A Fateful Contract

By paulwillson26

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A mysterious man arrives late one night and agrees a deal to marry his son to the only daughter of an up and... More

A Fateful Meeting
A Fateful Achievement
A Fateful Truth
A Fateful Life

A Fateful Visit

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By paulwillson26

"Sam!" Sara exclaimed when she arrived back at her flat and saw Sam waiting.

"I thought I would meet you here. How was 10 Downing Street? I saw you on TV and your picture in the newspapers. Is this security for you?" Sam said bemused by the people with Sara.

"Come inside. I will tell you all about it."

The couple went inside and they were immediately in each other's arms. Kissing each other like they hadn't seen each other in a life time.

Somehow, they managed to get to the living room. Finally, on the sofa their faces' parting to allow them to take air.

"That was a nice hello." Sara told Sam, wrapping herself around him.

"Yeah, I kind of missed you." Sam confessed, struggling to convey his feelings into words.

"Only kind of?" Sara had begun to enjoy teasing Sam. Her mother would approve she thought.

"You know what I mean. Why do you make hard?" Sam said defensively. He knew Sara was teasing him but she had a way to push his buttons.

"I'm sorry I had to rush off last week. I had completely forgotten about everything." Sara returning to the topic from outside.

"You forgot your dad was going to be prime minister? Isn't that like a big deal?"

"Well, of course I knew he was going to be prime minister but they told me at Christmas and I was told not to say anything, so I just put it in the back of my mind and forgot about it. To be fair, it only actually happened last week."

"Don't you watch the news or read the papers? It happened three weeks ago. Your dad only moved in last week and started the job properly! I didn't say anything because I thought you knew more than me." Sam was not quite believing how Sara was not up to speed with current affairs especially when it involved her own family.

"Well, I was a little preoccupied." Sara was feeling a bit silly now. She should have known. In fact, it was ridiculous that she had no idea what was going on.

"Preoccupied with what."

"Well, with you for one. Studying together, going out together, what we did last week." Sara said shyly. Feeling like she was going to have to confess to Sam when he would notice unlike last time. "So, if you think about it, it is your fault that I forgot." Taking the moral high ground back. Nicely done Sara she thought.

"What? How did you..... Never mind." Sam could see he wasn't going to win. Sara had changed he thought. Before she was quiet. A bit of a wall flower. He didn't mind that. It helped him relax. He always had a hard time around people, especially girls. He was never sure how much they were interested him, for him and not his looks. He wasn't sure if the boys wanted to be his friend or just wanted to use him to get to know the girls. Because of that he kept himself to himself, shunning anyone who approached him. Sara was different. She didn't try or force herself when he first talked to her. She seemed happy just to have found a friend then they did what they did. He now felt differently about her. If they split up, he would lose a friend too. She had changed the way she dressed now and it drove him crazy. She really has no idea how beautiful she is, he thought to himself.

"Hey Sara, can I ask you something?" Sara could see Sam had suddenly become nervous.

"Sure." She could sense that he was going to ask something big about them. She could feel her stomach knot up with nerves.

"Are we now boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Relief swept over Sara.

"Yes!" she beamed. "At least I hope we are." She had no idea what happened in the past year but she had been happier than she had ever been. Being with Sam also made her closer with her parents especially with her mother. They loved each other like any other mother and daughter but they always struggled to find anything in common but since Christmas Sara felt closer than ever to her.

"Yeah, I want that to." Sam agreed and holding Sara closer kissed her passionately something that Sara was more than happy to reciprocate.

"Oh!" Sara said suddenly breaking off. "I nearly forgot. My mother and father have invited you to lunch. Can you make the May Day weekend? They want to meet you."

"I've been invited to lunch at 10 Downing Street?"

"No, thank God. That place is awful. No at our family home."

"Sure, I guess. I haven't got plans."

"Brilliant, I'll let them know."

"Another thing, why do talk so formally about your parents? You always call them mother and father. It is a bit old fashioned."

"I don't know. I always have. It is what they've always called each other in front of me. I suppose it is because we are a bit posh." Sara mused. "What about your parents? You never talk about them or home. Have you told them about me?"

