The Renegade (High School DxD...

By CoopTheWeeb

591K 9.6K 5.5K

Y/N L/N, a kid with a troubled past, attends Kuoh Academy, formerly an all girls school that recently allowed... More

This Means War
Unholy Confessions
I'll Save You
Blood Brothers
What I've Done
The Response
Show Me a Leader
Come & Go
Make A Move
All or Nothing
Same Old War
Breaking Now
Heaven So Heartless
Outlaws and Outsiders
Leave It All Behind
Strength In Numbers
Roller Coaster
Highway to Hell
Everything I've Got
Save Your Breath
Dragon Sin
The Captain
Iron Man
For The Glory
Points of Authority
Good Girls Bad Guys
The Vengeful One
Going Under
Come Around
We'll Sleep When We're Dead
Mama Said Knock You Out
Popular Monster
Another Life
Beyond Human
The Pain a Part of Me
The Guillotine
State of Mind
Nowhere Generation
The Chosen
Waking The Demon
To The Top
Where You Lie
No Masters
Keepers of Fellow Man
Die For You
Wait and Bleed
The Signal Fire
War is Necessary
Hollow Bodies
Blood From A Stone
We Are
Light Up The Sky
Two Weeks
You Never Know
Heart of Stone
Palace in the Sky (Finale)


1.5K 32 3
By CoopTheWeeb

3rd Person POV

"Y/N still hasn't come to join us," Ace says as the Gremory group sits down for dinner. "He's been up there for almost an hour, do you all think he's alright?"

"I don't know," Rias tells him. "I've never seen him like that before. I'll go check on him." Before she can Ace stands up and makes his way towards the stairs.

"Here, allow me. I'll see if I can get through to him." Ace makes his way to the bathroom where Y/N was showering, but as he approaches the door he sees that the lights inside are on, but the water isn't running anymore. "Y/N, if you're still in there we're all about to eat dinner. We can talk if you want, whatever you need." Nothing is heard from the other side of the door, no movement, no response, nothing. Ace reaches for the doorknob and notices the door is unlocked. "That's strange," he mutters to himself. "Y/N, can you at least let me know if you're in there." Again he is met with no response. "You know, we're all worried about you. We know what happened, and we'd be glad to talk it over with you, make things easier. It's never an easy act taking someone's life, especially someone who didn't deserve it in the grand scheme of things." Ace sighs. "Alright Y/N, have it your way, I won't bother you anymore." While he was hoping to get a response out of the Renegade with that statement, instead he was met with silence again. He returns to the dinner table and tells the others what is happening.

"That's odd," Akeno notes. "I feel like he would have at least said something to you instead of just sitting there quietly."

"I know," Ace responds. "The door was unlocked, but out of privacy I decided not to open it." Rias and Akeno look at each other and know what might have happened. The two jump up from the dinner table and make their way to the bathroom, and once they open the door they are met with no Y/N in sight. While it appears that someone had recently been in and taken a shower, there was no other evidence that pointed to Y/N having been in there in the past few minutes. No clothes left on the ground, no dirty towels strewn about. The room was relatively clean, and if you didn't know any better you would think that he had just forgotten to turn the lights off.

"Where could he have gone to?" Rias wonders aloud. "I feel like he would have at least said something to one of us, but he didn't say a word." Before she can continue her thoughts a red magic circle opens up, and through it comes Sirzechs and Grayfia.

"Rias, is Y/N here? I was hoping to speak with him about something." Lucifer's younger sister shakes her head.

"I don't know where he is." She starts to feel tears form at the edge of her eyes, and one starts to drop ever so slowly down her cheek. "He came home from taking on the strays that we were supposed to fight, but the ones that he faced off against were some of his former classmates. He sent his household to come help me and mine, but when he came home he was alone. He didn't say anything to us, he just came upstairs. It looked like something was bothering him, but he didn't tell us what it was." The tears start falling faster down Rias' face. "He's never done this before, and now I have no idea where he is." Sirzechs approaches his sister and gives her a hug.

"We'll find him Rias, I'm sure of it. He couldn't have gone far, at least I don't think he would have. Even if he did, he's a strong person, and he wouldn't have gotten into any situations that he couldn't get himself out of." Vali comes up the stairs and sees the sight in front of him, and he knows well what is happening.

"Y/N," he says quietly as he clenches his fist. "Sirzechs, I'll find Y/N myself. I'm not losing the last bit of family I have left."

"I appreciate the thought Vali, but would you even know where to look?"

"No, but it's better than sitting around here and doing nothing about it." Vali makes his way towards his room to gather his things, but on the way there he's met by Rias and Akeno.

