
By kelsey747

98 14 0

Oikawa had no idea that his best friend was in love with him, and Iwaizumi figured that it was better that wa... More

Ending Note


16 1 0
By kelsey747

Song: everything i wanted - Billie Eilish

He looked happier than usual today, and Hajime wondered why as he lightly shaped Oikawa's hair with his pencil on the paper. Iwa loved the way Tooru's eyes smiled before his lips or the way his voice pitched higher when he talked about something he loved. Iwa stared at Tooru as he ate his lunch, laughing and talking with their other friends, and wondered why Oikawa had chosen him to be his best friend when he could have picked from literally everyone.

The sun was shining brightly for the first time that year as winter slowly came to a close. It was the warmest day of the year so far, and a group of them had decided to eat lunch outside. Maybe that was it. Oikawa had always enjoyed warm weather. They sat at a secluded picnic table, shaded by a large oak tree. The air was surprisingly clean, and the wind blew softly.

Iwa continued to draw, outlining the shape of Tooru's eyes, jaw, and mouth. He took several prolonged pauses, taking time to smile at Oikawa's jokes. Fallen cherry blossoms fell slowly on his sketch, interrupting his light shading.

Caught up in his drawing, Iwa hadn't realized that the bell had rang. Only Tooru remained seated as the others walked back to class.

"Hey, Iwa? What're you drawing?" he asked, leaning across the table to get a better look at Iwaizumi's notebook.

Iwa jumped back and slammed his book shut before Oikawa could get a good look. "Get your nose out of it, Tooru," he warned.

Oikawa sighed and dropped his head. "Oh, come on! You're always so secretive about your sketches. I can't help but wonder what you've got hidden in that thing," he said with a suggestive wink.

At that, Iwa rolled his eyes. "Well, now I'm never showing you," he said, brushing the fallen cherry blossoms out of Oikawa's hair.

"Watch it! It takes forever to get my hair to look like this," Tooru protested, slapping Iwa's hand away.

Hajime smiled, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as Oikawa looked at him and laughed.

. . .

The school day seemed to go on forever and ever, the clock stuck in the same place. After what had felt like years, Iwa had never been more thankful for the sound of the bell.

He walked outside and waited for Oikawa at the bottom of the staircase, fidgeting with his necklace as he stalled.

Iwa couldn't help but smile when he finally saw Tooru jog down the stairs. "Sorry. I had to print something off for photography. You ready?" Oikawa asked, throwing an arm around Iwa's shoulder.

Hajime breathed out a laugh before walking down the street toward the coffee shop the two of them went to every evening after school let out.

"Hey, Iwa?" Tooru said, breaking the silence as they walked.

Iwaizumi looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Where are you going after graduation? It's just around the corner," he questioned.

"To be completely honest, I'm not sure. I didn't think I'd actually live this long," Iwa said jokingly.

Tooru sighed. "I'm serious. You could become an amazing artist, ya know. What do I have going for me, huh? Daddy's money and a path paved for me already. Nothing worth working for," he said quietly.

Iwa frowned. Tooru never talked about things like this. He was always so happy and carefree, and Hajime realized that he had never seen fear in Oikawa before. "Don't say things like that. Out of the two of us, you're the one who has the bright future. You're guaranteed success. Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about."

Oikawa gave him a small smile. "Sorry. I know we don't usually talk about deep things like that, but I really wanted to know. I can't wait to see your work in a museum someday," he said, lightening up the mood as the two walked into the coffee house.

There was nothing special about Nozy. It was your run of the mill, bare minimum coffee shop on one of Tokyo's side streets. Iwa's parents took him and Oikawa there one rainy day back in elementary school, and the two of them became attached ever since.

"Hey, Iwa! Hey, Oikawa! The usual?" Kuroo said from behind the counter, his black hair messier than normal and his apron splattered with coffee stains.

Oikawa rushed over to the counter, giving the older boy a handshake. "Hey, Kuroo! I want extra sugar in mine today actually. Iwa?"

"I'll take extra sugar too," he responded, joining Oikawa and Kuroo at the counter.

While making their coffee, Kuroo went on and on about the struggles of college life. "I swear, guys, two classes a day are too fucking much for me. Dropping out looks better and better everyday."

Hajime rolled his eyes. "You're insufferable. Do you really wanna work at Nozy forever?"

Kuroo looked over offended. "It's not so bad! Plus I just got a raise," he explained.

Almost as if on cue, a short, old woman stormed out from the back door. "Kuroo Tetsuro, quit the chit-chat and focus on what you're doing! You're going to spill that coffee!" she yelled curtly before disappearing as quickly as she had appeared.

Oikawa snickered. "Don't get too attached to that raise," he said, causing Iwa to laugh as well.

