A Dream Come True || Hoseok x...

By Dina-soar

45K 4.7K 6.7K

You want love, you want happiness, you want to fulfill your dreams. Even if fashion sounds silly to your fami... More

No Filter
Good Friend
Poor & Rich
Just Say The Word
Emotional Constipation
Just Might Fall
Partner Project
Happy Dagger
Question Myself
Amusement Park
Moonlight Dancing
Forced Date
Misplaced Trust
Safety First
Romantic Getaway
Busier These Days
Different Worlds
Love Doesn't Exist
The Poor Life
On A Budget
For The Best
Puppet on a String
Never Again
Modeling Assistance
A Future Together
Dumber Than a Dog
A Dream Come True
|| Author's Note ||
Keep on Dreaming
Love Exists

Dance Club

1K 80 72
By Dina-soar

[Left to right: Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yesung]

(A/n: Donghae & Eunhyuk are in a subunit called D&E 😳 give the mv a watch)


Professor Orlov was a cute old man. He was fun when it came to teaching Jewelry Science though you had to admit you liked the lab portions more than the lectures. It was a lot of note taking, but it was important to memorize for safety in the lab. Hoseok still didn't trust you with a torch in your hand. You couldn't see what the big problem was. It's not like you've set anyone on fire or hurt yourself with the torch. Then he always acted like the striker in your hand was going to explode. You're not going to hurt anyone! Not intentionally at the very least!

When you really thought about it, you knew that Hoseok was just protective over you. He didn't want to see you getting hurt with all the dangerous tools in the lab making it easier. Hoseok kept heavy watch over you and you made sure to keep watch over him too. The difference was that Hoseok was pretty good at handling himself. He was less likely to cause an accident compared to you. Technically you didn't need to worry about him at all. Still, you did your best to remind Hoseok to be safe. The goggles may be the most hideous things you've ever put on, but Hoseok pulls them off. He always does!

He looks even handsomer now as he looks over his notes. Class was ending after a long lecture and Hoseok looked more handsome than what should be legally allowed. Orlov luckily wrapped up the class already, allowing people to leave if they wanted. Some had already gone while a few went to ask questions or stay to look over their things. You were all packed up and just waiting on Hoseok. The two of you would being going to the thrift store together today. He wasn't working though. Today you guys were going as customers! Hoseok and you were going to upcycle any clothes the two of you found there. It was going to be fun!

"Boop." You poked Hoseok's little dimple. They always appeared above his lips when he had that small smile. So adorable and dangerous for your heart.

"Really?" Hoseok chuckled, keeping his eyes on his notes. "I'm trying to check my notes for hypoallergenic metal and you're here poking me."

"Wow, you're more interested in metal than me," You teased through a pout. Hoseok already knew the facial expression you were making without having to look up at you. He couldn't help, but crack though as he turned his head to face you.

"I love you," He said, getting your smile to grow bigger.

"I love you too." You leaned in to peck his lips. Quickly after, you giggled and rested your forehead on his shoulder. He just makes you so happy that you want to burst out squealing and screaming. Unfortunately, that's not socially acceptable and Hoseok would pretend not to be associated with you for a hot second so you held in the urge. "Ready to go?" You leaned away as he nodded, collecting all his things.

Meanwhile Hoseok closed his notebooks to shove back in his bag, you stood up from your chair to take a brief look around the class. It was a mindless action though your eyes ended up getting stuck on two girls looking over in your direction. Even with their hands covering their mouths, it was obvious to tell from their judgmental gaze alone that they didn't have nice things to say. What were they saying? You stared back at them until they stopped talking and headed towards the exit. Though just as they were about to leave, they began giggling. What was so funny? Scoffing softly, you looked over at Hoseok as he put his tote bag over his shoulder.

"Everything okay?" He tilted his head.

"Be right back." You walked past him impulsively.

Who did these girls think they are? Balling your hands into fists, you knew they couldn't be far. You wouldn't waste your time running after them though you sure as hell had a few words to say. People outside of the class were immediately getting out of your path. The glare you had was making it hard for others to look in your direction. The only one not as intimidated was Hoseok who was confused on what was going on. He left the classroom to go after you, brows knitted together to see you quickly approaching two girls who were in Orlov's class with you guys. You tapped their shoulder, giving them a forced smile as they stood stiffly in front of you.

"Did you girls have something you wanted to say to me?" You questioned as they exchanged nervous glances. "It seems like you were whispering about me and—"

"(F/n)! What are you doing?" Hoseok whispered not so quietly. He placed his hand on your shoulder, attempting to pull you away.

"I'm talking with classmates." You patted his hand, silently telling him you could handle yourself. If they want to talk about you so badly then they can say it to your face.

