Sickly in love [Miyamura x re...

By Mxlly_exe4

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"Y/n, why didn't you tell me" ~ A story where the reader is in love with their childhood bestfriend but is sl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 [Final]
The Grand Thanks You!!!

Chapter 9

3K 87 110
By Mxlly_exe4

~The next day~ (in school)

"Kitaro, can you believe it! my grandma! it's been so long!" I said happily

Kitaro chuckled
"You are too cute," he said

"Kitaro, can we go visit her again!?" I asked him

"Yeah, sure when do you want to go?" He asked
"Today!" I shouted happily

"Okay Y/n, calm down, we can go today," He said

I stared at him happily

"What?" He asked
"Nothing" I smiled

"You're so weird" He mumbled

I walked to Hori and asked
"Good morning Hori, where's Miyamura?"

"I'm right here," someone said behind me

"Huh? Oh hello," I said nervously not recognizing that the person was Miyamura

"N/n? it's me, Miyamura" He said
"Huh? Wait a god damn minute!" I shouted

I gasped
I grabbed Miyamura by the hair and brought him close to my face

"Why did you cut your hair?" I asked angrily

"Because-" He said
"Shut up, don't say anything," I said
"But, how am-" He said
"I said, shut it" I commanded

I tilted my head back and took in a deep breathe
I then forcefully collided my forehead with Miyamura's

He yelled in pain as he stepped back
"What the hell was that for!?" He shouted

"Stop shouting, now come here let me look at you," I said
He stepped forward and I examined him

His piercings were now visible and he took off his glasses, his hair was short but long enough for me to grab a handful of, in this state, he'll get a lot of attention, why does he suddenly want attention?

I sighed in disapproval

"N/n-" Miyamura began
but I shushed him

"I'm sad now, why did you cut it, your gorgeous, beautiful, amazing hair" I shed a tear
"Miyamura your hair, ugh, you should just go bald then, you look like an idiot, you were stupid to go cut off your hair" I continued

I then walked past him and went to my seat angrily

"I didn't think you'd dislike it that much," He said softly
"Your hair cut looks good by the way" I mumbled but said it clear enough for him to hear

"You made such a scene, why are you so extra?" Kitaro said
"I don't know," I laughed

~After school~

"N/n, Mom wants you to stop by the bakery today to pick up your cookies," Miyamura said to me
"Oh okay, Kitaro!" I shouted for him

"I'm right here, no need to shout," Kitaro said
"Oh good, we have to take a short detour and then we'll be on our way" I looked at him

"Sure, that's fine," He said
I smiled

"Where are you going?" Miyamura asked

"Oh that's right, I didn't tell you, I found Granny Kanami!" I shouted happily
"Y/n, stop shouting," Kitaro said
"Okay, okay, but I'm just so happy about it" I looked at him smiling

He shook his head with a smile and turned away

"And, we're going to meet her today" I continued
"That's amazing N/n, How is she going?" Miyamura asked with full interest

"She's doing great, and she looks so good, you can't even tell if she's 40 or 50, oh and she works in the toy store in the shop center, you should visit her she'll love to see you again" I smiled

"Really, I never knew that maybe-" Miyamura said
"Hey, Miyamura, ready to go?" Hori came and asked

"Umm, yeah" Miyamura looked at me with a "is it okay" look

"Oh, we have to get going anyways," I said as I held Kitaro's hand

"Hey Y/n, Souta wants to know when you're coming over again," Hori said
"Umm... Tell him that I'll be over very soon" I smiled
"Okay," Hori replied

"Well, we have to go, Bye-bye" I smiled
"Come on Kitaro, we can't be late," I said and ran to the bakery

~At the bakery~

"Okay, do you want anything from here?" I asked
"Uhhh no thanks," Kitaro said
"Hmm, okay, I'll be back quickly," I said

I enter the bakery and was greeted with a smiling face
"Y/n! I'm so glad you came" Miyamura's Mom hugged me

I returned the hug

"I want to talk to you about something, oh and here are your cookies made by me specially" She smiled proudly as she gave me the tray that was on the counter
"Oh it is such an honor to be made cookies by the best baker in the world," I said dramatically

She giggled

"So, what do you want to talk about? and can we make it quick I have somewhere to be," I said respectfully
"Ah yes, it's okay, it's not gonna take long," Ms. Miyamura said
I nodded

"It's about Izumi, the other day he told me that him and this girl got together," She said

"Yes, Izumi and Hori are together," I said

"Yes, that's her name Hori, but after he told me that they were together he said that it doesn't feel right, he said he feels like something isn't there anymore, so I told him to carry on the relationship for a week or two or maybe a month, and then he might find out the problem, but he said he was feeling like this before he got into the relationship with Hori-Kun," She said

