The Sinclair Series Book #1:...

By jmhallewell

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'It doesn't go without saying that I don't want to marry an old man. Oh no! I want a man who can keep up with... More

Author's note
To my readers...
Chapter One: Marry Up!
Chapter two: The Almost Bestie
Chapter Three: Cold Love
Chapter Four: That Kind Of Girl
Chapter Five: His Highness
Chapter Six: His Intentions
Chapter Seven: By Will Or By Force
Chapter Eight: Obsessions
Chapter Nine: Heroes and Villains
Chapter Ten: Making Deals
Chapter Thirteen: The Reality
Chapter Fourteen: When It Rains...
Chapter Fifteen: pours
Chapter Sixteen: Grounded
Chapter Seventeen: Tango
Chapter Eighteen: Not A Team Player
Chapter Nineteen: Going Away
Chapter Twenty One: I'm Not Crazy!
Chapter Twenty Two: Queer Behavior
Chapter Twenty Three: Doubts
Chapter Twenty Four: Curiosity Killed The Cat
Chapter Twenty Five: The Heir
Chapter Twenty Six: Hope
Chapter Twenty Seven: My Hero
Chapter Twenty Eight: One path
Chapter Twenty Nine: Li Jie
Part 2- Chapter One: Along The Street
Chapter Two: Dinner Date
Chapter Three: His-story
Chapter Three: Your Dirty Games
Chapter Four: Cats and Bags
Chapter Five: Dear Sister
Chapter Six: Ex Boyfriend
Chapter Seven: Your Protector
Chapter Eight: Hard Decisions
Chapter Nine: Life Goes On
Chapter Ten: Theo Sinclair
Chapter Eleven: Chen Ling
Chapter Twelves: Coffee Stain
Chapter Thirteen: Dreamy Boys
Chapter Fourteen: Rejection
Chapter fifteen: My Sons
Chapter Sixteen: Half Truths and Lies
Chapter Seventeen: Ghosts
Chapter Eighteen: Mommy Dearest
Chapter Nineteen: The Golden Goose
Chapter Twenty: Daddy Issues
Chapter Twenty One: Mommy and Daddy
Chapter Twenty Two: Playing House
Chapter Twenty Three: Hits
Chapter Twenty Four: Resurrections and Revenge
Chapter Twenty Five: Processing...
Chapter Twenty Six: Fix Themselves...
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty: The Old Switcheroo!

257 51 6
By jmhallewell

Aria's POV
It's an old house. The walls are all connected. This place gives a whole new meaning to the 'walls have ears'.  It's possible to hear conversations when you sit near the vents. Having been locked in my room with no access to the outside world, I have been keeping my mind busy. In the quiet if the night, it's possible to hear everything.


"Your highness!" A breathless woman spoke. "He is sending her away!"


"This very night!"

There was some silence. The duchess must not be pleased. But who are they talking about? Who is being sent away?

"Where? Where is he sending her?"

"To his friend... A Mr Harrington."

"He's sending her to the Hamptons."  My mother laughed wickedly. "Good work. Go back and keep your ears open."

There's a mole in Henrik's house! I must warm him! I must find some way if warning him!

I ran to the window and opened it wide. This pregnancy is the reason I haven't jumped out. I can't risk the baby's life. When I saw the backstabbing traitor running across the driveway I felt rage consume me.

"Hey you! I see you" I screamed at the top of my voice like a mad woman. My voice screeched in the dark silent night. She stopped and turned her head. She's a servant! "You shameless gossip monger of a woman! I will expose you! I know who you are! I know what you are doing! I will expose you!"

She ran away.

It's the most I can do but I need to do more for him. 

I went back to the vent. There's talk ... talk of travel. The duchess is going somewhere.  I tried to listen some more but the conversation was lost in the walls. She's gone.

I heard the sound of her footsteps outside my door. I quickly sat on my bed ready for a confrontation. The moment she opened the door, I armed myself with the table lamp.

"Is this what you hav been reduced to? A mad woman?"

"I know you have a spy in the chateau! Henrik shall hear about it! He will find out!"

"And who will tell him, you?" She laughed wickedly. "Will you send a little birdie with a note attached to it's foot?"

"What you're doing is wicked! You can't meddle and toy with people lives like you're playing with dolls in a doll house!"

"I am the duchess." She paused. "I do whatever I want, whenever I want to whomever I want. Stop shouting like a mad woman or I'll reunite you with your kind."

I hurled the lamp at her but she closed the door too fast.

I have to find a way to earn Henrik.

Poor Vivi is in trouble!

Armor's POV
"I want this to be flawless." I addressed the head of my security who accompanied Harriet to the airport. "It's a simple exchange. I don't want Vivinenne hurt. That child inside her is important to me."

The child is the end game. What better way to get my hands on a Sinclair heir than by his new mother handing him to me?

The adults are now pawns that I want to dispose of. They won't cooperate and I won't waste my time with them anymore.

"Yes your highness. Understood. Where should we bring Vivienne after the exchange?"

"Bring her back to Marseille. It is her home after all." I smiled at my reflection. "Au revoir and all the best." I out the phone away. I smiled at the woman tied to a chair. "Did you say something red?"

I pulled the tape from her mouth. "You can't do this!"