"Sorry," Hoseok said to them even though he shouldn't be the one apologizing. You didn't know what he was going on about until he wrapped his arms around you. What is he doing? Hissing his name, the two of you started bickering as he dragged you away. Curse your heels for making you lose balance! Otherwise, you would have stayed planted in front of those girls and given them a mouth full of your faux leather bag!

Wriggling around in Hoseok's arms, he almost dropped you trying to take you away from those girls. They were left standing in a mixture of confusion and amusement. That was not what you wanted to happen! When Hoseok had successfully brought you outside of the building, you finally got out of his grip to stand on your own. Narrowing your eyes on him, you wanted clear answers from him. He was giving you the same serious look though. What did you do that was so wrong? Crossing your arms, you stomped your heel on the ground.

"Hoseok, I love you, but what was that?" You leaned closer to him.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?" Hoseok crossed his own arms.

"No, because I had everything under control. Those two girls were whispering about us—I just know it!" You huffed, hoping he would accept your reasoning. He was just looking more skeptical as you continued. "I'm tired of people always talking bad about you for no reason. Even if it wasn't bad, what were they saying about us that they can't say to our face?"

"Look, I get it. It's frustrating and hurtful." Hoseok let his arms open up to pull you into a hug. He gently rubbed your back, sighing softly. "But I can't be bothered by everything people say about me. I don't think I would have survived high school if I did." He chuckled as you pouted. He was right. You knew that you already had a lack of control over your image based off how media tried to present you, but...that was the media. Something about it being at your college was bothersome.

"You don't think they know I'm engaged, do you?" You frowned.

"You don't wear a ring." Hoseok shrugged before taking a pause. "...if they did know, I don't think they'd say anything publicly about it. Hopefully."

"Well, I'm not cheating." You made sure to look Hoseok in the eyes when you said that. He smiled right away, nodding.

"Come on. Let's get to the thrift store." Hoseok left an arm wrapped around you as he led you in the direction where Mansu typically parked.

"But if I ever see them whispering again—"


"I will!"

Hoseok just sighed knowing he couldn't fully stop you. If you successfully manage in getting yourself into a catfight, you knew you'd be able to win it. Totally! Hoseok refused to encourage your fighting yet he offered to hold your earrings for you just in case the situation arises. As he should! Besides, what could they possibly have to say about the both of you? It riled you up when you really thought about it, but you chose to follow Hoseok's advice. Forget them! You weren't going to have your day be ruined by them. Today is supposed to be a fun day anyway. After all, you're going to be shopping!

At a thrift store, but you were certain you would get some good finds. Hoseok apparently has been eyeing these two shirts while you had become aware of a certain bucket. It was when Eunhyuk was organizing that it caught your eye. A bucket full of tablecloths! Essentially what that meant was free fabric to make more skirts and dresses! Hoseok just chuckled, already predicting the summer dresses you would be making with them. They would be so cute too! They would be the perfect dresses to wear when going on a date with Hoseok.

The both of you were more than eager to arrive. When Mansu finally dropped the both of you off, you were ready to run into the shop until Hoseok grabbed your hand. What now? Looking back at him with a pout, you wondered what was wrong. His eyes were narrowed as he peered through the window. His gaze was intense and he was trying to pull you back. Hoseok put you behind him, but you could still see inside the thrift store. From the looks of it, there were two other people inside the shop. Nothing wrong with that. You couldn't see the problem yet Hoseok was looking paranoid to you. He was on edge until he noticed you walking towards the entrance.

"(F/n)!" Hoseok ran after you. It was too late by then as you opened up the door, stepping inside to catch the attention of Eunhyuk and the two male customers. You didn't see the problem with what you did. The two gentlemen in the store looked completely normal to you. They were standing by the counter with nothing in their hands to purchase. Your eyes didn't linger much on them as you waved at Eunhyuk, catching the attention of the two men. Eunhyuk was standing behind the counter as he brought his hand up to wave at you.

"Welcome, (F/n)." Eunhyuk glanced at Hoseok behind you. From the looks of it, Hoseok didn't seem to be too pleased right now yet you were smiling.

Hoseok stood stiffly as Eunhyuk took a quick glance over to Donghae and Yesung. Did his two hyungs really have to be here? There was a lot running through Hoseok's head. He wanted to stop this, but it was too late. You had already walked in and Eunhyuk said your name. The moment your name was out in the open, Yesung and Donghae's eyes widen. It was you. After Hoseok and you became a couple, they've been wanting to meet you. Each time they asked Hoseok, they were shot down. Now miraculously by chance, there were seeing you in the flesh.

