When Souls Collide

By XionTheBlackRose2

21.7K 895 765

Everyone has a soulmate, and they all each share an identifying mark. However, Sora doesn't seem to have any... More

Wasted Feelings
Feelings and The Problems That Come With Them
Whatever It Takes To Be Happy
Still Friends At The End Of The Day
Making Friends
Uncommon In Common
Problems For Another Day
Return What Was Once Given
Someone Else, Someone Better
Out of Frame
Bad Night's Sleep
Can I Understand?
Back On Track, At Least a Little
Time Alone
Pain of The Past
Sanctuary's Closure
One Wrong Thing After Another
A Little Rebellion Is Justified
Stars Shine In The Darkness
Both Sides of the Story Part Two
Comfort In A Beautiful Night
Continue On
Uphill From Here

Both Sides of The Story Part One

238 11 14
By XionTheBlackRose2

Hi, I'm not dead! Anyway, this chapter was originally going to be longer, but because it was going to end up so long, I've decided to split it in two. I'll try to get the next part out sometime soon. Thanks for all your patience, I hope you enjoy.


It was hard to say goodbye to Roxas, but Sora did. He held his feelings at bay and smiled as he waved from the train station as he watched his friend leave. Roxas waved back from the window and once he was gone, Sora sighs and turns away, wiping the tears from his eyes. You'd think he'd be used to people leaving him by now, but he's just not. He sticks his hands in his pockets as he strolled through town in the early evening. His phone rings, his mother's signature tone playing and he ignores it. Unwilling to return home just yet, already thinking up an excuse for ignoring her attempt to call him home. She just doesn't understand, no one does. 

When will they get it? When will they all see just how Sora's life is falling apart? Everyone just continues like everything is fine, leaving Sora trapped like this, only falling further and further away. No one really notices, except for Roxas and Riku. But Roxas is gone, and Sora's too scared of running Riku off to really tell him of anything that's got Sora so on edge. So he suffers alone instead, all the while hoping someone will come along to save him instead of passing him by like all the rest. Sora stops walking and sighs as he stares out at the sun shimmering off the water far off. He can see the island even from here, it seems to call to him and he wants so badly to just hide away there until his emotions stop torturing him. 


Sora turns at the sound of his name and he's surprised to be met with Riku, the evening sun giving his hair a pale golden hue. Riku stares at him in light concern shining in his dark eyes. Neither of them say anything for a moment and then Sora smiles, "Um, hi.."

"Hi.." Riku seems apprehensive and it immediately puts Sora on high alert. 

Sora frowns, "Are you okay?"

"Are you?" is Riku's quick response, "You're just.. Staring into space.."

"Yeah, uh.." Sora chuckles lightly, "Roxas just left, moving out of town.. I'm okay, though."

Riku smiles lightly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Sora notices Riku's carrying grocery bags and he smiles softly, "Am I keeping you? Sorry.."

"It's fine." Riku smiles back,  but it's different, wrong somehow. Sora's confused by this, Riku's never acted so strange before. Riku glances around quickly before looking back at Sora, "Do you have dinner plans?"

The sudden question unsettles Sora, but he can't tell why. He shrugs, "Mom's cooking, I guess."

That's probably what the call was about. Not the first time I didn't come home for dinner. Riku nods absently, "I'm cooking at my house tonight, so.."

He shrugs, "I should probably get going."

He says this, but Riku has made no move to try and leave yet. Sora stares at him, trying to figure out why Riku's being so weird today. They're just staring in silence again and Sora frowns when Riku looks around again. 

"Are waiting on someone?" Sora asks.

Riku shakes his head, "No. I'll, uh.. See you tomorrow then?"

Sora blinks, "If you want to."

Riku looks confused and Sora coughs lightly, "Tomorrow's Saturday."

"Oh," Riku laughs, but there's no humor there, "Right. I'll see you around then. Goodnight, Sora."

Riku quickly walks away and Sora looks after him with concern and confusion, "Goodnight, Riku.. What was all that about..?"

