The Only One ( Teen Wolf )

By CuteHelloGoodbye

1.2M 25.3K 4.9K

THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK TO MY OTHER STORY "The Other Girl!" So please if you haven't read The Other Girl, ple... More

The Only One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
One-Shot: Christmas
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

23.2K 668 187
By CuteHelloGoodbye

Hello! I just wanted to thank all of you for the support over the past few months and for being so caring and patient. I have been working on this chapter and the next chapter for a while and I’m excited for everyone to read it!


I do not own the characters of TV show teen wolf such as Scott, Derek, Allison, Stiles, and so on. I do not own the show teen wolf. I do not own the ideas of the TV show Teen Wolf. (Though I wish I could be such an amazing writer as the writer of Teen Wolf!!!) I do own my characters such as Emily and her friend Stephanie, and Sean because I created them.


Chapter 28

--Emily's POV:

I yawned as I walked along side Scott and Stiles to our next class. Scott glanced over at me and laughed.

"Still tired?" Scott asked.

"Yes." I groaned as we reached our class and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

Not getting a good nights rest the past few forty-eight hours was really catching up to me. I had already dozed off earlier in my history class and Stiles had to wake me up before I earned myself a detention.

"Schools almost over though. That means you’re only a few hours away from actually getting some sleep!" Stiles said besides me as we walked into our next class together.

I smiled at Stiles in response as I took my spot in the back of the class next to him while Scott sat in front of me.

Scott turned around in his seat so that he was facing towards me.

"Stiles and I have practice today. I really want you to stay and wait until we can take you home. If you really don't want to though, I can skip practice and go home with you?" Scott said and I could see the worry on his face.

I had told them earlier on in the day that I wanted to try and sleep at home tonight. I needed to get over my fears now but it was kind of hard when you were attacked in your own room. That was the part that really bothered me. Why couldn't the so-called Alpha pack 'send me a message' at school or in the forest? Why did they have to do it in my own room? I hadn't been in my room since they destroyed it two nights ago but I knew I needed to overcome that fear. Scott, Sean, Derek, and even Stiles had all promise that they would stay at home with me if I needed them too until I felt safe again; however long it would take. I wasn't exactly sure if I really wanted all four of them sleeping over though. My mom hadn't seen the disaster that is called my room and I didn't want her getting suspicious because everyone was over. It just felt a little weird. She had long forgotten about Derek, at least I hoped she had. We hadn't talked about him since Scott and Stiles had gotten him arrested but that felt like ages ago.

Scott and Stiles continued to talk when they realized I didn't know the answer to their question just yet. I stared down at my papers on the tinny desk in front of me but I looked up as I felt like someone was watching me. My eyes immediately met with non other than Jackson. His cold blue eyes met mine before he looked away as if he knew he been caught watching me.

"Don't worry about him." Scott's voice growled.

I looked up to see my brother glaring at Jackson across the room, obviously seeing the jock watching me.

"He just creeps me out, especially after what happened in the bathroom a while back." I mumbled, remembering how he had cornered me after I had followed him into the bathroom when I had seen blood dripping from his ears.

Jackson then turned in his seat and leaned back, as if he wasn't just staring at me a few seconds ago. I shuttered just looking at him. He acted so weird now and I didn't like it.

Before long, our teacher walked in and quieted the students down before class began. I was barely listening to anything out teacher said as I stared out the windows that splayed across one side of the room. It looked beautiful outside. The trees swayed gently from the cool breeze and soft, white clouds littered the sky. I had to hold in a groan as I thought about how much I wished I were outside instead of being trapped in class.

I almost jumped as I heard the barely audible buzzing sound in my backpack on the floor next to me. After stealing a glance up at the teacher to see if the coast was clear, I reached down into my open bag and took my phone out. I discreetly placed my phone on my lap to read the bright new message on the screen. I had to stop myself from smiling as I saw Stiles look over at me out the corner of my eye. It was Derek. As I read the message, I felt a little confused.

Derek was telling me that he was asking Scott to not take me home because he wanted to pick me up after school.

I couldn't decide if I was more shocked that Derek was asking for Scott's permission or that he wasn't even going to try and hide stealing me away this afternoon.