There was no wasting time. They took their chance as they ran up to you, blocking your path to get to the tablecloth. It surprised you to suddenly have the two men in front of you. What is going on? They were smiling oddly, almost overdoing it. Raising a brow, you were puzzled on what they could want from you. More importantly, why weren't Eunhyuk and Hoseok doing anything? Eunhyuk was just stifling his laughter poorly as he slapped the countertop. Hoseok let out a short groan that you were familiar with. You didn't even have to look back at him to know he had his hands up to his head, tempted to rip his hair out.

"Hello?" You blinked at them.

They both looked shy when smiling at you now that you were getting a proper look at them. They looked to be about the same age as Eunhyuk. One of the men was slender with pale milky skin. His hair was a sleek black without a single curl to it. It was flat as it framed his small round face that came down to a point. He looked friendly with a bit of a mysterious vibe. The other gave off entirely different vibe though. He had a gorgeous honey tan and a fuller jaw. He had his forehead revealed unlike the long fringe the other possessed. The sides of his head were shaved with the top pushed back in soft brown waves. It was hard to deny how attractive this man was.

"Hi, I'm Yesung and this is Donghae," The one with the fringe spoke.

"Hi." Donghae bowed his head as you quickly followed. You were still unsure what was going on, but it was charming to see Donghae acting nervous. Shouldn't that be you? You looked over at Hoseok, amused by this encounter only to see him looking frustrated.

"Guys, really? We're trying to shop here." Hoseok walked over to them, getting a scoff out of all three of them. Hoseok immediately sent a glare in Eunhyuk's direction.

"You know them?" You were surprised. Hoseok nodded his head, pursing his lips as he went over to your side. This explained why Hoseok and Eunhyuk had been so relaxed with these two approaching you. Though there was still a lot you were struggling to understand. Did he not like them? They seemed to be close at the same time.

"They're my friends. Sort of. Donghae is cool, but Yesung is a loner we take pity on." Eunhyuk shrugged. He smirked as Donghae failed to hold back his chuckle. Yesung wasn't at all shocked by Eunhyuk's comment, but annoyed nonetheless.

"Yah, don't make me swear in front of her." Yesung threatened.

"Trying to leave a good impression, Hyung?" Eunhyuk continued to push.

"I'm going to ignore you." Yesung sighed, looking back at Hoseok in frustration.

"Eeugh." Eunhyuk let out a low sigh causing Yesung's eye to twitch.

"What is going on?" You tugged on Hoseok's clothes.

"Eunhyuk is making fun of Yesung's depressing voice," Hoseok whispered.

"It's not depressing!" Yesung blew up.

"Ah, Hyung. Control your anger in front of (F/n). We just met her a few seconds ago," Donghae said. Considering how late his advice was, it was not helpful in the slightest. It only left Yesung even more irritated knowing that Donghae was just as amused as Eunhyuk.

Things only began to go downhill from there. Eunhyuk stopped hiding behind the counter to come torment Yesung up close. Donghae didn't participate in the torture as much though he clearly enabled the behavior. Then Yesung was never successful in getting Eunhyuk to stop. He tried being calm, talking like a mature hyung would only to end up raising his voice and almost kicking Eunhyuk. That got him nowhere seeing as that was the exact reaction Eunhyuk was looking for. It looked like at any second Yesung would begin to chase Eunhyuk around the store though he also had to deal with Donghae's side jabs and comments.

From what you were getting, they loved giving their hyung a hard time. While Hoseok wasn't content with how shameless and blunt they all were, you were loving it. They didn't waste a second to show who they truly were. None of them possessed a filter as you witnessed them in their natural habitat. They were fighting with their quick wit, swears flying left and right, and a few acts of violent retaliation. Sometimes they threw aside smart snarky comments for low childish humor which managed to get under their skin even more. At one point even Donghae and Eunhyuk turned on each other. It was nothing but pure chaos. It was beautiful.

"Get a control of yourselves! (F/n) and I are just here to buy some things then we'll be on our way." Hoseok grabbed your hand, stopping the three guys from bickering despite it getting really good. Yesung currently had Eunhyuk by the shirt while Eunhyuk was trying to take on both of his friends single handedly. You were smiling at all of them as they separated, clearing their throats and stepping closer with interest.

"Why are you guys leaving so soon?" Eunhyuk asked. Hoseok had already tugged you off to search for the items he wanted. All you needed was the tablecloth so searching for what you needed was quick.