Sara saw Sam tense up and she could have sworn that his eyes turned that crimson red again. The question was half in jest but she would have liked to know more about his home, where he was from. Sam was good looking with a hint of rebelliousness that made a young man attractive to a young woman but he never talked about himself. Like Sara he was bit of a loner but he had a keen intellect. He could be clumsy in how he talked to her but he was sincere and she loved that about him.

Sam then relaxed and that crimson red left his eyes.

"Of course. They know everything about you." He smiled.

"Everything?" Said Sara. It was a strange turn of phrase Sam used.

"Yeah, everything I know at least."

Sara reached forward and kissed Sam. She was determined to get him to open up to her. She would have to get her mother's advice on the matter.

The next few weeks, before Sam met Sara's parents, the young couple were inseparable. They had sex for the first time and quite regularly after that. The first time was enjoyable but a little painful for Sara. Sam finished a little too quick for Sara at first but as they got used to each and guided each other it became more and more enjoyable for both. More and more it was Sara who was initiating sex than Sam.

University still went well. Despite their relationship they stayed disciplined with their studies and the both of them remained top of their year.

With Sara not having a social circle her bodyguard, Simon, had it easy. A bit of a friendship and affection developed between the two of them. Simon was in his fifties, powerful and confident, looking ten years younger than he was. He had the ability to despatch men half his age and twice his size with ease. Sara was his last bodyguard job before compulsory retirement. Despite initial suspicion and hostility to Sam he came to accept Sam. But he was never friendly towards him. Simon had become a sort of surrogate father to Sara. He had a daughter a little older than Sara and he wasn't going to allow "any old douchebag", as he put it, near his ward but he did allow Sam stay over and ride with them in the car when Sara assured him Sam was no threat.

"Who am I to get in the way of young love." He said showing a surprising romantic side.

The May Day weekend arrived and Sam wasn't just invited to lunch, he was invited for the weekend. When the car arrived drove through the gates and up the driveway to Sara's house Sam's eyes widened at the size of the house.

"Wow, I have struck gold with you." He told Sara.

This earnt him a cold hard stare from Simon which stopped Sam making his next comment.

When they got out of the car Sara's parents were waiting for them.

"Sara!" Felicity cried. Embracing Sara and kissing her on the cheek.

Michael gave Sara a big bear hug which she allowed herself to sink into with happiness.

"Sara, introduce us to the poor boy or are you just going to let him stand there."

"Mother, Father, this is Sam." Sara said proudly.

"Sam, so pleased to meet you. Sara has told us so much about you." Felicity said holding out a hand for Sam to shake.

"Sam." Michael puffed himself up trying to look bigger than he was and looking like a typical over protective father.

"Mrs Nugent, Mr Nugent," Sam said, shaking Felicity and Michael's hands, "Thank you for having me."

"He is very polite Sara." Felicity gushed. "Please call us Felicity and Michael. Where are my manners? Come in, come in."

"Sara, Sam can sleep in the blue guest room and I don't want any funny business under my roof. Both of you will go to sleep and wake up in your own rooms."

"Dad!" Sara exclaimed in both anger and embarrassment. Sam went bright red too.

"Michael! Don't be so rude. You embarrassing the poor boy." Felicity scolded.

"I'm just setting some ground rules. I think it is better to get these things out of the way at the beginning." Michael said trying to justify himself.

Felicity took Sam's arm,

"Don't worry about him Sam. Now let me show you around." She told Sam as she gave Michael a stare full of anger to let Michael have doubt where he stood. "Don't worry about rushing up in the mornings. I will send Sara to your room to let you know when breakfast is ready." A decision made purely to put Michael in his place. "Take your bag and come with me. Michael, I'm sure you have many official matters of state to deal with." Treating the prime minister like the hired help.

Felicity showed Sam around the house. Then she allowed Sara to go with Sam to show him the grounds. Felicity, Sara and Sam had lunch together then Felicity apologised and said that she had a few errands to run. Sara took Sam, with Simon watching over them, to the village. The Nugent's were well known in the village. Even those who didn't vote for Michael had time for them. They used their wealth to support the community and Felicity used to be on a number of local committees until she moved to Downing Street.

Any misdeeds they may have done in the past which created enemies were done well away from the village. This local support helped keep the wolves at bay as there was nobody who really had a bad word against them and most even defended them. Sara was known but only as the shy and studious daughter. Even so she was warmly greeted and there were lots of raised eye brows and surprise to see that not only she had a boyfriend and a good looking one at that.