In a few seconds Scott's phone was lightly buzzing in his pocket. I watched as my brother’s back tensed up as he read the words on his phone but he soon then relaxed. I couldn't really see over Scott's shoulder but I did notice that his text was much longer than the one I had received.

Before long, Scott was turning back towards me and giving me a look that almost made me feel like I was in trouble. I put my most innocent face on and smiled. Scott just shook his head and looked back down at his phone again.

Within seconds, my phone buzzed and I looked down to see Scott's name across my screen.

'Just be careful'

My eyes widened as I read his text. Was Scott really letting me go with Derek? Was this some kind of trick?

I quickly sent a text back to Scott but watched as he shoved his phone back in his pocket and ignored the light buzzing that notified him of my unread message.

I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat. I turned my head to see Stiles glaring at me with his finger pointed angrily towards his phone as if he was mad that he was being left out.

I smiled at him and looked down at my phone to see Stiles' frantic text asking me what was going on.

My fingers danced over the keyboard before pressing send.

'Don't worry. Ask Scott after class.'

Stiles huffed in frustration as he read my text.

I shook my head and returned my attention to the teacher but it was almost impossible to pay attention now. What was Derek up too? What was so important that Scott had even willingly agreed to let me go with Derek after school?

I would just have to wait and find out.

Class was halfway through and I was actually starting to pay attention when there was a gentle knock on the classroom door. Our teacher stopped abruptly and glared at the door.

"Come in." Our teacher called.

The door opened slowly and a woman walked in. I had seen her a few times before but I couldn't remember where from.

"Hello, can I help you?" Our teacher asked, the annoyance playing on their tongue.

"Of course," The familiar lady replied, "Is there a Ms. McCall present?"

There were a few whispers that began in the room and I swallowed hard.

"Quiet!" Our teacher barked at the students, "Ms. McCall?"

"Yes?" I stuttered. I hated being called out, especially like this and when I didn't know what was going on.

"The principle would like to speak with you." The woman said and I felt my chest tighten.

Before I could respond, someone else did.

"Are you sure it's for her and not me?" Scott's voice rang out as if desperate.

"And who might you be?" She asked.

"I'm her brother." Scott replied.

I could see Stiles fidgeting nervously next to me.

The woman looked down at her binder she was carrying before looking back up at me, "No. This is for Emily McCall. Please come with me young lady."

I nodded my head slowly.

Scott looked back at me and I could see so many mixtures of emotions in his eyes as I stood up. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the front of the class until I was next to the woman.

"Let's go." She chimed.

As I left the room, I got one last look at Scott and Stiles. Both of their faces looked pale and I couldn't blame them. My face probably looked pretty similar to theirs.

"Don't worry." She said with a smile as she closed the classroom door behind me.

I shivered knowing that nothing good was going to come from this.

She led me down the empty hallway and we made one turn until we were in front of the principles office.

"Take a seat here until he is ready to see you." She said with a smile as she opened the door and motioned to the chairs in the office. It wasn't until then that I realized who this lady was and why she looked so familiar. She was the principles' secretary.

I took a seat down in the large chair while the woman took a spot behind her desk.

I tried to remain calm but it wasn't working out so well. Gerard wouldn't try anything here, would he?

My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest as the principles door opened up quickly.

I had to force myself to look up but when I did I felt sick to my stomach. I had to keep telling myself to act normal, like I knew nothing. There was no way he would do anything in such a public place. Then again, he was an Argent.

"Emily McCall?" His low voice echoed. His voice seemed to bury into my brain.

I nodded my head, unable to speak at the moment. Just as I stood, the front door to the office that led out to the hallway swung open and hit the wall with a loud thud.

"What on earth?" The secretary exclaimed, standing from her chair.

I couldn't help the smile that crept along my face as I saw the three people walk in. Our teacher who didn’t look very happy at all was dragging stiles and Scott into the office by their ears.

"Can I help you?" The secretary asked.

"These two," Our teacher began in between frustrated huffs, "I warned them multiple times to stop interrupting the class but it didn't seem to get through their thick skulls."

Stiles raised his eyebrows with a sly smile as he looked over at me. I shook my head and looked to Scott, who was glaring at Gerard.