"Shut up, Oikawa. Not that you would know anything about the hardships of the workforce," he complained, sliding their newly made coffees across the counter.

Iwaizumi sipped his coffee and smiled. "Trust me. You should stay in school. It'll be good for you in the long run."

"I would like to comment on the fact that you said, 'two classes a day are too much for me' and we just glossed over that. Come on, Kuroo. Iwa and I have five a day, and look how great we're turning out," Tooru teased.

Kuroo laughed and rolled his eyes. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" he said as the door opened again with more customers.

"I do, in fact," Oikawa said, waving bye to Kuroo as they headed over to their usual table by the window.

As they sat down, Iwa pulled out his textbook, trying to get his mind right for studying. "Before we start homework, can I ask you something?"

Tooru looked a little startled. "Yeah, sure."

"Would you like to go to this art exhibit with me tomorrow night? I know that's not really your favorite thing to do, but I'd like for you to come with me," Hajime asked. He knew Oikawa found art particularly boring and that he only pretended to be interested for Iwa's sake.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I want to go?" Tooru asked.

Iwa gave him that "you know exactly why" stare. "You think you're slick with it, but I know you don't like art that much."

Oikawa clutched his chest. "You pain me, Iwa. You've judged me so harshly," he mocked, holding back his laughter.

"You can stop with the theatrics, alright?" Iwaizumi accused, slapping his friend playfully.

Tooru looked straight into Hajime's eyes, causing his face to get hot. "I'll go to every art exhibit in Japan if it'll make you happy, okay?"

Iwa looked away, trying to hide his blushing. "Thanks, Tooru," he said, burying his face in his textbook.

The conversation stopped there and the two of them studied deep into the evening, the sun hanging low behind the buildings.

"We should get going before it gets too dark," Oikawa said, packing up his stuff.

Hajime nodded and followed Oikawa towards the door. "See ya, Kuroo!" Iwa yelled from behind him as they walked out into the street.

The sun cast down an orange-ish light as it set below the city and cherry blossoms fell all around them as they turned the corner to go home.

They talked about everything and nothing on the walk home, Iwa never really said what he wanted to. He longed to tell Tooru just how amazing he was and that his family didn't define him. He wanted to tell Tooru that he was in love with him, but the consequences of that conversation would be too much. He knew Tooru liked girls. Well, the girls liked him at least. Iwaizumi wanted to do something about his feelings so badly. His heart raced when Tooru was around, his hands were unbearably sweaty, and his stomach flip flopped around so much he almost couldn't take it. And even though all of that was true, Iwaizumi forced it all down, hoping one day it would just go away. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop imagining himself with Tooru. What it would be like to kiss him. To touch him in the ways that he wanted to...

"Iwa? What are you thinking about so intently right now?" Oikawa asked as they approached his house at the end of the block.

He jumped a little at Oikawa's sudden question. "Nothing really," he said, trailing off.

Oikawa's "house" amazed Iwa every time he saw it. It was so luxurious and well...giant. The place had a fountain out front with gardens spanning out far behind the house. Marble stairs led up to the intricate door. His house had seven floors, all with some distinct purpose. His father was the CEO of some big tech company and became a prominent political figure in the government. Tooru rarely talked about his family, but Iwa knew that it was some type of long-standing corporal dynasty that was just too complicated for him to understand.

"Hey, um, thanks for coming to the art show with me tomorrow. I-" Hajime started to say as he turned to Oikawa, but their hands brushed accidentally, causing him to pause.

Tooru pulled his hand away quickly, gluing it to his side. "Trust me. It's no problem. Plus, you're my best friend. Why wouldn't I want to hang out with you?" he teased, attempting to diffuse the tension.

Iwa took a long pause, staring at the way Oikawa looked in the orange light coming from the sun. The wind blew his hair a bit away from his forehead and his eyes crinkled a bit at the edges as he smiled.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Tooru said, breaking their eye contact and frantically wiping at the corners of his mouth.

Iwa started to panic. "Oh, no! I just zoned out for a bit. Sorry," he explained, turning away toward the direction of his house.

Oikawa laughed before going up the endless stairs to his mansion. "Bye, Iwa! See ya tomorrow, okay?" he yelled behind him.

"Yeah. See ya," Iwaizumi said solemnly before forcing his feet forward. He sighed deeply, hiding his face in his hands.

Ugh. This is torture, he thought, unzipping his bag and pulling out his sketchbook. He flipped to his portrait of Tooru and stared at it for a bit, admiring the gentleness of his face before ripping it out. Hajime held the page in his hand for a moment before tearing it in half, crumbling it up, and tossing it into the nearest trash bin.

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