"Sara, why don't you prepare dinner for us while myself and your father get to know Sam." Felicity said that evening.

"Oh, ok." Sara sounded disappointed. Her boyfriend was getting the VIP treated while she, their daughter, was being treated like a maid.

"Sam, come into the lounge." Felicity told Sam, taking his arm, almost pulling him away from Sara. She gave Sara a "Well done" look to show her approval. Making Sara blush again. "Why is my mother so infuriating?" Sara thought to herself.

"Michael, open the Bordeaux, will you?" Felicity knew how to be a good hostess. Entertaining her daughter's boyfriend was a breeze.

"Now, tell us all about yourself, Sam. You are on Sara's course, are you not." Felicity enquired. She was determined to find out who this boy was and if her suspicions were correct.

"I am. Myself and Sara study a lot together though it is hard to keep up with Sara." Sam replied politely.

"I bet she is. She has always had a brilliant intellect." Michael said proudly.

"Though sadly she doesn't have the people skills to take herself to the top. I really hope she doesn't go into politics." Felicity added, fully aware of her daughter's shortcomings. As much as she admired Sara's intelligence Felicity really hoped Sara would be manipulative and cunning as she was so with that intelligence, she could be at the top of whatever she chose to do but she was more like her father.

"She drives me crazy. I can't win an argument." Sam said trying to help.

Michael laughed at that. "Perhaps she has become more like you." He told Felicity.

"Perhaps." Felicity conceded. "She certainly has changed since she met you, Sam. She really has come out of herself. The way she dresses is so much better. She is finally showing the world what she's got, don't you agree Sam?"

Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to avoid Felicity stare. She was right but how do you tell your girlfriend's parents that you have the hots for their daughter.

"Sara is becoming as beautiful as her mother." Michael stepped in trying to save Sam. He could see what Felicity was doing. It was a lamb to the slaughter; the poor boy didn't stand a chance.

"She is beautiful." Sam agreed, grateful for Michael's intervention.

"I understand Sam is short for Samael. That is quite an unusual name." Felicity continued her interrogation.

"Yes, I don't know where it comes from. I think my parents got it from the bible or something."

"Are they religious? We like going to church but sadly with Michael's job it is quite hard."

"I think they believe but they don't go to church."

"Where are you from? I am struggling to place your accent."

"My accent?"

"Yes, your accent. Don't worry there's nothing sinister about my question." Felicity smiled sweetly. Trap set, now show us who you are, she thought.

Sam paused and looked out of the window. The late sun was starting to set. Returning to Felicity stare Sam's eyes flashed crimson red.

Sam's eyes seemed to burn. A smile curled on to his face. He seemed to grow in stature. The shy boy that had entered the house changed into something quite different, something older, almost supernatural. Felicity and Michael, looked at Sam in horror. Passed decisions, decisions they had become to regret came to haunt them. They were no longer in control; this boy or demon was. What had they done? What had they done to Sara, to their only daughter?

"My father warned me about you. He said I needed to be wary of you. Looks like he was right. You want to know who I am? I think you know who I am and where I am from. I planned to reveal myself this weekend but I needed to see what you have told Sara. What have you told her?"

"Well..." Michael stammered. "You see it is not that easy. How do you tell your daughter such a thing?"

"Michael!" Felicity snapped. "He isn't the press. Give him a straight answer." Turning back to Sam, "She doesn't know anything. We haven't told her."

"You haven't told her?" Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You signed your daughter away in marriage and you haven't told her?"

Michael and Felicity averted their gaze from Sam.

"Oh, I see." Sam said, realising what was going on. "My father was right again. He was worried that you would try and not honour the contract. He has told me to tell you it is now too late. You can't back out even if you wanted to. If you do anything to try and stop the marriage, everything you have worked for and achieved will be gone in a day. Don't worry you won't die but you will lose what you prize the most."

Michael and Felicity returned to look at Sam. Fear consumed them. They knew what he was talking about and it wasn't Sara.

For the first time that she could remember Felicity felt defeat.

"How long do we have with Sara?" Michael asked. Losing his daughter, selling her off before she was born had always consumed him with guilt.