"Okay, but I'm confused on why you're telling me this," I said

"Well, I was hoping that you'd know what's been bothering him," She said

"Well, sorry, I don't know Ms. Miyamura, Izumi hasn't really been around me, he's mostly with Hori, you should ask her" I smiled

"Oh, okay I'll ask her, but why don't you come over anymore? I miss having another girl around" She said

"Well, I've been pretty occupied with work and stuff," I said

"Okay, well you should find a way to come over and spend some time with me," She said
"I will," I said smiling as I left the bakery

"Okay, Kitaro, next stop, the Toy store!" I exclaimed happily expecting Kitaro to be in my line of sight but he wasn't
"Kitaro?"I said as I looked left and right for him

I sighed
"Did this bastard leave me?" I questioned

"No, I did not!" I heard someone said before I was swung around in the air

"Kitaro!" I said before he put me down
"Surprise!" He said laughing
"Where did you go?" I asked

"I went for a walk, and I bought this!" He handed me a bag

I opened the bag, to see a bracelet, it was a simple gold bracelet. I took the bracelet out of the bag and looked at it

"It's for you," Kitaro said smiling
"Thank you," I said softly

I attempt to put it on myself but that didn't work, Kitaro helped me put it on

"There, now we're matching," He said as he showed me his wrist, his bracelet had a cookie charm and the letter (first letter of y/n) on it

"A cookie and the letter ___?" I questioned
"Yup, the letter___ for your name and the cookie is to remind me how much you love them," He said

I smiled
"Aww, I want to have your letter too," I said

"That's why I bought the letter K as well," He said as he showed me it

I gave him my hand, so he can up it on, he did just that after I admired the bracelet for a minute

"And, now I just need something to remind me of you," I said
"I wonder what that may be," He said as he smiled at me

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it, come on we gotta go," I said and walked off

~At the Toy store~

"Y/n!" I was greeted with a hug
I hugged her back

"And, my handsome boy Kitaro!" She said as she went in to hug him
"Ahh, my Granny Kanami" Kitaro said as he opens his arms to receive her hug but was pushed away

"No, she mines," I said hugging her
"What the- that hug was for me!" Kitaro argued

I stuck my tongue out at him

"Y/n, that hug was for, Kitaro," Granny said
"But-" I said before Granny Kanami escaped my hug and hugged Kitaro

Kitaro stuck his tongue out at me
"Ugh, rude," I said softly

"Anyways, do you want a cookie granny Kanami, Ms. Miyamura made them," I asked as I took a cookie out of the tray

"No, Thank you, I can't eat too much sugar but I'm about to close up, do you want to come home with me?" She asked
"Do you still live in the same house?" I asked
"Yup," She said

Excitement filled up my body
"Kitaro can we go?" I asked eagerly
"Umm-" He hummed

"Please, can we go, I haven't been there in forever, please, please please," I said shaking him back and forth

"You can come if you want," Granny Kanami said to Kitaro

I looked at him
"Okay, sure," He said

"YES!" I shouted happily

~At Kanami's Home~

"Here we are," Granny said

"Soo is everything the same, or did you change up the place a little?" I asked as I rocked back and forth

"I changed up a few things in the house, but that's all, I kept the garden clean and I kept the attic cleaned as well" Granny said as she opened the front door

"Yes, that great! Kitaro come on, you have to see this!" I said as I grabbed onto his hand

"uh uh, no, before you go show Kitaro the garden, I want you to see the house first," Granny said

"Ugh, okay," I said as I walked into the house and looked around

"Alright! the house looks great, let's go! "  I said as I ran back outside but was stopped by Granny 

"Y/n, come on, it's been so long, don't you wanna see your old home again?" Granny asked 

"Okay, fine," I said as I walked back into the house

I walked into the living  and looked around, the room was as big as I remembered it
I smiled 

I then walked into the kitchen, the kitchen was as big as the living, I remember my mother and granny Kanami making monthly cook-offs, and father and I were the judges

I found myself feeling a bit sad but I quickly forgot about it as I made my way upstairs
As I walked through the hallways, I remembered the way my room was.

