A chill story

By TheSnowspeedster

1K 37 32

A fallen heroine who meets a criminal claiming to have the same cold powers as her and they end up falling in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

94 4 2
By TheSnowspeedster

As Mark leaves to eat, Frost throws away the apple core she had left on her coffee table. Then she decides to pop her head outside the cell to look at the hallways. There is nobody, everybody is in the refectory eating, except her. Frost goes to sit down on her bed, not knowing what to do to pass the time. Out of respect for Mark, the young woman doesn't go rummaging through her things to see a beginning of a drawing, then a guard enters the cell.


"It's me." she nods emotionlessly

"Flash has been using his notoriety as well as extolling your virtues, and given what you've done for the city, the head of the correctional facility has agreed to your request for a parlor."

"When?" she said hopefully.

"Today." he says as Frost stands up, happy to hear that

"I'm ready, where is it?" the criminal replies with a smile

"A matron will pick you up at 11:00."

Then the guard leaves again and Frost sits down, she has to wait a few more hours before she sees Caitlin. She imagines what might happen. She thinks of the best first, wanting to hope for the best. Her sister coming to the visiting room with good news, regular visits, Cecile continuing to work on the case. But negative thoughts come and she starts to feel scared, scared that Caitlin won't come, because she doesn't have time or she forgot, that she's disappointed in Frost. But thankfully Mark returns from the cafeteria to snap her out of her sullen thoughts.

"I got spotted." he announces

"Spotted doing what?" Frost hastens to reply, concerned and intrigued

"Trying to get some food for you."

"That's okay, I'll eat later."

"The guard saw me take a candy bar but he let me when I told him it was for you. He must surely like you." Before giving him the candy bar. Frost thanks him with a smile and removes the wrapper before eating.

"Isn't anyone coming to close the door?" the young woman wonders.

"We can go out for a bit, go to the gym, to the yard. Are you coming?" asks Mark, hoping for a positive answer

"That's nice, but I don't feel like it." she says still sitting on the bed

"Please, it would be good for you, not to stay all alone here, you could make friends." he adds

"No, but it's okay, you can go, I'm a big girl." she refuses again

Following this new refusal, Mark gets down on the floor and starts doing push-ups.

"What are you doing?"

"My sport for the day." he says naturally

"You said there was a gym in the prison, why don't you go there?" asks Frost

"Why leave you alone when I can do my workout here? That way we can talk."

"Oh um...thank you." She replies touched by what he does for her. "Speaking of talking, my request for a visit has been granted, I'm going to my sister later"

"That's neat! I'm happy for you Frost." he adds as he continues to do pushups, not out of breath

"I hope it goes well..." Starts to worry the young woman. Mark notices it and gets up to sit next to Frost on the bed.

"It's going to be fine, don't stress." He says in a soothing voice while coming to put his hand on the thigh of his fellow prisoner. "Caitlin must be thrilled to be able to come to see you today."

"You're right...gotta keep hope alive. I can't wait to talk to her, I miss her a lot."

"She misses you too, you two will get to talk."

"That's true. Don't you have a visiting room?" She asks, hoping not to hit a nerve.

"I could have some, but I'm a lonely person, I don't have anyone waiting for me outside." Mark replies neutrally

"Sorry for you..."

"It's not a big deal, don't worry about it." Then the young man goes back to work on his abs, while Frost watches him discreetly. About ten minutes later he gets up.

"So, it was a good session?" asks Frost

"Actually, I'm not done, I wanted to ask you if I could take off my shirt, it's too hot."

"Um, yeah go ahead, do whatever you want." She answers gently.

He smiles to thank her and removes his orange top in front of Frost's eyes who can't help but look at the musculature of the young man right in front of her. Then Mark puts his shirt on his bed and continues his exercises. The time passes much more quickly for Frost since she borrowed the book of Agatha Christie that Mark was reading, but in reality, she wasn't reading it, she held it on her knees but preferred to look at her fellow prisoner, her friend even, who was working out. Then a little before 11 AM, a jailer enters the cell.

"It's time for your visiting room, are you ready?" he asks Frost.

She peels her eyes away from Mark's abs to look at the guard.

"Yes, ready as can be."

"Have a good time Snowflake." Mark adds sympathetically before the young woman gets up from the bed.

Then Frost exits the room and waits in the hallway while the jailer goes out in his turn and closes the cell door behind him, the walk time over; then they head to the visiting room. The walk seems endless, each hallway longer than the next, but they finally reach the visiting room. Frost sits down in the chair, quite stressed but she remembers Mark's reassuring words and tries to relax while waiting for Caitlin who should be here soon. A few minutes later the doctor arrives and sits on the other side of the glass.

"I'm so glad you came, Cait'" says Frost, happy to see her sister again.

"Hi, I'm joyful to come too, I miss you so much." Looking at her sister. Unlike usually here Frost is "all over the place" in his orange clothes. Caitlin admired and appreciated her style of dress but it's not the same now.

"To me too..."

"I have something to tell you." Caitlin adds, rather sad.

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