"Sit down and the principle will get to you when he's finished with Mrs. McCall." The secretary snapped as she pointed to the chairs next to me.

The two nodded and made their way to me. Scott's hand met my own hand and he gently squeezed then let go, taking a seat behind me. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off me, knowing that my brother and Stiles would be just outside.

"Come inside." Gerard told me and I reluctantly obeyed.

As I passed him and stepped into his office, I couldn't help but noticed how he watched Scott and Stiles. His face was harsh as he let out a breath of air before closing the door behind me, leaving us alone in his office.

"Take a seat Mrs. McCall." Gerard said but it sounded as if it was a command.

I did as he said and took a seat across from him as he sat down behind his desk.

It was uncomfortably silent in the room now. The only thing I could hear was the rhythm of the wall clock ticking in the background.

Gerard was focused on the papers in front of him, on his desk. The fact he wasn't saying anything was really unnerving.

When he looked up at me suddenly, I had to stop myself from jumping.

"It's says here that you are a good student." His low voice echoed.

"Yes Sir." I said as I glanced down at the papers on his desk. There was an open file spread out that had my name on it as well as what looked like a transcript.

"Average grades. Has only had detention a few times." Gerard said as he started down whatever list he was reading and returned his attention to the file, "You see, the reason I called you into my office is because of your attendance record."

It wasn't until then that I realized how tight I was clenching my fingers on my lap. I took deep and slow breaths as I let him continue.

"This file here says that in the past, you never missed class but in the past semester you have missed multiple days. Now, what could be causing this Mrs. McCall?"

I swallowed hard. What was he up to?

"I was sick." I replied without thinking. It was an obvious lie but I didn't know what else to say. I was playing his game right now.

Gerard raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Now we both know that all of these days you missed where not because you were sick." He growled but the sly smirk on his face never disappeared.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." I replied, trying my best not to show any signs of backing down.

"Ok. You say you were sick. What type of sickness keeps a person from coming to school this many times?" Gerard asked.

"Many sicknesses." I replied. I knew that he thought I was a werewolf but I wasn't going to give into him.

"Do not play games with me." Gerard snapped, his demeanor growing impatient and angry in a matter of seconds.

I paused for a little while, not sure if I should say anything but continued when he seemed to calm down a little.

"Yes, I have been sick multiple time this semester but my grades are not hurting because of it. My grades are a little lower than previous years but not enough to concern you." I said, sitting up straighter.

I did not move as his cold eyes watched me. The fact that we were in such a public place was the only reason he couldn't touch me. It was too much of a risk. It still shocked me that he had chosen such a private place though.

I smiled at him as the last bell rang loudly in the small office space. It was school policy that the staff could not keep a student unless they had detention. Last time that I checked, past absences were not enough to give a student detention so I was free to go.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

Gerard looked taken back by my question.

"Unfortunately," he started before taking a deep breath, "No."

I stood from my chair but stopped as he spoke again. My back was towards him now but I never turned around.

"Your brother won't always be there outside waiting for you; to save you from the inevitable. Neither will your pet." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

My teeth clenched as he referred to Derek.

"I don't know what you’re talking about." I whispered as I opened the door and left, not giving him any more time to say anything else.

Two arms immediately wrapped around my barely shaking frame as I shut the door behind me.

"Come on." Scott growled as he released me and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room and into the hallway.

"But, what about you two? I thought you were both in trouble?" I asked quietly.

"No, the secretary said we could leave so we weren't late for practice but not without a warning." Stiles said when he took a spot next to me as we rushed down the hallway.

"Ok," I mumbled, "Did you hear...?"

"I heard everything." Scott interrupted me as he glanced over at me, "Derek's already here to pick you up."

I glanced at him with a confused expression. Scott seamed almost relieved that Derek was here already.

All three of us rushed out of the school building into the back parking lot were only the teachers parked. The parking lot was full of cars but their owners were all still inside the building, grading papers and in meetings. I felt relieved as I saw Derek's car and him leaning against it. Derek looked up at us before he quickly opened the passenger side door.

"Hey." I mumbled as we reached him.

"Get in." Scott said as he helped me into the car.