"Isn't it clear? Obviously he wants to spend time with his girlfriend and not us." Yesung crossed his arms. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, trailing behind Hoseok over to the clothes rack. He was a little too close for Hoseok's liking. Your boyfriend just wanted to find the two shirts he liked yet this was happening. You already had the tablecloth folded in your arms so you were able to watch more nonsense come from this visit. Hoseok was currently glaring at the shirts, roughly pushing them aside on the racks to find what he wanted to pay for and leave.

"If you had a girlfriend then you would leave us?" Donghae frowned though this just got a quick nod from Yesung. It was instant betrayal that stung Eunhyuk.

"Piece of sh*t. I bet you would do that nasty couple clothing and couple menu stuff, huh?" Eunhyuk huffed.

"Shut up. You do couple scarves with Donghae!" Yesung pointed out. This immediately got a gasp out of you. This was getting interesting!

Hoseok remained uninterested in his friend's drama. He was well aware of what Yesung was talking about. It was old news to him even though this was breaking news to you! This was getting too good to look away from! Yesung had that out in the air, but it didn't do much. Donghae wasn't embarrassed and Eunhyuk was shrugging it off quickly. If Yesung was quick enough, he would have been able to tease Eunhyuk for his red ears. He missed the opportunity as Eunhyuk already had an explanation for the couple scarves.

"Donghae bought them and he would cry if I said no to them." Eunhyuk narrowed his eyes on Yesung. "Besides, you know I have a strong bromance with Donghae. Am I just supposed to say no to matching scarves?"

"Yes!" Yesung shouts.

"Ouch...that's kind of mean..." Donghae frowned.

"Oh, look what you did! You hurt his feelings!" Eunhyuk groaned.

"I thought the scarves were cute and soft," Donghae mumbled.

"Here are the shirts!" Hoseok took them off the rack in relief. He was almost laughing maniacally as he ran over to the cash register. You were stunned to see him jump over just to start pressing buttons on the machine already.

"Yah! You're off shift so you can't do that!" Eunhyuk hurried over. Hoseok was in the middle of trying to get himself change when Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around the younger. The change Hoseok had been holding was dropping onto the floor as they now wrestled, shouting at each other. They weren't even communicating anymore. Maybe you would have let this go on if it was Eunhyuk and his other friends though this was your boyfriend. Yesung and Donghae were completely still as they watched you take care of the situation. Calmly walking over to the counter, you placed your tablecloth down and looked Eunhyuk dead in the eyes.

"Unhand him now and I'll give you a hundred bucks."

"Sold!" Eunhyuk released Hoseok, dropping him on the floor as you opened up your purse. The thud didn't sound pleasant, but you were glad Eunhyuk did as you asked without questions. Thankfully he responded quick to the money. You handed Eunhyuk the cash as Hoseok stood up from the floor, scoffing in disbelief.

"Hyung!" Hoseok hit the back of Eunhyuk's head.

"What!?" Eunhyuk winced. "You're leaving us to hang out with her. Go have fun."

"It's okay, Hoseokie. I do charity now and then." You smiled at your boyfriend just as Eunhyuk gasped.

"You know what? No. I don't want your money." Eunhyuk opened the register, putting it inside. "But you're not getting it back either." You shrugged without a care. Though honestly, you were waiting for that. You doubted Eunhyuk was going to keep it for himself and you were glad you were proven right. Something in his eyes hinted he was overwhelmed. Plus, Hoseok scolding him was only adding to it. "Now you two run along."

Hoseok was completely on board with that. He gathered his change from the floor before sending Eunhyuk a playful glare. Eunhyuk made sure to wrap his arm around Hoseok real quick to ruffle up his hair. It got some high screams from Hoseok, getting him released and a lot of laughter out of his friends. They were smiling as they watched Hoseok stumble his way over to you. You held your hand out for him to take which he gladly grasped. The two of you were heading out of the store when a soft gasp escaped Donghae as he snapped his fingers.

"We should all hang out sometime." Donghae suggested.

"Oh?" You stopped walking to look over your shoulder at them. Your pause got Hoseok's smile to become stiff with no warning. He quickly tugged on your arm, shaking his head at you but you were too busy smiling at his friends.

"I'm down." Eunhyuk shoved his hands in his pockets. He didn't see anything wrong with the idea unlike your boyfriend. It sounded fun to the rest of you.

"Where and when?" Yesung's eyes perked up to hear this.

"Oh! Hyukkie mentioned going to a dance club with his hot older friends once! That must be you guys, right?" You smiled at them. Yesung and Donghae smiled bashfully for a few seconds before posing in front of you. Their modesty was still very clear however with how embarrassed they were getting from their actions. You giggled at them just as Hoseok stepped in.

"You're not going to a dance club with them," Hoseok said only for Eunhyuk to come to your rescue.