"Not long." Sam replied. "I must take her to meet my parents. Enjoy this weekend with her. You won't see her for a few years and our wedding will be the last time you will see her before you die."

"Why, why Sara" Why did you chose us?" Michael now asked, the questioned that needed to be asked.

"Because, the person I marry needs to have certain qualities. Something that only her parents can give her."

"What, my political ambition and career is why you chose us?"

"No, not you. Your wife." Felicity eyes snapped to Sam's at his words. Looking at Felicity, Sam continued "Your ability to read people, get through to them, make them do what you want is why you were chosen. Your husband's political ambition helped persuade you to sign the contract. Sara's innocence and kind heart makes her perfect."

"You mean you will corrupt her innocence?" Michael was now convinced he was in the presence of pure evil.

"Sara's innocence will never be corrupted. If it was, she would be unsuitable." Sam reassured Michael.

"Please let her finish her degree before she goes!" Michael pleaded. "She has worked so hard."

"I can't." Sam looked genuinely remorseful that he couldn't give Sara that one thing.

His feelings for Sara are real Felicity thought, realising that this situation as extraordinary as it was, was still a boy meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time.

"Dinner is ready!" Sara said, excitedly came into the living room and grabbing Sam's hand, pulling him on to his feet. The crimson in his eyes died and his eyes went back to normal.

"Oh!" Felicity thought to herself. "Sam isn't Sara's weakness; Sara is Sam's weakness. How interesting. It looks like I have underestimated my daughter." She smiled to herself at that thought.

Dinner was a strange affair. Sara talked. Sam had returned to being the shy boy that entered the house. Felicity had recovered her composure believing she no had leverage. Michael ate in silence, unable to come to terms with the situation.

"Dinner is amazing." Sam told Sara.

"Thank you." Having Sam here with her parents made her incredibly happy.

"It is delicious, dear" Felicity agreed. "I honestly believe Sara could have become a Michelin Star chef if she hadn't been so studious."

"Mother!" Sara admonished. Grateful for the compliment and her mother's approval all the same.

After dinner, Felicity helped Sara wash up.

"Sara, there is something your father and I need to discuss with you tonight. Do you mind that you send Sam to bed early? We will make it up to you later."

They all returned to the living room and chatted. As it was getting late, Sara said to Sam,

"Why you go to bed. I have something to discuss with mother and father. I'll see you afterwards."

"Sure." Sam agreed and left the room.

When Sam had left, Felicity looked at Sara and said,

"Sara, we have something to discuss with you."

"Ok" Sara was unsure what was going on.

"Sara, before you were born, before I was even pregnant with you, your father was in a bit of trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Some financial trouble. He was being accused of some financial misdeeds which would have finished his political career before it even begun. It was all trumped up and not a word of truth in it." Felicity lied. "However, one night a man knocked on our door offering to make it go away. In exchange he wanted our daughter to marry his son. I believe Sam is his son."

"What? I don't understand." Sara wasn't sure where this was going.

"I don't know how he found you but I think Sam has come with the intention of making you, his bride."

Sara was looking at her parents incredulously.

"There hasn't gone a day when we haven't regretted signing that contract." Felicity continued. "We only signed it to get rid of that man. The reality is that no one can force you to marry Sam. The person you marry is entirely up to you." Felicity was determined to use the only bit of leverage she had which was to turn Sara against Sam.

"Why, why are telling me this? I thought you liked Sam." Sara was confused.

"We do like Sam. It is just we don't believe he is the person he has told you he is."

Sara stood up anger welled up inside, tears formed in her eyes as emotion flowed from her towards her parents.

"You are trying to split us up. I don't understand why but I won't let you. I won't let you take away the best thing in my life! He is my only friend! He is the person I love the most!"

With that outburst she ran from the room. Felicity was shell shocked. For once she had completely misread the situation. This wasn't an infatuation. Her feelings were real. She needed to stop this, but how? She can't let her daughter be taken down this path.

Sara ran upstairs and straight to Sam. She slammed the door, surprising Sam, and jumped on to his bed into to his arms and burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked, never seeing Sara like this.

"My parents, I don't know why but they are trying to split us up."

"What? What did they say?"

