Valentina Lombardi

By SaDiStIc00

388K 8.3K 1.5K

Lorenzo Lombardi is Italian mafia don who is cruel ruthless and cold man for world but kind, loving and carin... More

O N E - V A L E N T I N A
T W O - L O S T P R I N C E S S
T H R E E - N I N E B R O T H E R S
F O U R - L O S T B R O T H E R
S I X - I A M B E T T E R
S E V E N - A L E C
E I G H T - S T E F A N O P I E R R E
N I N E - P R E G N A N T
T E N - E S C A P E
fast forward.
E L E V E N - S C H O O L
Another Characters.
T W E L V E - S E R E N A
T H I R T E E N - I S T H A T H E R
F O U R T E E N - C O N S T I P A T E D W H O R E S
F I F T E E N - S E D U C T R E S S
S I X T E E N - C R U S H
S E V E N T E E N - R K
E I G H T E E N - A P O L O G I Z E
N I N E T E E N - C O L D H E A R T E D
T W E N T Y - C H I L D R E N
N I N E T E E N - H A N G O U T
T W E N T Y T W O.

F I V E - S H O P P I N G

17.2K 345 40
By SaDiStIc00

Valentina Lombardi POV.

[⚠️⚠️ Warning :- rape and abuse mention at starting so if you are weak heart or below 16 year please don't read starting part. And skip violence part.]

"Ple-ase do-n't" I begged him. But he grab my 8 years old self. I kick or punch him but it go in vain.

"Ple-ase do-n't it-s hu-rt." I cried but he just throw me in cell and lock me in chain. I begging him but he slap me on face and glare at me.

"You fucking bitch!! You kick my customer fucking whore. Your just worthless slut like your mother.!!" He scream at me while kicking and punching me. I just crying in pain but he didn't care. He stop while looking at me with hatred and disgust.

He walk from me and grab something from table. He walk behind me while I shivered from his gaze. Suddenly I felt pain on my back , I scream in agony. He start whipping me.


"You slut!"


"Your just worthless slut."







100 Smack!

I barely felt anything but then he throws wipe away and start opening his pants but I use barely energy in me to back away from him. He start walking towards me but I shake my head and trying to stop him.

He grab me by my hair and slap me. He start ripping my clothes I trash in his hands but he is more strong than me. He kick me in ribs and I hear crack. He thrust into me and rip my inside. I scream in agony while tears are flowing through my eyes like waterfall.

"N-o" I whispered before everything blank out.

Flashback over.

"Nooo" I wake up from dream and look around so no one. I start having panic attack. I didn't had one in long time. I start taking breath and counting.



I open my eyes and look at window saw outside is dark. I look at bed and saw Luis sleeping peacefully. I open my phone and saw time 4:36am. Uhh I have to do something. I can't sleep again without nightmares. I take my pillow and give Luis who grab it and start sniffing and fall sleep.

I stand from bed and walk in washroom. I wash my face and brush my teeths. I saw begs under my eyes because lack of sleeping. I felt exhausted but I can't sleep or rest. I need to distract myself. I open wardrobe and grab my meds for anger issue. I take one pill and take it with water. I walk towards my closet and grab simple t-shirt with shorts. I make my hair in messy bun. I walk outside quietly closing door behind me. I make my way in kitchen and saw no one is awake. I sighed and walk towards cabinet and saw dark black coffee. I grab bottle and start making coffee. After a while I make two cup black coffee for awakening me. Yup I know you all thinking I'm crazy. Well I'm just coffee addict. I like different types of coffees.

I go and sit on chair while drinking my coffee. I start taking sip while thinking about Louis. How he have been. Is he okay..??. What tattoo Luis is talking about.?? I'm super confused. I hope I find him. I just thinking about everything.

Why this happening with us..?? What even I do for everything happened with me. I don't know when I grab my second coffee and drink it or I felt sleep start taking over me.

I felt some one shaking me. I instantly stand straight and look around for danger when I saw them. My family except Luis all in kitchen looking at me with confusion, shock and surprise.

"Butterfly why are you sleeping here..??" Mom ask me softly. I nod at her while rubbing my face in frustration and exhausts.

"How many tattoo you have...??" Dad ask while looking at my right hand wrist tattoo of snake with be brave tattoo. I look at them then yawn.

"6" I said while grab cups from table and wash them.

"Goodmorning butterfly. What do you want for breakfast...??" Mom ask me while taking ingredients for pancakes. I just shrug off.

"I don't care. Make whatever you want. " I said and walk out from kitchen towards room.