"Aye! It would be all five of us this time, Hoseokie. She's also madly in love with you so you don't have to worry about her being interested in us. Not even Donghae can sway her." Eunhyuk crossed his arms. Hoseok pursed his lips, glancing over at Donghae who waved at him innocently before turning his head to meet your stern gaze. Would you be swayed by Donghae? Hoseok almost took a step back in surprise when he suddenly got pinched in the arm by you.

"Ow! What was that for?" Hoseok raised his brow at you.

"You are my first and last love!" You huffed.

"See!" Eunhyuk clapped his hands. Hoseok pouted, rubbing his arm until you began to apologize and rub his arm for him. Slowly Hoseok began to smile at you and laugh despite how seriously you were treating his wound as you called it.

"Aw, how romantic." Donghae smiled. Yesung and Eunhyuk let out short chuckles to hear that. All of them had their eyes on you two, knowing Hoseok and you were in your own world already.

It took a while for Hoseok and you to leave the little bubble you two easily slipped into all the time. You had no way of explaining it. For you, Hoseok just captivated you so much. Everything around you just didn't matter when he was shining so bright. It happened so often that were used to it. Hoseok still seemed surprised every time he got out of it. He was brought back into reality, embarrassed to see his friends wiggling their eyebrows at him. They were just teasing him and they were successful about it too. Hoseok didn't hesitate to run at them causing all of them to wrestle one another. You made sure to cheer for Hoseok but that wasn't the part you were excited about.

As thrilling as it was to watch four grown men scuffle on the ground, you were looking forward to going to this dance club Eunhyuk mentioned. Honestly, you're not even sure how Hoseok agreed to it hours after leaving the thrift store. You could have sworn Hoseok would be stubborn about never going at all. Though apparently Hoseok gave in after his group chat with the gentlemen blew up. Next thing you know, you were in the back of Eunhyuk's car with Hoseok after they closed up. You didn't mind in the slightest though! The sundress could wait to be finished another day.

Eunhyuk had pulled up in front of Hoseok's house, unlocking the car door for you guys to enter. You were already wearing a nice dress, but Hoseok had switched into something more fitted for a dance club. As if it was hard enough not to constantly get flustered by Hoseok! He wore black tight pants and a loose silk black shirt. The best part was that Hoseok kept the top few buttons undone to expose some of his chest. It was a blessing to see even the slightest bit of skin. Honestly, you think Hoseok was doing it on purpose. He had unopened one to see how it would look in the mirror and his smirk was only growing to see how wide your jaw was dropping. He knew exactly what he was doing.

It did lead to making out until Eunhyuk arrived so obviously you had no complaints to make. Hoseok was calm in the backseat although you were bouncing nonstop. There were so many things going on through your head! Your first dance club! This is going to be so much fun! Hoseok looks great! Eunhyuk looks great! You look great! Eunhyuk's car smells like mint and wood! So many thoughts, it was overwhelming, but you had a huge grin the entire time. You also couldn't stop yourself from asking Eunhyuk questions about the dance club. Where was it, how often did they go, and how was Hoseok as a dancer? Was he a total stud on the dance floor? Hoseok gave Eunhyuk a stern look through the rearview mirror that went completely ignored. Eunhyuk took this chance as complete freedom to say whatever he wanted.

Apparently Hoseok used to go more often with the boys on the weekends. Hoseok wouldn't drink, but he did dance the entire time. This was juicy to hear! Eunhyuk let you know all about Hoseok's dancing skills, but Hoseok just shook his head and insisted he was just okay. He'd rather compliment Eunhyuk and Donghae's dancing. The two didn't say much about Yesung's dancing which made you laugh. Hearing all these stories from them only got you more excited to experience it for yourself. Hoseok was warming up to the idea of you getting to know his friends and hanging out with them all as a group. You couldn't wait to dance the night away with them!

And when all of you united at the dance club, there really was no stopping the fun. If Yesung and Donghae were friends of Hoseok's then they were your friends too. You could see why he liked them! Even if Hoseok teased them and acted like he wasn't a fan of them at times. It was clearly their dynamic as they all made jabs at one another before heading off to the dance floor. Eunhyuk and Donghae made it obvious that they were regulars. Not only by how many familiar faces they said hi to, but by how easy it was to form a dance circle around them. There were a lot of cheers and hollering coming from the circle. You had to see!

Hoseok would rather sit on the side with Yesung who was drinking whiskey. It didn't seem like Hoseok would budge from his spot. He remained planted in his seat, talking to Yesung about how his mother's shop was doing as well as the thrift store. What kind of conversation was this to have at a dance club? You decided to just leave them be. Let them have their fun the way they wanted, but you on the other hand...the action is where you found the fun.