"They said some ridiculous things about a contract they signed with you father to get them out of trouble and we have to marry to fulfil their side of the contract."

"Ok." Sam didn't really know what to say.

"I told you it was ridiculous." Sara, felt comforted. She always did with Sam.

"I have something to tell you. I just spoke to my parents. They want to meet you next weekend."

Sara jumped up and mounted Sam.

"Really?" she said excitedly.

"My mother really tore into me. She said she should have already met you."

"Well, she is right!" Sara's mood had suddenly changed. Leaning forward she kissed Sam, "Can I spend the night with you. I don't want to be on my own."

"Sure, but your dad said...." Sam replied worried he would be kicked out the house for breaking the rules.

"Don't worry about him. I'll deal with my parents. They're not in a position to lecture me about morality. After all they married me off to a complete stranger to get themselves off the hook. If you believe their story. Anyway, if that stranger is you, I'll forgive them." Sara kissed Sam again and said, "I'll get ready for bed. I'll back in a minute."

Sam grunted as she left, she had a point.

Sam woke early. Leaving Sara sleeping in his bed he got ready and walked down the stairs. Felicity was in the kitchen drinking coffee. She looked like she hadn't slept at all. For once she looked like a woman in her fifties. Seeing Sam she asked,

"Would you like a cup of coffee or tea if you prefer?" There seemed little fight in her.

"Tea please." Sam replied.

Sitting down with his tea he turned to face Felicity with the crimson red eyes returning that terrified her.

"You told her." Sam said matter-of-factly.

"Yes." Felicity admitted. "She didn't believe me."

Sam didn't reply.

"Is there anyway, anyway to stop this?" Felicity pleaded. She had spent all night trying to working out what to do. All she could think of now is to beg, hope the contract can be torn up."

Sam's eyes returned to normal.

"I'm sorry, my father never goes back on contracts but it isn't the terrible fate you think it is. She has the opportunity to do a lot of great good. Don't believe everything you read. The same happened to my mother and she never has had any regrets. The only regret I have is that she can't be part of your life too." Sam was finally trying to reassure Felicity. "My life has been not much different to Sara's. I grew up never really having any friends until I met Sara. I have pretty been much on my own as well."

"Really? A good-looking boy like you. You could have any girl you wanted. Be friends with whoever you want."

"You know who I am, you've seen my eyes. If anyone found out who I was, can you imagine. It takes a special person to go through with this and Sara is special"

"You have a point." Felicity conceded.

"I never asked for this either. My life was signed away in that contract too." Felicity began to weaken. She had never considered that. The parents of two young people who didn't know each other agreed to marry off their children. What had she done?

"I'm sorry, I hope at some point you will forgive us."

"No forgiveness is necessary. Please understand I do love Sara."

"Ok, I'll let it be. You've convinced me. I hope you both be happy together."

Felicity looked up and saw Sara standing at the door.

"What did you hear?" Felicity asked. She didn't want Sara to find out this way.

"Just that Sam loves me and you have accepted us." Sara beamed, embracing her mother and then Sam. "Can we talk a minute in private, Sam?" Taking him by the hand, indicating no was not an option.

Sara took Sam to her room and on to her bed and mounting him.

"Thank you, Sam. I love you so much." She kissed him passionately. "I can't believe you did that for me."

"No problem. Your parents are great. They are just looking out for you even if how they do it is a bit weird. What did you want to talk about?" Sam asked being slow on what was happening.

Sara rolled her eyes,

"What do you think a girl wants when she takes her boyfriend to her room. I wanted to have sex because I love you. Sadly, my period has started which means I don't get to have fun but I still want to reward you. So......."

Sara shuffled down Sam's body and began fiddling with Sam's trousers.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked confused.

"Trying to open your trousers. I thought it was obvious."

"Let me help you." Sam said undoing his trousers. "Why are you.......Oh!" as Sara showed him what she wanted to do.

"Wow! Thank you." Sam said when Sara had finished. He lay there not believing what Sara had done to him.

Sara enjoyed seeing that look on his face. Proud that she could have that effect on him.

"Don't get used to it. It is a special reward. You have to earn it." She warned him.

The rest of the day and the following day was perfect as far as Sara was concerned. The following day Sara and Sam were driven back to university.

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