I sat down and before I could say anything else, Scott shut the car door. I could barely hear the muffle of their voices on the other side of the door before Derek and Scott both nodded their heads. Before I knew it, Derek was getting into the drivers seat and turning the keys. I watched Scott and Stiles as they backed away from the car. Scott's eyes met mine before he turned and stormed off towards the school doors. Stiles waved at me with a nervous grin before he turned and chased after Scott.

I didn't see Stiles go inside because we were soon speeding out of the parking lot and down the road.

I sat back in my seat and took a deep breath, the scent of leather meeting my nose. My eyes traveled to Derek who was concentrated on the road. He looked deep in thought. That's when I noticed his claws were barely forming against the steering wheel. His claws were not formed enough to damage the leather but enough for me to notice.

I reached over and placed my hand on Derek's bicep. His eyes shifted towards me for a second before returning to the road. His muscles were tense under my fingertips and his skin felt like it was on fire.

He was angry.

"I'm guessing that Scott told you about Gerard and that's why you got to the school so fast?" I asked in a quiet tone.

I barely heard a low growl escape from Derek's mouth after I spoke.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"That Argent crossed the line today." He spoke quickly and I barely could see his sharp canines glisten.

I knew he was mad but I didn’t realize how much my encounter with Gerard had truly angered him. I took another deep breath, fresh air filling my lungs. We came to a stop at an intersection with no other cars in sight.

"Scott texted me what was going on when you were called in to see Gerard and it took every cell in my body not to go..." Derek started but I interrupted him when his voice started turning more and more cruel with every word.

I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned across the center console that separated our seats. I was careful of his canines as I kissed him. I could feel his muscles slowly relaxing under my touch just as they always did when I touched him.

"Em," He said as he forced himself to break away, "You aren't even safe at your own school."

I froze and watched him before I answered.

"I'm not safe anywhere. None of us are." I whispered as I stared into his harsh emerald eyes.

Derek shook his head just as the stoplight turned green.

I sat back down in my seat and buckled myself back in. The truthfulness of my statement seemed to be sinking in for both of us. The rest of the ride to wherever we were going was silent.

I closed my eyes for what felt like seconds but soon realized that it was much longer than a couple of seconds. I awoke to Derek opening my car door and reaching out to help me.

I muttered a thank you as I took his warm hand and stepped out of the car. I looked around at the unfamiliar place we had arrived at.

Huge buildings towered all around us. It wasn't like any city I had seen before though. I began to question how long I had slept for on the way here. The buildings looked run down and there was no one else in sight. Yet, I could barely hear cars and horns in the distance. The style of architecture was almost gothic or from the industrial side of town. I looked over towards Derek to see that he was looking behind me. I turned to look at what he was staring at.

In front of us stood a massive building. The immense structure was built like the letter 'U' with a courtyard in between the large wings. We were standing just at the entrance to the courtyard.

"Come on." Derek said as he offered his hand to me.

I took his hand and we began down the courtyard. Further in the courtyard in between the two wings stood an even taller building right in front of us. It had to have been around fifteen stories high.

"Where are we going?" I asked, soon hearing my voice echoing off the buildings walls as we continued to walk further into the large 'U' shaped structure.

"There." Derek replies as he pointed towards the top of the tallest part of the building right in front of us.

I looked up to the very top of the building in front of us to what looked like a suite. Huge glass windows covered the entire front of the suite.

I did not ask any more questions, knowing Derek had his reasons.

We finally reached the front door to the building and Derek released my hand. The main entrance doors were locked with a huge padlock. Derek reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. I watched him curiously as he picked one of the keys and unlocked the lock.

"Did you steal those keys?" I found myself asking as he placed the padlock in his pocket and opened the door.

"No." He chuckled as he shook his head, “Come on.”

I have to admit; the inside of the building looked a million times better than the outside. When I stepped through the entrance a huge lobby met me. It was a little dark but a few windows that lined the walls let some light in. There was barely any furniture except for some old chairs. A large front desk lined the back wall of the room in front of us as Derek led me into the room as if this large room was a lobby to a hotel. I had to admit, even though the place had the potential to become a Halloween attraction with a little sprucing up, the place actually looked beautiful in its own way. The high ceilings only added to the lobby's unusual beauty.