Would Hoseok want you shoving yourself in between a crowd and getting lost in order to find his two friends? Not really. But you liked to be a risk taker now and then and it was successful! You managed to bring yourself to the front to see Eunhyuk and Donghae dancing in synch to a famous song these days. Seeing them with boundless energy got your own adrenaline to start pumping. The loud supportive cheers of the crowd was getting you swept up in the moment. Finally, the beat in the song dropped causing the whole crowd to jump and get tighter.

"Woah!" Your eyes widened, taken by surprise. Shoulders were bumping into you left and right. You didn't know what was going on when a pair of hands grabbed your own, suddenly pulling you towards them.

"I gotcha!" Eunhyuk smiled as you relaxed. For a second there you were getting ready to punch someone.

"You're really good at dancing!" You shouted over the music as he grinned. "You won't have to become a stripper!"

"Thanks!" Eunhyuk cracked up. You were still smiling at him from ear to ear as he moved your hands, slowly getting you to dance with him. "Come on, show me what you got!"

"Not much!" You giggled.

There really wasn't a dancing bone in your body. Not that you were aware of at least. Though you had no shame to try it out and have fun with Eunhyuk. He easily got you to relax in the crowded place, allowing you to focus on him and the music. Hopefully Hoseok is having a fun time with Yesung too. You had no idea what time it was, but you couldn't care less. You left your bag with Yesung since he seemed like a responsible man. There wasn't a worry in your head as you playfully swayed your body, smiling as Eunhyuk laughed. You probably looked like a girl at her first middle school dance.

"Do you find my dancing funny, Oppa?" You couldn't stop yourself from laughing. You weren't in the least bit threatening in your new surroundings.

"You look like a squirrel falling off a tree, but it's a cute," Eunhyuk said. He quickly received a soft punch in the arm. He's lucky there was a compliment somewhere in his statement.

"Aye, (F/n)!" Donghae appeared from the crowd. He had two drinks in his hand, both pink with a strawberry on the side. "Do you want a drink? They're both mocktails so no alcohol."

"Oh! Thank you!" You grabbed one carefully. Bringing the straw to your lips, you happily drank it when you noticed Eunhyuk's shocked expression.

"Bro, that's mine." Eunhyuk whined. "You know I make you get the girly drinks for the both of us."

"We can share." Donghae shrugged, taking a sip before bringing the drink close to Eunhyuk's face.

"Agh." Eunhyuk turned his face. He was trying to act disgusted though you weren't fooled nor was his best friend. Donghae kept holding the drink up when Eunhyuk turned back to face him. However, things didn't go like either of you thought when Eunhyuk grabbed the drink and dashed into the crowd. He stole Donghae's drink! Bringing a hand up to your mouth, you looked at Donghae who was smiling through the pain.

"He's an @sshole." Donghae sighed, shaking his head. "Forget him. It's fine, I'll get my revenge later."

"Revenge!" You cheered before taking a sip.

Donghae laughed, keeping you company in the crowd now that Eunhyuk had vanished. Though you didn't know much about him, you were beginning to see how much of an open book Donghae is. He was thoughtful of course. He seemed to be the kindest among Hoseok's friends although just as much of a tease when he wanted to be. Then again, maybe you were just making an assumption though it felt true the longer you danced with Donghae. It felt like he didn't like to draw too much attention to himself and he was a little shy. While he could hold a conversation to a degree, he had the occasional awkward bump and looked incredibly nervous after attempting a joke.

It only added to his charm. He was also attractive, there was no denying that. A ton of girls in the dance club were staring at him. Some tried to snatch him away from you, but he remained put with you. He very well could have easily wandered off with the pretty ladies. You weren't his girlfriend, but you suppose he considered himself responsible of making sure you were safe. It was very sweet of him and at least he didn't make fun of your squirrel dancing. Donghae felt trustworthy so far. Hoseok's friendship circle was beginning to make more sense to you. It honestly left you excited to get to know Yesung too!

"There you are!" Hoseok's voice got you to stop sipping your drink. There was hardly anything left and you were practically sucking air, but you didn't care. Donghae was in the middle of spinning you around while pop music played in the background. The waltzing came to a stop with Hoseok's interruption. He shoved himself through the crowd out of nowhere, but you were happy to see him even if he had that frustrated look on his face.

"Hoseokie!" You hugged him right away, hearing Donghae chuckle in the background.

"What were you drinking?" Hoseok was worrying right away.

"It wasn't alcohol. It was basically just lemonade," Donghae spoke up as Hoseok looked you over.