Sora looks around, but everything looks normal. He looks back towards Riku, watching his Soulmate disappear from view. He shakes his head and sighs, heading back towards home himself. Maybe I'll ask him about it later. 


Sora lies awake in bed that night, he just couldn't shake the odd feeling from earlier when he met with Riku on the street. Something was definitely wrong, and he can't figure out what could have been the culprit. Riku was clearly looking for or out for someone or something. He was nervous, like talking to Sora in public was a bad thing. But they talk all the time at school, and at the island. It doesn't make sense. Sora groans, covering his eyes with his arm, Maybe it's me. That's it, isn't it?  He sits up, dropping his hands to his lap. Tears build in his eyes at the mere thought. He doesn't want anyone to know we're Soulmates.

He grabs his phone and instantly calls Roxas, holding his breath as he holds the phone to his ear. He knows it's late, but he hopes Roxas will answer. To his surprise, Roxas' sleepy voice speaks through the phone, "Sora? Everything okay? It's after one in the morning, dude.."

"I think Riku secretly hates me!" Sora blurts out.

"What?" Roxas suddenly sounds more awake.

"Well.." Sora bites his lip, "It's.. Strange. I might be wrong, though, um.."

"Sora.." Roxas sighs, "Just talk me through it, okay?"

"Okay.." Sora takes a breath, lowering his voice, "Okay, so.. I saw him earlier today, after you left and.. He was being.. Really weird, nervous and antsy. He kept looking around while he was talking to me, like he was trying to make sure no one was looking at us or something. It was just.. Weird, I've never seen him act like that before. He forgot it was Friday, like, who forgets the weekend? I.."

He sighs, "I think he's embarrassed to be seen with me outside of school.."

"Yeah, that is all really weird, but it could mean anything. Don't just jump to conclusions, okay? You should talk to him before you decide on anything regarding if he doesn't like you." Roxas replies, "And if he doesn't like you, I'll beat his ass until he realizes what he's missing."

Sora chuckles softly, "Okay, thanks, Rox."

"Anytime, Sora." Roxas yawns, "You all good? I'm tired and would like to go back to sleep."

Sora smiles softly, "Yeah, I'm good. Goodnight, Roxas."

"Night, Sora." Roxas hangs up and Sora sighs, setting his phone back on his nightstand. He looks out his window, the moon shining brightly in the night sky, sending light dancing across the water. He can see the island even better from here. He suddenly gets up and grabs his phone and shoes. He sneaks downstairs as quietly as he can, the house is dark so he uses his phone as a light source. Putting his shoes on at the front door, he quietly unlocks the door and heads out, shutting it behind him. I'll be back before Mom wakes up, he promises as he runs off towards the docks. He sends Riku a text, Meet me at the island. 

He gets to the docks, giving no time to catch his breath or rest as he unties his canoe from the docks and gets in. He rows out to the island and once there, ties his canoe off and makes his way to his favorite spot. There, he finally lets himself breathe for real. He stares up at the moon and the stars, relishing in the sea air blowing all around him. He waits for awhile, two hours go by and he knows he has to go home very soon if he wants to get back in bed before his mother gets up to get ready for work. He wants to keep waiting, though, wants to see if Riku will come, even though he knows Riku could be asleep right now and this would all be for nothing. 

Sora can't help it, this is their safe place, and Sora can't ignore how he feels about their earlier exchange. He needs to know what was going on with Riku, at the very least know what he thinks of him. So he resigns to wait some more, kicking his legs lightly as he fidgets with the hem of his shirt as he keeps his eyes on the moon. His head busy and his heart heavy, he has to remind himself to breathe. His eyes widen lightly as he hears his name being called and he turns back. A soft smile spreads across his face as he sees Riku walking over to him, an unreadable expression on his face. His expression scares Sora  a little bit, but there's no going back now.

"Sora?" Riku crosses his arms, "What's all this about? Why did you want me to meet you out here at four in the morning?"

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