Derek continued to lead me further into the lobby until we reached what looked like elevators. Derek used another key to open the metal gates that closed in the elevator cars. I watched as he stepped in but I didn't follow. The old elevator looked like it hadn't been used in decades.

"It's safe. I promise." Derek said with a grin.

I was hesitant at first but eventually stepped in, taking a spot next to him. Derek closed the gate, locking both of us in the confined space. He then took out yet another key to activate the machine and the light flickered on above us. Why were there so many keys and locks around here?

I jumped as Derek pressed a button and the elevator seemed to come to life as we began to rise. Derek backed up until he was next to me. I could barely see a grin across his lips.

"What?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"You will see." He responded.

The elevator was slow but after a few moments we came to a stop. We had to either be on the top floor now or very close to it. Derek stepped forward and opened the gate. I followed Derek and stepped out of the elevator into a large room with no windows. There was a huge sliding door that was shut tight across from us.

I jumped as a loud siren started going off when Derek approached the door. I was about to yell for him but stopped as he reached a keypad next to the sliding door. His fingers moved along the keypad until the alarm died down, leaving my ears ringing. If the alarm hurt my ears, I couldn't even imagine what it did to Derek's but he seemed unfazed.

At first I thought Derek had snuck me into this place but the fact that he has all the keys and the code to the doors made me wonder what was going on. I made my way to Derek as he slid the huge metal door open.

Sunlight flooded the room we were in as the metal door came to a halt. Derek motioned for me to come in. There in front of me was the same huge glass wall that we had seen from the courtyard. An enormous loft stood in front of us. It had to be about the size of my house; maybe a little bit smaller. The dark grey, concrete walls mimicked the interior throughout the building that I had seen earlier. The entire space was completely open concept besides the bathroom, of course. There was a rather large kitchen to my left. As I slowly walked towards the windows that lined the walls, I noticed that a king size bed sat with its headboard against the windows towards the right of the huge loft. I walked a few steps forward until I was standing next to a large table that sat in the middle of the loft. Stairs were to my left that led to somewhere I didn’t know yet. As I made my way around the large table I had my eyes set on the windows ahead of me. As I reached them I noticed there was doors on earth side of the window-clad wall. These doors led to an apparent balcony that lined the entire building I was in.

The sun was shining bright in front of me making it hard to see but I could make out the entire city around us. The buildings around us looked abandoned but not the tall structures in the distance. I squinted my eyes to see the forest in the not so far distance. Maybe we weren’t as far from Beacon Hills as I thought.

“Derek, what is this?” I asked as I turned and motioned to the room around us, “Where are we?”

I hadn’t noticed that Derek had yet to enter the loft when we had arrived. He had stayed at the entrance watching me explore. I looked up at him and he smiled.

“What’s going on?” I asked him, squinting my eyes.

“This is probably the safest place you can be right now.” Derek said as he stepped inside and closed the metal doors behind me.

I cocked my head to the side, “Is this some sort of safe house?”

“You could say that.” He chuckled, “This is my new loft.”

“Your new loft?” I questioned as I raised an eyebrow. It did explain why he knew the code to the alarm outside but not why he had all the keys to the building.

“Yes.” Derek replied as he reached me, “The entire loft is rigged with alarms that detect anyone or anything around it. Like I said; It’s probably the safest place right now for you.”

I nodded my head, still a little bit confused about this whole new loft thing. What happened to his old apartment? I knew that the hunters knew about it now, considering that’s where that awful bald man kidnapped me and brought me to Kate when she had been torturing Derek. I tried to not let the memories effect me as I thought about it.

“Does Scott know about this place?” I asked.

“He doesn’t know much about this place but he knows that it will keep you hidden when ever you need to be.”

“Well that explains why Scott let me come with you so easily.” I mumbled.

“Well that isn’t the only reason,” Derek started and I looked up at him, “I have been talking to Deaton and there are a few things he has spoken to me about.”

“Like what?” I asked as I turned towards him.

“You’re an easy target to both the Kanima and the Alpha pack.” Derek stated and I frowned, a little bit offended but I knew it was the truth.