"No one hurt you?" Hoseok questioned.

"I have two Oppas keeping me safe. Eunhyuk left earlier though." You looked around the crowd. You couldn't find that anchovy anywhere in sight. Lucky him. You would have helped Donghae tackle him! Eventually your eyes returned to Hoseok as you bounced on your toes. "Do you wanna dance with me?"

"I'll take this back." Donghae took your empty glass from you as you thanked him. He vanished into the crowd, leaving Hoseok and you together. He had opened his mouth to decline immediately, but you were giving him strong puppy eyes. You wanted to see the dancing machine that Eunhyuk was talking about! Plus, it would kill you not to dance with Hoseok at least once when he looked so sexy tonight.

The sad thing was that Hoseok needed a little more convincing. He hadn't denied you yet, but the look on his face wasn't good. The answer 'no' was bubbling up and you couldn't have that. Strong measures needed to be taken! So you took the chance to start dancing even if he stood perfectly still in front of you. Hoseok silently watched you at first as you did your best to match the other people at the club. You were pulling all the stops as you even shimmied causing Hoseok to burst out laughing. He looked to the side before grabbing your hands, stopping you from embarrassing yourself further at the club.

"I've never seen someone shimmy here before." Hoseok gently guided your body the same way Eunhyuk had done earlier. He was slowly trying to get you dancing on beat and that was proving to be a task. Mainly because Hoseok was finally dancing with you. He had given in to stop you from looking like a fool, but you were content! In the end, you were dancing with the hottest gentleman in the club tonight who also happened to be your boyfriend. "You're getting off rhythm, Princess!" Hoseok laughed as you just wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tight. "Now you're not even dancing, Baby." Hoseok hugged you in return, swaying your body with his.


Neither of you had a single complaint about how the night had gone. It was past midnight by the time the five of you were leaving the club. You were giggling the loudest during the walk back to the car. Eunhyuk was convinced Donghae had given you an alcoholic drink, but that wasn't the case. Since your feet had been hurting from the heels you were wearing all day today, Hoseok and you switched shoes. He was stumbling in your heels while Yesung carried you on his back. Hoseok didn't need to wear your shoes, but a simple dare from Eunhyuk was accepted. Now Donghae was recording it, almost bending over in laughter with his shaky camera skills.

Tonight was just proving to be the most fun with the guys. Yesung had even given you his jacket to wear before carrying you across the parking lot. You were cozy, safe, and happy. There was nothing else you could ask for. All you did was hold onto Yesung and giggle as you watched all the boys mess around. Yesung was a relatively calm and quiet person unless provoked. Something Eunhyuk did often. So even as Yesung carried you, he almost tried to kick Eunhyuk for trying his patience multiple times. You squealed anytime you felt like Yesung was going to fall over. Donghae had to scold Yesung for giving you a dangerous ride and Hoseok made sure to threaten Yesung for good measure in the case that Yesung accidentally harms you. Who knew a simple walk back to the car could be so loud?

"I promise I wasn't trying to put you in danger. Eunhyuk's just a little sh*t," Yesung said as he carefully put you in the back of Eunhyuk's car.

"Once Eunhyuk bought Yesung women's clothing to wear." Donghae mentioned causing Yesung to groan.

"You looked good!" Eunhyuk reasoned.

"It was a small crop top! A skirt and wig too!" Yesung's face heated up. Eunhyuk didn't budge from his opinion, leaving you curious to see how the feminine clothes worked on Yesung. It probably didn't look bad at all.

"Alright, thanks guys. We should take (F/n) home now." Hoseok opened the car door on the other side to sit next to you.

"Yeah, I got work tomorrow." Yesung sighed, waving at you guys.

"Bye!!" Donghae waved with more energy.

"I'll text you guys." Eunhyuk held his hand up to them before dropping into the driver's seat of the car. With that, he was turning on the car and driving away from the dance club.

The night of fun was actually coming to an end. That was hard to believe. Everything had gone by so fast and you didn't feel an ounce of drowsiness in your system. No, your eyes were wide open! You were ready for anything and somehow that anything turned into making out with Hoseok in the backseat of Eunhyuk's car. Unfortunately for Eunhyuk, his car didn't have a divider like the car Mansu drove. He was stuck tolerating the both of you during the rest of the ride back to your place. It wasn't until Eunhyuk had reached your gates that Hoseok and you had collected yourself.

"Oh thank god, I thought you two were going to f*ck back there." Eunhyuk released a heavy breath.

"Shut up." Hoseok held up a defensive fist. He didn't want to hear any crude humor involving you. Normally you would say something back, but you had to admit Eunhyuk had a point. You just stayed silent and lowered the window to press your finger against the scanner rather than typing the code in. Soon the large gates began to open, allowing Eunhyuk to slowly drive up the long driveway to your mansion.