"Let us come with you," Rias asks the White Dragon Emperor.

"No. Whatever he's involved in is way too dangerous for both of you. Besides, I might be gone for a while, so it would be better if I went by myself." He looks at his cousin's two fiancees. "I know you two love him, a lot in fact, but I can't run the risk of anything happening to you two. I promise you both, I'll bring Y/N back, and I won't return until I do." The three of them return to the dinner table and give the news to the rest of the Gremory group. Vali makes his way towards the front door of the house, but before he can leave, a voice calls out to him.

"Vali." He looks behind him and sees Asia behind him. "Please bring Y/N back, and please take care of yourself." Vali puts his arms around the former nun and kisses her on the top of the head.

"I will, I promise you."


"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you Y/N," Ophis says to me. "You've had a long day, I know, so feel free to relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow we can get down to business."

"Not so fast, you said you would answer my questions."

"Yes, I suppose I did." Ophis sits at a table and I sit in front of her. "Now, what do you want to know?"

"How did the Venoms make their way into this world?"

"It's not a hard thing to understand. They were already capable of using portals to transport themselves around their world. In their travels to escape the Jump Force, they ended up in the Dimensional Gap, where I had Arthur retrieve them and bring them here. They arrived shortly before your Rating Game with Sairaorg Bael, and ever since they've been trying to keep tabs on you." I nod.

"Are they targeting me or anyone specific, or are they just doing your bidding?"

"They do whatever I tell them. I've told them to try to fight you, but that was more to accelerate your growth. I knew you had the ability to improve, so I had to do what I had to so you would get stronger. Think about it, at this point you could go back to that Rating Game with Sairaorg and fight his peerage by yourself. You're a lot stronger than you even know Y/N, the only problem is that you haven't been able to harness the power of the Red Dragon Emperor to compensate for it. Think, why would the Director only allow you to use your physical body? He wants you to be strong in that regard, but he doesn't realize that you also need the power of the Red Dragon Emperor so that you can get stronger. You were born with the power, so now it's time to harness it." Ophis stands and walks toward me. "When I'm done training you, you'll be so strong that even that pesky Director will be questioning himself. His training isn't bad, it's just not for you Y/N."

"Okay." Ophis sits in my lap and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You're not sure if you made the right decision, am I right?" I nod my head.

"I didn't tell anyone I was leaving, and I'm sure by this point they've found out that I'm gone. I hate the thought of what could happen while I'm here." Before I can continue Ophis stops me.

"Your friends will be fine Y/N, trust me. I'll have people keep an eye on the Venoms, and if they try to lash out at your friends, then it's up to you to defeat them. You came here because you knew that you needed to protect your friends, and by training with me, you'll accomplish just that. Think about how much stronger you got in two nights of training with me in Kyoto." Ophis smiles at me. "You'll do just fine Y/N, I promise, and once it's over you can return to your normal life. Think Y/N, what do you want when you're done here?"

"I just hope that they'll take me back once this is over. I bet they're all pissed off that I took off without so much as a word." Ophis leans her head against me and I put my arms around her.

"They would be fools not to. If they are that upset with you when this is over, you and I can stay in the Dimensional Gap together, forever. I could never be upset with you Y/N, no matter what."

"Why do you care so much? You've never given me a proper explanation about that." She sighs.

"You know, when I told you about your mother, there was something I left out. The truth is, I had known your mother even before she met your father. I'm able to change my appearance to anything I want, and when I met her she thought I was just a child who was injured. She took care of me, something that no human had ever done before. I wasn't actually hurt, but the kindness that she had for someone she didn't even know is what stuck with me. I realized that humans were very interesting creatures, and I made it my mission to look over her. I still remember the day that she met your father, and how happy she made him. The day that she found out she was pregnant was the happiest day of her life. She wanted nothing but to live a happy life with her beautiful child and husband."

"But it didn't work out like that," I say.

"No, it sadly didn't. When she passed away I made it my mission to watch over you. I should have done more for you, but I didn't want to complicate your life any more than it already was. For what it's worth now, I'm sorry Y/N." I run my hand through her hair.

"There's no need to apologize to me Ophis. It's not your fault that things ended up the way they did, it was just one unfortunate circumstance after another." I look outside of the window and see that it's gotten dark. "I need some rest now."

"You can stay in here with me Y/N." She points over to a bed and I decide to lay down. Ophis lays beside me and clings to me. "I'm glad you're here Y/N. You'll become the greatest Red Dragon Emperor, and then you can go back to the ones you love. Goodnight, my sweet Renegade."

