

Shinso felt like he was in the twilight zone. "Okay, how'd you convince him to join?"

"I asked him if he wanted to shoot Midoriya in the head with a foam bullet and he said yes."

"That makes sense. Who's on the other team?"

"Hagakure, Tsu, Jirou, Ashido, Uraraka, and Kirishima."

"That's one more person on their team."

Drop nodded and tapped the purple-haired teen on the chest with the Nerf gun. "That's why I want you on my side."

Shinso sighed. "For my quirk, right?"

"What's your quirk?"

The lavender teen gaped at him. "You don't know what my quirk is? Then why'd you want me to join?"

Drop shrugged. "You're cute and you kind of remind me of Shouta."


"Flirting is his default setting." Someone said from the door and the two turned to see Kirishima standing there with a smile on his face.

Almost instinctively, Shinso snatched the Nerf gun from Drop's hands to aim it at the redhead. "Let me see your hands."

Kirishima did as he was told, showing the two that he was unarmed. "Aw, man, I wanted to get you on our team!"

"Too bad." Shinso said with a small smirk, deciding to just go with Class 1-A's antics for now. Once Kirishima had walked by them, Shino stepped out of Drop's grip that had been keeping him in place and made his way to the seat Aizawa-sensei had said would be his the day prior. He kept the Nerf gun hidden underneath his desk in his lap and decided to wait to see if Kirishima would tell anyone about his sudden allegiance with Drop.

Bakugou was the next person to enter the classroom and he threw his bag down before sitting at his desk. He gave a deep sigh when Kirishima greeted him brightly and Shinso had to wonder if the blonde knew that the redhead was the enemy.

Midoriya arrived a few minutes after and also made his way to the explosive blonde. However, instead of grumbling, Bakugou actually looked over at the green teen and said something in response to his cheery greeting. Whatever he said clearly caught Midoriya off guard before he, somehow, smiled even more happily.

There was something odd about that picture and Shinso realized it was because Drop was no where in sight. Anytime he had seen Class 1-A, the taller teen was usually hanging around Midoriya and Bakugou the most out of everybody. He wondered where he had gotten off to. He didn't think he had left the room entirely but he didn't see him anywhere else.

Once the last person was in the room, Aizawa himself entered, making his way to stand behind his podium. He glanced down briefly before he dropped his sleeping bag on the floor behind him. He looked like he was about to say something when he suddenly stooped down to grab something and came back up with a steaming cup of coffee. "Your exams are coming up in half a month." He announced after taking a long drink. "Do with that information what you will." He then proceeded to crawl into his sleeping bag without another word.

Once it was clear that they weren't going to be given more directions, Hagakure stood up with her Nerf gun, the object easy enough to hide behind desks and bags since her body was invisible.

"Hagakure-san, I insist-" Iida tried to begin but was cut off by Uraraka, who covered his mouth.

"Shh..." The brunette grinned at her best friend, releasing him when he didn't look like he was about to start speaking again. "We're at war here."

"War?" He dropped his voice down to a whisper. "What do you mean?"

Uraraka gestured to Hagakure, who was now at the far right of the classroom close to the door. "Drop declared war on her last night. She called him stupid."

Iida gasped, still somehow managing to keep his voice down even as he chopped the air with his arms. "It is not polite to call someone stupid. Why would she do such a thing?"

"Apparently, Drop said he had no idea why he would make Bakugou his boyfriend."

The blue-haired teen paused at that, slowly pushing up his glasses. "That is, indeed, very stupid. How can one be so oblivious?"

Uraraka shrugged before pulling out a Nerf gun from her bag. "Here. If you see anyone on Drop's team, shoot them."

"I don't know who is on his team, Uraraka-san."

"Oh, it's Satou, Kaminari, Todoroki, and Bakugou."

"And ours?"

"Tsu, Jirou, Kirishima, myself, and you."

Iida nodded. "I see..." He most likely wouldn't use the Nerf gun due to the fact that it wouldn't be proper to horse around during the time when they should be learning. He took it anyways, though, in hopes that it would stop Uraraka from looking at him with that manic grin. "I will do what I can."

She patted his arm before returning back to her desk, seemingly satisfied with the response she received.

It seemed that, while everyone was talking amongst each other, only Team Hagakure and Bakugou were watching the invisible girl's progress around the room. The angry blonde lifted his hand and took aim with his own Nerf gun, hitting on her back. When she spun around to see who shot her, he already had the weapon stowed away.

Just as Hagakure was about to speak, Midoriya suddenly stood up quickly, although too fast because he ended falling right onto Bakugou's desk. The result was just as anyone expected as Bakugou shot up and grabbed the green teen by the front of his shirt.

"Deku, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"S-Sorry, Kacchan, I slipped!"

"Like hell you did, loser!"

The blonde continued as he shook the poor teen, who was mainly blocked from their sights by said angry blonde. It was routine at that point and that was the reason why Aizawa kept sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag. What wasn't routine, though, was how Bakugou shifted his arm up slightly, allowing Deku to suddenly aim a Nerf gun at Hagakure and shoot her a total of five times in the stomach.

There was a beat of silence as everyone processed what had just happened in front of them.

"Midoriya's on Bakugou's team?!"

"Holy shit, Bakugou and Midoriya are working together..."

"What a mad banquet of darkness."

"But where's Drop?" Ojiro asked, silencing everyone. "If Midoriya and Bakugou are here, that means that Drop has to be close by."