 I ran quickly to my room  and opened the door

"Oh, you didn't change it one bit" I smiled as I walked around my room

"Not at all," Granny Kanami said smiling

"Why do you have a bunk bed?" Kitaro asked

"Oh yeah! that was for when Miyamura would come and sleepover, we used to wrestle each other for the top bed" I laughed

"And who used to win?" Kitaro asked

"No one,  both of us wouldn't give up no matter what, so we usually settled it with rock, paper, scissors," I smiled

"So, y/n, how's your father going, is he good?" Granny Kanami asked

"Umm, yeah, he's good," I said as I walked out of the room

As I looked down the hallway, I remembered why I was so excited to come here again

I ran outside happily but my smile washed off as I noticed that it was getting dark, I sat outside on the step and just stare at the sky

"What's up with you?" Kitaro said as he sat next to me 

"I wanted to go to the garden in the back but it's too late now," I said before I felt a small drop on me, then another, then another. then it started pouring rain

"And now it's raining! ugh this is no fun" I said a bit annoyed and went under the front porch to get out of the rain

"But the rain is fun, look," Kitaro said before he pushed me out in the rain, I then lost my balance and fell on my ass

Kitaro burst out laughing

"Stop laughing! this isn't funny, now I'm all soaked" I yelled at him

"But it is!" He shouted back at me while laughing

I got up and walked back to the porch

Kitaro was still laughing, so I sneaked up behind and pushed him out in the rain making him fall onto his chest

I laughed at him and went and sit on his back

"This isn't funny! and get off me!" He yelled

"No," I laugh as I got comfortable sitting his back

"Get off!" He groaned as he lifted himself and twisted to the side making me slide off and fall onto my back

"Damn, you're actually strong," I said in shock as I sat up

"Wait, so you thought I was weak?" He asked

"Well, giving that the other day,  I won against you in the short pillow fight we had, I'm just saying," I said smiling

"That was only because you caught me off guard and nearly choked me to death," He said as he folded his arms

"You're the one who suggested for me to kill you," I said 

"Ugh, you're so annoying," He said

"What?!, I am not annoying!?" I said as I pushed him over

"You're always so violent, why?" He asked as he sat back 

"I don't know, because fighting is fun," I said smiling as I tackled him

This lead to us wrestling each other, in the rain, at night, in the muddy grass.

"HAHA, there I win," I said after I pinned him to the ground but he flipped the table real quick, so  now I was the one who was pinned down

"Hehe, who's the winner now," Kitaro said smirking, I tried moving but I can't

"Just admit that I won, you can't do anything else," He said

"Ugh, fine, you won," I said annoyed
"See was that so h-" He said as he released my hands
"Sike!" I yelled as I pushed him off me and pinned him down

This time, I made sure he wouldn't escape

"Wait, no! stop, this is cheating!" He shouted

I laughed
I looked at him and saw that he was staring at me

*Kitaro's pov*

Y/n laughed, she looks so happy
I found myself staring at her face, those beautiful (e/c) eyes, the little spots of acne that she has, her beautiful hair that she keeps styled, and her gorgeous lips.
I found my staring at her lips the most

I wonder how her lips will feel against mine

Wait what, no, I can't think like that, she's my friend 

Okay, Adrien Agreste pack it up 🙄 ✋

*End if Kitaro's Pov*

"What?" I asked him as I released his arms and sat up

"Uhh, nothing!" He said like he was hiding something

"Are you sure?" I said as I brought my face closer to his

A light blush spread crossed his face

"Yeah, I'm sure,"  he said as he sat up

The rain has stopped falling and it was awfully silent

"Well, won't you look at that, the rain stopped and thanks to you I'm all soaked and muddy" I looked at him

he laughed " You're not the only one who's soaked and muddy"

He then wiped off some mud that was on my face

"So mud was on my face the whole time!?!" I questioned

He nodded

"And you didn't say anything!?" I questioned again

He laughed

"You two, get inside and go wash off, I'll was your clothes and you two can borrow some old clothes I have," Granny Kanami said

"I guess we're sleeping over," I said

"I guess we are," He said


"Who ever is inside first gets the top bunk!"I shouted as I got up and run

"You're so on!" Kitaro said as he got up an ran behind me

I'm gonna be fucking up the original storyline from horimiya so yeah!

Why didn't you let them kiss!? you're so boring!
Because this a Miyamura x reader, not an Oc x reader
It should be Oc x reader, I totally ship Kitaro and Y/n
I do as well
Then why didn't you let them Kiss!?!╰(‵□′)╯

Anyways! I'm sorry for the delay! but unlike most of you, I still have school, and I have end of term tests coming up so I really need time to study, but, the school will be ending soon so, by then other chapters will be coming in more nicely

I really hope you like the chapter!
And again I'm sorry

Have a great night/day
I love you and *hugs*

You should have let them kiss except for making him into Adrien from Miraculous
Oh shut up
You shut up! you hard head,  piece of so good shit!
I- EXCUSE ME!? don't start! (►__◄)
I'm sorry>﹏<

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