After taking shower I wake Luis up and told him take shower and ready for breakfast. He nod and walk out with blanket. I look around for dress to wear. I choose to wear off shoulder full sleeve t-shirt and black jeans with black boot. I take clothes and put it on bed and sit on front of mirror start my make up. I put waterproof foundation on my left shoulder to cover my signature Medusa tattoo.

I put some maskara , foundation and lipgloss. I cover my under begs in eyes. I from middle braid and then put my hair in high ponytail with few bangs on my face roaming. I wear my clothes and spray my favourite rose scent perfume.

I take my black purse and check mobile, credit card, forged license, keys and my black business credit card. I have two cards I can use sometime. I walk downstairs and saw my brother's are sitting in kitchen talking about something or yelling. Luis is looking sad he is signing towards mom. But she is shaking her head.

My Boot make noice to alert them about my presence. They all turn to look at me but then their eyes move towards my neck tattoo and rib tattoo. I take sit on my chair then maid put plate front of me. I nod at her and drink orange juice.

I look at everyone and clear my throat to gain their attention. I out glass down and ask them while eating strawberry.

"What are you all yelling about...?" I ask them while chunking my strawberry. Mom look at me then Luis.

"Luis want to go shopping with you. But boy's don't know how to talk with him in sign language. They are learning but still and today is your shopping day so you can't babysitting him." Mommy explain me while I hear and nod at her. I take bite of toast and chunk it before I said anything someone else beat me.

"He is throwing things everywhere and making drama like brat." Angelo spat angrily. I felt my blood boil. How dare this bastard. Luis look down on his breakfast.

"What did you just said..??" I ask in cold voice everyone becomes silent while I glare at him. He look shock but then give me glare.

"I ASK YOU FUCKING ANSWER ME!!??" I spat him. He look at me with fury but his eyes show fear. I smiled like sadistic.

"I s-aid he is making drama like brat." He say with hesitate. I give him cold smile which make old guy to pee his pant.

"Oh brat.. will you ever take him for shopping or outside for fun brother...??" I ask him sweetly but venom and bitterness is lasting from my tone. He think and look guilty but shake his head. I nod and hum.

"Well ever you spent time with him like brother's day..??!" I ask him again with glare. He look down with guilty face and shake his head. I scoff and start eating yoghurt.

"Pathetic.!! Really..?? You even know what he like or dislike..?? Of course not and even have a guts to call him brat. He is not brat he is fucking child unlike you pathetic excuse of brother.!!" I said with bitterness chuckled. Every brother look guilty and shock. Mommy give sad smile to Luise who is looking at me with happiness and joy. I give smile and kiss his forehead. And turn look at father.

"I'm taking Luis with me for shopping and yeah Angelo you don't need to came with us. We don't need someone who don't even know what their siblings want. " I said sternly. He look at Luis with guilty and nod.

After everyone eat we all stand when dad call me. He give me his black card which I take with shrugged. But he doesn't know I will use my card.

I take Luis and take him with me. We all are walking towards garage when someone call my name again. I turn and saw Angelo walking towards me with guilty face. I raised my eyebrows and give him annoying glance.

"I want to apologize for my behavior. I know I'm not there for him but now I want to. Please will you forgive me lu..??" He ask us. Luis look at him with small smile and nod. I give him nod to. He give us smile and hug Luis. He know I don't like physical contact. He walk with us outside while others look at Angelo with confusion.

"I'm coming." He said and walk towards Audi R8. Leo nod and sequel like girl's.

I look around and saw my car red Tesla and black Bugatti with Ducati monster my bike. Thank god twins transport my favourite cars and bike.

"Val let's go.." Leo said but I shake my head and point towards my car. They all look at them and gasp. I grab Luis hand and rush towards my babies.

"Which one baby..??" I ask him. He look at trio then point at Tesla. I nod and put him in passenger sit. I turn and saw them looking at my car with awe.

"Tino...??" I ask him. He nod and run inside and sit in back. While Giovanni grab his Audi R8 with others.

"Val wanna race..??" Gio ask with smirking while he rolled down his window. I give him mischievous smile and shrugged.

"Sure you are..??" I ask him cockily with my own smirk. He nod with challenging face. He is best racer in Italy but I'm super best.





"GO!!" We both took off towards road. I bolt towards gate and take off. Gio reach beside me and give me smirk.

"See you losers!!" Leo yelled from back seat and gio take off. I give him glare and take off others side.

"Oh god we are going lose.!!" Tino said with scared face. I give him sadist smile and shake my head.

"No guys.!! Tight your seatbelt we are winning.!!" I told them and bolt every car back and dash with cut and turns.

This gona be a long ride. Wait bitches.!! I'm coming.!!

Words:- 1771.

Thank you for reading.

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