Derek looked like he was about to take back his statement or rephrase his sentence but I stopped him.

“It’s ok. I understand.” I said, motioning for him to continue.

Derek muttered an apology before continuing, “Werewolves can, for the most part, sense or smell other werewolves. Alphas can almost always sense another werewolf around them, especially if that werewolf is also an Alpha or an Alpha female. This is a huge problem because they will easily be able to track you and find you wherever you go.”

I watched as a flash of anger came into his eyes.

“When I was younger, my mother taught me many things about how to stay alive but I can not remember most of those things. I don’t know why I can’t remember certain things but that is besides the point.”

“So your saying that there’s a way you can hide yourself from the Alpha pack?” I asked.

“Yes, but in theory you are also able to do this.” Derek replied.

“How?” I questioned.

“It’s not as complicated as it seems. It is just a matter of keeping focused and maintaining composure.” He started, “When an Alpha is around you, all you need to do is focus on not being exposed.”

I cocked my head to the side and smirked, “That sounds a little too good to be true.”

Derek sighed, “Focus Em. This could mean the difference between them finding you or you getting away. Scott said that before he knew that Isaac was a werewolf, he was in the locker room with him and the entire lacrosse team. Stiles said that out of nowhere Scott’s eyes had begun to glow. This happened because his body had sensed a new werewolf in the room and had thought of it as a threat. When an Alpha is near you, they will easily be able to sense you. The only way to stop this is by imaging your invisible. Unfortunately, I am not sure if this will work when it is just you in the room because we can easily hear your heartbeat and breathing but it is worth the try.”

I watched Derek as he finished up, trying to wrap my head around everything.

“I wanted to try this.” Derek said with a hopeful look written across his face, “I want you to focus on feeling invisible and try to find a place to hide then I will tell you if I sense you.”

“So, hide and seek?” I laughed, “That hardly seems fair considering the fact that you can sense me twenty-four-seven.”

“Just do it Em.” Derek chuckled.

“Well then close your eyes and count to a hundred.” I pouted.

“I’m going to wear these too so I can’t hear where your going.” Derek said as he reached behind him on the table and grabbed some old headphones.

I nodded my head and watched as he plugged them into his phone. I waited until I could hear music playing and overflowing from the headphones.

“Turn around and close your eyes.” I told him but he cocked his head to the side.

“What?” He asked, a little louder now that he couldn’t hear his own voice.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he had understood me in the first place and was just messing with me.

Derek turned and I watched him for a few seconds, making sure he wasn't going to turn and watch where I went.

I had to stop myself from laughing as I turned and started searching for a place to hide. This seemed so ridiculous.

I searched the loft and soon found out that it wasn't the best place to find a hiding spot. I saw a closet in the corner of the large room that I figured was my best bet right now. I ran to the door, glancing back at Derek ever so often just to be sure he wasn't peaking.

As soon as I reached the closet doors, I opened them carefully and stepped inside. Closing the door behind me, I stepped back until my back hit the concrete wall behind me. I had left the door barely open so I could still see Derek. I leaned forward to try and see Derek but froze as I noticed that he was no longer where he was standing earlier. I began to focus on what Derek had told me but within seconds I was interrupted.

I squealed as the closet doors were swung open. Derek's tall form stood over me and he shook his head.

"You didn't start focusing until you hid in here. I could sense you almost the entire time and knew exactly where you were walking until you got inside this closet." Derek said with a helpless look on his face, on the brink of disappointment, "Try again. Please take this seriously."

"I will. I'm sorry." I replied, realizing that this wasn't as much of a game as I thought it was before. This was serious and something I needed to learn. Derek was depending on the fact that I learnt this technique and give him some piece of mind.

"Again." He mumbled as he motioned me to go find another place and began playing music in his headphones.

I slipped past him and stopped as my back was to his. I closed my eyes for a second and relaxed. I needed to get this down. I began to focus on all the times I had wanted to become invisible, whether it be because I was embarrassed or just because of something involving emotion. I stayed focused on these things and began walking forward, my eyes on the doors that led outside to the balcony. I looked back at Derek as I reached the balcony doors. His eyes were still closed but I couldn't help but notice the slight smirk on his face. Why was he smiling like that? Could he still sense me?