"Woah...you're actually rich. I knew you were, but...it's hitting now." Eunhyuk began to let an awkward chuckle out. He sounded terrified as he slowly parked in front of the entrance.

"Exactly how I feel." Hoseok sighed, eyeing the large mansion.

"Yeah, the hotel business does pretty well." You nodded as you unbuckled yourself.

"More than well! You should give me a room to live in!" Eunhyuk stared in awe. You laughed at that, leaning over to Hoseok to peck his lips once more.

"Goodnight, Baby." You felt your heart rate pick up when he brought his hand up to your cheek.

"Goodnight, Princess. Call me if you need anything." Hoseok's words left your chest feeling warm. Nodding your head enthusiastically, you got out of the car and smiled at Eunhyuk.

"Thank you!" He smiled softly as you bowed to him.

Holding your purse close to your chest, you hurried around the car to get to your house. The heels were back on so you couldn't wait to kick them off. Remove the makeup from your face and crash onto your bed in something a little more comfortable too. The cold air nipping at your skin harshly had you shivering. When you made it to the front door, you waved to the boys one last time before entering. Once you were inside was when Eunhyuk decided it was good to drive off. They're all so sweet and thoughtful. Thinking about all of them and how your night went put a smile on your face without any effort to it.

The heels were taken off now that you were inside. Holding them in your hands, you lazily used the elevator to get to your floor instead of walking up all the stairs and passing through all the twists and turns of the hallway. Softly humming a tune, you began the process for getting ready for bed. The shoes were put away along with your clothes and accessories. The hair brushed out once more before you put on a band on your head to keep hair out of your face. Thanks to the cute stretchy headband, you washed your face in peace and continued with your night skin care routine. Then when you were done, you left the bathroom with the anticipation to jump onto your big soft bed only to see Kyunghwan standing in the middle of your room.


"You came home late." His sharp eyes cut into you, leaving you quiet. If this had been a conversation earlier in the day then you would have been able to handle him. Though now, you were struggling to think of excuses. He was keeping tabs on you it seems...was Father up to this? How much did he know?

A part of you was worrying if he had seen Eunhyuk drop you off. It wasn't Mansu who had picked you up like usual. At the same time, you wouldn't give your brother that much credit on being alert. The most he noticed was you being gone up until now and that was it. You were sure of it. At least, that's what you confidently wanted to believe in. There wasn't much confidence in you right now with Kyunghwan staring you down. He was angry despite you only being here for less than an hour. What have you done to enrage him? All you could do was stand in your pink pajamas, lips pursed and eyes meeting his.

"You don't even have anything to say for yourself?" Kyunghwan tilted his head. His voice was low, trying not to yell in the dead quiet building. Your eyes fell to the floor without saying anything again. Kyunghwan scoffed, walking closer to you. "Where the hell were you? You leave for class today, but then don't come back after midnight?"

"I was busy," You mumbled. This just displeased him further as Kyunghwan ran a hand through his hair.

"Busy, right." Kyunghwan was tempted to roll his eyes. "Well, guess what? You're not busy tomorrow so you're going to be going on a date with Seokjin."

"What? But I don't wan—" Your eyes widened. This wasn't fair! That didn't matter to Kyunghwan as he just held his hand up for you to stop speaking. He smirked when you actually shut up. A rare occurrence, but he liked the obedience. Douche bag.

"I'm trying to help the two of you get along before you tie the knot. You actually should be thanking me." Kyunghwan shrugged. He slowly turned away from you with his hands behind his back. "I know we don't really like each other, but I'm trying to help you here. You don't have to love Seokjin though you need to get along with him. That'll be the easiest way for you to survive this marriage."

"Survive a marriage? Do you hear yourself?" You questioned with a sad tone. What a miserable life. You didn't want that for yourself which you've said more than a hundred times.

"Love doesn't exist for people like us, (F/n)." Kyunghwan looked at you over his shoulder. "Abeoji's words."

They weren't even his own as to be expected. It's not like Kyunghwan would have much choice in who he married too. Whatever Father desired, he would use Kyunghwan as a pawn to get it too. The only difference between Kyunghwan and you was that you weren't as willing. You don't want to be used. Narrowing your eyes on Kyunghwan's back, you quietly watched him walk out of your room. Compliance was not in your vocabulary when it came to this. Plus, Father's exact words are that love doesn't exist, period. Kyunghwan couldn't even remember it correctly.

(A/n: You don't have to watch the full thing but from 2:00 forward 😳😳)

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