the bet | dojae


47.5K 2.3K 551

when doyoung's first party experience ends in a game of truth or dare, his world is flipped upside down as th... Lebih Banyak

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
epilogue pt. 2


1.2K 58 25

pov: awsten aka VOGUETAEYONG has had an insane amount of motivation to write and you are forced to witness multiple chapters be published in one day

i think this is as good of a time as any to mention that i now have 2 other books published! one is the artist taeyong au and the other is a taewoo au, if you could check either (or both) out i'd appreciate it a ton <3 thank you all for the support !!

so doyoung and jaehyun were dating. huh.

taeyong couldn't really say he was surprised, since the reason they even became friends was over a dare that involved sex, but at the same time, a part of him had only expected them to be just that. friends.

ah, well, he had his own shit to deal with.

picking up his phone, he sent a short text to johnny and watched as the typing bubble popped up almost instantly. his friend had agreed to go to the bar with him, but as he started to put his phone into his pocket, he saw the notification for another text come up.


the walk to the bar was short; taeyong and doyoung's house wasn't far from it, and as he pushed the door open, he saw johnny sitting at one of the tables. he looked up and waved, and taeyong waved back, and then anxiety slowly began to consume him. maybe this was a bad idea.

or maybe he just needed to get drunk first.

sitting across from johnny, he realized there was already a glass at his seat and quickly downed half of it, johnny watching with mild amusement. "is it that serious?"

"yes." setting the glass down, he stared down at the alcohol, taking a deep breath before he forced the words out. "i have a crush on someone."

"a crush? this isn't high school."

"shut the fuck up." he took another sip. "i don't know what to do, or how to approach it."

"just ... ask them out?"

"it's more complicated than that. asking them out could ruin everything, and i'm not even ready to do that yet. i'm too much of a coward."

"can i at least know this person's name, then?"

"no." johnny raised an eyebrow. "not yet, anyway."

"okay. what about their personality?"

"they're funny. nice when they want to be, but can also be an asshole. flirty. someone i trust ... a lot. maybe that's the reason i even like them." he let out a little laugh at the end of his sentence, and he couldn't tell if it was his anxiety or the alcohol starting to take over. "i didn't really realize it until recently, and then— now i don't know what to do. i'm just so scared of fucking everything up, or them not liking me back."

"i say just go for it. you'll never know how they really feel if you spend the rest of your life hiding, and by the time they find someone else, you'll regret not approaching them sooner."

"yeah ... thanks, johnny."

"of course. can johnny the advice professional offer you any more words of wisdom?"

"nah. thanks for coming out here, by the way."

"does doyoung know you're here?"

"no, he's too busy with—" he froze, being sober enough to know that doyoung would kill him with his bare hands if he told johnny. "schoolwork. big project, y'know, and i didn't wanna bother him, so i just came here."

"that was a suspicious answer."

"shut up." he drank the rest of the glass in one go, setting it back down on the table as he wiped the remaining drops from his mouth with his sleeve. "i'll head off, then. thank you for the drink."

"no problem. get home safe, okay?" he nodded and waved goodbye at johnny before walking out of the bar. johnny remained at the table, tapping the side of his glass with his index finger as he was left to wonder who taeyong had a crush on.

it wasn't him ... was it?

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