I suddenly realized I was loosing focus and paused to take a second to regain composure.

There was no way this was working. I had so many doubts because the idea of this just seemed so silly.

I careful began to open the balcony doors and stepped outside, closing the doors behind me. I looked along the large balcony and saw that on each side of the balcony were small nooks that I could slip into. These nooks were completely unnoticeable to someone who was inside looking out the windows and glass balcony doors because of where they were located. They were my best bet right now. I stayed focused as I slipped into the side closest to me. I pushed myself as close to the back of the concrete wall of the nook as I possibly could.

Now I waited. It felt like I had been waiting a little bit longer this time. I listened for any sign that Derek was on to me. I was so tempted to peak around the corner and look into the window but I knew that I would definitely be caught if I did.

I waited but jumped as I heard the balcony door being opened. I turned my head to the side to see Derek walk out onto the balcony. He didn't look my way but I wasn't sure if he was doing that on purpose. He stepped to the edge of the balcony and placed his hands on the concrete railing. He took in a huge breath as if he was sighing in relief.

The sun was starting to go down and I felt mesmerized as I watched Derek stare out into the distance as if he wasn't worried about anything anymore. The orange and red tints of the sunset reflected off his figure and the building around us. His face was so relaxed.

Without realizing it, I slowly began to forget about making myself feel invisible. Almost as if on cue, Derek took the headphones off and slowly looked towards me as if he could now sense me. His attentive, green eyes watched my every move as I stepped out of the nook. I felt a smile creep onto my face, realizing I had succeeded in becoming "invisible".

"Good job." Derek mumbled and my eyes widened as he suddenly appeared in front of me in the blink of an eye.

One of his hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him while the other wrapped around my neck and gently pulled me into a kiss. My eyes fluttered closed as his lips moved in sync with mine. I had missed this so much.

Derek broke the kiss but kept his arms wrapped around me. He looked off into the distance at the disappearing sun. I looked up and watched as the last rays of the sun disappeared over the horizon. The clouds were painted pink, orange, red, and yellow. It had to be one of the most beautiful sunsets I had seen in a while. This balcony had a beautiful view and I felt like I could stay out here for hours.

A cool breeze slowly began to swirl around us and I couldn't stop myself from shivering. Derek must have noticed because he looked down at me.

"I'm fine for now. I like it out here." I told Derek before he could say anything.

He nodded his head but I noticed that he held me a little tighter to his body. His body was so much warmer than mine, keeping me sated for now.

"So you couldn't sense me at all?" I suddenly asked.

"A few times I could barely sense you but not enough to find you. We will work on it." Derek replied.

"But if you didn't have the headphones on, you would have been able to hear me?" I stated but it came out as more of a question.

"Like I said, I'm not sure because we are mates. There will always be a way for me to find you no matter what. Another alpha or werewolf wouldn't be able to sense you at all if you tried this technique on them." Derek told me.

I smiled, knowing that I would definitely have to try that on Scott.

We stood in comfortable silence as the neon colors of the sun dissipated and the night sky began to take over. Consequently, the darkening sky brought on colder temperatures and even with Derek holding me, I couldn't stop the occasional shaking. I pretended to ignore it; not wanting to go back inside but Derek had other plans.

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips as I was swept off my feet and taken inside. I didn’t have a chance to say anything as Derek’s lips were against mine.

Before I knew what was happening, my back was gently hitting the concrete wall behind me. Derek’s warm hands traveled to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I felt my face heat up but before I could react Derek broke the kiss and began to walk away towards the large metal door.

“Derek?” I asked as I watched him but he did not reply as he reached the metal door.

I watched him as I tried to catch my breath from our heated kiss. Sudden realization hit me as he reached over to the keypad on the door and began to press a sequence of numbers.

Derek slowly turned towards me and I could see the darkness in his eyes as he shut the keypad door after a loud ‘ding’ indicated that an alarm had been set.

I could feel my body heating up and I forgot about how cold I was earlier as he slowly walked towards me. The look on his face almost seemed dangerous.

I could only smile at Derek.

I knew that tonight was finally going to be just us.

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