"Do what? They are both your daughters. I'm simply giving them equal rights to the dashing bachelor! Certainly they can share, right?"

"Vivi hasn't done anything to you!"

"You think? Do you think this outfit is mugshot worthy? I'm getting my first mugshot later today." I struck a pose for her. She didn't look pleased. "You're right. It's too red. But then, I want to stand out. Dear red, I'll make you an offer."


"I'll let you go."

The surprise on her face was priceless. "Why?"

"Can't I do a good deed without being thought a villain?"

"That is the only mask you own."

"I guess you're right! We can't avoid out true nature. I'll let you go if you play a part in my play. That's right! I have a play called the 'Old Switcheroo'! In case you're a simpleton I'll explain. The star of the show is not Vivi. It's Harriet! By the end of today, Harriet will be Vivinenne Byrne! No one will ever know! This is where you come in so pay attention. Your work will be making sure that she is never discovered. As long as you okay your role, Vivinenne lives. Doesn't that make for a wonderful play?"

"You won't hurt Vivi."

"For six months. After the baby is born, I will have no further use for her. If you want to keep both of your daughters, stick to the script." I taped her mouth shut.

It's time for my arrest.

Henrik played his card but I have spies everywhere. I now know what he is trying to do. What he doesn't know is that every single time he thinks he's ahead of me, he will end up playing by my rules because it's my game.

At the exact expected time, the police arrived. Because of my status they seemed a little timid but I am a law abiding citizen. I will comply with the due process. I absolutely look fabulous for it.

"Your highness, duchess, Armor Deveraux." They all bowed their shallow heads. "I'm sorry to interrupt your evening. I'm the inspector. I believe we need to talk."

"Welcome inspector! Have a seat! Would you care for some tea?"

This is new even to me. When does the person to be arrested offer tea and the imbeciles accept? "Yes ... I'm sorry duchess, no. We have to decline. We are here to ask... request you to accompany us to the station."

"Why is that?"

"Certain evidence has been presented to us. It points to you as the one who... murdered Pascal Sinclair by way of a car bomb. S'il vu plaît, come with us."

He took out a pair of handcuffs. I have never worn anything on my wrists that is below 24k. This is disgraceful even for an adventure to get a mugshot. I gave him one look and just like that he tucked them away.

Still, I presented my wrists. "I understand that if is procedure."

"There's no need to subject you to the demeaning act duchess. We trust you will be on your best behavior."

"What am I? A pet?" I frowned at him.

"Not at all. I didn't mean it that way. I trust you will be graceful as always. This way please."

They paved way for me.

"If you don't mind, I will use my own car. No offense but yours must have the stench of common criminals. You are invited to join me inspector!"

"Mother!" That shrill sounding little devil.

I glanced up with a smile on my face. "Poor thing got rejected by Henrik Sinclair and pregnant by a commoner. She has lost all her marbles." I informed the inspector.

"I hope you rot in there! Lock her up and throw away the key!" She banged the windows shut.

I'll deal with her when I get back.

But first, a mugshot.

Fiona's POV
"Are you alright?"

The clown party really caused problems at the airport. There was much chaos.

"This nausea is killing me. Tell me it will get better." She covered her mouth.

"I wouldn't know. I have never had a baby." I answered. "Your hair looks a little different."

"I got some puke in it when I was in the bathroom. How embarassing! I had to wash it. And of course the confetti!"

We laughed. They really terrorized her.

"Ah! That should explain it." She leaned deep into her seat. "I have never been to America. This is my first time. What is it like?" She looked blank for s moment. "You have been here before, right?"

"It feels like a long time ago. So much has happened already!"

"That's right. So much has happened." I took note of how beautiful the sea side looks. I surely hope this is the break we have been looking for. I hope she is safe and the baby finds safety too. I rolled down the window to take in the fresh air if the sea side.

I don't know Francis Michael Harrington that well but from how close he seems to be with Henrik, I think he's quite a character. They spend a lot of time together. I believe he is Henrik's closest friend.

When we arrived he was there to greet us along with his wife Freya. There was a measure of joy but it didn't seem to show on Vivi's face.

"Cheer up! It feels like home,doesn't it?"

She looked at the house, at the happy couple then she sank her head. She started crying. She must be worried about Henrik and the unresolved situation with her mother. I how she will find peace and I trust He took will resolve everything so that we can go back home.

Harriet's POV
"You skipped dinner." A woman with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes offered me a slice of cake.

I don't have any cravings of yet. But to avoid any questions I accepted the slice. "Thank you. I guess I'm tired."

"You look it." She sat beside me. "Dry crackers helped me with the nausea and throwing up."

"It will pass. I'll try and eat this."

She narrowed her eyes like she wants to say something but then she laughed it off. "It's nice to have you here. You'll love the Hamptons! It's your scene."

"I can't wait to explore!"

"Good night." She left me alone

I made sure to lock the door.

I called the number she made me memorize. After a while of it ringing, she answered.

"It's Harriet. I made it in."

"I know. Your twin is here with me. Good work. Remember, you're how Vivienne Byrne. Act like it."

"Is there something you wish me to do?"

"Nothing. Just be Vivienne and wait for further instructions."

"Yes duchess." I hanged up and hid the phone under the mattress.

I'm going to live a new life now. So far, I like it.

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