The Next Day

"Y/N, wake up." I feel something shaking me and when I open my eyes I see Ophis shoving me.

"You know, there are better ways of waking someone up than that Ophis."

"Sorry, this was the first time I ever slept next to someone. You're very comfortable Y/N. Tell me, did you sleep well?" I nod my head.

"I did, thank you."

"There's some food over there on the table, I wasn't sure what you liked so I got many different kinds. Once that's done the two of us can get to training." I go over to the table and start eating, and once I'm done I follow Ophis out of the room we stayed in. On our way out I see a familiar figure coming my way.

"Y/N, I can't say I expected to see you here." He reaches his hand out to me. "I'm glad to see that you are here though." I take his hand.

"I'm surprised you aren't pissed off at me Cao Cao." I see that the eye I blasted before is covered with an eyepatch.

"I'm over it. Besides, we've got work to do." I look over at Ophis.

"You two will be training together, and I'll be bringing two of the Venoms to help you." She points at a door down the hall. "Y/N, one of them is in there. Go get him." I shrug my shoulders and knock on the door, and I recognize the voice instantly.

"I'll be there in a second." I hear some movement from behind the door, and once it opens I'm face to face with Aizen. "Y/N, what a surprise. Lady Ophis said she was trying to recruit you, I'm surprised it took as long as it did."

"That just means you don't know shit about me. We're supposed to be training together today so that's why I got you."

"I see. Well, I guess I'll go get Dio and meet you and Cao Cao at the battlefield." He makes his way down the hall and I look back at Ophis and Cao Cao.

"I hate him," I tell the two of them.

"He's a bit arrogant, but he shouldn't be much to worry about. The Hero Faction has trained with the Venoms a few times, and they're definitely strong, but we've been improving just fine on our own."

"Everyone is racing to get stronger," I note. "Tell me, do you guys think any large-scale conflicts are going to come soon? Let's be fair, the Red Dragon Emperor did just go M.I.A, and I'm sure the factions all know by now. It's only a matter of time before they connect the dots."

"You shouldn't worry about that right now," Ophis tells me. "Even if they did, we know who our targets are." I look over at Cao Cao.

"She's right. The Khaos Brigade isn't the same organization that you knew from before. After Vali left we still had our goal, and our means of achieving it, but that doesn't mean that we've got to cause issues with the factions for it. My goal is still the same, to show the world just how strong humanity is, but I've learned there are better ways to do that than causing conflicts. Humans are amazing because they adapt and overcome. We've been at odds with each other since the beginning, but even though there are a large number of bad humans out there, it doesn't nullify the good."

"I know what you mean." I think about Asia and how she was when she was human. Her heart was so pure and she had dedicated herself to God and to helping people. Even after becoming a devil her ambitions never changed, and she only hardened her beliefs whenever she found out God was dead and had the ability to pray again. If there was ever an example of a human adapting to their situation, Asia is the best one I can think of.

The three of us make our way outside to a large training ground, one that almost seems reminiscent of the one at the Gremory estate. I see Aizen at one end of the battlefield standing next to a man in gold, who I can only assume is Dio Brando. The other Venoms are close by, and being around all of them in the same place is a little unnerving, but I'm not going to show them that. Cao Cao and I head to the other side and Ophis stands near us.

"Alright Y/N, let's get started."

3rd Person POV

"Now, let's get down to business." In a conference room in the Underworld, a table is filled with the who's who of people aligned with the Three Factions. On one side sits the Four Satans, and standing behind them the peerages of both Rias and Y/N. Next to them is Azazel, Shemhazai, and Baraqiel, and across from the fallen angels is Lord Michael with Irina behind him. On the other end sits Odin and Zeus, the leaders of the Norse and Greek pantheons respectively. In a seat across from Odin is Ace, and Kuroka stands behind him.

"So what is this all about little Lucifer?" Zeus asks the Satan. "It's not common to leave Olympus, especially for some little meeting like this."

"Trust me, this is more than a little meeting. As you can see we're missing two important people in this meeting, and that's what we're here to discuss. Yesterday it came to our attention that Y/N has seemingly vanished. There was no real sign that he had been abducted, and it seems like he teleported away all on his own. Subsequently, Vali has made it his mission to track Y/N down, though as far as a location we have nothing." Those who weren't aware of the news sit quietly.

"Yesterday he and his peerage were sent to take out some fallen angels, but when he arrived home he was alone." Everyone's eyes dart to Ace. "It turns out that he was battling with three of his former classmates, and each of them had been granted an Umbras Cube. Considering the circumstances, it's safe to assume that Ophis recovered the cubes and distributed them to those that faced off with Y/N, and once the battle was over he brought them back to me." Ace shows the table the cubes.