Uraraka nodded. "Shit, you're right but where-" She was cut off when a Nerf foam dark hit her right in the arm, catching the attention of everyone in the room (except Aizawa, whom they weren't sure was even alive anymore).

"Damn." Someone cursed quietly from the front of the room. "I meant to hit Satou."

Satou looked around at the words. Uraraka was on the other side of the room for him. How did someone miss that badly?

Drop stood up from behind the podium, a lopsided smirk on his face as he stepped around it. "Face it, Princess." He snarled playfully at Hagakure. "We're better than you."

Iida, while everyone was mostly distracted, lifted up his very own Nerf gun to aim at the older teen. People gasped in shock when they realized that their class president was a part of the war. However, before he could shoot, he felt a foam bullet hit the back of his head.

Shinsou grinned from the back of the classroom, his Nerf gun still out and on display. "No sudden movements, Class Pres."

Hagakure screamed in frustration, lowering her own weapon. "How are you all so good at this?!"

"It's a game of strategy, Princess." Drop spoke, walking over to Bakugou and Midoriya so he could sit on top of the green teen's desk and lean backwards so he rested against Katsuki. He grinned at Midoriya, who gazed up at him mischievously even as he wrung his hands together nervously. Bakugou himself didn't even move, though a trace of annoyance filtered onto his face for a brief moment. "You gotta know how to pick your teammates and," He winked at Shinsou, who smirked back, before once again looking at Midoriya even as he still spoke to Hagakure. "What to tell the enemy."

"We should play Capture the Flag one day!" Kaminari exclaimed, lighting happily at his own idea.

Drop gave him an odd look but nodded all the same. "It'd be fun with all of us."

"We will have to play that game later." Iida said decisively with his usual arm chops. "Aizawa-sensei clearly said that we have exams in less than a month, so we must study."

As much as everyone wanted to protest, they knew that their class president was right. They didn't even know what was going to be on the exams, they had to be prepared for anything. Maybe they could get Drop to gather information from one of the teachers...

"Well, that's something for you all to worry about." Drop stretched and twisted his back with a sigh. "I have things to do."

"You're not going to help us?" Ashido pouted at him, trying to make her eyes big and pleading.

"Nope." He said with zero mercy. "I have no idea what any of the shit you all listen to in class is about. I'm the last person you want help from." Drop didn't let the others reply as he hopped off the desk after patting Midoriya on the head. "I'll see you all whenever. It's time for lunch." With that, he strode over to Aizawa and just grabbed the end of the sleeping bag, dragging the man behind him as he walked out of the door presumably towards the teachers' lounge.

By the time the lunch bell officially rang, Drop had already deposited Aizawa onto the couch before walking over to the man's desk to get settled in the plush chair. He rummaged through one of the drawers before pulling out two jelly packets, one grape and the other blueberry. He tossed one over to Aizawa and the man didn't even wake up even as it smacked him in the face. As his own jelly pouch hung from his mouth, Drop kicked his legs up onto the desk, careful not to knock down the mug full of cat pens sitting near the corner.

"Yo, Drop!" Hizashi sped into the teachers' lounge, a large grin on his face. "A new store opened up at the mall and I want to take you shopping! Shouta told me that you only bought a few things for yourself and I want to change that!"

"Okay." Drop replied with a single blink, as if he didn't know what else to say. "What kind of shop is it?"

"Just something that has all kinds of customizable stuff. It's all pretty cool, actually. I've been wanting to go for the longest time but no one wanted to go with me."

The teenager nodded, finishing off his jelly packet and dropping it in the trashcan under the desk. "I'm guessing we're going after school then?"

Hizashi gave him finger guns like the horrible bisexual he was. "You got it, listener!"

Drop gave him the same gesture back, though with one hand since he was riffling around to find another jelly packet with the other. "Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you in front of the dorms."

Once the hero got confirmation that the other was joining him, he immediately began pestering his other coworkers, who had just begun entering the room.

"Hey, Drop." Thirteen greeted the teen happily as they approached him. "How are you?"

"Pretty good. I shot a few people with a Nerf gun. Very productive." He grinned at the rescue hero, always pleased to speak with them. "And you?"

"I got some more snacks for you." They chirped, picking up a bag they had apparently set down without him noticing. Thirteen picked up a baggy with something that seemed very familiar to Drop and held it out.

You're such a seaweed brain.

Drop blinked before shaking his head, looking up from the snack to Thirteen, who was tilting their head in question. "Uh, sorry, what did you say?"

"I was wondering if you wanted some seaweed. It's okay if you don't, I have other stuff for you here."

"No, I- I'll take it." He grabbed the baggy from them, holding it with careful hands. "Thanks." He made sure to give them the brightest smile he could muster before he took out a piece ate it. "Jesus told me that you'd be working with him today during Heroics. That true?"

Thirteen nodded. "Mhm! Cementoss, too! We're going to see about creating a rescue scenario for the students since our previous attempt didn't work out too well."

"Previous attempt?"

"Oh, no one told you about it? It's not really my place-"

"Considering you were there and got hurt as well, I'd say it is your place to talk about it." Aizawa drawled, sitting up on the couch to focus on the conversation.

Drop stared at the man for a moment as his expression darkened dangerously. "What do you mean 'hurt as well?'" He tilted his head. "Do I have to murder someone, Shouta?"

Aizawa knew, at that moment, there was no getting out of the conversation.

"So, you see-"


words: 2,769

song: my very real collab with 50 cent - CORPSE

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