"How does that tell us where Y/N is?" Ace looks over at Serafall.

"I'm getting to that. When Y/N arrived home the only person he had exchanged any words with was Rias, and it was very brief. From that point, there's an hour of time where nobody had seen or heard from Y/N, and once I went to check on him I didn't pay it any mind. Rias and Akeno went to check, and they discovered that he was gone. He didn't say anything to anyone, just vanished."

"So what are you suggesting, that Y/N just decided he couldn't handle this anymore? I'm not the most knowledgeable about my daughter's fiance, but I know he isn't a weakling. Something must have gotten to him that caused him to disappear."

"Get to the point Baraqiel," Azazel complains.

"My point is that he left for a reason, not because he was scared. After his fight yesterday, was there anyone else who could have spoken to him before he got home?" Rias' eyes go wide.

"Ophis, that's the only explanation. Ophis is the one who told him about his mother, and I wouldn't doubt that she's still keeping tabs on Y/N. She must have gotten to him before he came home and that's why he vanished. She must have gotten to him and said something to him."

"That gives a motive and a reason," Sirzechs replies, "but that lends the question of why. If she said something that dire that he left without a word, then she must have something that he wants."

"I think we can worry about that when the dragons are back," Azazel says. "Besides, Y/N is a tough kid and he can handle himself. Even if Ophis tried to mind control him or something crazy like that, he would be able to resist it."

"If I may," Michael interrupts, "you don't seem too worried about someone who is stronger than 95% of the people in this room. That power could still be turned against us, and quite terrifyingly, he could be a weapon of our demise." Before he can say another word Akeno storms out of the room, slamming the door as she does. Baraqiel goes to intercept his daughter and the meeting continues.

"While I haven't forgotten about that as a possibility, Y/N is better than that. Think about what he's done for everyone here. He wouldn't go back on that for the sake of Ophis. If she was really going to exploit his power, she would have taken him by force instead of him leaving on his own." Azazel looks at the members of Y/N's peerage. "You kids must agree with me a little bit. After all, he is your King. If you had any doubts about what I'm saying we would have heard them by now."

"Well," Rossweisse says, "I think you do have a point. We're all worried about Y/N, but I don't think he would have done this with the intention of hurting us or leaving us for good."

"Rossweisse is right," Asia continues. "I think Y/N has a plan, and I know he'll come back, whether with Vali or on his own accord."

"That's another thing I'm curious about," Azazel interrupts. "I know the two of them are related, and I also know that Vali previously worked with Ophis, but do you think that he knows that Y/N would be with her?"

"Without a doubt," Kuroka answers. "Vali and Y/N are basically brothers, they tell each other everything. Y/N could have given him something to go off of that would tell Vali he's with Ophis. If anyone will be able to find Y/N, it would be Vali."

"You've got a point," Ace concurs.

"Be that as it may, it would be better if we didn't just have one person out looking for Y/N. As many people as we can gather to look for Y/N, the better."

"We can help," Rias tells her brother.

"No. I understand you all want Y/N back more than anybody, but how long do you think it would take to find him? As hard as it is to hear, you all should continue your training and going to school. If the situation changes and we need you all, I'll be sure to contact you as soon as possible. With that said, I think this meeting can be adjourned. Michael, Azazel, would you two happen to have anyone who can go out and try to find where Y/N is? If we're going to find him, then we'll all need to work together now more than ever."

"Yes," they both say.

"I'll contribute some people as well," Zeus tells Sirzechs. "I said it when I met Y/N, I saw a lot of myself in him. I hate the idea of him getting involved in something awful, especially with someone who is supposed to be our enemy. I'll head back to Olympus and gather as many people as I can." With that Zeus leaves the conference and Odin does the same. At the same time, Akeno and Baraqiel return to the room and get briefed on what was discussed in their absence.

"If I may, I would like to lead the fallen angels in helping to find Y/N. I owe it to my daughter as well as the rest of Y/N's family." Baraqiel looks over at the devils. "I promise I'll bring him back, no matter what it takes." Akeno gives her father a hug.

"Please bring him back Father, I love Y/N more than life itself."

"I know Akeno, and that's why I will."


On the day this is being posted (6/23/2021) it marks a year since I started posting this story. When I started writing this story I didn't expect anything to come of it, it was just something that I wanted to do because I was bored. No matter when you started reading this story, I just want to say thank you for the support. I've been going through a lot mentally the last couple of weeks but I'm feeling better and ready to give it my all and give this story the ending it deserves.

If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know, and until next time, have a good one.


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